1880 United States Census for MS Beat 3, Lawrence, Mississippi
Family History Library Film 1254653, NA Film Number T9-0653, Page Number 264D
Name Relation Marital Gender Race Age Birth Occupation Father Mother
John W. FULLER Self M Male W 35 MS Farmer MS MS
Mary Ann FULLER Wife M Female W 37 MS MS MS
Sarah E. FULLER Dau S Female W 19 MS MS MS
Seaborn H. FULLER Son S Male W 8 MS MS MS
Louisa E. FULLER Dau S Female W 5 MS MS MS
Henry B. FULLER Son S Male W 3 MS MS MS
Morris FULLER Son S Male W 5M MS MS MS
Norris FULLER Son S Male W 5M MS MS MS
Harriett SMITH Other S Female B 27 SC Servant On Farm MS MS
1880 United States Census for Beat 3, Lawrence, Mississippi
Family History Library Film 1254653, NA Film Number T9-0653, Page Number 258C
Name Relation Marital Gender Race Age Birth Occupation Fathe Mother
E. L. LEE Self M Male W 47 MS Farmer FL MA
Emily J. LEE Wife M Female W 47 MS --- ---
Joshua J. LEE Son S Male W 22 MS Working On Farm --- ---
Needham W. LEE Son S Male W 20 MS Working On Farm --- ---
E. L. LEE Son S Male W 19 MS Working On Farm --- ---
David I. LEE Son S Male W 17 MS Working On Farm --- ---
Dolly J. LEE Dau S Female W 14 MS --- ---
Joseph D. LEE Son S Male W 12 MS Working On Farm --- ---
Margarett LEE Dau S Female W 9 MS --- ---
Vianne LEE Dau S Female W 7 MS --- ---
Henry LEE Son S Male W 6 MS --- ---
Laura Bell LEE Dau S Female W 3 MS --- ---
James A. LEE Other W Male W 27 MS Teamster --- ---
Dora J. LEE Dau S Female W 7 MS --- ---
Ida LEE Dau S Female W 5 MS --- ---
Census Year: 1880 State: Louisiana Parish: Union Enumeration District: 85 Page No: 21 Reel no: T9-473 Division: Ward Two Supervisor District: 3 Sheet No: 424B Enumerated on: June 16th, 1880 by: T. L. Holloway, Ass't. Marshal Transcribed by Alice Ogles and Proofread by Mary Davis-Odom for USGenWeb. Copyright: 2002
LINE House|Famil | LastFirstName | Co Se Age | Mont Relationship | S M W M | Occupation Un | Health D I I M | S R W | BirthPlace Father Mother | SNDX |
Anderson William | W M 28 | | X | farming | | | Louisiana LA LA | H536 |
34 170 170 | McLemore John | W M 49 | | X | farming | | | Mississippi Miss Miss | M245 |
35 170 170 | McLemore Suanah | W F 50 | wife | X | keeping house | | | Alabama VA Tenn | M245 |
36 170 170 | McLemore Lizzie | W F 21 | daughter | X | | | | Mississippi Miss Ala | M245 |
37 170 170 | McLemore William | W M 20 | son | X |works on farm| | | Mississippi Miss Ala | M245 |
38 170 170 | Lee Joseph | W M 13 | | X | servant | | X X | Louisiana Miss | L000 | (Is this the same Joseph?)
Research needed:
Census Year: 1880 State: Louisiana Parish: Union Enumeration District: 85 Page No: 47 Reel no: T9-473 Division: Ward Two Supervisor District: 3 Sheet No: 437B Enumerated on: June 30th, 1880 by: T. L. Holloway, Ass't. Marshal Reference: image very light and hard to read Transcribed by Alice Ogles and Proofread by Mary Davis-Odom for USGenWeb, http://www.rootsweb.com/~census/. Copyright: 2002 LINE | Street House | Dwell Famil | LastName FirstName | Co Se Age | Mont Relationship | S M W M | Occupation Un | Health D I I M | S R W | BirthPlace Father Mother | SNDX | Remarks
1 397 399 | Brown Noraline E | W M 41 | | X | farming | | | Alabama GA VA | B650 |
2 397 399 | Brown John W | W M 14 | son | X | works on farm | | X X | Louisiana Ala Ala | B650 |
3 397 399 | Brown Martha A | W F 10 | daughter | X | at home | | X X X | Louisiana Ala Ala | B650 |
4 397 399 | Brown Calidonia | W F 8 | daughter | X | | | | Louisiana | B650 |
5 397 399 | Brown Mary J | W F 6 | daughter | X | | | | Louisiana Ala Ala | B650 |
6 397 399 | Brown Jeroor M | W M 4 | son | X | | | | Louisiana Ala Ala | B650 |
7 397 399 | Lee Susan A | W F 24 | sister | X | | | | Louisiana NY Ala | L000 |
8 398 400 | Johnson Charley A | W M 30 | cousin | X | * | | | Louisiana Ill LA | J525 |9 398 400 | Lee Charley | W M 20 | | X | farming | | | Louisiana NY Ala | L000 |
10 398 400 | Lee Sallie | W F 30 | wife | X | keeping house | | | Louisiana Ala Ala | L000 |
11 398 400 | Lee Susan T | W F 7/12 | Sept daughter | | | | | Louisiana LA *LA | L000 |10 Apr 1885 page 1 TAX SALES State of Louisiana vs. Delinquent Tax Debtors - Parish of Union [Note: This list of delinquent tax payers ran in the issues of April 10, 17, and 24. I have only included the names, not the description of the land on which taxes were owed. Many residents, especially those who could not read, did not take a newspaper and were not aware of any taxes due on their property until after it was sold by the sheriff.] By virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the State of Louisiana, I will sell at the principle front door of the Courthouse, in which the civil District Court of said parish is held, within the legal hours for Judicial sales, beginning at 11 o'clock a.m., on Saturday, the 16th day of May 1885, and continuing on each succeeding day until said sales are completed, all immovable property on which taxes are now due to the State of Louisiana, parish of Union, to enforce collection of taxes assessed in the year 1884 and previous years, together with interest thereon, from the 31st day of December of each year for which taxes are due, at the rate of one percent per month until paid, and all costs. The names of said delinquent tax payers, the amount of taxes due by each on the assessment for said years, and the immovable property assessed to each, to be offered for sale as follows, to
Chas. Lee
On said day of sale I will sell such portions of said property as each debtor will point out, and in case the debtor will not point out sufficient property, I will at once and without further delay, sell the least quantity of said property of any debtor, which any bidder will buy for the amount of taxes, interest and costs due by said debtor. The sale will be without appraisement for cash in legal tender money of the United States, and the property sold shall be redeemable at any time for the space of one year by paying the price given with 26 per. Cent., and costs and penalty added the bid to be accepted shall be at least equal to the taxes and costs and interest, otherwise I shall bid in said property for the state of Louisiana without any re-advertisement. Interest at the rate of one per. Cent., per. Month, is to be added to the above amounts. This April 1st, 1885. B. F. Pleasant, Sheriff and ex-Officio Auctioneer Farmerville, Union Parish, La.