Selected Families and Individuals


George E. Taylor

Year: 1920 State: Louisiana County: Union ED: 123 Sheet No: 242A Reel No: T625-632 Division: Police Jury Ward One SD: 5 Page No: 18B Incorporated Place: Farmerville Town Enumerated on: February 6th, 1920 by: John P. Odom, 239/244
77 Taylor George E. Head M W 44 M Yes Yes Louisiana US U X Operator Lumber Mill Em
78 Taylor Della Wife F W 40 M Yes Yes Louisiana Louisiana Louisiana X none
79 Taylor Brandis Son M W 18 S X Yes Yes Louisiana Louisiana Louisiana X none
80 Taylor Herbert Son M W 17 S X Yes Yes Louisiana Louisiana Louisiana X none
81 Taylor Otto B. Son M W 14 S X Yes Yes Louisiana Louisiana Louisiana X none
82 Taylor Gordon Son M W 12 S X Yes Yes Louisiana Louisiana Louisiana X none
83 Taylor Lee Son M W 9 S X Louisiana Louisiana Louisiana none
84 Taylor Rebecca Dau F W 7 S X Louisiana Louisiana Louisiana none
85 Taylor Pomteer Son M W 5 S N Louisiana Louisiana Louisiana none
86 Taylor Alma G. Dau F W 2 2/12S Louisiana Louisiana Louisiana none

Robert B. Taylor

1920 Census for Union Parish, ED: 123 Sheet No: 239A Reel No: T625-632 Division: Police Jury Ward One SD: 5 Page No: 15B Incorporated Place: Farmerville Town Enumerated on: January 14th, 1920 by: John P. Odom
80 | FM | 279 284 | Taylor Robert B. | Head | O F | M W 47 M | | Yes Yes | Louisiana | Louisiana | Louisiana | X | Farmer General Farm Oa | 159
81 | FM | 279 284 | Taylor Lillie E. | Wife | | F W 42 M | | Yes Yes | Louisiana | Louisiana | Louisiana | X | none
82 | FM | 279 284 | Taylor Robert G. | Son | | M W 17 S | | X Yes Yes | Louisiana | Louisiana | Louisiana | X | none
83 | FM | 279 284 | Taylor Louise | Daughter | | F W 15 S | | X Yes Yes | Louisiana | Louisiana | Louisiana | X | none
84 | FM | 279 284 | Taylor Benj. O. | Son | | M W 12 S | | X Yes Yes | Louisiana | Louisiana | Louisiana | X | none
85 | FM | 279 284 | Taylor Lois | Daughter | | F W 8 S | | X | Louisiana | Louisiana | Louisiana | | none
86 | FM | 279 284 | Taylor Bufford | Son | | M W 5 S | | N | Louisiana | Louisiana | Louisiana | | none
87 | FM | 279 284 | Taylor Gertrude | Daughter | | F W 2 5/12S | | | Louisiana | Louisiana | Louisiana | | none

Daniel L. Frost

1850 Census for Jackson Parish, Louisiana
(formed 1845 from Claiborne, Ouachita & Union Parishes, Louisiana)
Schedule I. - Free Inhabitants in __ in the County of Jackson, State of Louisiana enumerated by me, on the 29th day of Oct. 1850 C. A. C. Elewell Ass't Marshal. Page 369, House 282, Family 292
25 John Frost 36 M Farmer 300 SC
26 Ann M. Frost 27 F GA
Daniel Frost 10 F [sic] AL
Marion Frost 11 M AL
Tennissee [sic] Frost 4 F AL
Calvin M. Frost 1 M LA

The Independent Rangers, Company E from Union Parish, Louisiana organized the summer of 1861. They left July 20, 1861 to report to Camp Moore, traveling by rail from Monroe, Louisiana to Camp Moore, Mississippi through Vicksburg and Jackson, Mississippi arriving at Camp Moore two days later. Members of this company filled important leadership positions for the 12th Louisiana Infantry regimental headquarters. This is the only company that retained it's Camp Moore alpha designation [i.e. Company E] after the May 10th re-organization for three years or the duration of the war.
Captain D. L. Hicks was replaced by Evander M. Graham as Regimental Adjutant when he was elected Captain of Company E. Hicks resigned due to poor health.

Hicks, D. L. Camp Moore (Company E Aug., 1861 to May 1862 - 12 Month Volunteers Camp Moore)

