In 1880 John lives next door to his father.
1880 United States Census for Barkers, Floyd, Georgia, Family History Library Film 1254146, NA Film Number T9-0146, Page Number 317D
Name Relation MaritalGender Race Age Birth Occupation Father Mother
John S. WEEMS Self M Male W 27 AL Farmer --- GA
Sarah A. WEEMS Wife M Female W 24 AL Keeping House SC ---
Martha J. WEEMS Dau S Female W 5 GA AL AL
Thomas S. WEEMS Son S Male W 3 GA AL AL
Lilly A. WEEMS Dau S Female W 1 GA AL AL
In 1880 Jacob lives next door to his brother John.
1880 United States Census
Name Relation Marital Gender Race Age Birth Occupation Father Mother
Jacob WEEMS Self M Male W 24 AL Farmer GA GA
Fanie WEEMS Wife M Female W 18 AL Keeping House GA GA
Barkers, Floyd, Georgia, Family History Library Film 1254146, NA Film Number T9-0146, Page Number 317D
Neva told her granddaughter, Barbara Frost, about her education. When she was 4 years old, an older sibling had to take her to school to watch her. One day, Neva told the principal she wanted to attend school. He told her she was too young. She told him she could spell "elephant". She then sat in the principal's lap and proceed to spell "elephant." The principal was so impressed that he allowed her to attend school from that day on. She attended school for 3-4 years before having to dropout. Barbara said after she turned 18, her grandmother wrote her about six times per year until her death.
There are four other children: 1 female and 3 males.