Selected Families and Individuals


Mary Rice

11850 United States Census - Head of Household: Frost, Mary, Bibb County, Alabama.
"Mary Frost 60 F Farmer SC
Emiline Frost 24 F AL
Lucenda Frost 23 F AL
Oliver J. Frost 21 M Farmer AL
Mary A. Frost 13 F Twin AL
Sarah A. Frost 13 F Twin AL
Josephine Rice 6 F AL.".

21870 United States Census - Head of Household: Frost, Oliver, Bibb County, Alabama.
"Dwelling/Family: 144/145
Frost, Oliver, 40, M W Farm hand AL
Ellen 37 f w Keeping house, AL
Emmit 18 M W Farm hand, AL
Alice 15 F W AL
Milton 13 M W AL
Edgar 10 M W AL
Ernest 8 M W AL
Mary 5 F W AL
Mary 87 F W SC
Emeline 45 F W AL
Wilkinson, Lucy 43, F W 800/100 AL.".

Rachel Ann Mobley

1Tutorship - Rachel A. Mobley.
"Succession of Thos C. Frost dec'd, Petition for Tutorship, Filed 5th September 1854, D. Henry Dyer, Clk. Dist. Court. I certify that the within is duly recorded in the Book of Probate records, letter A, Page 577, M.W. Miller, Clk Dist. Court.

State of Louisiana }
Parish of Claiborne } To the Hon. Judge of the 17th Judicial District of Louisiana holding sessions in and for the Parish of Claiborne on to the Clerk of its District Court of Claiborne.
The petition of Rachel A. Mobley a resident of your said Parish respectfully represents that her husband Thomas C. Frost late of said Parish has recently died therein leaving a considerable amount of property and Ulysses B. Frost, James R. Frost, Martha E. Frost and Mary A.T. Frost minors under the age of twenty-one years the issue of his marriage with Petitioner his sole Heirs. Petitioner further represents that said minors have thus acquired a considerable amount of property which requires ... and controlled and that she is their natural mother and natural Tutrix, The minor children she prays that she being the confirmed as natural Tutrix of said minors and that as Inventory of the entire succession of her said dec'd husband may be made according to laws for which purpose she prays that a commission lay upon to John W. Harrison a Notary of the Parish authorising and requiring him to make the same. She further suggests the name of Richard Cleveland as a suitable person to act as Under Tutor for said minors and prays for all other necessary orders and general relief.

Signed W. B. ...
Atty for Pet.

State of Louisiana }
Parish of Claiborne } It is ordered that the prayer of the foregoing petition be granted that Rachel A. Mobley be appointed Tutrix and Richard H. Cleveland under tutor for the minors Ulysses B., James R, Martha E & Mary A.T. Frost issue of the marriage between Thomas C. Frost, dec and Rachel A. Mobley - and that a commission issue directive to John W. Harrison Recorder & exofficio Notary public in and for Claiborne parish authorizeing and requireing him to make and take an inventory and appraisement of all the property belonging to the succession of said deceased.

Signed this 5th day of September 1854
D Henry Dyer
Clk. Dist. Court

354, Succession of Thos. C. Frost, Probate Docket No.

September 5, 1854 -
In the Tutorship of the minors of Thomas C. Frost, Oath of Tutrix. Filed 5th September 1854, D. Henry Dyer, Clk. Dist. Court. Recorded.

State of Louisiana }
Parish of Claiborne } You Rachel A. Mobley do solemnly swear that you will faithfully discharge & perform all the duties incumbent on you as Tutrix for your minor Ulysses B. Frost, James R., Martha E. & Mary A.T. Frost issue of your marriage - with Thomas C. Frost Dec late of the parish and state aforesaid according to the best of your ability and understanding so help you God.

Sworn to and subscribed before me this 5th day of September 1854

D. Henry Dyer Rachel A. Frost
Clk Dist Court

In the matter of the Tutorship of the minors of Thomas C. Frost, Dec. Commission of Tutrix. Filed 5th September 1854. D. Henry Dyer, Clk. Dist. Court. Recorded.