Privates [brothers]
Frost, Daniel L. 1862
Frost, Marion E. Camp Moore

Feburary 26, 1862 Danie L. Frost enrolled as a Private - Musician in Company E, 12th Louisiana Infty.
NOV 07 1861 The unit detailed across the river to Belmont MO - Battle of Belmont, arrived too late to fight.
NOV 15 1861 The unit moved to Madrid, MO , and Island No. 10 and remained there until March.
MAR 04 1862 - APR 15, 1862 Believed engaged in battle of New Madrid up until March 14, when Madrid was captured by Union Forces. The unit retreated and regrouped to help in the battle for Island No. 10. Captain, Joseph L. Eddings was captured, and the island taken by Union forces. Captain Eddings was held prisoner in Camp Randall, in Madison, Wisconsin. He died and is buried in Forest Hill Cemetary - Confederate Rest. The wounded and captured confederates were also taken to Camp Randall where several men of the 12th LA. later died of phnemonia and buried.
MAR 17 1862 The Confederate survivors fell back and returned to Ft. Pillow & fought until it was abandoned by the confederates on June 5. The unit removed to Grenada, MS around Holly Springs until October.
OCT 03-04 1862 Fought in the battle of Corinth before returning to spend the winter months around Grenada, Holly Springs, and Canton.
FEB 1863 Dispatched to Port Hudson & was there during the naval attack on March 14 1863.
Upto April, 1863 Daniel L. Frost is present on Rolls
APR 1863 The regiment headed out to join the Army of Tenessee in Georgia, but shortly thereafter received orders to return to Mississippi to intercept a raid led by Union Colonel Benjamin Grierson, but failed to catch up with him, and returned briefly to Port Gibson.
MAY 16 1863 The regiment fought in the Battle of Bakers Creek and valiently covered to retreat of the Confederate Army.
May 17, 1863 Daniel L. Frost is shown as captured at Champion Hills on the Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War,
MAY 19 thru July 04, 1863 During the summer of 1863 the men made up part of the army commanded by General Joseph E Johnson at Jackson MS. A small band of about 160 men was detached to General John C Vaughn's brigade under Capt. John A Dixon of Company C. Captain Dixon was at this time promoted to Major. From May to July 4, 1863, these men fought valiantly in defense of the city of Atlanta.
On May 25, 1863 Daniel L. Frost was sent to Memphis, Tennessee.
May and June, 1863, Daniel L. Frost is shown on the Roll as Absent without leave in Vicksburg.
On July 4, 1863 Daniel L. Frost was captured at Vicksburg.
July and August 1863, Daniel L. Frost was absent for Roll.
During the fall, winter, and spring the unit occupied camps at Morton and Canton, Meridian MS, and also Demopolis, and Montvallo Alabama.
Sept., 1863, to Aug., 1864 - Daniel L. Frost is present on all Rolls.
MAY 1864 The unit joined the Army of Tennessee in Resaca, Georgia. During the next two months, the regiment was involved in several battles including those at Marietta, Kennesaw Mountain, Lost Mountain, Bethel Church, and New Hope Church. It was on May 29th that Manson Feazel was killed in battle at New Hope Church.
JUL 20 1864 Weak from lack of sufficient food rations, and demoralized from the many losses of its unit, the 12th regiment was again called upon to fight at the battle of Peachtree Creek on JULY 20. On this day, 73 men were either killed wounded or listed as MIA, and it's prized battleflag was captured. Two days later the troops again were called to battle in the main defense of Atlanta. Following the evacuation of the city, the men joined the army on its invasion of Tennessee.
NOV 30 1864 The regiment fought in the bloody battle of Franklin, TN where an additional 80 men of the 12th were either killed or wounded.
DEC 15, 16 The regiment fought in the battle of Nashville and later retreated to Tupelo, MS.
FEB 1865 The regiment joined the army of Joseph E Johnson in North Carolina.
MAR 19 1865 The 12th LA fought their last battle at Bentonville, NC.
APR 26 1865 The regiment surrendered in Greensboro, NC. Daniel L. Frost is paroled at Greensboro, N. C., April 26, 1865.
Note on Daniel L. Frost were found on Page 936 of Records of Louisiana Confederate Soldier by Andrew B. Booth Vol. 1 - Freabis - Fyret Submitted by Jan Craven

1870 United States Census for Monroe, Ouachita Parish, Louisiana
Danl Frost 30 1839 Louisiana White Male
Eliza Frost 22 1847 Louisiana White Female
Eugene Frost 3 1866 Louisiana White Female

November 04, 1885 - Mother, Ann Malissa Frost, places an application for appointment as Administrator to the estate of John Frost, her husband. She mentions the following, as their children:
"...Petitioner fur-
ther represents that by her mar-
riage with her Said husband, She
became the Mother of Daniel Frost,
Marion, Tennessee, Calvin M.
Henry Irvin, Elvira, Ann Melissa,
Mary Jane, and Fannie Frost, the
last named is now the Wife of Ed
Roberts, and Amanda Frost now
the Wife of Elihu Smith, and Colum-
bus Frost all of whom are children
and heirs of the Said John Frost Dec’d...."

Ouachita Parish (formed 1807 - Original Parish)

The Ouachita Telegraph Friday, May 2, 1879 Page 3, Column 1
Mr. Daniel L. Frost, of this city, died yesterday at 9 p.m., of laryngitis, after a painful illness of two months. He leaves a wife and four children to mourn his loss, and to buffet with the ups and downs and the cast-iron charities of this world. They have our sincere sympathy.

