Selected Families and Individuals


James Corsey Jr.

They moved to Texas.

Parthena Mott

Research needed:
James COURSEY and Parthina MOTT married 9-4-1817. They had one child V.A COURSEY. James and Parthina devoriced in 1827. Parthina and V.A moved to Texas with her parents and siblings.

1850 Census for Tyler County, Texas Census Household #226-226 COURSEY, Parthena 50 Female Georgia

John Lumpkin Landrum

Some researchers have John Lumkin Landrum as the child of John Landrum and Mary Buckner.

In 1850:
John L. Landrum, 33
Genetta Landrum, 27
Robert Landrum, 11
John Landrum, 9
James Landrum, 7
William Albinus Landrum, 5
Thomas Jefferson Landrum, 3
Ella Landrum, 1

By 1860, they had added Rosa Landrum, then 5

He enlisted in Co. A 64th ga. regiment under Capt. D.C. Smith. Capt Smith organized this company from boys and old men. Capt. Smith was, himself , an old man and soon retired.

1880 United States Census for District 230, Oglethorpe, Georgia
Family History Library Film 1254160, NA Film Number T9-0160, Page Number 374C
Name Relation Marital Gender Race Age Birth Occupation Father Mother
J. L. LANDRUM Self M Male W 63 GA Carpenter GA GA
Jennet H. LANDRUM Wife M Female W 60 GA Keeping House GA GA
Fannie LANDRUM Dau S Female W 18 GA At Home GA GA