Selected Families and Individuals


Epes Tatum

Weak link, in the right place at the right time.
Virginia - Prince George County -- 1799 Land Tax List
Tatum, Peter 20
Tatum, Robert 21

Prince George Co, Va Births Bristol Parish and others © copyright 1999 by Linda L Chandler
TATUM, John...7 Jun 1710 TATUM, William...26 Jun 1717 TATUM, Elizabeth...29 Nov 1718 TATUM, Francis...17 Apr 1721 TATUM, Frances D...6 Jun 1724 TATUM, Robert...30 Jun 1725 TATUM, Agnis...14 Oct 1727 TATUM, Littleberry...10 Apr 1731 TATUM, Peter...27 Jan 1742 TATUM, Nathaniel...30 Mar 1745

Will of Epes Tatum 1789 (Deeds etc. 1787-92, page 335, Prince George Co.VA.)
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN, I Epes Tatum of the County of Sussex and Parish of (Blank) being in a low & weak condition of Body but of sound disposing mind & memory, thanks be to Almighty God for the same,do make and ordain this writing to be my last Will and Testament in manner and form following Vizt:

IMPRIMIS. I lend the use of one third part of my land and plantation in prince George County whereupon my son Littlebery Epes Tatum now lives to my beloved wife Lucy Tatum, during her widowhood or life, and after her Marege or Death I leave that with the other two thirds to be sold, and the money arising from such sale, to be equally divided between my four sons namely Littlebury Epes Tatum,Joel Carter,Peter, & Epes Tatum, but should either of my sons die before they come of the age of twenty one, my will and desire is that his or there proportion of the money, from the said sale, may be equally divided among the surviving son or sons to them and their Heirs forever.

Item. I lend the use of my two Negroes namely Sam & Judah,to my beloved wife Lucy Tatum, dureing her natural life, and also my Negro Girl Sary to her during her widowhood, and in case Sary should die before my dear wife should mary, I leave to her, annually the sum of forty shillings, in order to hire my wife another Negro Girl during her widow. and after her death, the said Negro's Sam & Judah & their Increase from this Day and Sary after her Marage or Death & her Increase from this Day,I leave to be equally divided among my four sons before mentioned, and my Daughter Jane Daniel to them and their Heirs for ever.

Item. I give and bequeath to my dear wife Lucy Tatum my riding chair and the old Horse, and at the old Horse Death, my will is that there should be another bought for the use of my wife at about eight or ten pounds price, and one Bed and Furniture, one pot and frying pan, one spining wheel & (chardi?), one table, six rush chairs, half of Doz. Puter Plates, two Puter Dishes, half Dozen knives & forks, one chest, two cows & calves, four Head Sheep, one Sow and Pigs, twenty Barl's. Corn, and five Hundred pounds of Poork, to be delivered to her at the Faul, one cart and wheels the wheels not tyred to her and her and her Heirs for ever.

Item. I give and bequeath unto my dear son Joel Carter Tatum the just sum of ten pounds current money of Virginia to him and his Heirs forever, besides an equal proportion of my Estate. Item. I lend all and every kind of the remainder of my household and Furniture to my beloved wife Lucy Tatum, during her widowhood, and give her six Bushels of wheat, and two head hoes and axe.

Item. I give and bequeath unto Martha Carter, the just sum of three pounds current money of Virginia to her and her Heirs forever.

Item.All the rest of my Negroes namely Peter, George, David, Tom, Dick, Will, Linn, Doll, Bett, Lucy, and including Moll and Agg and their Increase from this Day, which I have lent my Daughter Jane Daniel, my will and Desire is that the worshipful Court of Prince George should appoint three good men, the same being Freeholders to divide, and make an equal Division of the afore mentioned Negroes, namely Peter, George, David, Tom, Dick, Will, Lin, Doll, Bett, Lucy, Moll and Agg and their Increase from this Day, without selling any of the Negroes, among all of my dear children namely Littlebury Epes Tatum, Joel Carter Tatum, Peter Tatum, Epes Tatum, & Jane Daniel,to them and their Heirs forever.