State of Louisiana }
Parish of Claiborne } District Court
Be it known that Rachel A. Mobley of said Parish having this day qualified according to law has been duly appointed as Natural Tutrix of her minor children Ulysses B. Frost, James R. Frost, Mary A.T. Frost and Martha S. Frost issue of her marriage with Thomas C. Frost, dec'd late of said Parish and that she is in all respects authorized and empowered to discharge and perform the duties and offices imposed upon her by said appointment in the administration and control of the property and interests as well as the persons of said minors - Witness the Hon. Harwin A. Drew Judge of said Court this 5th day of September A.D. 1854

D. Henry Dyer
Clk Dist. Court

In the Tutorship of the minors of Thomas C. Frost Dec. Oath of under Tutor. Filed 5th September 1854, D. Henry Dyer, Clk. Dist Court. Recorded.

State of Louisiana }
Parish of Claiborne } You Richard H. Cleveland do solemnly swear that you faithfully discharge and perform all the duties incumbent on you as under Tutor for the minors Ulysses B. James R. Martha E & Mary A.T. Frost minors and issue of the marriage between Thomas C. Frost Dec & Rachel A. Mobley according to the best of your ability and understanding so help you God.

Sworn to and subscribed before me this 5th day of September 1854

D.Henry Dyer
Clk Dist Court R.H. Cleveland

In the Tutorship of the minors of Thomas C. Frost dec'd, Commission of Under Tutor, Filed 5th September 1854, D.Henry Dyer, Clk. Dist. Court. Recorded.

State of Louisiana }
Parish of Claiborne } District Court
Be it known that Richard H. Cleveland of said Parish having taken the oath required by law has been ... appointed Under Tutor with Rachel A. Mobley Tutor of Ulysses B. Frost, James R. Frost, Mary A. T. Frost and Martha S. Frost issue of the marriage between said Rachel A. and Thomas C. Frost, dec'd and that he is fully authorized and empowered to exercise and perform all the functions and duties imposed upon him by said appointment. Witnesses the Hon. Harwin A. Drew Judge of our said court this 5th day of September A.D. 1854.

Signed D. Harry Dyer, Clk Dist Court.".

2Tutorship - Rachel A. Mobley Land Sale.
"November 21, 1854 -
Succession of Thos C. Frost. Petition for Sale of property. Recorded. Filed Nov 21st 1854, M.W. Mill..., Clk Dist Court.

State of Louisiana }
Parish of Claiborne } To the Hon. Judge of the 17th Judicial District holding Sessions in and for the Parish of Claiborne or to the Clerk of the District Court of Claiborne.

The Petition of Rachel A. Mobley natural Tutrix of Ulysses B. Frost James R. Frost Martha S. Frost and Mary A. Frost minor children of a marriage between Petitioner and Thomas C. Frost dec'd sole Heirs of said Thomas C. respectfully represents that by virtue of her said Tutorship (in which she has been duly qualified in the District Court of Claiborne in which Parish descendent resided at his death) she has proceeded to Administer the Succession of said Thomas C. Frost and that there is in said Succession a considerable amount of perishable & personal property a sale of which is necessary & advisable for its preservation and for the payment of debts due by said Succession she represents further that ... the effects found therein are a Preemption claim to certain lands in this Parish & certain other lands in full ownership as shown by the Inventory of the Succession both of which it is advisable & necessary to have sold for the maintenance and education of the before named persons as well as with a ... to their ... interest should be sold. The ... Petitioner prays for an order of same Honorable Court directing the sale of all the Perishable & personal property found in Succession and that a Family Meeting may be held to advise as to the propriety of selling the lands & preemption right before named belonging to said minors in common with Petitioner as ... in Community with the deceased Thomas C. Frost said Family Meeting to be composed of William G. Mobley Uncle of said Minors & the sole male relation residing in the Parish and H.J. Frost, Freeman Allen, Young D. Allen, Hugh Taylor, Jonathan Taylor & Stephen Gilman friends of said minors or any five of them for which purpose she prays that a commission may issue to John W. Harrison Recorder & Exofficio Notary Public of the Parish, that R. H. Cleveland Under Tutor for said minors may be cited to appear & ... hereto and finally that after due proceedings had a sale of the ... property described herein it being all of succession property except the negroes may be ordered & had after due proceedings & legal advertisement. She further prays for all other necessary orders & for general relief, etc.

