Selected Families and Individuals


Warren Fulton Frost

11880 United States Census - Head of Household: Frost, Marion E., Family History Library Film 1254465, NA Film # T9-0465.
"6th Ward
Name Relation Marital Gender Race Age Birth Occupation Father Mother
Marion E FROST Self M Male W 37 LA Farmer SC SC
Nancy FROST Wife M Female W 35 LA Keeping House AL AL
Gilbert FROST Son S Male W 13 LA LA LA
Emma FROST Dau S Female W 10 LA LA LA
Alice FROST Dau S Female W 8 LA LA LA
Jennie FROST Dau S Female W 7 LA LA LA
Floyed FROST Son S Male W 6 LA LA LA
Cicers FROST Dau S Female W 5 LA LA LA
Fulton FROST Son S Male W 3 LA LA LA
Lucien FROST Son S Male W 2 LA LA LA
FROST Dau S Female W 1M LA LA LA.".

2Tombstone - Frost, W. F., Auld's Chapel Cemetery, near Union Parish line., From Arkansas Road take Garland's Gin Road, Louisiana.
Warren Fulton Frost, Dates: July 3, 1876 and December 20, 1917; s/o Marion E. and Nancy E.

Isiah Jennings

1Social Security - Jennings, I..
"Isiah Jennings, born: January 29, 1899, died: October 1966, Last Residence: Benton, Bossier Parish, Louisiana, SSN: 433-12-0907, Issued: Louisiana."
Death Residence Localities ZIP Code: 71006 Localities: Benton, Bossier, Louisiana Ivan, Bossier, Louisiana.

Leon Jennings

1Social Security - Jennings, L..
"Leon Jennings, born: August 11, 1926, died: September 25, 2001 (v), 70669 West Lake, Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana, SSN: 439-32-7660, Issued: Louisiana.".

Palmer Houston Frost

1Social Security - Frost, P.H..
"Palmer Houston Frost, SSN: 437-26-1623, Issued: LA (before 1951), Born: 6 Apr 1909, Died: Jun 1981.".

2Tombstone - Frost, P. H., Pleasant Valley Cemetery, La 837 and La 151, Pleasant Valley (FrostTown), Ouachita Parish, Louisiana.
"Double Headstone - FROST
P. H.
April 6, 1909
June 26, 1981
Jan. 11, 1928.".

Alpha Tripp

1Social Security - Tripp, A..
"Alphia T. Frost, SSN: 435-90-4209, Residence: 71291 West Monroe, Ouachita, LA, Born: 10 Mar 1911, Died: 30 Mar 1995, Issued: LA (1969).".

2Tombstone - Tripp, A., Pleasant Valley Cemetery, La 837 and La 151, Pleasant Valley (FrostTown), Ouachita Parish, Louisiana.
"Double Headstone - FROST
Alpha T.
Mar. 10, 1911
Mar. 30, 1996.".

Isaac Lee Kelley

1Tombstone - Kelley, I. L., Old Sardis Cemetery, Ouachita Parish, Louisiana.
"Isaac Lee Kelley, August 12, 1894 - January 14, 1959.".

Emma Louise Solomon

1Tombstone - Solomom, E. L., Old Sardis Cemetery, Ouachita Parish, Louisiana.
"Emma L. Solomon, September 18, 1899 - June 29, 1956; w/o I.L. Kelly.".

Violet Rains Kelley

1Tombstone - Kelly, V. R., Old Sardis Cemetery, Ouachita Parish, Louisiana.
"Violet Rains Kelley, November 29, 1928 - October 23, 1988."
Research needed to confirm she is the daughter of Emma and Isaac Kelly. Only six family plots at this cemetery.

Infant Kelley

1Tombstone - Kelley, I., Old Sardis Cemetery, Ouachita Parish, Louisiana.
"Infant Kelley, March 16, 1932 - February 10, 1934, daughter of Emma and I. L. Kelley.".

Lori Mae Kelley

1Tombstone - Kelly, L. M., Old Sardis Cemetery, Ouachita Parish, Louisiana.
"Lori Mae Kelley, March 17, 1923 - March 10, 1934."
Research needed to confirm she is the daughter of Emma and Isaac Kelley.

