Selected Families and Individuals


John S. Lenard

Very very weak link to this Lenard family.

1850 Census for Ouachita Parish, Louisiana Ward 7,
Page: 240b, line 32
John [S.] Lenard is a 29 year old male farmer born in Mississippi.

Mary A. (Lenard)

1850 Census for Ouachita Parish, Louisiana Ward 7,
Page: 240b, line 33
Mary A. Lenard is a 26 year old female born in Alabama.

Sarah Frances Lenard

1850 Census for Ouachita Parish, Louisiana Ward 7,
Page: 240b, line 34
Sarah Francis Lenard is a 5 year old female born in Mississippi.

David W. Lenard

1850 Census for Ouachita Parish, Louisiana Ward 7,
Page: 240b, line 35
David W. Lenard is a 2 year old male born in Louisiana.

Research needed, no known connection:
1880 United States Census
Name Relation Marital Gender Race Age Birth Occupation Father Mother
David LENARD Self M Male W 32 MS Laborer MS MS
Martha LENARD Wife M Female W 35 AR NC TN
Carter, Ashley, Arkansas
Family History Library Film 1254038, NA Film Number T9-0038 , Page Number 99B

Jessie H. Lenard

1850 Census for Ouachita Parish, Louisiana Ward 7,
Page: 240b, line 36
Jessie H. Lenard is a six month old born in Louisiana.

Research needed, absolutely no known connection:
1880 United States Census
Name Relation MaritalGender Race Age Birth Occupation Father Mother
J. LINER Self M Male W 30 LA. Farms LA LA
M. LINER Wife M Female W 25 LA. Keeps House LA LA
L. LINER Dau S Female W 5 LA. LA LA
A. LINER Son S Male W 1 LA. LA LA
10th Ward, Terrebonne, Louisiana, Family History Library Film 1254473, NA Film Number T9-0473, Page Number 380A

J. H. Myatt

Research needed to prove J. H. is Alexander's son.

Allen Harm Arrant

Note: Allen spells his last name with 2 "r's".

1832 Cherokee County Georgia Land Lottery Released 05 December 2002 22nd District 2nd Section, Cherokee
8 Allen Arrant, 561st, Upson.*

1830 Census of Upson County, Georgia. Peter is listed as the head of a family.
Allen Arrant, page 109
2 free white males 5-10
1 free white male 30-40
1 free white female under 5
1 free white female 30-40

Deed Book A, Clarke County, Mississippi
Pages 109-110:
Allen Arrant to Reddick Arrant - 9 Jun 1837; for $180.50, Lots No. 68, 104, 103, 113, 114, 99, 105, 116, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, and 112; all in the Town of Enterprise, each lot 33 yards square; attest: William Covington, Mark M. Mitchell; appeared before William Covington, Clk, P. C. C. C. 16 Jun 1837; received 10 Jun 1837; recorded 13 Jun 1837.

Record Book in Clarke County, Mississippi
Gift Deed
(351) Gift-deed of Peter Arrant to his children; Clarke Co., June 7, 1839.
Children: Elizabeth Gant, David William, Allen and Reddick Arrant.
Grandchildren: Louisa [Lyrely, Reddick, Ezra L. M., Thomas L., and Anjulin?-the children of my deceased daughter, Celia Gennings.
Slaves: Lewis, Lever, Teller, Simon, Prince, Mary, Nan, Jim, Gardner, Jack, Nerva and Perry together with all other property, real and personal. Signed Peter (x) Arrant. Wit; Jno. Watts, Samuel B. Watts, George Cowan. Recorded July 4, 1839. W. F. Green, clerk. Clarke Co., MS.

Land Patents for ARRANT, ALLEN
MS Lauderdale 1/5/1841 Augusta 3656 MS0690__.043
MS Clarke 1/5/1841 Augusta 4411 MS0700__.245
MS Lauderdale 1/5/1841 Augusta 4412 MS0700__.246
MS Clarke 1/5/1841 Augusta 4868 MS0710__.165
MS Clarke 1/5/1841 Augusta 5385 MS0720__.174

Gift Deed
(235) Peter Arrant to his children; Clarke Co.
Children: Elizabeth [Gant], David, William, Allen and Rddin.
Grandchildren: Louisa Lyerly, Reddic Gennings, Ezra L. M., daughter Ceely Gennings.
Negroes: Lewis, Tiner, Tiller, Lee, Prince, Mary, Nan, Erin, Gardner, Jack, Nerva, Perry, and Sam. Along with all other property both real and personal.
Land: Div. 10 & 11 frac. sec. 1, T3 R14E, [80 20/100 A.]; 1/4 of SE 1/4/ & SE 1/4 sec. 2, Te, R14E, [78 er/100 A.] [Signed] Peter (x) Arrant. Wit; John J. McRae. Thomas C. Gardner, acting J.P.
Recorded: October 6, 1842. W. F. Green, clerk.