Eliza Grisham

The Daily Telegraph 1886 Obits, Ouachita Parish La
The Daily Telegraph Saturday, January 2, 1886 Page 3, Column 3 Death of Mrs. E. Frost. We, with deep regret, and a profound feeling of sympathy for the bereaved children, announce the death of Mrs. Frost, relict of the late Daniel L. Frost, which occurred at about 11 o'clock this morning. Mrs. Frost was a good christian; a charitable lady and a loving mother-and, the writer, can well understand, from experience, the sad plight and situation of the orphaned children, to whom we extend our heartfealt (sic) sympathies in a bereavement of which they are not yet fully conscious.

Daniel L. Frost

1910 United States Census for Ward 3, Monroe, Ouachita Parish, Louisiana
Dan Frost 27 1882 Louisiana White Male

1920 United States Census for Monroe, Ouachita Parish Louisiana
Henderson, Eugina Head F W 47 Wd
Henderson, Eddie Son M. M W 27 S
Frost, Danl F. Brother M W 39 S [lives with his sister]

1920 Census for Monroe, Ouachita Parish, Louisiana, research needed:
E. T. Frost 37 1882 Louisiana White

1930 United States Census for Monroe, Ouachita Parish Louisiana
Daniel Frost 45 1884 Louisiana Uncle White
Grace W. Frost 28 1901 Louisiana Head White [who's his father?]
Pauline Frost 29 1900 Wife

Minnie Frost

Note: I'm confused about this Minnie Frost. I'm not sure if there are two Minnie Frost's or one Minnie Frost who married twice.

Minnie Frost

Note: I'm confused about this Minnie Frost. I'm not sure if there are two Minnie Frost's or one Minnie Frost who married twice.

Eugenia Frost

1920 United States Census for Monroe, Ouachita Parish Louisiana
Henderson, Eugina Head F W 47 Wd
Henderson, Eddie Son M. M W 27 S
Frost, Danl F. Brother M W 39 S

Nancy Harriet Frost

1880 United States Census for 9th Ward, Caldwell, Louisiana, Family History Library Film 1254450, NA Film Number T9-0450, Page Number 49C
Name Relation Marital Gender Race Age Birth Occupation Father Mother
Hariett TAKEWELL Self M Female W 27 LA Keeping House SC AL
Samantha TAKEWELL Dau S Female W 5 LA LA LA
Josephine TAKEWELL Dau S Female W 3 LA LA LA
Charles TAKEWELL Son S Male W 3M LA LA LA

J. S. Landrum

1880 United States Census for District 9, Bedford, Tennessee
Family History Library Film 1255244, NA Film Number T9-1244, Page Number 269C
Name Relation Marital Gender Race Age Birth Occupation Father Mother
J.S. LANDRUM Self M Male W 20 TN Farmer NC TN
N.J. LANDRUM Wife M Female W 17 TN House Keeper TN TN
William LANDRUM Son S Male W 7M TN TN TN
Penny LANDRUM Mother W Female W 62 TN Boarder NC GA

N. J. (Landrum)

1880 United States Census for District 9, Bedford, Tennessee
Family History Library Film 1255244, NA Film Number T9-1244, Page Number 269C
Name Relation Marital Gender Race Age Birth Occupation Father Mother
J.S. LANDRUM Self M Male W 20 TN Farmer NC TN
N.J. LANDRUM Wife M Female W 17 TN House Keeper TN TN

William Landrum

1880 United States Census for District 9, Bedford, Tennessee
Family History Library Film 1255244, NA Film Number T9-1244, Page Number 269C
Name Relation Marital Gender Race Age Birth Occupation Father Mother
William LANDRUM Son S Male W 7M TN TN TN

James M. Johnson

1880 United States Census for Meadow, Johnston, North Carolina
Family History Library Film 1254969, NA Film Number T9-0969, Page Number 400C
Name Relation Marital Gender Race Age BirthOccupation Father Mother
James M. JOHNSON Self M Male W 28 NC Farmer NC NC
Alie JOHNSON Wife M Female W 32 NC Keeping House NC NC
Warren JOHNSON Son S Male W 4 NC NC NC
Lilla H. JOHNSON Dau S Female W 3 NC NC NC
Pharoah LEE SSon S Male W 11 NC NC NC
Allen LEE SSon S Male W 8 NC NC NC

Alley Lee

Allie lives next door to her father, Westbrook Lee.
1880 United States Census for Meadow, Johnston, North Carolina
Family History Library Film 1254969, NA Film Number T9-0969 , Page Number 400C
Name Relation Marital Gender Race Age BirthOccupation Father Mother
James M. JOHNSON Self M Male W 28 NC Farmer NC NC
Alie JOHNSON Wife M Female W 32 NC Keeping House NC NC

Warren Johnson

1880 United States Census for Meadow, Johnston, North Carolina
Family History Library Film 1254969, NA Film Number T9-0969 , Page Number 400C
Name Relation Marital Gender Race Age BirthOccupation Father Mother
Warren JOHNSON Son S Male W 4 NC NC NC

Lilla H. Johnson

1880 United States Census for Meadow, Johnston, North Carolina
Family History Library Film 1254969, NA Film Number T9-0969 , Page Number 400C
Name Relation Marital Gender Race Age BirthOccupation Father Mother
Lilla H. JOHNSON Dau S Female W 3 NC NC NC