Almedia Kelley

1Tombstone - Kelly, A., Old Sardis Cemetery, Ouachita Parish, Louisiana.
"Almedia Kelley, December 24, 1932 - February 16, 1933."
Research needed to confirm she is the daughter of Emma and Isaac Kelley.

Alonzo Louis Frost

1Social Security - Frost, L..
"Lonnie Frost, SSN: 437-26-0153, Issued: LA (before 1951), Residence/Last Benefit: 71234 Downsville, Union Parish, LA."
Death Residence Localities ZIP Code: 71234 Localities: Downsville, Union, Louisiana Death Benefit Localities Zip Code: 71234 Localities: Downsville, Union, Louisiana.

2Tombstone - Frost, L. L., Pleasant Valley Cemetery, La 837 and La 151, Pleasant Valley (FrostTown), Ouachita Parish, Louisiana.
"Double Headstone - FROST
Lonnie L.
Sept. 11, 1898
Feb. 2, 1978

3Index to Marriages 1839 to 2/4/1954 - Frost/Paston, Union Parish Court House, Union, 3rd Judicial, Corner of Main Street and Sterlington Highway, Farmerville, Union Parish, Louisiana 71241.
"Lonnie Frost, son of Lucien Frost and Lena Frost, Bride: Bertha Paston, Date: November 22, 1916.".

Verdie M. Posten

1Social Security - (Frost), V. M..
"Verdie FROST Birth Date: 22 Jul 1900 Death Date: Oct 1984 Social Security Number: 436-80-7023 State or Territory Where Number Was Issued: Louisiana Death Residence Localities ZIP Code: 71234 Localities: Downsville, Eureka, Frost Town, Point, Willhite, Union, Louisiana.".

2Tombstone - (Frost), V. M., Pleasant Valley Cemetery, La 837 and La 151, Pleasant Valley (FrostTown), Ouachita Parish, Louisiana.
"Verdie M.
July 21, 1900
Oct. 7, 1984

3Index to Marriages 1839 to 2/4/1954 - Frost/Paston, Union Parish Court House, Union, 3rd Judicial, Corner of Main Street and Sterlington Highway, Farmerville, Union Parish, Louisiana 71241.
"Lonnie Frost, son of Lucien Frost and Lena Frost, Bride: Bertha Paston, Date: November 22, 1916.".

John Frost

11850 United States Census - Head of Household: Frost, John.
"1850 Census for Jackson Parish, Louisiana
(formed 1845 from Claiborne, Ouachita & Union Parishes, Louisiana)
Schedule I. - Free Inhabitants in __ in the County of Jackson, State of Louisiana enumerated by me, on the 29th day of Oct. 1850 C. A. C. Elewell Ass't Marshal. Page 369, House 282, Family 292
25 John Frost 36 M Farmer 300 SC
26 Ann M. Frost 27 F GA
27 Daniel Frost 10 F [sic] AL
28 Marion Frost 11 M AL
29 Tennissee [sic] Frost 4 F AL
30 Calvin M. Frost 1 M LA."
In 1850 John's brother, Thomas Frost, lives next door (or with him) with wife Nancy and children: Rebecca, Henry, William, Jas, Charity, and Richard. By 1860 they are no longer next door.

21860 United States Census - Head of Household: Frost, John.
"1860 Federal Census for Jackson Parish, Louisiana, Nov. 6 1860, Page 400
18 John Frost 47 M W Farmer 400 600 SC
19 Ann M. Frost 30 F W Domestic GA
20 Marion Frost 16 M W AL
21 Tennessee Frost 14 F W AL
22 Calvin M. Frost 11 M W LA
23 Henry Frost 8 M W LA
24 Ellen Frost 6 F W LA
25 Ann M. Frost 4 F W LA
26 Columbus Frost 2 M W LA.".

31870 United States Census - Head of Household: Frost, John.
"1870 Federal Census for Jackson Parish, Louisiana, page 417
19 Frost, J. 58 M W Farmer 200 5oo SC
20 Frost, A. M. 45 F W Keeping House GA
21 Frost, T. 22 F W AL
22 Frost, C. M. 19 M W Works in farm LA
23 Frost, H. E. 17 M W Works in farm LA
24 Frost, E. 15 F W LA
25 Frost, A. M. 13 F W LA
26 Frost, C. 12 M W LA
26 Frost, C. M. 9 F [sic] W LA
26 Frost, F. 7 F W LA
27 Frost, A. 6 F W LA.".

