Columbus Frankin Landrum [Parents] was born on 5 May 1850. He married Exer E. Brown.
Exer E. Brown.Exer married Columbus Frankin Landrum.
They had the following children:
James Quitman Landrum [Parents] was born on 28 Nov 1855. He married Ector Rosella Speer in 1873.
Ector Rosella Speer.Ector married James Quitman Landrum in 1873.
They had the following children:
F i Evelyn Lee Landrum F ii Minnie Lavonia Landrum was born on 8 Aug 1882. U iii Willie Virginia Landrum was born on 1 Jun 1886. F iv Mary Elizabeth Landrum was born on 30 Nov 1889. F v Living
W. Willis Landrum [Parents] was born in 1823 in Fayette County, Georgia. He died on 29 Jan 1863 in Fredericksburg, Virginia. He married Nancy Pricilla Ellison on 3 Feb 1847 in Fayette County, Georgia.
Nancy Pricilla Ellison [Parents] was born in 1830 in Fayette County, Georgia. She married W. Willis Landrum on 3 Feb 1847 in Fayette County, Georgia.
They had the following children:
M i William Washington Landrum was born in 1848. [Notes] F ii Melissa Landrum was born in 1851. F iii Edith Landrum was born in 1858.
Larcene Americus Landrum [Parents] was born on 28 Nov 1849 in Georgia. He married Emeline White.
Emeline White was born about 1857 in Georgia. She married Larcene Americus Landrum.
They had the following children:
M i Samual Olin Landrum was born on 6 Oct 1874. M ii William Washington Landrum was born in 1876. M iii James Claud Landrum was born on 14 Jul 1878 in Georgia. [Notes] M iv Jeptha Hubert Landrum was born on 20 Nov 1880.
Henry Watts.Henry married Anna Watts.
Anna Watts.Anna married Henry Watts.
They had the following children:
F i Jane Watts
William Madison Landrum [Parents] was born about 1819 in Fayette County, Georgia. He died in 1882. He was buried in Hopewell Cemetery, Tyrone, Fayette County, Georgia. He married Annie Slaton on 4 Sep 1839 in Fayette County, Georgia.
Other marriages:Bearden, Mary J.
Annie Slaton.Annie married William Madison Landrum on 4 Sep 1839 in Fayette County, Georgia.
William Madison Landrum [Parents] was born about 1819 in Fayette County, Georgia. He died in 1882. He was buried in Hopewell Cemetery, Tyrone, Fayette County, Georgia. He married Mary J. Bearden on 7 Feb 1877.
Other marriages:Slaton, Annie
Mary J. Bearden was born about 1858 in Georgia. She married William Madison Landrum on 7 Feb 1877.
They had the following children:
F i Minnie Landrum was born about 1878 in Georgia. [Notes] M ii William J. Landrum was born about 1880 in Georgia. [Notes]
John Landrum [Parents] was born in 1750 in Orange County, Virginia. He died in 1816 in Clarke County, Mississippi. He married Catherine Hill about 1797 in Ft. Landrum, Clarke County, Alabama.
Catherine Hill [Parents] was born about 1779 in Georgia. She died before 1850. She married John Landrum about 1797 in Ft. Landrum, Clarke County, Alabama.
Other marriages:Wilson, Samuel Jr.
They had the following children:
M i Jesse B. Landrum M ii Avery Landrum M iii John Landrum M iv William Landrum was born about 1803. [Notes] M v Joseph Landrum M vi James R. Landrum F vii Mary Landrum F viii Sarah Landrum.[Notes] F ix Catherine Landrum.[Notes] F x Elizabeth Landrum.
James Wesley Landrum [Parents] was born on 10 Aug 1860 in Hall County, Georgia. He died on 2 Dec 1899 in Floyd County, Georgia. He married Ella Eunice Blalock on 21 Dec 1887 in Floyd County, Georgia.
Ella Eunice Blalock.Ella married James Wesley Landrum on 21 Dec 1887 in Floyd County, Georgia.
They had the following children:
M i Herbert Otto Landrum M ii Floyd Roscoe Landrum was born in 1891 in Floyd County, Georgia. He died in 1949 in Dallas, Texas. M iii Bryon Wesley Landrum was born in 1897 in Floyd County, Georgia. He died in 1976 in Miami, Florida.
Herbert Otto Landrum [Parents] was born in 1888 in Floyd County, Georgia. He died in 1951 in Wilmington, North Carolina. He married Living on 30 Oct 1910 in Gordon County, Georgia.
They had the following children:
M i James Otto Landrum was born in 1911. He died in 1976. F ii Living F iii Living F iv Wilma Jean Landrum