Edward E. Neatherland [Parents] was born in Jul 1871 in Louisiana. He married Acasah Bernice Bell.
Acasah Bernice Bell was born in Nov 1875. She married Edward E. Neatherland.
They had the following children:
M i Living
Edwin F. Miller was born about 1859. He married Caledonia Netherland.
Caledonia Netherland [Parents] was born in Feb 1877 in Louisiana. She married Edwin F. Miller.
Enoch Reid.Enoch married Charlotte Netherlin.
Charlotte Netherlin [Parents] was born about 1840 in Mississippi. She married Enoch Reid.
James Elisha Lambert was born on 28 Dec 1838. He died on 28 Nov 1919. He married Susan Elizabeth Netherland.
Susan Elizabeth Netherland [Parents] was born on 14 May 1845 in Monticello, Lawrence, Mississippi. She died after 1910. She married James Elisha Lambert.
James A. Lee was born about 1852. He married Jane Netherland.
Jane Netherland [Parents] was born on 26 Oct 1853 in Mississippi. She married James A. Lee.
Anthony Stamps was born in 1804 in Georgia. He died in 1887. He married Mary Elizabeth Lambert.
Mary Elizabeth Lambert [Parents] was born on 25 Sep 1850 in Mississippi. She died on 26 Jan 1896. She married Anthony Stamps.
They had the following children:
F i Kathryn Stamps M ii William Anthony Teunisson Stamps
W. H. Smith.W. married Kathryn Stamps.
Kathryn Stamps [Parents] was born in 1881 in <Mississippi>. She married W. H. Smith.
William Anthony Teunisson Stamps [Parents] was born in 1886 in <Mississippi>. He married Living.
William Robert Lambert [Parents] was born about 1852 in Mississippi. He married Mary M. Thompson.
Mary M. Thompson was born about 1853 in Mississippi. She married William Robert Lambert.
They had the following children:
F i Barbara Lambert was born about 1875 in Mississippi. M ii William Lambert was born about 1876 in Mississippi. M iii Joseph Lambert was born about 1878 in Mississippi.
John Chrisman Lambert [Parents] was born about 1854 in Mississippi. He married Winnie (Lambert).
Winnie (Lambert) was born about 1850 in Mississippi. She married John Chrisman Lambert.
Other marriages:Peaby,
They had the following children: