Will 6 Aug 1773, Chowan County, North Carolina
Note: 1704/05 Rent Roll of Virginia
The following Rountrees are listed as living in Nansemond County, 1704
John Roundtree
Robert Roundtree
Thomas RoundtreeFRANCIS ROUNTREE lived in Bennett’s Creek area along with Thomas Rountree, Robert Laciter, George Laciter and Nicholas Stallings.
Records of the Executive Council 1664-1724, page 389.Francis Roundtree and others petitioned on 28 Mar 1702 to the President of the Council for protection against the Chowan Indians on land near Bennett's Creek. The petition states:
"The petition of Benjamin Blanshard, John Campbell, Thomas Spivey Francis Rountree, Robert Rountree, Robert Laciter, George Laciter and Nicolas Stallings in all humility, Complaineth.
Whereas every of your Honours petitioners hath a lawful right in and to considerable tracts of land lying and being within this Province and bounded upon Bennett's Creyke and a Creyke now known by the name of Garet's Creyke as by your Honours petitioners patents under the Seal of this Province and other grants and conveyances more at large doth and may appeare. And forasmuch as the Chowan Indians having their hunting quarters upon some of your petitioners land aforesaid therefore does pretend the said lands to be theirs notwithstanding the patents and grants aforesaid menacing and threatening your Honours petitioners by destroying their Stocks burning their houses and other hostilities under pretense they are under your Honours protection. And no Englishman ought to Seate within four miles of their Towne, the which your Honours petitioners well knowing that by an order of the Honorable Council no seatment ought to be made within the Space of four miles aforesaid any wish to the prejudice of said Indians neither hath your honours petitioners taken no land witingly within that distance, yet to continue peace and tranquility, with the Said Indians your Honours petitioners hath offered to purchase their right (if any) to the land held as aforesaid by your Honours petitioners which they refuse and denyeth any Seatment to be made thereon for prevention whereof and that your Honours petitioners may have peaceable enjoyment in their...lands..."Note: Elias Stallings (b. 1704 in England, d. 1785), son of Nicholas Stallings, Jr., married Elizabeth Roundtree, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Roundtree, niece of this Francis Roundtree.
Will 13 Dec 1748, Johnston Co., NC
A will filed 13 Jul 1748 in Johnson County, North Carolina for a Francis Rountree lists sons: Kader, Francis, William and Moses and wife Mary.
[Sources are family, internet, and written word.]