4Family History Library Film 1254456, 1880 United States Census - Head of Household: Frost, John, NA Film Number T9-0456, Page Number 39A.
"4th Ward, Lincoln, Louisiana
Name Relation Marital Gender Race Age Birth Occupation Father Mother
John FROST Self M Male W 66 SC Farmer SC SC
Ann FROST Wife M Female W 50 GA Keeping House --- ---
Ellen FROST Dau S Female W 24 LA SC GA
Lotta FROST Dau S Female W 18 LA SC GA
Fannie FROST Dau S Female W 17 LA SC GA
Amanda FROST Dau S Female W 16 LA At School SC GA
Malisia TINGLE Dau W Female W 23 LA SC GA.".

5J. W. Williams, Clerk District Court, Death Date - Frost, John, D. C. No 354, 4 Nov 1885, Lincoln, 3rd Judicial, Lincoln Parish Courthouse, 100 Texas Street, Ruston, Louisiana 71270.
"Ann Malissa Frost' application to be Administrator of the Estate of John Frost:

...of John
Frost late a resident of your
Said Parish, who died Interstate
On or about the 11th day of June
AD 1885...".

6J. W. Williams, Clerk District Court, Marriage Record - Frost, John, D. Court No. 354, Lincoln, 3rd Judicial, Lincoln Parish Courthouse, 100 Texas Street, Ruston, Louisiana 71270.
"[excert from Application of Ann Malissa Frost to be Administration to the Est. of John Frost]
The State of Louisiana
Parish of Lincoln
To the Honorable
Judge of the 3rd Jud. Dist. In and for
The State and Parish aforesaid, the pe-
tition of Ann Melissa Frost a resi-
dent of your Said State and Parish
With respect Shows; The [sic] She is
the Surviving Widow of John
Frost late a resident of your
Said Parish, who died Interstate
On or about the 11th day of June
AD 1885, ...".

7Alabama, Land Patent - Frost, J..
"AliquotParts Sec./Block Township Range Fract. Sec. Meridian State County Issued Acres
NWSE 29/ 13-N 12-E No St Stephens AL Lowndes 0/21/1834 40.1
SWNE 29/ 13-N 12-E No St Stephens AL Lowndes 5/15/1837 40.105.".

8Louisiana, Land Patent - Frost J..
"AliquotParts Sec./Block Township Range Fract. Sec. Meridian State County Issued Acres
SESW 36/ 18-N 1-E No Louisiana LA Ouachita 09/01/1852 40.26.".

9Louisiana, Land Deed - Frost, J..
"Note: In the 1850 Census for Jackson Parish, Louisiana William McKinsey's dwelling is listed just before John Frost's deweling.

Conveyance Record, Lincoln Parish, Louisiana, Book C, Page 80 - October 30, 1852

State of Louisiana
Parish of Jackson
Know all men by these ??
??? that I John Frost for the
consideration of Twenty Seven dollars and five cents
???? paid in hand do hereby bargain, Sell and
???? unto William McKenzie all my right and ????
to the following described land {Tract]: Twenty acres of
the South Half of the North West quarter of the North
West quarter of Section Twenty one in Township Eigh-
teen West of Range one West Subject to E??t?y at ????
in the State aforesaid, this McKenzies heirs and
a ???? forever I hereby bind myself my heirs administr-
tor ????, ???? forever unto Said Mr. McKenzie
His Heirs, administrators and a???? forever, ????
and defend Said Title against the Claim or C????
????what????, Said land bought by Said McKenzie
???? being the South half of forth acres ???? by said
Frost with Millary land ???? ????or and into
by said John Frost July 25 1852. Signed Sealed and
delivered on this the 30th day of October in the year of
our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and fifth-Two.
John Frost
William McKenzie.".

