Another birth date: June 5
Richard moved to Angelina County, Texas.Twin to Candassy
Research needed, is this his son:
Richard CAPLES married Dora Jane MCCREARY (born 29 Jan 1883 in Henderson County, Texas; died 11 Oct 1925 in Leesville, Louisiana).
Research needed:
Union Parish, Louisiana Marriage Records has the following entry:
George A. Albritton and Miss Florence C. Arrant married on December 24, 1899Marriage Records - Courthouse
Farmerville, Union Parish, LouisianaKnow all men by these Presents,
That we George A Albritton as principal
and S. W. Shuster as security, we are held and firmly bound
unto THE STATE OF LOUISIANA, in the sum of One Hundred
Dollars; and the true and final payment thereof, we bind ourselves, our heirs, ad-
ministrators and assigns.
Signed and dated on this 23d day of Dec A. D. 1889.THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH,
That Whereas, A MARRIAGE is about to take place between the above bound
George A. Albritton and Mrs. Florence C. Arrant
and if there shall not exist any legal impediments why the marriage should not take place,
then the above obligation to be void; else to remain in full force and virtue, according
to law.
Signed and acknowledged before me, this 23 day of Dec A. D., 1889IN THE PRESENCE OF
Edw Evertt | Dy Clerk District Court, &c.} G. A Albritton | S. W. Shuster
[A stamp is affixed]STATE OF LOUISIANA, | PARISH OF UNION} Clerk's Office Third District Court.
To any ordained Minister of the Gospel, or to my Justice of the Peace, legally,
authorized according to law, to celebrate MARRIAGES within the same
place, -GREETING:-
You are hereby authorized and fully empowered to unite in the Bonds
of Matrimony, and Holy Wedlock, Mr. George A. Albritton
and Mrs Florence C. Arrant agreeable to Law
and the usual forms and ceremonies of the State of Louisiana, in the presence of at least
three male witnesses, residing within the said Parish; and that you certify the same,
signed by the parties and the witnesses, with your official signature, and the due return
hereof make to this office within thirty days from this date.Given under my hand and Seal of Office, on this the 23 day of
Dec A. D., 1889
I do hereby certify, That I have on this day, in pursuance of the foregoing License,
celebrated and solemnized a MARRIAGE between Mr. George A. Albritton
and Mrs Florence C. Arrant agreeable to the Laws and Customs of
the State of Louisiana. In faith whereof, I have, together with the parties, and in the pre-
sence of the undersigned witnesses, signed the present, on this the 24
day of Dec A. D., 1889.
WITNESSES: J. C. James | J. M. Dawkins | J. M. SmithG. A. Albritton
Florence C. Arrant
W. T. Smith M.?A true record. This 6th day of Jany 1900
Research needed:
Union Parish, Lousiana Marriage Records have the following entry:
Thomas Albritton and Mary D. Gunn married on December 23, 1897.
Within the original boundaries of old Claiborne, were the parishes of Bossier, detached in 1842; Jackson, in 1845; Bienville, in 1848; Webster, in 1871, and part of Lincoln in 1874.
Another birth place: Georgetown District, South Carolina
Richard served in the army during the war of 1812, and lived near his father John in Columbus County until about 1819. At that time he moved to Monroe County Alabama. About 1827 he moved a short distance to the village of Snow Hill, in Wilcox County. He bought a plantation that lay on the county line of Wilcox and Dallas Counties. In the 1830s and 1840s, his daughters married into the Albritton and Scarborough families in that area, and in 1847 several of them moved to Union Parish Louisiana.
Richard and Sarah Fowler followed their daughters to Union Parish in November 1850, and he bought a plantation about 8 miles east of Farmerville. He lived next to four of his daughters and their families, and when Richard died between 1855 and 1858, his son-in-law George W. Albritton inherited his old farm. - Tim HudsonThe Original Pages of the Richard & Sarah Fowler Bible - owned by Ms. Barbara Brantley.
