Scarborough, Elizabeth Ann Eldest child of Jay and Sarah MCCONDICHE January 10, 1828 May 8, 1848 Aged 20 years, 3 months, 28 days Erected by her bereaved and disconsolate husband
Speculation that he is a brother, in the right place at the right time:
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1860 Census for Downsville, Union Parish, Louisiana, Enumerated on the 30th day of June, 1860. A. C. Wade, Ass't Marshal
1 - Dwelling #; 2 - Family #; 3 - Name; 4 - Age; 5 - Sex; 6 - Color; 7 - Occupation (over age 15); 8 - Value of Real Estate; 9 - Value of Personal Estate; 10 - Place of Birth; 11 - Married within year; 12 - Attended school within year
234 234 James E. Anderson 40 M Farmer 942 1600 AL
Nancy Anderson 32 F Housekeeper AL
Jane Anderson 14 F LA X
A.T. Anderson 10 F LA X
Jno. W. Anderson 7 M LA X
H.J. Anderson 4 M LA
J.A.S. Anderson 10mo F LA
F.M. McCormick 22 M Teacher 200 MS
A.M. McFarland 36 M Gentleman 400 NC
N.A. Baker 30 M Teacher 100 NC1880 United States Census for 5th Ward, Lincoln, Louisiana, Family History Library Film 1254456, NA Film Number T9-0456, Page Number 12D
Name Relation Marital Gender Race Age Birth Occupation Father Mother
James E. ANDERSON Self M Male W 60 AL Farmer TN GA
Nancy ANDERSON Wife M Female W 52 AL Keeping House GA NC
Washington E. ANDERSON Son S Male W 18 LA At School AL AL
Jefferson S. ANDERSON Son S Male W 12 LA At School AL AL
Obeda HEARN Sister W Female W 55 AL Keeping House TN GA
Wilfred M., Rev. June 6, 1924/July 15, 1964 h/o Dorothy Branton *The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want.'