10Louisiana, Land Deed - Frost, J..
"Conveyance Record, Lincoln Parish, Louisiana, Book B, Page 689 - February 1, 1878

State of Louisiana
Parish of Union}
Know all men by these ??????
That I John Frost a resident of Lincoln
Parish, State of Louisiana for
and in consideration of the sum
of One Hundred and fifty ???? ???? Dollars Cash in hand ???? ????
of which is hereby Acknowledged
of the time of the Signing and ????
here of ????
and delivered ????
and this ????
and ????
a re???? of ???? ???? Land
present and accepting for my-
Self ???? following ???? ????
on ????ed of Land b???? & ????
in Lincoln Parish, State of Louisiana
[a signature]
[Page 690 -]
The S. W. 1/4 of the N. E 1/4 of Sec. Twenty-
One, (21) for Lot No. 331 and the SE 1/4 of the
N? 1/2 of Section Twenty-one (21 (or Lot No. 26) all in Town-
Ship Eighteen (18) Unit? of Range ????
Containing 120 acres more of less &
the N. E. 1/4 of the N. W. 1/4 and the SW 1/4
of the S. E. 1/4 of Section Twenty One (21) in Township Eighteen - North of Range
One (1) and containing 79 74/100 acres
and the North half of the North West
quarter of the North West quarter of
Section Twenty-one (21) in Township Eighteen (18) North of Range One (1) -
West containing 20 acres more or less
containing in the aggravate 219 74/100 acres. ???? ???? ???? together ???? all
the improvements and appurtenances
situated thereon or ???? ???? belonging To know and hold unto the said
James C. Manning his heirs and assigns forever with full and ????
???? ???? with ???? all en-
cumbrance as wh????ever. In Testimony
whereof we the UNDERSIGN? have signed our Names hereto in the presence of
Jas. A. Manning and Geo. A. Killgeorge?
???? ???? for ???? on
This the First (1st) day of February A. D. 1878.
Jas. A. Manning} John Frost
G. A. Killgeorge?} Z. C. Manning
C. M. Frost}

State of Louisiana
Parish of Lincoln}
C. M. Frost on oath | says that he was a
witness to the within & proposing deed
of Land & that he saw the contsusting
??m??is sign ?t? sum? for all t?
purposes therein S??t?? and that
all in presence of Each other o? sworn ? & subscribed}
before me this Feby 2nd 1878} C. M. Frost

11Land Deed - Frost, J..
"Conveyance Record, Lincoln Parish, Louisiana, Book D, Page 294

State of Louisiana
Parish of Lincoln}

John Frost |D/L to
Thos. McKenzie
Know all men by these presents that I,
John Frost of the Parish and State above men-
tioned, party of the first part has this day and date Sold Mr. Thomas McKenzie a resident of said Parish and State and party of
the Second part all my rights title and interest
in the West half of the South East quarter of
Section No. Sixteen, Township No. Eighteen, Range One West Containing Eighty acres more or less. Said land is known as public School Lands, and [there is more, not recorded here].".

Ann Melissa Mott

11850 United States Census - Head of Household: Mott, Ann Malasia.
"1860 Federal Census for Jackson Parish, Louisiana, Nov. 6 1860, Page 400
18 John Frost 47 M W Farmer 400 600 SC
19 Ann M. Frost 30 F W Domestic GA
20 Marion Frost 16 M W AL
21 Tennessee Frost 14 F W AL
22 Calvin M. Frost 11 M W LA
23 Henry Frost 8 M W LA
24 Ellen Frost 6 F W LA
25 Ann M. Frost 4 F W LA
26 Columbus Frost 2 M W LA.".

21860 United States Census - Head of Household: Frost, Marion E..
"Jackson Parish, Louisiana, Nov. 6 1860, Page 400
18 John Frost 47 M W Farmer 400 600 SC
19 Ann M. Frost 30 F W Domestic GA
20 Marion Frost 16 M W AL
21 Tennessee Frost 14 F W AL
22 Calvin M. Frost 11 M W LA
23 Henry Frost 8 M W LA
24 Ellen Frost 6 F W LA
25 Ann M. Frost 4 F W LA
26 Columbus Frost 2 M W LA.".

31870 United States Census - Head of Household: Frost, Marion, Ouachita Parish Court House, Ouachita, 4th Judicial, 300 St. John Street, Monroe, Louisiana 71201.
"1870 United States Census - Head of Household: Marion Frost.
"1870 Census for Ward 6, Ouachita Parish, Louisiana Marion Frost 24 1845 Alabama White Male Nancy Frost 23 1846 Alabama White Female Houston Frost 3 1866 Louisiana White Male.".".

41880 United States Census - Head of Household: Frost, Marion E..
"Family History Library Film 1254465, 1880 United States Census - Head of Household: Frost, Marion Elbert, NA Film # T9-0465, Page 133B.
6th Ward, Ouachita Parish, Louisiana
Name Relation Marital Gender Race Age Birth Occupation Father Mother
Marion E FROST Self M Male W 37 LA Farmer SC SC
Nancy FROST Wife M Female W 35 LA Keeping House AL AL
Gilbert FROST Son S Male W 13 LA LA LA
Emma FROST Dau S Female W 10 LA LA LA
Alice FROST Dau S Female W 8 LA LA LA
Jennie FROST Dau S Female W 7 LA LA LA
Floyed FROST Son S Male W 6 LA LA LA
Cicers FROST Dau S Female W 5 LA LA LA
Fulton FROST Son S Male W 3 LA LA LA
Lucien FROST Son S Male W 2 LA LA LA
FROST Dau S Female W 1M LA LA LA.".

5Succession - Mott, A. M., Conveyance Record, Lincoln Parish, Louisiana, August 17, 1896, Book M, Page 248, Lincoln, 3rd Judicial, Lincoln Parish Courthouse, 100 Texas Street, Ruston, Louisiana 71270.
"State of Louisiana | Parish of Lincoln
Know all men by these pres- | ents that I, Eugene Howard | Sheriff Lincoln Parish La | pursuant to an order and commission issued by the | Hon. 3rd Dist. Court for Lincoln Parish La. in case | of the suit of Marion E. Frost Et al vs Eugenia Hen- | derson et al No. 1055 on the Docket of said court | ordering and commanding me to sell all the prop- | erty belonging to the Secc. of Mrs. A. M. Frost decd | did expose the following real estate belonging | to said Succession for sale on the 17th day of | August 1896, to wit. the S. W. 1/4 of N. E. 1/4 & S. E. 1/4 of | N. W. 1/4 & N. E. 1/4 of SW 1/4 & N. E. 1/4 of N. W. 1/4 & N. W. 1/4 of | N. E. 1/4 & N. 1/2 of N. W. 1/4 of N. W. 1/4 Sec. 21, & E 1/2 of S. W. 1/4 | Sec. 16 T. 18 R. 1 W containing 300 acres more or | less, and at said sale and on the terms as | advertised Marion E. Frost became the purchaser | for the sum of Two Hundred Dollars cash, | and @ the said Sheriff hereby transfer & deliver | unto the said Marion E. Frost the above ???? | ???? land he being the last and highest bidder according to law.
W. L. [his X mark] Frost E. Howard | Sheriff
J. W. Williams.".

6J. W. Williams, Clerk District Court, Marriage Record - Frost, John, D. Court No. 354, Lincoln, 3rd Judicial, Lincoln Parish Courthouse, 100 Texas Street, Ruston, Louisiana 71270.
"[excert from Application of Ann Malissa Frost to be Administration to the Est. of John Frost]
The State of Louisiana
Parish of Lincoln
To the Honorable
Judge of the 3rd Jud. Dist. In and for
The State and Parish aforesaid, the pe-
tition of Ann Melissa Frost a resi-
dent of your Said State and Parish
With respect Shows; The [sic] She is
the Surviving Widow of John
Frost late a resident of your
Said Parish, who died Interstate
On or about the 11th day of June
AD 1885, ...".

