Religion: Disciples Of Christ
Newspaper: The Daily Free Press, Kinston, NC, 12 Sep 1906Died of pulmonary edema at the home of his nephew, S.R. Dunn; had been in feeble health for several years and suffered several strokes. Was one of the most prominent and influential Masons in NC, and was the organizer and father of most of the lodges of Lenoir, Pitt and Greene counties. Initiated 3 Jul 1847 in Sharon Lodge No. 78, Pitt County. Served as junior and senior warden and master of St. John Lodge. In 1870 elected junior grand warden of the Grand Lodge of NC; served 28 years as grand lecturer of the State and 8 years as grand custodian of the work. "He was also a Christian gemtleman known for his quiet devotion and principle and enjoyed the respect and esteem of all who knew him."
Military: Captain of the Senior Reserves of Lenoir County during the War Between the States.
Newspaper: Kinston (NC) Daily Free Press
Stock And Cotton Trader: Headed Rountree & Co., of New York.
Theresa is from Wilson County, North Carolina.