Deed Book A, Clarke County, Mississippi
Page 143:
Gift Deed
(286) Heirs of Peter Arrant to Negro, Lewis; Clarke Co., Jan. 30, 1843.
$600.00 paid to the heirs of Peter Arrant by Lewis, a Negro man for his freedom.
[Signed] David Arrant, Allen Arrant, Reddick [of Rusel County, Alabama], William (x) Arrant, Elizabeth (x) Gant, J. A. Lyerly, Louisa (x) Lyerly, Reddick Jennings, Ezra L. Jennings, Thomas F. (x) Jennings, Angeline (x) Jennings.
Wit. John J. McRae, George Gardner, D. F. Lawson, B. S. McClendon.

Grantee Index to Deeds, Clarke County, Mississippi
Grantee Grantor Book/Page(s) Date
Lewis, Elijah H. Arrant, Allen C12-13 9 Jun 1837
Ferguson, Elijah Arrant, Allen C191-192 20 Sep 1841
Arrington, Anthony L? Arrant, Allen C/377-378 28 Sep 1843
Atkinson, Alexander B. Arrant, Allen & Rebecca E136-137 24 Sep 1850

Deed Book A, Clarke County, Mississippi
Page 143:
Allen Arrant to S. B. Parker - 20 Dec 1844; for $30.00, Lot No. 100, in the Town of Enterprise; appeared before Charles F. Mayerhoff, J. P., 21 Dec 1844; recorded 25 Mar 1844.

1880 United States Census for District 87, Leon, Texas
Family History Library Film 1255316, NA Film Number T9-1316, Page Number 136D
Name Relation Marital Gender Race Age Birth Occupation Father Mother
Andrew GREENWOOD Self M Male W 40 LA Farmer AL AL
Musuria GREENWOOD Wife M Female W 35 MS Keeps House --- ---
Allen ARRANT FatherL W Male W 72 GA At Home --- ---

James Gant

James has a sister named Jenny Frances Gant, she married a Peter Arrant, Jr.

Elizabeth Arant

Record Book in Clarke County, Mississippi
Gift Deed
(351) Gift-deed of Peter Arrant to his children; Clarke Co., June 7, 1839.
Children: Elizabeth Gant, David William, Allen and Reddick Arrant.
Grandchildren: Louisa [Lyrely, Reddick, Ezra L. M., Thomas L., and Anjulin?-the children of my deceased daughter, Celia Gennings.
Slaves: Lewis, Lever, Teller, Simon, Prince, Mary, Nan, Jim, Gardner, Jack, Nerva and Perry together with all other property, real and personal. Signed Peter (x) Arrant. Wit; Jno. Watts, Samuel B. Watts, George Cowan. Recorded July 4, 1839. W. F. Green, clerk. Clarke Co., MS.

Gift Deed
(235) Peter Arrant to his children; Clarke Co.
Children: Elizabeth [Gant], David, William, Allen and Rddin.
Grandchildren: Louisa Lyerly, Reddic Gennings, Ezra L. M., daughter Ceely Gennings.
Negroes: Lewis, Tiner, Tiller, Lee, Prince, Mary, Nan, Erin, Gardner, Jack, Nerva, Perry, and Sam. Along with all other property both real and personal.
Land: Div. 10 & 11 frac. sec. 1, T3 R14E, [80 20/100 A.]; 1/4 of SE 1/4/ & SE 1/4 sec. 2, Te, R14E, [78 er/100 A.] [Signed] Peter (x) Arrant. Wit; John J. McRae. Thomas C. Gardner, acting J.P.
Recorded: October 6, 1842. W. F. Green, clerk.

Gift Deed
(286) Heirs of Peter Arrant to Negro, Lewis; Clarke Co., Jan. 30, 1843.
$600.00 paid to the heirs of Peter Arrant by Lewis, a Negro man for his freedom.
[Signed] David Arrant, Allen Arrant, Reddick [of Rusel County, Alabama], William (x) Arrant, Elizabeth (x) Gant, J. A. Lyerly, Louisa (x) Lyerly, Reddick Jennings, Ezra L. Jennings, Thomas F. (x) Jennings, Angeline (x) Jennings.
Wit. John J. McRae, George Gardner, D. F. Lawson, B. S. McClendon.