Item. I give and bequeath all the remainder part of my Estate, both real and personal, consisting of stock of all kinds, and Hitching Furniture to be equally among all my dear children namely Littlebury Epes Tatum, Joel Carter Tatum, Peter Tatum, Epes Tatum, Jane Daniel, to them and their Heirs for ever.

Item. I give and bequeath unto my dear son Littlebury Epes Tatum, three shairs out of five of the crop of all kinds that is made upon my plantation in Prince George County, whereupon my son now liveth, to him and his Heirs for ever.

Item. My will and Desire is that my two sons Peter and Epes, should have one years schooling beside this present year and their Board.

Lastly. I nominate constitute and appoint my friends William Bonner and Henry Watkins and dear son Littlebury Epes Tatum Executors to this my last Will and Testament, revoking and disannulling all former Wills by me made, I desire that my Estate may not be appraised. IN WITNESS whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this second Day of May one thousand seven hundred and Eighty nine.

Eppes Tatum (Seal) Signed Sealed and acknowledge in presence of us, who have set our hands as witness thereto}


Robert Tatum

Amey Rives

At a Court for Prince George County, at the Court House on Tuesday the 8th Day of December 1789. This foregoing last Will and Testament of Eppes Tatum dece'd. was presented into Court by William Bonner, one of the Executors named in the said Will, who made oath thereto according to law, and the same being proved by the oaths of Robert Tatum and Henry Watkins two of the witnesses thereto, is by order of Court truly recorded; and on the motion of the said Executor, Certificate is granted him for obtaining a probate of the said Will in due form.

Test C. Russell D Clerk
File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Russell Lawrence

Littleberry Epes Tatum

Prince George Co, Va Births Bristol Parish and others © copyright 1999 by Linda L Chandler
TATUM, Littleberry...10 Apr 1731

Prince George Co,Va Personal Property Tax Roll 1787 - © copyright 1999 by Linda L Chandler
TATUM, Littlebury

Prince George Co, Va 1810 Census - © copyright 1999 by Linda L Chandler
TATUM, Littleberry E...8 persons and 6 slaves

Peter Tatum

Prince George Co, Va 1810 Census © copyright 1999 by Linda L Chandler
TATUM, Peter...8 persons and 11 slaves

Epes Tatum

Prince George Co,Va Personal Property Tax Roll 1787 - © copyright 1999 by Linda L Chandler
TATUM, Eppes

Prince George Co, Va 1810 Census - © copyright 1999 by Linda L Chandler
TATUM, Epes...3 persons and 4 slaves

Sarah Lanier

They had ten children.

Nicholas Lanier

They had six children.

Lulu Hayden

Research needed, possible son of David Arant:
1880 United States Census for 4th Ward, Morehouse, Louisiana
Family History Library Film 1254457, NA Film Number T9-0457, Page Number 390C
Name Relation Marital Gender Race Age Birth Occupation Father Mother
Lulu HAYDEN Dau S Female W 14 LA Help LA LA

James Lee Heath Sr.

1880 United States Census for 1st Ward, Union, Louisiana
Family History Library Film 1254473, NA Film Number T9-0473 , Page Number 407A
Name Relation Marital Gender Race Age Birth Occupation Father Mother
James L. HEATH Son S Male W 6 LA At School AL AL

Anna M. Heath

1880 United States Census for 1st Ward, Union, Louisiana
Family History Library Film 1254473, NA Film Number T9-0473, Page Number 407A
Name Relation Marital Gender Race Age Birth Occupation Father Mother
Anna M. HEATH Dau S Female W 6 LA At School AL AL

Thomas A. Heath

1880 United States Census for 1st Ward, Union, Louisiana
Family History Library Film 1254473, NA Film Number T9-0473 , Page Number 407A
Name Relation Marital Gender Race Age Birth Occupation Father Mother
Thomas A. HEATH Son S Male W 5 LA At Home AL AL

Mary Eliza Heath

1880 United States Census for 1st Ward, Union, Louisiana
Family History Library Film 1254473, NA Film Number T9-0473 , Page Number 407A
Name Relation Marital Gender Race Age Birth Occupation Father Mother
Mary E. HEATH Dau S Female W 16 LA General Work AL AL