Another death date: 1835
Note: There appears to be a generation missing between the parents and these posted children. Research should continue.August 30, 1770 - 150 acres on Long Cane Creek, Granville County (Granville County now extinct but was on the eastern coast of SC, NOT inland)
In 1774 granted land in Craven (later Chesterfield) County, South Carolina.October 05, 1775 - 50 acres on Lynches Creek, Craven County (Craven County extinct, also on the Coast)
Thomas was a captain in the Revolutionary War.
Kettle Creek Battlefield, Wilkes County Georgia on February 14, 1779
Upper Ninety-six Regiment, South Carolina Militia. (200 Men)
Col. Andrew Pickens, Comdr.Capt. Thomas WeemsJuly 17, 1786 - 110 acres on Long Cane Creek, 96 District, South Carolina
First Census of the United States - 1790
Ninety-six District, Abbeville County, South Carolina
Weems, Thomas, Jun.
1 white male 16+
1 white male under 16
1 white female
In 1830 in Franklin County, Georgia, Elizabeth's son, Redfern Weems, was the executor of her estate.
Another birth place: Scotland
Another marriage place: New Jersey.1744: An early settlement on 16,500 acres on the Calfpasture granted to James PATTON and John LEWIS was very closely associated with the James River and Roanoke settlements.
The original settlers were Alexander DUNLAP, William JAMESON, Thomas GILHAM, Robert CROCKETT, David DAVIS, Thomas WEEMS, Henry GRAY, Francis DONALLY, Robert GAY, Samuel HODGE, John MILLER, Robert BRATTON, James LOCKRIDGE, John GRAHAM, Robert GIVENS, John PRESTON, William WARWICK, James CARLISLE, Jacob CLEMENTS, John CAMPBELL, James CARTER, Loftus PULLEN, John WILSON, John KINCAID, William ELIOTT Jr., William HAMILTON, William GAY, Samuel GAY, John WARD.Chronides of the Scotch-Irish Settlement In Virginia. Augusta County, Virginia - CHALKLEY'S CHRONICLES; Vol 3, 1745-1800. Page 512 -19th May, 1748.
£18.6.7. James Patton and Jno. Lewis to Thomas Weems (Weams), _____ acres on both sides Great River, Calfpasture; corner to Henry Gay; corner to Jno. Harry. Teste: Acknowledged, 19th May, 1748Chronicles of the Scotch-Irish Settlement in Virginia, Volume I. Augusta County Court Records. Order Book No. IV. (cont.)
November 23, 1754.
(336) Thomas Weems and David Ormont--jurors.DEED BOOK NO. 11. Additional Members of the Executive Committee. Page 253. 21st June 1763.
Thomas Weems and Elinor to William Givens, £217, 552 acres on Great Calve Pasture; corner Henry Gay; corner John Harvey. Teste: James Lockridge, John Stewart, John Handley.They sold their land on 20 June 1763, four years before John Weems bought land in Orange County, North Carolina.
February 2, 1775 Thomas Scott Weems and George Hales 500 acres on Great Linches Creek, in St. Davids Parish (Craven County).
Another birthplace: Bucks County, Pennsyivania
Biographical Dictionary of Pennsylvania Legislators, Volume Two
917 Gladfelter Hall (025-24)12th & Berks MallPhiladelphia, PA. 19122
Jacobs, Bartholomew, 25, 527-29, 633, 935, 1029: "Lawmaking in Pennsylvania, 1710-1756, Themes and Issues"
Jacobs, Elinor/Helena, dau. of Bartholomew, 527
Another death place: Georgia
October 17, 1787 on Long Cane Creek, 96 District, South Carolina
May 27, 1784 - Plat for 200 acres on waters of SAvannah river, 96 District, South Carolina
First Census of the United States - 1790
Ninety-Six District, Abbeville County, South Carolina
Weems, James
1 free white male 16+
2 free white females
September 30, 1768 - Henry Weems -100 Acres on Fraziers Creek, Granville County
March 11 1775 - Henry Weem 100 acres on Frasers Creek, Granville CountyFirst Census of the United States
Ninety-six District, Abbeville County, South Carolina
Weems, Henry
1 free white male 16+
2 free white males under 16
7 free white femalesApril 26 1808 Henry Weems - 262 acres on Curltail Creek, Abbeville District
Will of Lucy Duly, Attala County, MS
Attala County Deeds, Book M, Page 185, 186
Contributed by Betty Jean Weems NeatheryLucy Duly } To : Gift } Attala County Mississippi April 6, 1873 Emily Hodges Et al} I, Lucy Duly being in Sound mind and Memory do make this My last Will and Testament To wit I give and bequeath to My Daughter Mrs. Emily Hodges Seven head of cattle to wit three cows Two with young Calf and three yearlings, and I give and bequeath to my Daughter Mrs. Eliza Young one cow & calf one thirty five dollar note on Shepard Roane due for Land rent the first day of January 1874, One double woven Counterpane, and one new quilt And, I give and bequeath to my daughter Mrs. Virginia Reynolds one cow and Bed Sted & Feather & Straw Bed three Sheets two pillows & four Slips five quilts And I further give and bequeath Two Daughters Emily Hodge and Virginia Reynolds all of my wearing apparel and other house hold furniture, not named in this and I give and bequeath to my Grand Son Edward Jackson Weems one black Mule and I further request that Should I not be among the living on the first day of January 1874 that My Land to wit W « of SE ¬ Section Seven in Township fourteen Range 9 East in Attala County Shall be put up and sold to the highest bidder and the money divided equally between my five children. Witness My hand & Seal this April 6th 1874 Test - M. L. Williams (Seal) her T. P. Hodge (Seal) Lucy (L) Duley (Seal) Mark State of Mississippi } This day personally appeared before Me Attala County } W. T. Davis Clerk of the Chancery Court in and for said County, the above named T. P. Hodge one of the Subscribing Witnesses to the foregoing deed who being first duly Sworn deposeth and saith that he Saw the above named Lucy Duley whose name is Subscribed thereto, Sign, Seal and deliver the Same to the above named parties and that he Saw the other Subscribing witness M. L. Williams Sign the Same in the presence of the Said Lucy Duley and in the presence of each other on the day and year therein named. In Testimony Whereof witness My hand and Seal of Said Court this 14th day of February A.D. 1874 W. T. Davis /s/ Clerk Pr T. O. Conner D.C. filed for Record March 2nd 11 « A.M. AD 1874 Recorded March 2nd AD 1874 W. T. Davis /s/ Clerk
Research needed:
Could Lucy's maiden name be Jackson?