Ezra Lee M. Jennings

Ezra's on the: Casualty List of the 7th,18th,24th & 25th Texas Regiments.
Battle of Chickamauga, Georgia

Record Book in Clarke County, Mississippi
Gift Deed
(351) Gift-deed of Peter Arrant to his children; Clarke Co., June 7, 1839.
Children: Elizabeth Gant, David William, Allen and Reddick Arrant.
Grandchildren: Louisa [Lyrely, Reddick, Ezra L. M., Thomas L., and Anjulin?-the children of my deceased daughter, Celia Gennings.
Slaves: Lewis, Lever, Teller, Simon, Prince, Mary, Nan, Jim, Gardner, Jack, Nerva and Perry together with all other property, real and personal. Signed Peter (x) Arrant. Wit; Jno. Watts, Samuel B. Watts, George Cowan. Recorded July 4, 1839. W. F. Green, clerk. Clarke Co., MS.

Gift Deed
(235) Peter Arrant to his children; Clarke Co.
Children: Elizabeth [Gant], David, William, Allen and Rddin.
Grandchildren: Louisa Lyerly, Reddic Gennings, Ezra L. M., daughter Ceely Gennings.
Negroes: Lewis, Tiner, Tiller, Lee, Prince, Mary, Nan, Erin, Gardner, Jack, Nerva, Perry, and Sam. Along with all other property both real and personal.
Land: Div. 10 & 11 frac. sec. 1, T3 R14E, [80 20/100 A.]; 1/4 of SE 1/4/ & SE 1/4 sec. 2, Te, R14E, [78 er/100 A.] [Signed] Peter (x) Arrant. Wit; John J. McRae. Thomas C. Gardner, acting J.P.
Recorded: October 6, 1842. W. F. Green, clerk.

Gift Deed
(286) Heirs of Peter Arrant to Negro, Lewis; Clarke Co., Jan. 30, 1843.
$600.00 paid to the heirs of Peter Arrant by Lewis, a Negro man for his freedom.
[Signed] David Arrant, Allen Arrant, Reddick [of Rusel County, Alabama], William (x) Arrant, Elizabeth (x) Gant, J. A. Lyerly, Louisa (x) Lyerly, Reddick Jennings, Ezra L. Jennings, Thomas F. (x) Jennings, Angeline (x) Jennings.
Wit. John J. McRae, George Gardner, D. F. Lawson, B. S. McClendon.

John B. Caples

I'm concerned if this is the correct John Caples because he stated in the 1880 census that his mother and father were born in Alabama. Otherwise he lives relatively close to Elizabeth Caples.
1880 United States Census for Beat 4, Newton, Mississippi
Name Relation Marital Gender Race Age Birth Occupation Father Mother
John CAPLES Self M Male W 31 MS Farmer AL AL

Branson Caples

Research needed, some researchers list this Brance as our Branson, on problem is birth place of his parents to our's parents:
1880 United States Census for District 5, Beat 5, Scott, Mississippi
Family History Library Film 1254663, NA Film Number T9-0663, Page Number 110C
Name Relation Marital Gender Race Age Birth Occupation Father Mother
Brance CAPLES Self M Male W 35 MS Farm Laborer MS MS
Mary CAPLES Wife M Female W 45 MS House Keeping MS MS
Lee CAPLES Son S Male W 6 MS MS MS
Emma CAPLES Dau S Female W 5 MS MS MS
Dollie CAPLES Dau S Female W 3 MS MS MS

Medical Information: Spent time in Rusk Hospital. May have died there.

Research needed:
1884 Resident & Non-Resident Tax List, Winn Parish, Louisiana
Caples, B.
Caples, J. F.

Research needed, could this be who our Branson was named after - a possible brother of our Samuel Caples?:
Martha M. Caples b: September 14, 1841 in Tennessee d: October 21, 1912 in Burkhart, Newton Co., MO Father: Branson D. Caples Mother: Mary Hopewood
Martha married: Charles Edwin 'Edward' Chenoweth b: January 15, 1833 in Vermillion Co., IN d: January 27, 1900 in Newton Co., MO
The following was copied from the PC of Jane W. Waller of Conroe TX (editor of Lincoln Co TN Pioneers) on 15 Feb 1997 by me, her son George Waller.

Mrs. Mary Ann BRYAN, was born August 9th 1821, and was baptised in the Christian Church, 1838, by Branson CAPLES, was married the 27th of Nov. 1842, and died Feb. 10, 1880. She lived a devoted Christian.