7J. W. Williams, Clerk District Court, Succession - Frost, John, Succession of John Frost, Deceased, Lincoln, 3rd Judicial, Lincoln Parish Courthouse, 100 Texas Street, Ruston, Louisiana 71270.
"Transcribed by 3rd Great Granddaughter Barbara June Frost
[outer cover]
D. C. No 354
Succession of
John Frost Dec’d
Application for Administration
Inventory & Appoint
Filed November 4, 1885
J. W. Williams
C. D. C.
Notice for Advertisement
Issued Nov 4th 1885

[start of page]
The State of Louisiana
Parish of Lincoln
To the Honorable
Judge of the 3rd Jud. Dist. In and for
The State and Parish aforesaid, the pe-
tition of Ann Melissa Frost a resi-
dent of your Said State and Parish
With respect Shows; The [sic] She is
the Surviving Widow of John
Frost late a resident of your
Said Parish, who died Interstate
On or about the 11th day of June
AD 1885, leaving Some property
both real and personal and Some
debts due and owing by him
that an Administration of his Es-
tate is necessary. Petitioner fur-
ther represents that by her mar-
riage with her Said husband, She
became the Mother of Daniel Frost,
Marion, Tennessee, Calvin M.
Henry Irvin, Elvira, Ann Melissa,
Mary Jane, and Fannie Frost, the
last named is now the Wife of Ed
Roberts, and Amanda Frost now
the Wife of Elihu Smith, and Colum-
bus Frost all of whom are children
and heirs of the Said John Frost Dec’d.
Petitioner further represents that

[second page]

all the property left by her Dec’d
Husband was owned in common with
Her as partner in community. That
She owns no property in her Sepe-
rate right and it is in necessitous
Circumstances, That the whole of
The property of Said Succession
Is not worth One Thousand Dollars
and petitioner desires to take the
benefit of the law granting to Widow
in need One Thousand Dollars out of
the Estate of their husbands. That
She is willing to pray the pricey
debts against her husband’s Estate.
That in Inventory & appraisement
Should be made of all the property
of Said Suc. as the law directs.

Wherefore petitioner prays that
this her application to be appoint-
ed Admins. Of the Suc. Of John Frost
Dec’d be advertised according to
law and after the legal delay She
be appointed Admise of Said Succession
and J. W. Williams Clerk & Ex Officio
Recorder & Notary Public be required
to make a complete and accurate
Inventory & appraisement of all the
property belonging to Said Succession

[page 3]
Situated in Said Parish of Lincoln
And make due return thereof as the
Law directs. She further prays for
All orders and decrees necessary in the
Premises to general relief, etc.
By her Atty
N. M. Smith

The State of Louisiana
Parish of Lincoln
The foregoing petitioner and prayer being con-
sidered. It is ordered that the appli-
cation of Ann Malissa Frost to be
Appointed Adms. Of the Suc. Of John
Frost Decd, be advertised as the law
directs, and if no opposition be
filed thereto She be appointed Admins.
of Said Suc. Upon complying with
the terms of the law in Such cases.
It is further ordered that J. W. Williams,
Clerk & Ex Officio Recorder & Not. Public
for Said Parish & State be and he is hereby
authorized and required to make a com-
Plete Inventory & appraisement of all
the property belonging to Said Suc. And
make due return thereof as the law directs.
Done & Signed on this the 4th day of November
AD 1885. J. W. Williams Clk & EX Dist. Court.".

8Conveyance Record - Mott, Ann Melissa, Book J, Page 8, 28 Oct 1890, Lincoln, 3rd Judicial, Lincoln Parish Courthouse, 100 Texas Street, Ruston, Louisiana 71270.
"The State of Louisiana | Parish of Lincoln}
Be it known that I Melissa | Ann Frost a resident of the | State and Parish aforesaid and Adminx of the Suc. of John | Frost Dec'd by virtue of an order from the 3rd Dist.
Dist. [sic] Court in and for said Parish and State, did on | the 1st day of Feb. A. D. 1886, after having advertised | the same for more than Thirty cldar [sic] days previous to the day of sale in he Ruston Calligrapher | weekly newspaper published in said Parish | Offer for sale to the last and highest bidder at | public auction at the late residence of said deceased in | said Parish the following described land belonging | to said succession. Terms of sale cash to wit: The | S. W. 1/4 of Sec 16 & N. 1/2 of N. W. 1/4 of N/W. 1/4 & E. 1/2 of N. W. 1/4 | & W 1/2 of N. E. 1/4 & N. E. 1/4 of S. W 1/4 Sec 21 all in T. 18, N. R. 1 W | containing three hundred and Eighty acres more or less | where after said land had been called in an audable [sic] voice | a reasonable length of time within the legal sale house | & Melissa Ann Frost being the last and highest bid- | der became the purchaser of the above described land | by bidding therefor [sic] the sum of One Dollar and | fifty cents per acre making the sum of Five hundred & Seventy Dollars ($570.00) And being the Widow | of said John Frost Dec'd, in nessesitore [sic] circumstances | the price of said land was retained subject to the order | of said court and all the right title interest & claim | that said succession had in and to said land was | then and there sold and adjudicated to said purchaser in the presence of Richard ONeal & H. I. Frost wit- | nesses of lawful age and domicile.
Richard ONeal Melissa [her X mark] A. Frost
H. I. Frost

