Selected Families and Individuals


Sarah Rhoda Landrum

1880 United States Census for Floyd Springs, Floyd, Georgia
Family History Library Film 1254146, NA Film Number T9-0146 , Page Number 194D
Name Relation Marital Gender Race Age Birth Occupation Father Mother
Sarah LANDRUM Dau S Female W 17 GA At Home SC SC

Grace Hazel Landrum

At 33 years Grace had a stroke while cooking the family breakfast. She could not speak for a long while. Her first word was "ocho" the number 8 in Spanish.
Juluis left her and took their children to his parents to raise. Grandma and grandpa Landrum went for Lois when she was 5 years old. She lived with them.

Grace Hazel Landrum

At 33 years Grace had a stroke while cooking the family breakfast. She could not speak for a long while. Her first word was "ocho" the number 8 in Spanish.
Juluis left her and took their children to his parents to raise. Grandma and grandpa Landrum went for Lois when she was 5 years old. She lived with them.

Grace Hazel Landrum

At 33 years Grace had a stroke while cooking the family breakfast. She could not speak for a long while. Her first word was "ocho" the number 8 in Spanish.
Juluis left her and took their children to his parents to raise. Grandma and grandpa Landrum went for Lois when she was 5 years old. She lived with them.

Jasper Landrum

Sept. 29, 1861 Company E, 17th Louisiana Infantry April 4, 1862 Company A, 18th Texas Infantry.
He moved from Fayette County, Georgia to Texas around 1857.
The 1870 census shows Jefferson and his brother as being neighbors in Alto, Cherokee County, Texas.

Lynch Chapel Cemetery - Cherokee County, Texas
Landrum, James F. 10-31-1917 d. 5-4-1966 (Tex S/Sgt HG Co. 2 BN 14 INF) Landrum, Bob W. 8-30-1890 d. 7-21-1952 Landrum, Roxie W. 1894-1973 Landrum, Nauda E. 2-28-1868 d. 12-15-1948 (Mother) Landrum, Fern 3-27-1911 Landrum, Willie L. 1-2-1906 d. 6-3-1958 Landrum, infant son d. 5-20-1943 Landrum, Larkin 6-3-1901 d. 6-8-1945 Landrum, Bettie 6-17-1870 d. 9-30-1946 (Mother) Landrum, Florence Eileen 10-20-1906 d. 5-6-1970 (Mother) Landrum, Marvin Miller 5-25-1903 d. 5-8-1966 Landrum, Geneva (Pinkie) 1-25-1935 d. 5-17-1936 Landrum, Mary C. 1872-1924 Landrum, Genevia 7-1-1890 d. 7-26-1896
Landrum, E.O. "Bud" 2-5-1858 d. 7-22-1924 (Father) Landrum, Jasper H. 12-15-1890 d. 12-27-1918 (son of E.O. & Amanda E.) Landrum, Ollie 11-13-1894 d.________ & Landrum, Alice 8-7-1897 d. 12-5-1971 Landrum, Pendora 2-14-1886 d. 7-3-1958 (Mother) & Landrum, Chriss 1-20-1889 d. 2-6-1963 (Father) Landrum, Lee W. L. d. 11-8-1931 (Tex Pvt 1 Co. 1317 Fld Arty 36 Div) Landrum, Y.C. 1911-1960 Landrum, Jimmy V. 1-2-1906 d. 5-8-1973 (Dad) & Landrum, Cordie Mae 10-22-1909 d._______

Effey Landrum

Effie's date of birth and date of death are from the David Lay family Bible owned by Mrs. Ollie J. Adams.