William H. Williams [Parents] was born on 19 Mar 1823. He died in 1857. He married Ruth Penny Landrum in 1850.
Other marriages:Richardson, Sarah
Ruth Penny Landrum [Parents] "Penny, Ruthie, Ruthy" was born about 1830 in Mississippi. She died in 1905 in Ellisville, Texas. She married William H. Williams in 1850.
They had the following children:
M i John Williams was born in 1847. [Notes] F ii Mary Jane Williams F iii Martha Williams
Daniel Pitts Sr..Daniel married Margarette Walters.
Margarette Walters.Margarette married Daniel Pitts Sr..
They had the following children:
F i Elizabeth A. Pitts
Unk Oliver.Unk married Zora Landrum.
Zora Landrum [Parents] was born about 1884. She married Unk Oliver.
Jonathan F. Lee [Parents] was born in 1842 in Columbia, Marion County, Mississippi. He married H. L. (Lee).
H. L. (Lee) was born about 1853 in Mississippi. She married Jonathan F. Lee.
They had the following children:
M i W. J. Lee was born about 1874 in Mississippi. F ii M. J. Lee was born about 1879 in Mississippi.
William A. Landrum [Parents] was born about 1853 in Mississippi. He married Ester Jane Cooley.
Ester Jane Cooley was born about 1854 in Mississippi. She married William A. Landrum.
They had the following children:
Philip Vincent West.Philip married Isabella Landrum in 1874 in Jones County, Mississippi.
Isabella Landrum [Parents] was born on 13 Oct 1853 in Jones County, Mississippi. She died on 19 Sep 1913 in West, Mississippi. She was buried in Sep 1913 in Jones County, Mississippi. She married Philip Vincent West in 1874 in Jones County, Mississippi.
They had the following children:
F i Eliza Jane West F ii Mary West. F iii Julie West. M iv William Asbury West. F v Ann West. M vi John West. F vii Martha West. F viii Ella West. U ix R. V. West.
John Wycliff Landrum [Parents] was born on 7 Jan 1855 in Jones County, Mississippi. He died on 27 Nov 1887 in Van Zandt County, Texas. He married Martha Isable Kimbriel.
Martha Isable Kimbriel.Martha married John Wycliff Landrum.
He had the following children:
F i Nancy Ellen Pitts
Edwards. married Matilda Johnson.
Matilda Johnson "Mattie" was born in 1860. She died on 31 May 1926 in Angelina County, Texas. She married Edwards.
Other marriages:Landrum, Stephen Allen
They had the following children:
M i Living M ii Living M iii Living F iv Living U v Living
Zachariah L. Landrum [Parents] "Zack" was born in Mar 1862 in Jones County, Mississippi. He died in Oct 1901 in Angelina County, Texas. He married Mary Jane Young on 24 Feb 1880 in Nachgdoches County, Texas.
Other marriages:Pace, Arbara
Mary Jane Young "Janie" was born about 1857 in Texas. She married Zachariah L. Landrum on 24 Feb 1880 in Nachgdoches County, Texas.
They had the following children:
M i Ed Landrum. M ii Zack Landrum. M iii Charlie Landrum M iv Lence Landrum. F v Minnie Landrum.