Selected Families and Individuals


Edward Self Pipes

Edward Self Pipes - Pvt. Company G, 31st Louisiana Infantry

Edward enlisted May 6th,1862 at Monroe, Louisiana, a resident at the time of Farmersville, Union Parish, Louisiana. He was captured and listed on a role of prisoners. He was paroled on June 12th, 1865. His wife's pension application was made in 1930 in Terrell, Texas. The application contains affidavits from J. Carlisle and W. Douglas stating that Edward was the commanding officer of the Judah P. Benjamin Camp of the local Confederate Veterans organization after the war.

Guide to Louisiana Confederate Miltary Units Author: Arthur W. Bergeron 1989
The 31st Louisiana Infantry
This regiment was organized June 11, 1862, at Monroe from Morrison’s Battalion, which had been formed May 14. The men remained at Monroe drilling until June, when they moved to a camp in Madison Parish about eight miles from Vicksburg, Mississippi. Then they moved to Tallulah and New Carthage.
In August, the regiment went to Milliken’s Bend to unload a shipment of arms intended for General Albert Pike’s Indian brigade. On August 18 an enemy gunboat steamed up and captured the transport Fair Play with all of the weapons still on it. The regiment retreated to Tallulah, pursued by a small force landed from the gunboat. During the next few months, the men camped at Tallulah, Delhi, and Trenton.
In November, the regiment received orders to go to Jackson, Mississippi. There the Catahoula Battalion was added to the regiment to give it ten companies.
The men fought in the Battle of Chickasaw Bayou, December 26—29, and helped repulse several enemy attacks.
During the winter and early spring of 1863, the regiment remained at Vicksburg, drilling and doing picket duty. The men participated in the closing stages of the Battle of Port Gibson, May 1 and covered the retreat of the Confederate forces. They picketed the crossings of the Big Black River until the Confederate army retreated past the river into the Vicksburg defenses.
The regiment fought in the trenches during the Siege of Vicksburg, May 19—July 4, and went home on parole after the surrender. Many of the men decided they had seen enough fighting and remained at their homes until the war ended.
In January 1864, some of the men went into a parole camp at Vienna but returned home on furlough after a few weeks. After the men were declared officially exchanged, they went into camp at Minden in June. They spent two weeks there, moved to Shreveport, and soon went to Pineville. The regiment formed part of General Allen Thomas’ brigade and acted as a support for Fort Buhlow and Fort Randolph near Pineville until February 1865. At that time, it moved to Bayou Cotile, remaining there until May. The men marched to Mansfield and were disbanded just prior to the surrender of the Trans-Mississippi Department.

1880 United States Census for 5th Ward, Lincoln, Louisiana
Family History Library Film 1254456, NA Film Number T9-0456 , Page Number 4D
Name Relation Marital Gender Race Age Birth Occupation Father Mother
Edward PIPES Self M Male W 48 LA Merchant NC NC
Nancy PIPES Wife M Female W 33 AL Keeping House AL AL
Irene F. PIPES Dau S Female W 17 LA Assists Mother LA AL
Janie PIPES Dau S Female W 15 LA Assists Mother LA AL
Henry H. BroL S Male W 20 LA Clerk In Store AL AL

Nancy Jane Hicks

1850 Federal Census for Union Parish, Louisiana, Page 112, Division: No. 5 (695), Sheet 405B, Enumerated on 7th September, 1850 by George A. Hammon, Ass't Marshal. Dwelling/Family: 890
D. L. Hicks 27 M Farmer 100 Al
Jane Hicks 6 F Al

1860 Federal Census for Union Parish, Louisiana, enumerated on the 18th day of June 1860 by A. C. Wade, Ass't Marshal. Post Office: Shiloh, Dwelling/Family 447:
N. J. Hicks 16 F AL school

1880 United States Census for 5th Ward, Lincoln, Louisiana
Family History Library Film 1254456, NA Film Number T9-0456 , Page Number 4D
Name Relation Marital Gender Race Age Birth Occupation Father Mother
Edward PIPES Self M Male W 48 LA Merchant NC NC
Nancy PIPES Wife M Female W 33 AL Keeping House AL AL

Nancy Pipes passed away on 16th of April, 1932 at the home of her granddaughter, Mrs J. E. Anderson, 203 Pearl Street, Terrell Texas.

William H. Pipes

1860 Census for Downsville, Union Parish, Louisiana, enumerated 7 July 1860. A. C. Wade, Ass't Marshal
386 386
Wm. Pipes 49 M Farmer 4800 3960 MS
Louisa Pipes 49 F Housekeeper AL
M.J. Pipes 27 F AL
R.F. Pipes 21 M Farmer LA X
Joseph Pipes 18 M LA X
George Pipes 16 M LA X
Eliza Pipes 14 F LA X
James Pipes 12 M LA X
Wm. Pipes 9 M LA X

John Withers Sherman

First United Methodist Church of Americus Original Minutes Book* submitted by Alan Anderson <>

"Book of Records for the M.E. Church, Feby. 26,1849 Americus,

"The Methodist Episcopal Church was organized in Americus, Geor-
gia about the year 1835. Rev. Edwards Preacher in Charge. Wm.
Pegg L.P."