Son: James L. Weems named a child James Jackson Weems, who named a child William Jackson
Son: Un-named Weems named a child Edward Jackson Weems, who named a child Robert J. Weems; and E. J.'s daughter Emily Lena Weems named a child Wilbert Jackson FrostResearch needed, no known connection:
James JACKSON was born before 1717 in Charles City Co., Virginia. He died in Aug 1761 in Halifax, North Carloina.
Children were:
Elizabeth JACKSON
Benjamin JACKSONBenjamin JACKSON was born in Jul 1759 in Halifax, North Carloina. He died in 1835 in Chester District, South Carolina. Parents: James JACKSON
Children were:
Drucilla JACKSON
Lucy JACKSON - Lucy JACKSON was born before 1782 in Chester District, South Carolina. Parents: Benjamin JACKSON and Jane WAGNER.
Margaret "Peggy" JACKSON
Benjamin JACKSON
Research needed: Could part of his name be Jackson?
Will of Lucy Duly, Attala County, MS
Attala County Deeds, Book M, Page 185, 186
Contributed by Betty Jean Weems NeatheryLucy Duly } To : Gift } Attala County Mississippi April 6, 1873 Emily Hodges Et al} I, Lucy Duly being in Sound mind and Memory do make this My last Will and Testament To wit ...I give and bequeath to my daughter Mrs. Virginia Reynolds one cow and Bed Sted & Feather & Straw Bed three Sheets two pillows & four Slips five quilts And I further give and bequeath Two Daughters Emily Hodge and Virginia Reynolds all of my wearing apparel and other house hold furniture, not named in this... and I further request that Should I not be among the living on the first day of January 1874 that My Land to wit W « of SE ¬ Section Seven in Township fourteen Range 9 East in Attala County Shall be put up and sold to the highest bidder and the money divided equally between my five children. Witness My hand & Seal this April 6th 1874 Test - M. L. Williams (Seal) her T. P. Hodge (Seal) Lucy (L) Duley (Seal) Mark State of Mississippi }...
1840 United States Census
Persons within the division allotted to Thomas King by the Marshall of the 264th District (or Territory) of Georgia Page 323
Redfearn Weems
Free White Males
1 - 20 and under 30 1 - 30 and under 40
1 - 60 and under 70Free White Females
1 - 60 and under 70Slaves - Female
1 - Under 10 years of age 1 - 10 and under 24 1 - 24 and under 36
1 -36 and under 55Records of the Probate Court of Franklin County, Georgia
in the Georgia Department of Archives & History
RG-Series 159-2-1: Surname Index of Loose Papers
Box Folder Name Dates of Documents Number of Sheets Location
11 88 Weams (Weems), Redferrin (Redfearn) 1849-1850 6 1750-11JUN 1787 Redfearn Weems bought lot #9 ($6.50) 1/2 acre on Stephens Creek
SEP 1787 Sold lot above for $10.00
1805 Franklin County, Georgia land lottery included both John and Redfern Weems.
1805 Both had two draws in above and both drew two blanks
New Hope Society Trustee - Franklin County, GeorgiaSubject: [WEEMS] Weems in Franklin County, Georgia County HistoryDate: Sat, 28 Jun 2003 21:59:16 -0400
P. 350 Redfern Weems sold lot No. 9 in CArnesville to Samuel Whiteacre for $10 in SEp 1797John Weems & Redfurn Weems - both listed in the 1807 lottery of Franklin County, GA (for land)
N. Weems, Grand Jury of Franklin County in Apr 1826 (p. 127)
p. 288 Joel Weem, member of Carnesville United Method Church trustee in Jun 1832
T.E. Weems 1936-1940 as pastor of New Hope Baptist Church
William Weems gave his permission for use of the spring and donated land to the Carroll's Methodist Church in Carnesville P. 286
They had five children.
1805 Franklin County, Georgia land lottery included both John and Redfern Weems.
1805 Both had two draws in above and both drew two blanks