W.B. ...
Atty for Petr

Commission to Sell

State of Louisiana } Succession of Thomas C. Frost, Dec
Parish of Claiborne }

To Rachel A. Mobly, Tutrix Greeting;

You are hereby authorized, commissioned & required to sell the property belonging to the succession of Thomas C. Frost Dec late of the parish & State aforesaid as shown by the annexed copy of inventory and upon the following terms (after the same shall have been advertised as required by law) To Wit all the lands belonging to the Said Decedent in your Parish and also all his right to a preemption claim or claim of occupancy, in said parish on a credit until the first of March A.D. 1856 purchasers to give their notes with Two good Securities drawing interest at 8 per cent per annum from the day of Sale and a special Mortgage on the land sold to secure the payment of the purchase money and the personal property to be sold on a credit of twelve months for all sums over Ten dollars purchasers to give their notes with good security bearing interest at 8 per cent per annum from the day of sale and all sums of Ten Dollars and under cash - and due return make of your proceedings herein as the law requires.

Given under my hand and seal of office at Homer this 21st day of November A.D. 1854
D. Henry Dyer
Clk Dist. Court

In the matter of Thomas C. Frost Dec - Commission to Notary, Filed Nov. 23rd 1854, M.W. Mill.., Clk. Dist Court, Recorded

State of Louisiana } Succession of Thomas C. Frost, Dec
Parish of Claiborne } Commission to Notary
To J.W. Harrison Notary Public in and for the parish of Claiborne Greeting

You are hereby authorized and required to hold a family meeting to be composed of the following persons to wit William G. Mobley ( ... of said minors is crossed out and uncle ... written above it) H. J. Frost, Freeman Allen, Young D. Allen, Hugh Taylor, Johnathan Taylor & S.H. Gilmen Friends of said minors or any five of them to deliberate upon the propriety - of selling the interest of Ulysses B. Frost James R. Frost Martha E. Frost & Mary A. Frost minor heirs of Thomas C. Frost Dec in the Land of the, succession of said deceased, as well as a certain preemption Claim - to Lands - which was inventoried as a part of the property of said deceased, and also to fix the terms upon which the same should be sold and due return make of your proceeding herein to me as the law directs.

Given under my hand and seal of office this 21 day of November 1854

D Henry Dyer
Clk Dist Court

Succession of Thomas C. Frost ... process verbal of Family Meeting, Filed Nov 23rd 1854, M.W. Miller, Clk. Dist Court, Recorded

State of Louisiana }
Parish of Claiborne } Be it remembered that on this the 21st day of November in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight-Hundred and fifty four (1854) at my office in the Town of Homer which is situated in the Parish and State aforesaid and in pursuance of a commission issued by D. Henry Dyer Clerk of the District Court in and for the said parish of Claiborne and State aforesaid, authorizing and requiring a Family Meeting to be convoked and holden for the purpose of deliberating and consulting as to the interest of Ulysses B. Frost; James R. Frost; Martha E. Frost & Mary A. Frost; minor Heirs of Thomas C. Frost late of the parish of Claiborne and State of Louisiana deceased, especially whether or not it would be to the interests of said minor children to have sold at public auction a certain tract of Land lying and being situated in the parish of Claiborne and State of Louisiana or rather the undivided interest of said minor children in said Tract of Land to be composed of Jonathan Taylor, Hugh Taylor, Young D. Allen, H.J. Frost and Wm. G. Mobley. To me directive I J.W. Harrison Recorder and Exofficio Notary Public in and for the parish of Claiborne and State aforesaid duly commissioned proceeded to convoke a Family Meeting to be composed of the Friends and relatives of the minor heirs of Thomas C. Frost late of said parish and State (deceased), to wit Ulyses B. Frost, James R. Frost, Martha E. Frost and Mary A. Frost- Therefore I the said exofficio Notary Public caused Jonathan Taylor, Hugh Taylor, Young D. Allen, H.J. Frost and Wm. G. Mobley all good and Lawful citizens being of Lawful age and domiciliation in said parish and State to be duly notified hereof for the purpose of composing a Family Meeting for the purposes above written. - The members as aforesaid composing said Family Meeting all of whom having been first duly sworn well and truly to consult together to deliberate and to detirmine whether or not it would be to the interest of Ulyses B. Frost, James R. Frost, Martha E. Frost & Mary A. Frost Heirs to the Estate of Thomas C. Frost late of the parish of Caliborne and State aforesaid (deceased) issue of a marriage Between the said Thomas C. Frost and Rachel A. Mobley how the surviving widow of the said Thomas C. Frost as aforesaid dec'd She being now a resident of said parish and State, aforesaid, to sell at public auction a certain tract of Land and also a preemption on a certain other tract of Land belonging to said estate lying in said parish of Claiborne and State aforesaid or the undivided interest of said minors in said tract of Land and preemption claim derived from their deceased Father Thomas C. Frost. said Tract of Land being the same Tract upon which their mother R. A. Frost now resides. after having maturely reflected and deliberated upon the Interest of said minor children were of opinion that it would be to the interest of said minor Hiers to have said Tract of Land and Claim as aforesaid sold to the highest bidder and they were further of opinion that it would be to the interest of said minor children to have said Lands sold upon the following terms to wit. on a credit - until the first day of March A.D. 1856, the purchaser to give his note payable the first day of March A.D. 1856 with two good securities bearing eight per cent interest from the day of sale and a special mortgage on the Land sold to secure the payment of the purchase money. And then being no further business necessary for consultation relative to the interest of said minors the deliberations of this Family Meeting closed. In testimony of all the above written the said Exofficio Notary Public have caused the members above mentioned hereunto to sign their names in presence of the subscribing witnesses who are Lawful age and domiciliaten in said parish and State who I have caused hereunto to sign their names together with the said members and the said Exofficio Notary Public, Richard H. Cleveland Under Tutor for said minor Heirs being present and takes cognizance of the proceedings of this Family Meeting who also signs his name, hereto officially at the time of signing by the members and me the said Exofficio Notary Public all of the above and foregoing having been first read in a clear and audable voice by me the said Notary Public before signing - all done and signed on the day and date first above written.

Jonathan Taylor
... Hugh Taylor
Young D. Allen
J ... Duke H.J. Frost
Freeman Allen Wm. G. Mobley
R.H. Cleveland, under Tutor
J.W. Harrison
Recorder & Exofficio Notary Public

Succession of Thomas C. Frost. Oath of Members of Family Meeting. Filed 23rd Nov 1854, M.W. Miller, Clk Dist. Court. Recorded.

State of Louisiana }
Parish of Claiborne } We Johnathan Taylor, Hugh Taylor, Young D. Allen, H.J. Frost and W.G. Mobley residents of the parish and State aforesaid, and of Lawful age having been duly convoked by J.W. Harrison Recorder and Exofficio Notary Public in and for the Parish of Claiborne as a Family Meeting to deliberate on the propriety of selling the interest of Ulysses B. Frost James R. Frost Martha S. Frost and Mary A. Frost minor Heirs of Thomas C. Frost dec'd in the lands found in the succession of said descendant as well as in a preemption claim to certain lands which was Inventoried as part of said succession and also to fix the terms the ... of sale do hereby solemnly swear faithfully and impartially to discharge and perform the duty thus imposed upon us in the previous.

Sworn & subscribed to before } Jonathan Taylor
me this 21st day of November } Hugh Taylor
A.D. 1854 } Young D. Allen
} H.J. Frost
} Wm. G. Mobley
J.W. Harrison
Recorder & Exofficio Notary Public

Succession of Thomas C Frost Dec'd. Abstract of Inventory for Record. Filed Sept 27 1869, J.H. Richardson, D.. Recorder. Duly Recorder in Conventional Mortgages in Book "B" on page 615: C.P. Sept 28 1869, J.H. Richardon, D.. Recorder.

State of Louisiana }
Parish of Claiborne } Succession of Thomas C. Frost Dec'd
To J.R. Ramsey Recorder in & for said Parish & State greeting;

Annexed please find an abstract of Inventory in the Succession of Thomas C. Frost dec'd. for Record as follows to wit;
Landed property known on the map of the Survey of the United States of America as the South East quarter of Section 25 in Township (22) Twenty Two of Range Seven (7).
Appraised to be worth three dollars & fifty cents per acre making $560.00
Amount of real property
Amount of personal property rights & credits 7582.54
Total amount of Inventory $8142.59.".

3Tutorship - Rachel A. Mobley Personal Property Sale.
"Succession of Thos B. Frost. Petition for H... of proceedings of Family Meeting and for Sale of property. Recorded. Filed 21st day of November 1854, D.Henry Dyer, Clk Dist Court.

I certify that the within has been duly recorded in the Book of Probate records letter A, Page 581, M.W. Miller, Clk. Dist Court

State of Louisiana }
Parish of Claiborne } To the Hon. Judge of the 17th Judicial District of Louisiana holding sessions in and for the Parish of Claiborne or 6th Clerk of the District Court of Claiborne.
Your petitioner Rachel A. Mobley natural Tutrix of Ulysses B. Frost James R. Frost Martha S. Frost & Mary A. Frost minors issue of a marriage between petitioner and Thomas C. Frost dec'd late of given Parish where petitioner still resides respectfully requests that she in her said capacity this being no administration has heretofore ... the day of November 1854 filed in this Court her Petition praying for the sale of all the perishable and personal property belonging to the succession of decedent for the payment of debts & its preservation and also for the convention of a Family Meeting to advise as to the propriety of selling the interest (undivided) of the aforesaid minors in all the lands of their said dec'd Father lying in the Parish of Claiborne Louisiana preemption right or right of occupancy to certain lands in the Parish of Claiborne which Family Meeting was accordingly held before John W. Harrison Recorder and ExOfficio Notary Public of said Parish on the 21st day of November 1854 and advise the sale of the interest of said minors accordingly; a copy of the ... of the proceedings of said Family Meeting is hereto annexed and prayed to be taken as part of this Petition and to be hon..gated - Petitioner further prays that said sale may ... upon the terms and conditions advised by the Family Meeting and for the sale of personal & Perishable property prayed for in her original Petition and for all the necessary advise and general relief etc.

W.B. ..., Atty for Pet.

State of Louisiana }
Parish of Claiborne } By reason of the within application being in due form it is ordered that the foregoing & attached proceedings of a Family Meeting be appended & Ho...gated and by further reason of the advice of a Family Meeting duly convoked & held for that purpose it is ordered that the prayers of the within Petition be granted and that the undivided interests of Ulysses B. Frost, James R. Frost Martha S. Frost and Mary A. Frost minor Heirs of Thomas C. Frost dec'd is all the land in the Parish of Claiborne of the decedent their said Father and also in a certain Preemption right or right of occupancy, to lands lying in the said Parish of Claiborne be sold on the Terms advised & fixed by the Family Meeting to wit; on a credit till the 1st day of March 1856 the purchaser to give notes with two good securities having eight per cent per annum interest from the day of sale and (a commission issue to Rachel A. Frost - crossed out) it further ... that there is a considerable quantity of perishable and personal property belonging to the succession of said Thomas B. Frost still ... and ... administration ... other than the Tutorship of the Petition and it ... necessary for its preservation and for the payment of the debts of said Succession it is ordered that all of the perishable and personal property of the Succession be likewised sold on a credit of twelve months for all sums over ten dollars the purchasers giving notes with approved personal security having eight per cent interest from date and for cash for all sums of ten dollars & under. For all of which purposes let a commission issued to Rachel A. Mobley Natural Tutrix of the minor Heirs of Thomas C. Frost dec'd authorizing and empowering her to make said sale according to law after due advertisement had. This done & signed at my office in the Town of Homer Parish & State above written on the 21st day of November A.D. 1854.

D. Henry Dyer
Clk Dist. Court

State of Louisiana }
Parish of Claiborne } I hereby certify that the above & foregoing is a true & correct abstract of Inventory in the Succession of Thomas C. Frost dec'd on file in my Afficio. Witness my hand & seal of office this 23rd Septr 1869.

M. Callahan
D... Clk D.C.

Succession of Thomas C. Frost. Commission to sell property & copy of Inventory.