Bible was published in 1835. Submitted by Tim Hudson
Page 1
1. Elisabeth Fowler Was Born February 2nd in the Year of Our Lord 1813
2. Elvy Fowler Was Born June 24th 1814
3. Sheny Fowler Was Born January 22nd 1816
4. Milly Fowler Was Born December 23d 1817
5. Mantha Fowler Was Born November 19 1819
6. Sarah an Fowler Was Born Aug 22nd 1823
7. R. U. Fowler Was Born June 26th 1825
8. Susanah Fowler Was Born Dec 3d 1827
Parents Age
Richard Fowler was Born Jan 17th 1792
Sarah Fowler Was Born May 3d 1790
Page 2
Wm F. Robinson was Born February 10th 1836
Enoch Richard Albritton Was Borne June the 20 1843
James Adrew Albritton Was Borne July 13 1846
George Anderson Albritton was born on march the 15 1870
Eliza Roann Albritton was born march the 22 1872
Gorver Sharrock was born Oct 1 1900
Joseph Washington Dean was born March the 4 1876
Thomas Birtum Dean was born August the 16 1877
Sallie May Dean was born May the 20 1879
Caray Etta Dean was borned July th 5 1881
Addie Pearl Dean Was borned Aug the 7 1884
Lissi Dean Was born November the 24 1885
Page 3
Sarah an Albritton died 4th of Oct 1875 aged 52 yrs 1 month and 12 days
George W. Dean Was borned december the 21 1888
Eunice Dean was borned march th 20 1891
Emma Rebecca Dean Was borned May th 6 1893
The death certificate of Enoch R. Albritton, the eldest son of George W. Albritton and his first Fowler wife, gave his mother's name as Milly Fowler. - Tim Hudson
Research needed, no known connection:
1880 United States Census
Name Relation Marital Gender Race Age Birth Occupation Father Mother
Richard FOWLER Self M Male W 57 AL Farmer SC GA
Martha FOWLER Wife M Female W 48 AL Keeping House SC SC
Ira FOWLER Son S Male W 13 AL Laborer AL AL
Bethena FOWLER Dau S Female W 11 AL AL AL
Harret FOWLER Dau S Female W 8 AL AL AL
Mary PITTS Other S Female W 30 AL Laborer AL AL
Chipola, Henry AL
Family History Library Film 1254015, NA Film Number T9-0015, Page Number 536BResearch needed, living next door to Richard:
1880 United States Census
Name Relation Marital Gender Race Age Birth Occupation Father Mother
Wilburn FOWLER Self M Male W 25 AL Farmer AL AL
Martha FOWLER Wife M Female W 20 FL Keeping --- GA
Clara FOWLER Dau S Female W 4 AL AL FL
Franklin FOWLER Son S Male W 2 AL AL FL
Manora FOWLER Dau S Female W 5M AL AL FL
Lizzie MARLOW Other S Female W 15 FL Laborer AL AL
Chipola, Henry AL
Family History Library Film 1254015, NA Film Number T9-0015, Page Number 537CFrom Tim Hudson:
m. 12 May 1847, Clarke Co AL to Laura A. TalbertRichard Fowler's family Bible gives the name of his only son as "R. U." Although the Bible gives the second initial as a "U" and not a "W", it is believed the "Walter R. Fowler" who married Laura A. Talbert in Clarke Co AL in 1847 is this son.
John Fowler fought for the patriots during the Revolutionary War, and afterwards lived in the Duplin, Sampson and Columbus County area of southern North Carolina and Horry and Lancaster Counties, South Carolina. - Tim Hudson
Record Book in Clarke County, Mississippi
Gift Deed
(351) Gift-deed of Peter Arrant to his children; Clarke Co., June 7, 1839.
Children: Elizabeth Gant, David William, Allen and Reddick Arrant.
Grandchildren: Louisa [Lyrely, Reddick, Ezra L. M., Thomas L., and Anjulin?-the children of my deceased daughter, Celia Gennings.
Slaves: Lewis, Lever, Teller, Simon, Prince, Mary, Nan, Jim, Gardner, Jack, Nerva and Perry together with all other property, real and personal. Signed Peter (x) Arrant. Wit; Jno. Watts, Samuel B. Watts, George Cowan. Recorded July 4, 1839. W. F. Green, clerk. Clarke Co., MS.Gift Deed
(235) Peter Arrant to his children; Clarke Co.
Children: Elizabeth [Gant], David, William, Allen and Rddin.
Grandchildren: Louisa Lyerly, Reddic Gennings, Ezra L. M., daughter Ceely Gennings.
Negroes: Lewis, Tiner, Tiller, Lee, Prince, Mary, Nan, Erin, Gardner, Jack, Nerva, Perry, and Sam. Along with all other property both real and personal.
Land: Div. 10 & 11 frac. sec. 1, T3 R14E, [80 20/100 A.]; 1/4 of SE 1/4/ & SE 1/4 sec. 2, Te, R14E, [78 er/100 A.] [Signed] Peter (x) Arrant. Wit; John J. McRae. Thomas C. Gardner, acting J.P.
Recorded: October 6, 1842. W. F. Green, clerk.Gift Deed
(286) Heirs of Peter Arrant to Negro, Lewis; Clarke Co., Jan. 30, 1843.
$600.00 paid to the heirs of Peter Arrant by Lewis, a Negro man for his freedom.
[Signed] David Arrant, Allen Arrant, Reddick [of Rusel County, Alabama], William (x) Arrant, Elizabeth (x) Gant, J. A. Lyerly, Louisa (x) Lyerly, Reddick Jennings, Ezra L. Jennings, Thomas F. (x) Jennings, Angeline (x) Jennings.
Wit. John J. McRae, George Gardner, D. F. Lawson, B. S. McClendon.
Old Palestine Cemetery, Cherokee County, Texas
Arrant, Barbara Yvonne 5-4-1938 d. 5-6-1938Arrant, Ruby B. 5-20-1912 d. 12-7-1917Arrant, Zelda Odean 1909-1911Arrant, Mary Evelun 9-13-1920 d. 3-13-1932Arrant, Jim Ebb 4-22-1897 d. 11-5-1947Arrant, Guy M. 9-5-1919 d. 9-6-1919Arrant, Kirby Curtis 8-6-1905 d. 1-3-1944Arrant, Ernest 8-4-1909 d. 7-28-1935Hiram Bell is a Mason.