1546: Marriage recorded in parish register.
1575: Received a bequest from John Broddyll 11807 in a will dated this year.Robert L. Chew, "Genealogy of the Chew Family," published by the Glouscester County, NJ., Historical Society, Woodbury, N.J., 1982:
Chew family was well established in England at least 300 years before the first English colonistset foot in America. The name came from the manor Chew Magna, on the banks of the River Chew in Somersetshire. The manor originally belonged to Godwin, Earl of Wessex, in the 11th century.1599: death recorded in parish register. Gives father's name as Edward, which casts extreme doubt on lineage as hypothesized by RLC 14093.
Mentioned in father-in-law's will
Mentioned in father's will.
Mentioned in father-in-law's will as John Island.
Mentioned in father's will.
Mentioned in father-in-law's will.
Mentioned in father's will.
Mentioned in father-in-law's will.
Mentioned in father's will.
1552: Christening recorded in parish register.
1575: Likely the John Chewe who inherited twenty pounds from his father-in-law John Broddyll in a will dated this year.