Spelling possibilities: Morely, Whirley
Note: Roundtree is spelled without the "d". A Charles Jenkins Rountree b. April 17, 1794, d. 1845; age 50 is buried in the Jesse Rountree Graveyard (northwest from Rountree Church, Pitt County, North Carolina)
A Susannah HART Rountree is also there with the following dates: b. November 10, 1796, d. April 25, 1883.
Other Rountree at the graveyard:
Jesse M. Rountree, August 2, 1827 and November 2, 1845
Charity Rountree, October 31, 1838 and Novembe 8, 1829
Sally ROUNTREE Edwards, March 8, 1828 and October 10, 1854.
Hannah ROUNTREE Brown, December 12, 1818 and April 12, 1844
Research needed, no known connection:
1880 United States Census
Name Relation Marital Gender Race Age Birth Occupation Father Mother
James RIDDELL Self S Male W 48 PA Stock Raiser PA PA
John ROUNDTREE Other W Male W 78 KENT Laborer VA VA
Samuel ROUNDTREE Other S Male W 29 CA Laborer KENT VA
Charles HOLLOWAY Other S Male W 24 CA Laborer IL IL
Dewitt RIDDELL Nephew S Male W 4 CA PN PN
San Benito, California
Family History Library Film 1254071, NA Film Number T9-0071 , Page Number 366D
1880 United States Census for Pottawatomie, Pottawatomie, Kansas
Family History Library Film 1254393, NA Film Number T9-0393 , Page Number 280B
Name Relation Marital Gender Race Age Birth Occupation Father Mother
William ROUNDTREE Self M Male W 36 IL Farmer KY VA
Dosha ROUNDTREE GMother W Female W 77 VA At Home VA VA