Selected Families and Individuals


Virginia Arant

Virginia and her husband had lived in Camden, South Carolina and had two children.

Thomas Ransom Arant

1920 United States Census for Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, Volume 58, ED 166, Sheet 14-5 lists Thomas was a farmer living in the Clear Creek Township.

Thomas had been a belt maker for Charlotte Belt Co. Thomas died at age 73 in Presbyterian Hospital in Charlotte.

Minnie Bell McCall

Minnie's death certificate is recorded in Mecklenbug County, North Carolina. It states she was living in Clear Creek Township at the time of her death.

Joshua Luther Arant

Joshua worked for a leather belting company.

1920 Federal Census for Mecklenburg County, North Carolina states, Jushua is a foreman at the company. He lived in Mint Hill.

At the time of his death, age 85, he lived at 6608 Terry Lane in Charlotte, North Carolina. He died at the Hawthorne House in Charlotte of pneumonia and other causes.

Percy B. Mulligan Sr.

1920 Federal Census for Mecklenburg County, North Carolina: P B is the head of household, a shipper, his 69 year old mother-in-law, Levicey, is living with them.

Hattie Arant


Hattie was called "Aunt Hat". She and her sister, Sally both had big houses just a block or two from their sister, Blanche Arant Parker, who lived on Mint Street. Hattie has a "rooming house".

Hattie Arant


Hattie was called "Aunt Hat". She and her sister, Sally both had big houses just a block or two from their sister, Blanche Arant Parker, who lived on Mint Street. Hattie has a "rooming house".