Family rumor:
Wilbert served in the military or at least was suppose to in 1918. He did not want to serve in the military because of WWI. He hid in a church belfry to avoid authorities. There is probably truth to this because Wilbert can be found in the 1910 and 1930's United States censuses but not in the 1920 census. This could imply that he was still afriad to be found by military authorities.
1850 Census for Spadra Township, Johnson County, Aarkansas
James, Joseph, 52, farmer, VA
Elizabeth, 52, KY
Robert, 21, AR
Elizabeth, 16, AR
Sarah, 14, AR
Logan County formed partly from Johnson County, Arkansas.
Information contributed by: Kathy Sue Madrid, Email:
Louetta Landrum Married Woodman Holiday. She was born May 24, 1982, died February 1976. Woodman Curry Holiday was born May 21, 1882 and died November 05, 1967. They are both buried in Lynches Chapel Cemetery, Alto, Texas.
1870 Federal Census for Union Parish, Louisiana, Page 72, Post Office: Farmerville, enumeratedon the 14th day of June, 187 by George Russel, Ass't. Marshal. Dwelling/Family: 293.
6 Hicks, Jefferson D. 7 M W LouisianaSubmitted by Denise,
I found Jefferson Davis in 1920 in Broken Bow, Okla. McCurtain Cnty. My grandfather, John D. Hicks, was living with them. I found Elias Hicks in 1880 Clear Creek and Bear Creek, Sevier Cnty Arkansas. I also found Elias Hicks in 1860, Boeicf Prairie Louisianna. 1870 louisiana Farmerville, post office. I also think i found Elisa in Texas, living with Mary, her daughter in 1890, i believe. thanks again. denise