11810 United States Census - Head of Household: Coleman, Isham, Dinwiddie Township/Dinwiddie County, Georgia.
"Isham Coleman as Head
Free White Males
3 under 10
3 10 thru 15
1 16 thru 25
1 45 and over
Free White Females
1 16 thru 25
1 45 and over.".21820 United States Census - Head of Household: Coleman, Isham, Washington County, Georgia.
"Free White Males:
Isham Coleman, Head of household, age 45+ farmer
2 males, ages 10 -16 [Charles & Washington]
2 males, ages 16 and under [Isham Jefferson & James]
Free White:
2 females ages of 46+ [Ann and an unknown]
2 members in Agriculture
3 males under 14
1 male 26 to 45
2 females, ages 14 - 26
1 female, age 26 - 45
1 female 45 +
Free Colored persons; 1 male, age under 14.".3Military Information - Isham Coleman.
On 4 Oct 1777 Washington attacked British troops at Germantown. The morning was foggy, and American coordination broke down, resulting in a failed attack forcing the American withdrawal. Valley Forge was chosen for the winter encampment of 1777 - 1778 because it was near the main road between Philadelphia and York.Sources:The National Archives has no record on Isham Coleman because he did not apply for a pension. Documentation for his service is contained in the following records:(1) The Valley Forge Muster Roll shows Isham Coleman, a Private in 2nd VA Brigade, Capt. Alexander Rose's Company, 6th VA Regiment and 5th Division. He is shown as Fit for Duty for Dec 1777 and Jan 1778. For Feb and Mar 1778 he is listed Discharged. (Probably because his enlistment was up).(2) The DAR Patriot Index shows: Isham Coleman, b.17 Sep 1758, Service: VA, Rank: Pvt, d. 1 Nov 1825, No Pension, Spouse: (1) Ann Roper.(3) Revolutionary War Records VIRGINIA, SEC II (18) soldiers of the Virginia Line on Continemtal Establishment who have not received Bounty Land, Isham Coleman.(4) Direct Data Capture, Revolutionary War Service Records. Orem, UT shows Isham Coleman.(5)Coleman History by Patrick C. Hill.".
"Source: James Hubbard jimmie70@aol.com
February 1776 Isham Coleman enlisted at Williamsburg, Virginia in the 6th Virginia Continental Line composed of Amherst, Buckingham, Charles City, Dinwiddie, Luenburg, Mecklenburg, New Kent, Pittsylvania, Prince George, and Spotslvania Counties.
Isham Coleman served as a Private with Capt. Alexander Rose's Company, 6th Virginia Regiment, Continental Forces in the America Revolution.
War Record:
November 24, 1776 Company Muster Rolls, stayed on Rolls until his discharge on February 19, 1778.
Rate of Pay: $6.67 per month (actual pay: 2 pounds, 10 Shillings.)
July 25, 1886 Isham received a "Certificate of full pay agreement and personally received 15 Pounds 12 S.The historical record shows that his Regiment entered the Chesapeake Bay Campaign in progress, engagements with Lord Dunmore's land and naval forces which ended August 31, 1776.From 20 Nov 1776 in the Northern New Jersey Campaign. The British Gen Howe on 27 Nov took Fort Lee on the New Jersey side of the Hudson River and pursues Washington's forces down New Jersey, but was unable to catch the Patriots and Washington got away intact across the Delaware River into Pennsylvania. On Christmas Night, Washington surprised the British by crossing the Delaware at Trenton, New Jersey with 2,400 troops on the Hessian Garrison. Washington's troops achieved total surprise and defeated the British forces, the first victory of the war. From 25 Aug to 19 Dec 1777 in the Defense of Philadelphia Campaign.
On Sep 10, 1777 Howe's forces attacked Washington's troops blocking his way to Philadelphia at Brandywine. American forces were defeated but were able to extract their army. The defeat enabled the British to occupy Philadelphia, the American capitol. Congress had fled to York where the seat of government was established.4Daughters of the American Revolution - Coleman, I..
"Admiral David Farragut Chapter
of the National Society
of the Daughters of the American Revolution
Knoxville, Tennessee
Ancestors Represented by this Chapter:
Isham Coleman for Virginia, Spouse: Ann Roper.".
11800 United States Census - Head of Household: Roper, Charles, South Carolina, Edgefield County, Pendleton District.
"Charles Roper, Head of family, age 45 and over
2 free white males, ages under 10
1 free white male, age 10 thru 15
4 free white females, ages under 10
2 free white females, ages 10 thru 15
1 free white female, age 26 thru 44.".