Selected Families and Individuals


Benjamin Landrum Sr.

Another birth place: Spotsylvania, Virginia or Orange County, Virginia.
Another death place: Chatham County, North Carolina

Chatham Regimental Return made 23rd Sept. 1772 North Carolina
A List of Men on the Muster Role of Capt. ??? Harther's Company
Saml. Stewart, Lt, Aquilla Frazier, Olan Tague, Ignatious West
John Thaxton, Insign, Wm. Wilkey, Jeremiah Hadley, Wm. West
John Cook, Sergent, Thos. Newman Isaac Beverlay, John Salling
Thos. West, Sergent, Chas. Jones Soloman Terrell, Thos. Campain
Thos. Brazier, Sergent John Balding Thos. Blackson, John Amanond
Thos. West Jun., Corporal, John Lambert, Joseph Hilaland, John Knot
Van. Teague, Corporal Hennry Pickard, John Gilland, Con Oneel
Charles Jones, Corporal, Wm. Linsey, Isaac Jones, Wm. Estredy

John Landrum, Jesse Mudy, John Whitehead

Thos. Brooks Jun., Thos. Brazier, Benjamin Landrum

Henry Cook, Levy Johnston, Samul Hollady

North Carolina records show the following land grants by Lord Granville to the Landrums: Grant # Grantee Date Acres Location
43 Benjamin Landrum 10-2-1761 640 Head of Mill Creek

Larkin Chew Sr.

Title: Burgess Member of Virginia Assembly 1723-26. Sheriff of Spottsylvania County, Virginia 1727-1728. Owned 17,000 acres of land in Spottsylvania County, Virginia

Virginia County Records SPOTSYLVANIA COUNTY 1721-1800; WILL BOOK A 1722-1749; page 2:
CHEW, LARKIN, d. May 11, 1728, p. Apr. 1, 1729. Wit. William Russell. Ex. son Larkin Chew. Leg. sons Thomas and John Chew; daughter Nan Johnson, wife of William Johnson; Larkin Chew Junr. son of Larkin and Hannah Chew, every part and parcel of my estate after my debts are paid; my wife Hannah Chew to have her first choice of my estate after the debts are paid, to maintain her and my mother Ruth Green, during their natural lives, afterwards to return to Larkin Chew, my natural son and executor. (Page 98)
JOSEPH BROCK, Gent., of Spotsylvania Co., VA, 7,467 acres in St. George Parish, Spotsylvania Co. (p. 141), bounded by a parcel of Larking Chew, deceased, John Walker, Gent., said Brock's fence, parcel gr. to Harry Beverly, Gent., deceased, John Robinson, Esq., James and Uriah Garton. Barne's Micou's c., Black Rock Swamp. Bluff Swamp. Samms & Talbert, James Stevens, Hawkins, Edward Herndon, Jr., Sander, N. side of Bush's Rd., upper side of Achilles Bridge. (p. 142) Willaim & Philip Branagin, Butler & Mr. Rice Curtis, Jr. L. is part of a parcel of 9,400 acres gr. Larking Chew, Gent., deceased, on 4 Jun 1722 and by him sold to Joseph Brock but 800 acres of the tract first gr. to said Larking Chew & Joseph Chew, Richard Buckner & John Sutton all now deceased, by two patents for 400 acres each dated 26 Apr 1712, afterwards included in that part of parcel for 9,400 acres sold to Joseph Brock & petitioned for by Rice Curtis, Jr., as lapsed for want of improvement. Thomas Chew is Heirs-at-Law of Larken & Joseph, Richard Buckner Heir at Law of the said Richard Buckner & Samuel Sutton, Heir-at-Law of the said John Sutton who obtained gr. for the same (p. 143). 12 Sep 1738.

Larkin CHEW
BIRTH: 1676, VA; lived in Spotsylvania for many years but will was adm from Caroline
DEATH: Spotsylvania, Virginia
Father: Joseph CHEW Mother: Ruth LARKIN
Wife: Hannah ROY [different last name??]

Joseph CHEW
Thomas CHEW
Larkin Jr. CHEW

In 1712 Alexander Spotswood granted to Larkin Chew 2143 acres of land "on the south side of a run issuing into the Mattapony from its north bank, about a mile above the lowest stones of the falls of said river." Also in 1712, Spotswood granted him 220 acres "above the falls of the Mattapony on the north side of the stream." In Spotsylvania County records, Larkin Chew is mentioned many times. He apparently lived in Spotsylvania for some time, alothough his estate was administeded from Caroline. His will is redorded in Will Book A, page 98 of Spotsylvania County.

Pollock gives this account of the Chew family in America. "The present family of Chews came from notable antecedents who constituted one of the longest settled families in America. "Their seat in England was about 15 miles east of the mouth of the Severn River, and a slightly greater distance south of Bristol in Chewton Township, Somersetshire, where the village of Chew Magna, containing the Manorial Manor, Chew Court is located. Not far to the south are the ruins of Chew Prioriy, established by Edward III in the 14th century. "John Chew, a younger son, is said to have beenin one of Captain John Smith's companies of adventures in 1607, but it is positively known that he came permanently to Virginia in 1621 in the 'Charitie," after he was married. With their servants, his wife, Sarah, followed a year later in the 'Seafloure.' He lived first on an island off James City (Hoggs Island) and built a house on the land deeded to him in 1624. He was a merchant in James City, and a member of the House of Burgesses in 1623, 24, 29, 42-44. In 1636 he had 1200 acres of land in York County, and was Justice of Yorktown in 1634 and 1652. In the Virginia House of Burgesses, he was notable for his interested attendance. He was secretary for 4 years and his minutes are still preserved in Yorktown. He was the only member who never missed a meeting for 8 years. "John Chew was a Colonel in the Provincial Forces; was Burgess for Hoggs Island in 1623-4-9l for York County 1641, 43, 44; then afterward moved to Anne Arundel County, Maryland. He was dead in 1688. "Samuel Chew, one of John's sons, headed the Delaware and Pennsylvania line of Chews. Benjamin Chew, Chief Justice of Pennsylvania for many years was one of his descendants."

Burgess, member of Virginia Assembly 1723-26, Sheriff of Spottsylvania Co., VA, 1727-1728, where he owned 17,000 acres of land.
Described by his grandson JC 11675 as "having married into the respectable family of Roy".

Research needed, no known connection:
1790 Kent Co., Maryland Federal Census
81 26 Chew John pg00080
Pg# Ln# Name Free White Males 16+ Free All other
81 26 Chew John 2 1

81 204 Chew Samuel pg00080
Name of Head of Family Free White Males Free All other inc. head White Free of family Females Persons Slaves 16 & under inc. head Pg# Ln# Last Name First Name upwards 16 of family
Pg# Ln# Name Free White Males 16+ 16- Females+head Slaves
81 204 Chew Samuel 2 2 5 19

Sterling Cato

Another spouse name: Unk Wyche.

Lewis Cato

Lewis never married.
Lewis signed his will on February 16, 1831.

Clara Cato

Clara signed her will on June 4, 1841.