State of Louisiana } Be it remembered that on this 15th day of September A.D. (1854) Parish of Claiborne } eighteen hundred and fifty four I John W. Harrison Recorder and Exofficio Notary Public in ... for the parish of Claiborne and State of Louisiana duly elected commissioned and sworn as such received a commission issued by D. Henry Dyer Clerk of the District Court in and for the parish of Claiborne and State aforesaid, Authorizeing and commanding me to make and take over inventory and appraisement of all the property of Every Description in the parish of Claiborne known or Shown to me and belonging to the Succession of Thomas C. Frost Dec. and on this 16th day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and fifty four I proceeded to the last residence of Said Thomas C. Frost Deceased to Execute Said Commission and order by first appointing and Sweareing according to law, Hugh Taylor and Young D. Allen, good and Lawful men of the Parish of Claiborne appraisers to value and appraise Said property as might be pointed out to them as belonging to Said Thomas C. Frost - Deceased. who after due consultation valued and appraised the same as follows -

First negroes pointed out by R. H. Cleveland, one negro boy named Aaron aged about Eighteen Yearis appraised to be worth one Thousand Dollars - -$1,000.00.
One negro woman named Livey? aged about Twenty Six Years and her Two Children Chip? a boy aged about Eight Yeares and John a boy aged about Five Yeares appraised to be worth fifteen hundred Dollars - -$1500.00
A negro woman named Francis aged about Twenty Six Yeares and her Two children Ben a boy aged about three yeares and her infant a boy named Asbury about Eight months of age appraised to be worth fourteen hundred dollars - -$1400.00
(Second) Landed property known on the map of the Surveys of the United States of America as the South East Quarter of Section (25) in Township Twenty Two (22) of Range Seven (7) appraised to be Three dollars & fifty cents per acre makeing five hundred and Sixty dollars
- -$560.00.
An improvement on public land in Section Twenty four (24) and Twenty (25) Township Twenty Two (22) of Range seven (7) appraised to be worth Three hundred Dollars. - -$300.00
(Third) Crop of cotton ... and ... appraised to be worth Two hundred & forty Dollars. - -$240.00
Corn crop ... appraised to be worth one hundred & fifty Dollars. - -$150.00
(Fourth) Stock one bay mare mule appraised to be worth one hundred and twenty five Dollars. - -$125.00
One Brown Mare Mule appraised to worth one hundred Dollars. - -$100.00
One Sorrel Horse appraised to be worth forty Dollars - -$ 40.00
One note on H.J. Frost for the Sum of Six Dollars & Sixty five cents due May 27th 1853 appraised to be wroth Seven Dollars & thirty cents. - -$ 7.50
One Land Warrant calling for Eighty acres of Land appraised to be worth one hundred Dollars - -$100.00
Cash on hand Two hundred and Seventeen Dollars appraised to be worth Two hundred and Seventeen Dollars. - -$217.00
Whole amount - of property inventoried amounting to the Sum of Eight Thousand one hundred and forty Two Dollars and Fifty nine cents.
There being no other property pointed out to be inventoried I hereby close this inventory by causing the appraisers to sign this process Verbal in ... of H.J. Frost & J.P. Lyon witnesses of Lawful age and Domiciliation in Said parish whom I have caused to be present - and witness our proceedings. Done and passed in the parish and state aforesaid upon which I have placed the Seal of on this the 16th day of September A.D. 1854 (Signed) Hugh Taylor, Young D. Allen (Witnesses) H.J. Frost, J.P. Lyon.

John W. Harrison

State of Louisiana }
Parish of Claiborne } I hereby certify the above and foregoing is a true & correct copy on file and of record in my office.

Given under my hand and Seal of office this 30th day of Nov A.D. 1854
D. Henry Dyer
Clk Dist Court

Succession of Thomas C. Frost. Process Verbal of sale of Property. Filed 22nd Nov 1855, D. Henry Dyer, Clk Dist Court.

State of La }
Parish of Claiborne }
I hereby certify that the within process verbal has been duly recorded in Book A of Probate Sales on page 78 this Nov 27th 1855, ... Clk Dist Court.

