Effie Ozelia Frost [Parents] was born 1 on 26 Apr 1915 in Calhoun, Ouachita Parish, Louisiana. She died on 9 Dec 1994. She married Living.
They had the following children:
F i Living
Robert Nettles Sr. [Parents] was born in 1677 in Gloucester County, Virginia. He died about 1725 in Petsworth Parish, Gloucester County, Virginia. He married Marry Brookings.
Other marriages:Vicaris, Mary
Marry Brookings.Marry married Robert Nettles Sr..
Joseph Neatherlin [Parents] was born in 1799 in Richmond County, Georgia . He died before 31 Oct 1853 in (Angelina County, Texas). He was buried in Big Foot (Frio), Texas. He married Mary Saul in 1817 in Mississippi.
Mary Saul [Parents] "Polly" was born on 23 Dec 1801 in Georgia. She died on 24 May 1887 in (Frio County, Texas). She married Joseph Neatherlin in 1817 in Mississippi.
They had the following children:
M i Levi Neatherlin Sr. M ii Eli Neatherlin Sr. M iii James M. Neatherlin Sr. M iv Joseph Addison Neatherlin M v John Anderson Harker Neatherlin F vi Mary Neatherlin was born in 1833 in Blackman, Seminole, Mississippi. F vii Sarah Neatherlin M viii John M. Neatherlin F ix Harriet Neatherlin U x Eliza Neatherlin was born about 1844. U xi Qwin Neatherlin was born about 1845. M xii Green (Elen) Neatherlin was born in 1846 in Blackman, Seminole, Mississippi. [Notes] F xiii Elizabeth Neatherlin was born in 1848 in Monument, New Mexico. [Notes] M xiv Pleasant Marion Neatherlin Sr.
John Saul Sr. was born in 1770. He died in 1832 in Nacogdoches Territory, Texas. He married Rachel (Saul).
Rachel (Saul) was born in 1770 in Mississippi. She died in 1854 in Huntsville, Montgomery, Texas. She married John Saul Sr..
They had the following children:
F i Easter Saul M ii John Saul Jr. F iii Mary Saul
John Lawson Frost [Parents] was born on 18 Feb 1889 in Louisiana. He died on 26 Jul 1942 in West Monroe, Ouachita Parish, Louisiana. He was buried 1 on 28 Jul 1942 in Cypress Community, Cypress Cemetery, Ouachita Parish, Louisiana. He married Lucy E. Bamburg on 18 Jan 1916 in West Monroe, Ouachita Parish, Louisiana.
Lucy E. Bamburg "Mecie" was born on 13 Sep 1900. She died on 8 Sep 1985 in West Monroe, Ouachita Parish, Louisiana. She was buried 1 on 10 Sep 1985 in Cypress Community, Cypress Cemetery, Ouachita Parish, Louisiana. She married John Lawson Frost on 18 Jan 1916 in West Monroe, Ouachita Parish, Louisiana.
They had the following children:
M i Otto Ovie Frost F ii Living F iii Living F iv Living M v Living
Otto Ovie Frost [Parents] was born on 17 Jul 1918. He was buried 1 in Luna Assembly of God Cemetery, Ouachita Parish, Louisiana. He married Mary Magdalene Downs.
Mary Magdalene Downs was born on 25 Dec 1923. She was buried 1 in Luna Assembly of God Cemetery, Ouachita Parish, Louisiana. She married Otto Ovie Frost.
They had the following children:
M i Elby Leon Frost was born on 8 Sep 1941. He was buried 1 in Luna Assembly of God Cemetery, Ouachita Parish, Louisiana. M ii Harold Glenn Frost was born on 1 Jul 1945. He was buried 1 in Luna Methodist Cemetery, Ouachita Parish, Louisiana. F iii Doris Irene Frost was born on 12 Nov 1947. She was buried 1 in Luna Methodist Cemetery, Ouachita Parish, Louisiana. F iv Ruth Ann Frost was born on 19 Mar 1953. She was buried 1 in Luna Methodist Cemetery, Ouachita Parish, Louisiana. M v Paul Frost was buried 1 in Luna Methodist Cemetery, Ouachita Parish, Louisiana. M vi Robert Frost was buried 1 in Luna Methodist Cemetery, Ouachita Parish, Louisiana. F vii Sue Frost was buried 1 in Luna Methodist Cemetery, Ouachita Parish, Louisiana.
Florine Frost [Parents] was born 1 on 3 Sep 1931 in FrostTown, Ouachita Parish, Louisiana. She died on 12 Sep 1982 in Magee, Simpson County, Mississippi. She was buried in Chase Cemetery, Franklin Parish, Louisiana. She married Living.
Other marriages:Living
John Allen Howze was born on 18 Oct 1882 in Louisiana. He died on 23 Jun 1946 in <Louisiana>. He was buried 1 on 25 Jun 1946 in Hasley Cemetery, West Monroe, Ouachita Parish, Louisiana. He married Omie Bacon.
Omie Bacon [Parents] "Mema" was born on 2 Dec 1887 in Monroe, Ouachita Parish, Louisiana. She died on 10 May 1963. She was buried 1 on 12 May 1963 in Hasley Cemetery, West Monroe, Ouachita Parish, Louisiana. She married John Allen Howze.
They had the following children:
F i Living M ii Living M iii Living F iv Living M v Living
Della A. Frost [Parents] was born on 7 Jan 1887 in Louisiana. She married Living.
Other marriages:Jennings, Isiah
Marion Elbert Frost [Parents] was born 1 on 30 Apr 1901 in Louisiana. He died on 23 Feb 1986 in FrostTown, Ouachita Parish, Louisiana. He was buried 2 on 25 Feb 1986 in Pleasant Valley Cemetery, FrostTown, Ouachita Parish, Louisiana. He married Nobia Lee Mobley on 5 Apr 1936 in <Louisiana>.
Nobia Lee Mobley [Parents] "Noby" was born on 30 Jan 1916 in <Louisiana>. She died on 17 Feb 2002 in <Louisiana>. She was buried 1 in Pleasant Valley Cemetery, Pleasant Valley, Ouachita Parish, Louisiana. She married Marion Elbert Frost on 5 Apr 1936 in <Louisiana>.
Other marriages:Living
They had the following children:
F i Living M ii Living M iii Living M iv Living