Thomas Rountree [Parents] was born in 1733. He died on 23 May 1805. He married Eva Sturgis.
Eva Sturgis was born on 1 Feb 1739/1740. She married Thomas Rountree.
They had the following children:
M i Joseph Rountree
Joseph Rountree [Parents] was born on 14 Apr 1782. He died on 25 Dec 1874. He married Nancy Nichols.
Nancy Nichols was born in 1786. She died in 1857. She married Joseph Rountree.
They had the following children:
M i Zenas Marion Rountree
Zenas Marion Rountree [Parents] was born on 8 Jun 1812 in North Carolina. He died on 13 Dec 1890. He married Elizabeth Massey.
Elizabeth Massey was born in 1822 in South Carolina. She died on 30 Jul 1907. She married Zenas Marion Rountree.
They had the following children:
F i Nannie J. Rountree M ii Willis Rountree was born about 1866 in Missouri. [Notes]
James Wilholt.James married Nannie J. Rountree.
Nannie J. Rountree [Parents] was born on 30 Apr 1845. She died 7 27 19??. She married James Wilholt.
Henry Roundtree [Parents] was born about 1765. He died in 1784. He married Wealthy Richardson.
Wealthy Richardson was born on 24 Nov 1791 in Virginia. She died on 6 Oct 1813. She married Henry Roundtree.
Other marriages:Rountree, Henry
William Rountree [Parents] was born in 1699 in Blisland Parish, New Kent County, Virginia. He died on 6 Sep 1766 in Goochland County, Virginia. He married Dorcas Dudley about 1720.
Dorcas Dudley [Parents] was born in 1704 in Kent County, Virginia. She was christened in St. Peters Angilican, New Kent County, Virginia. She died in 1765 in Goochland County, Virginia. She married William Rountree about 1720.
They had the following children:
M i William Roundtree Jr. F ii Isabella Roundtree M iii Randall Randolph Roundtree M iv Dudley Roundtree Sr. M v Col. Richardson Roundtree F vi Elizabeth Roundtree F vii Dorcas Roundtree F viii Mary Roundtree M ix Thomas Roundtree M x Turner Rountree F xi Jane Rountree was born in <Virginia>. F xii Nancy Rountree was born in <Virginia>. F xiii Rebecca Rountree F xiv Drucilla Rountree
Mary Roundtree [Parents] was born in <Virginia>. She married Living.
Witherspoon. married Polly Rountree.
Polly Rountree [Parents] was born on 15 Dec 1830 in <Kentucky>. She died on 24 May 1854. She married Witherspoon.
Myers. married Sally Rountree.
Sally Rountree [Parents] was born on 22 Jan 1833 in <Kentucky>. She died on 21 Aug 1860. She married Myers.
Alexander Oscar Huffman was born about 1837 in Kentucky. He married Nancy Rountree.
Nancy Rountree [Parents] was born on 1 Mar 1837 in Kentucky. She died on 8 May 1920. She married Alexander Oscar Huffman.
They had the following children: