Selected Families and Individuals


Rev. John Landrum

He died while preaching at the Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church

Peaney Winsett

1880 United States Census for District 9, Bedford, Tennessee
Family History Library Film 1255244, NA Film Number T9-1244, Page Number 269C
Name Relation Marital Gender Race Age Birth Occupation Father Mother
J.S. LANDRUM Self M Male W 20 TN Farmer NC TN
Penny LANDRUM Mother W Female W 62 TN Boarder NC GA

Rev. John Landrum

He died while preaching at the Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church

George Albritton

The Albrittons lived in Lawrence County, Missisippi. Some of the Albrittons then moved to Simpson County, Mississippi and then to Angelina County, Texas.
George moved to Simpson County, Mississippi where he died in 1845 near the present town of Weathersby.