Selected Families and Individuals


William Arthur Cemenders Lenard

Patentee Name State County Issue Date Land Office Doc.Nr Accession/Serial Nr. Page Accession
LENARD, WILLIAM A LA Ouachita 10/15/1906 New Orleans 12751 LA1610__.446

Arthur Frizzle

Speculation: Some have claimed that Jonathan Sr. and John Frizzle were sons of Arthur Frizzle of Princess Anne County, Virginia. Perhaps so, but no proof yet.

Research needed:
As the age of Revolution and Romanticism developed in the last part of the century, there was a marked increase in labouring-class poetry, much of it socially and politically oriented, and marked by a linguistic range and freedom not seen earlier. This John Frizzle was an Eighteenth Century English Labouring-Class Poet.
John Frizzle An Irih Miler, to Mr Stephen Duck (fl.1733)

Sarah Wood

Research needed:
Liberty Hill Cemetery, Ouachita Parish, Louisiana has the following listing:
Sallie A. Wood (Lee) May 29, 1853

Henry Perry Anderson

From the Union Parish Police Jury Minutes - Contributed by Sherry Gritzbaugh
7 June, 1842, Henry P. Anderson appointed overseer on a new road from Farmerville to Parker's landing, the part that began in Farmerville and intersect with the old road. The road was to be made 15 ft. wide.

5 Jun. 1843, Henry P. Anderson appointed overseer of the old road leading from D. Ward's to Wood's and Anderson plantation to where it intersects the old road at W. C. Eubanks.

June 3, 1844, Henry P. Anderson and others appointed commissioners to mark out a road from near the Choudrant Bridge, by way of Wright's Bluff on the D'Arbonne to intersect with the road from Farmerville to Parker's Landing at or near Horse Pen Creek. H. P. Anderson was also appointed overseeer on a part of the new road from Farmerville to Parker's Landing from Anderson's to David Ward's, then on to where it intersects to the old road near W. C. Eubanks.

Land Patents for Henry P. Anderson:
Patentee Name State County IssueDate Land Office Doc.Nr. Accession/Serial Nr.
LA Union 8/1/1844 Ouachita 7112 LA0980__.315
LA Union 5/1/1847 Ouachita 8821 LA1030__.020
LA Union 6/1/1848 Ouachita 9049 LA1030__.306
LA Union 7/1/1860 Monroe 19098 LA1250__.341
LA Union 7/1/1860 Monroe 19099 LA1250__.342
LA Union 9/1/1853 Monroe 11797 LA1070__.479
LA Union 9/1/1853 Monroe 11798 LA1070__.480

June 4, 1844 H. P. Anderson and others were appointed election commissioners for one year to the Farmerville district.

June 3, 1845: H. P. Anderson was appointed overseer on the new road from Farmerville to Parker's landing, beginning at the cross- roads leading from Anderson't to D. Ward's and ending at DeLoutre Bayou.

June 3, 1845 Jesse Fuller, W. C. Carr, H. P. Anderson, John Hill and S. N. Barr were appointed Administrators of Public Schools for two years.

July 14, 1846 Henry P. Anderson was appointed overseer of the Farmerville Parker's landing road by way of W. B. Cooper's, from the crossroads, near David Ward's to the fork in the road 3/4 mi. west of W. C. Eubanks.

Sep. 7, 1846 Henry P. Anderson and others were appointed commissioners to mark out a road to be called the Clarkston Road, beginning at the southeast corner of section 19, near Fitzgerald's shop, and ending at the west bank of Bayou Loutre at Wm. Clarkston's ferry.

The 1850 Slave census of Union Parish, La. shows: Master Henry Anderson with 2 black males over 55 years old 1 black male 38 1 black male 30 1 black male 26 2 black males 22 1 black male 20 1 black male 18 1 black male 16 1 black male 15 1 black male 13 1 black male 11

1850 Census for Union Parish, Louisiana
Anderson H P 35 M TN
Anderson Elizabeth 24 F AL
Anderson James 7 M AL
Anderson Alice 6 F LA
Anderson Sarah 4 F LA
Anderson William 3 M LA
Anderson Wesley 1 M LA

1860 Census for Union Parish, Louisiana, page 72
Dwelling/House 458 458
H.P. Anderson 46 M Farmer 6000 39215 TN
Elizth Anderson 32 F Housekeeper AL
James Anderson 17 M LA X
E.A. Anderson 15 F LA X
Sarah Anderson 14 F LA X
Henry Anderson 13 M LA X
Mary Anderson 7 F LA X
M.J. Anderson 4 F LA
B.F. Anderson 3 M LA
John Anderson 11mo M LA

Soldier: Anderson, Henry P.,Lt. Reserve Corps. Official Rolls of officers, parolled in Monroe, Louisiana 18 June, 1865, a resident of Union Parish, La.

Obits: The Ouachita Telegraph 1873 Obits, Ouachita Parish La
Typed in by Ms. Lora Peppers at the Ouachita Parish Library

The Ouachita Telegraph February 21, 1867 Page 1, Column 4
The Union Record furnishes the following brief but unusually melancholy history of a husband and wife of Union Parish. The history of our late friend and neighbor, Henry Anderson, is a sad one. He and his wife and daughter, about two months since, went to N. Orleans. Not having heard from them for some time after they should have been at home the friends of the family made the necessary investigation and found that after reaching the city Mr. Anderson and wife both died, and the daughter has been very low ever since, and is at this time. Mr. Anderson was one of our most energetic and useful citizens, and his loss will be greatly felt by the community. They leave two or three small children fatherless and motherless.