State of Louisiana }
Parish of Claiborne }
Be it remembered that in ... to a commission to me directed from the District Court of Claiborne Louisiana and in accordance with the advice of a Family Meeting duly convoked & held to fix the Terms of sale and to recommend the ... after legal advertisement in the "Claiborne Advocate" a Weekly Newspaper published in the Town of Homer and Parish & State aforesaid for more than thirty days prior to the 23rd day of December 1854 for ... property and for more than ten days for ... I Rachel A. Mobley natural Tutrix of Ulysses B. Frost James R. Frost and Martha S. Frost minors issue of a marriage between Thomas C. Frost dec'd late of said Parish of Claiborne and me the said Rachel A. proceeded to offer for sale on the ... the perishable and personal property belonging to the Succession of said Thomas C. Frost for its preservation and for the payment of debts against the same and also the undivided interests of the before named minors children and sole Heirs of the said Thomas C. Frost dec'd in the following described Lands and improvement upon United States Lands all at Public Auction on the said 23rd day of December 1854 and on the following Terms, to wit; a credit till the 1st of March 1856 for the land and improvement, the purchasers giving notes with two approved securities and special mortgage ... the property the notes to bear eight per cent interest from date of sale; the corn fodder potatoes mule and ... cow for cash - the balance of the personal property for cash for all sums under ten dollars & twelve months credit with notes having eight per cent interest from date with approved security for all sums over ten dollars: whereupon after crying the same in a loud and audible voice for a sufficient length of time the whole of said property so ... and offered was ... off and adjudicated (as described herein and in the annexed list) to the several persons hereinafter named for the ... opposite their names. Respectively the remaining ... individual interest as Surviving Partners in Community being sold and adjudicated at the same ... (therein) and to the same purchases it being expressly ... and ... that only such interest is hereby conveyed and adjudicated as I the said Rachel A. as surviving Partner in Common - ... of the said Thomas C. Frost and the said minors as his heirs ... or had in the property with no warrant against others - The land lying in the Parish of Claiborne & State of Louisiana being the South East quarter of Section Twenty-five in township twenty-two of range seven and the improvement on public land of the U.S. The ... occupied and cultivated by decedent in his life - ... situated on Section twenty-four and five of Range seven (7) have ... off and adjudicated to Freeman Allen he being the highest and last bidder the land first described at Four dollars per acre or six hundred and forty dollars for the whole and the improvement for the price … of four hundred and fifty dollars - The several articles of property in the annexed list being the entire remaining perishable & personal property … sold to the persons named they being the highest & last bidder for the … stated.

John B. Kennedy Bot -
1 Cow & calf $21.00

Young D. Allen
1 Stein $10.25
2 small tables .75
1 axe .75
1 axe .87
1 looking glass .75

N.A. McKenzie Bot
1 horse $52.50

J.C. Blackman Bot
1 hog $2.00
1 bore & yearling 7.25
47 lbs nails a 08 3.76

J.G. Mangum Bot
1 Mule $91.00
1 Bed Stead 7.00

B. Bedford Bot
1 Knife box & $1.00

Jonathan Taylor Bot
1 lot sundries No. 1 $2.00
2 axes .50
1 Castor &c 1.35
1 Powder flasks .25

W.H. Garbington Bot
1 … .75
1 Boom .20

Freeman Allen Bot
3 Bed stands Nos 1,2,3 $1.25 ea $3.75
1 lot tin No. 2 .35
1 Lot Bottles &c .55

Johann Herman Arndt

1Compiled by Daniel Rupp, Immigation-Arndt, J.H., Thirty Thousand Names of Immigrants in Pennsylvania.
"It has the captains' lists of passengers on ships arriving in Pennsylvania between 1727-1770.
The list dated August 28, 1733 of passengers on ship Hope [of London) include:
a) Peter Aarond
b) Herman Arand
c) Abraham Kreutter."
[spellings as they appeared].

Conrad Arrant

1Marriage - Arrant/Elizabeth.
"Marriages. South Carolina SC Mag. of Ancestral Research, Vol 5, # 2 (1785-1884)
A653 ARRANT, COONROD , ELIZABETH <no date given>.".

Elizabeth Reddick

1Marriage - Arrant/Elizabeth.
"Marriages. South Carolina SC Mag. of Ancestral Research, Vol 5, # 2 (1785-1884)
A653 ARRANT, COONROD , ELIZABETH <no date given>.".

Florine Frost

1Social Security - Frost, F..
"Florene DAVIS Birth Date: 2 Sep 1931 Death Date: Sep 1982 Social Security Number: 436-42-4999 State or Territory Where Number Was Issued: Louisiana Death Residence Localities ZIP Code: 39111 Localities: Magee, Simpson, Mississippi Death Benefit Localities Zip Code: 39111 Localities: Magee, Simpson, Mississippi.".