"About the year 1843, or 1844, Geo. M. Dudley, A.A. Robinson, &
E.S. Young commenced a Sunday School in Americus upon the "Union"

"During the year 1845 the society were enabled to build & dedi-
cate a church house, Rev. Thos. Sanford preached the dedication

"The M.E. Church of Americus dissolved its relationship with the
Sabbath School of the same place, denominated the "Union Sabbath
School", and organized one, on the 31st October,1847, known as
the "M.E. Church Sabbath School in Americus", and appointed Jos.
J. Granberry, Superintendent."

"At class meeting April sixth,1853 A.A. Robinson and Charles J.
Malone were appointed Leaders and on Thursday the seventh the
Church was divided into four classes, and T.M. Furlow was remov-
ed from being leader at his own request. Leaders for 1853 and
1854 - Wm. P. Hames, W.T. Davenport, A.A. Robinson, C.J. Malone,
T.C. Sullivan."

"At a meeting of the trustees of the Church in Americus held Aug-
ust 7,1854 T.M. Furlow, G.W. Bivins and John H. Wallace were ap-
pointed a building committee for the purpose of erecting a new
house of worship in the Town of Americus."

"Americus station was organized and its first quarterly confer-
ence held on the 27th day of January 1855. Walter Knox P.E.
Jesse R. Littlejohn P.C. The following brethren were appointed
Stewards for the Station. A.A. Robinson, T.M. Furlow, C.J. Ma-
lone, J.V. Price, J.H. Wallace, G.W. Bivins, R.J. Hodges."

"A majority of the Trustees of the M.E. Church South, in Americus
met Aug. 23rd,1855. There being one vacancy in the board, it
was filled by the election of C.J. Malone. The following is a
list of the present Trustees. A.A. Robinson, T.M. Furlow, J.J.
Granberry, W.P. Hames, John J. Hudson, T.C. Sullivan, W.T. Dav-
enport, Jas. P. Guerry, C.J. Malone."

Preacher in Charge
1836 Rev. Falkenberry
1837 John W. Talley
1838 John W. Talley
1839 Jacob Osier
1840 John K. Morse
1841 James Wynn
1842 Thomas Coleman/ Jos. T. Talley Jun. P.
1843 Geo. Bright/ Ferrity Jun. P.
1844 R. Menafee/ W.D. Bussy Jun. P.
1845 R. Menafee/ Jacob W. Danforth Jun. P.
1846 B. Clark/ Charles Hays Jun. P.
1847 R.E. Oslin/ Charles Hays Jun. P.
1848 Daniel Kelsey
1849 Jos. T. Talley
1850 John B. Wardlaw
1851 John W. Twitty
1852 John W. Twitty/ Thomas R. Stewart Jun. P.
1853 Davidson Williams
1854 Davidson Williams
1855 J.R. Littlejohn

Names of Local Preachers &c

Wm. Pegg Dead
Asa Ansley removed membership
Abel Ansley " "
Isaiah Ansley Joined the Baptists
Joshua Hames Died in great peace
David Young Removed
James M. McPherson Removed & Dead
1852 Robert J. Hodges
1853 James Miller Removed to Providence
1853 A.A. Robinson
1854 John W. Perry Removed to circuit

Names of Exhortors

John H. Weaver removed membership
Edmund Nunn Infirm Died in great peace

List of Class Leaders

"From the year 1837, until about the year 1843, Wm. P. Hames
served as leader mostly alone."

1843 A.A. Robinson, Wm. P. Hames C.L.
1844 Thos. C. Sullivan, Wm. P. Hames, A.A. Robinson C.L.
1845-46 Thos. C. Sullivan, Wm. P. Hames, A.A. Robinson C.L.
1847-48 Thos. C. Sullivan, Walter T. Davenport, A.A. Robinson,
Wm. P. Hames C.L.
1849 Thos. C. Sullivan, Walter T. Davenport, Wm. P. Hames,
A.A. Robinson C.L.
1851 Wm. P. Hames, Walter T. Davenport, Timothy M. Furlow,
Thomas C. Sullivan C.L.
1852 Wm. P. Hames, Walter T. Davenport, Timothy M. Furlow,
Thomas C. Sullivan C.L.

"In class meeting this evening (Oct. 22,1852) A.A. Robinson was
unanimously recommended to the Quarterly Conference for license
to preach, and Timothy M. Furlow appointed class leader to fill
his vacancy."
"The remaining original Trustees of the M.E. Church in Americus
viz. A.A. Robinson, Wm. L. McRee, N. McBain, Wm. P. Hames, Thomas
C. Sullivan and John J. Hudson, or a majority of them, met in
Americus on the 29th of May 1852 and filled out their board by
electing the following brethren as Trustees viz. W.T. Davenport,
T.M. Furlow, James P. Guerry, & J.J. Granberry."

Original Members with Remarks

M B John W. Sherman Removed

M B Charity Sherman Removed

On August 19, 1850 John and Charity Sherman lived in Panhandle, Stewart, Georgia. [See Sources - 1850 U.S. Census]

Evelyn M. Olschner. History of Webster County, Georgia. 1980. Compiled and Sponsored by Weston Woman's Club., 399.
Emma Orphelia (Sherman) Milner's Family Bible.