FAMILY LORE - contributed by Sherry Gresham Gritzbaugh
My great grandmother, Mrs. Wiley (Mittie Rea) Anderson once told me Elizabeth Thomas, the second wife, and Henry P. Anderson went to New Orleans to sell cotton. There was a fever epidemic. Henry P. got sick and Elizabeth stayed behind to take care of him. She also became ill. It has been told that they were buried in a mass grave.... I was also told they took some former slaves with them. It would be interesting to know how the daughter was able to get back home.... .

Union Parish, La, Pg. 251 - Contributed by Sherry Gritzbaugh
To the Honorable Judge of the 11th. Judicial District Court in and for the Parish of Union, State of Lousiana The petition of James M. Anderson, a resident of the Parish of Union and state above, written respectfully shows that Henry P. Anderson departed this life on or about the 16th. day of November, 1866 having an estate consisting of land, stock, personal property, credits and debts. He died intestate and left five minor children to wit: 1. Sarah "Sallie" Anderson 2. Mary Ann "Mollie" Anderson 3. Martha "Mattie" J. Anderson 4. William Henry Anderson 5. John Anderson 6. B. Frank Anderson 7. Elizabeth Alice Anderson, wife of Daniel M. Payne and 8. your petitioner, James Matthew Anderson

Mary Wood

Mary died during child brith.

Tutorship of the heirs of Mary A. Wood Decd: Petition and Account: Filed: July 3rd., 1867 Reads in part: To the Hon. the Judge of the Eleventh Judical Dist. Court in & for the Parish of Union & State of Louisiana. The Petition of James M. Anderson, Adm. of the succession of Henry P. Anderson decd...respectfully represents, That in obedience to the order of the Court requiring the rendition of the account of Tutorship of said Anderson and said heirs of Mary A. Wood decd, former wife of said Anderson & the said heirs of their marriage. Petitioner farther shows that the said tutorship commenced upon the death of Mary A. Wood decd. in July 9th. 1847 but that the said Henry P. Anderson never rendered any account of the same up to the time of his death which took place in 1866. That Petitioner has not been able to discover among the papers of said decd or any where else, any vouchers or other evidences of the amounts paid out by said Tutor for the minors, nor of the amounts received by him for them and & petitioner has therefore been compelled to make an estimate of the revenues of the property of said minors. That the said Tutor conducted his affairs and raised his family with the strictest economy - That nearly every thing that was consumed by the family was raised or made at home. And the children received their education at home. That the children were raised to work & that their services were valuable contributed greatly to their support during the period of the tutorship. Petitioner further represents that he has not taken into consideration in making out the account the receipts or settlements referred to in the petition of Eliza Anderson and husband for the order under which this account is rendered, but has disregarded said entirely, for the reason that the same were nullities the said PRETENDED receipts having been given by this petitioner in his personal capacity & by the said E. A. Anderson and husband. Tutor had never rendered any account of his tutorship, nor submitted any vouchers, which the law required before any valid settlement could be made with his wards- And the said receipts were also absolutely null for the further reason that the amount of said receipts were not for money or any other valuable consideration but for a part of the negroes which had belonged to petitioner and the other heirs of Mary A. Wood decd. being those which they inherited from their mother as aforesaid and which negroes if then slaves would have been freed when slavery was abolished in the state of Louisiana. Petitioner further shows that he closed the account of tutorship with the balance due July 7th 1861 with legal interest for the time that his reasons for this were that the late war at that time had commenced and crops were consumed or used for the support of the army. Wherefore petitioner prays that notices of the filing of this account may be approved and homologated in all of its parts. Petitioner further prays for such future orders and decrees as may be necessary in the premisesand for all general and quitable relief. James M. Anderson, Adm. in the estate of H.P. Anderson decd.

Union Parish, La. March 18, 1865 Received of H. P. Anderson my father my proatto share of property inherited by my mother Mary Anderson consisting of negroes, money and stock, and house hole furniture & valued at three thousand six hundred & fifty dollars. James M. Anderson

Union Parish, La. March 18, 1865 Received of H. P. Anderson my fathermy protto share of property inherited by my mother Mary Anderson consisting of negroes, money and stock and house hold furniture & caluded at thee thousand six hundred and fifty dollars. E. A. Payne D. M. Payne

ACCOUNT OF THE TUTORSHIP OF THE HEIRS OF MARY A. WOOD DECD & issue of her marriage with Henry P. Anderson decd rendered by James M. Anderson, Adm. of Henry P. Anderson, having been Tutor to the siad heirs viz: James M. Anderson, Eliza Allice Anderson, Sarah F. Anderson and William Henry Anderson from the death of their mother on the 7th. day of July, 1847. The Tutor is chargable with the amt. rec'd from sale of sales belonging to Mary A. Wood. An inventory was made and 1/2 value of the personal value of property received from the Tutor, March 18, 1865 with five percent interest per annum, the amount due was twelve thousand one hundred sixty seven dolars and seventy one cents.

James H. McBroom

1880 United States Census for 6th Ward, Union, Louisiana
Family History Library Film 1254473, NA Film Number T9-0473, Page Number 441D
Name Relation Marital Gender Race Age Birth Occupation Father Mother
James MCBROOM Self M Male W 60 AL Farmer TN TN
Finetta MCBROOM Wife M Female W 54 AL Keeps House GA GA
Marth A. MCBROOM Dau S Female W 19 LA Keeps House AL AL
Thomas M. MCBROOM Son S Male W 15 LA Works On Farm AL AL
Sallie SMITH Dau S Female W 7 AR AR. LA