A true accord this Oct. 28th 1890.
Attest: J. W. Williams. C.D.C.? | Officio Recorder.".

9Conveyance Record - Mott, Ann Melissa, Book J. Pages 122-123, 12 Jan 1891, Lincoln, 3rd Judicial, Lincoln Parish Courthouse, 100 Texas Street, Ruston, Louisiana 71270.
"State of Louisiana | Parish of Lincoln}
This indenture made and entered | into between Mrs. Ann Melissa Frost | of the first part and J. W. Davis of the | second part both residents of aforesaid Parish & State wit- | nesseth that Mrs. Ann Milissa Frost has bargained and sold | and by these presents does bargain, sell transfer and de- | lever to J. W. Davis with full warranty of title a certain tract with all the improvements and appurtenances thereunto | belonging and known and described as follows to wit: | The N 1/2 of S. W. 1/4 of Sect 10 T. 18 N., R 1W. containing 80 acres | more or less. The consideration for which this sale | is made is the sum of one hundred and Seventy five | Dollars, cash the receipt of which is hereby acknowl- | edged. In testimony whereof we the contracting parties | witnesses on this the 12th day of Jany. 1891.
W. E. Darle | H. I. Frost

A. M. (her mark) Frost | J. W. Davis

Before me the undersigned authority personally | appeared H. I. Frost who upon oath says that | he & W. E. Darle signed this deed as attesting wit- | nesses & the contracting parties signed same | in their presence. So help him God.
[page 123]
Sworn to & subscribed before | me this Jany 15th 1891} J. W. William C.D.C.
H. I Frost.".

Tennessee Frost

1Family History Library Film 1254456, 1880 United States Census - Head of Household: Frost, Calvin M., NA Film Number T9-0456, Page Number 40D [one page further than John and Ann Frost].
4th Ward, Lincoln, Louisiana

Name Relation Marital Gender Race Age Birth Occupation Father Mother
Calvin FROST Self S Male W 30 LA Farmer SC GA

Tennesee FROST Sister S Female W 33 LA Keeping House SC GA.".

2Tombstone - Frost, T., Auld's Chapel Cemetery, near Union Parish line., From Arkansas Road take Garland's Gin Road, Louisiana.
"Tennesse Frost, 1846 - 1928.".

Ellen Frost

1Family History Library Film 1254456, 1880 United States Census - Head of Household: Frost, John, NA Film Number T9-0456, Page Number 39A.
"4th Ward, Lincoln, Louisiana
Name Relation Marital Gender Race Age Birth Occupation Father Mother
John FROST Self M Male W 66 SC Farmer SC SC
Ann FROST Wife M Female W 50 GA Keeping House --- ---
Ellen FROST Dau S Female W 24 LA SC GA
Lotta FROST Dau S Female W 18 LA SC GA
Fannie FROST Dau S Female W 17 LA SC GA
Amanda FROST Dau S Female W 16 LA At School SC GA
Malisia TINGLE Dau W Female W 23 LA SC GA
Mollie TINGLE GDau S Female W 3 LA LA LA.".

C. (Lotta) M. Frost

1Family History Library Film 1254456, 1880 United States Census - Head of Household: Frost, John, NA Film Number T9-0456, Page Number 39A.
"4th Ward, Lincoln, Louisiana
Name Relation Marital Gender Race Age Birth Occupation Father Mother
John FROST Self M Male W 66 SC Farmer SC SC
Ann FROST Wife M Female W 50 GA Keeping House --- ---
Ellen FROST Dau S Female W 24 LA SC GA
Lotta FROST Dau S Female W 18 LA SC GA
Fannie FROST Dau S Female W 17 LA SC GA
Amanda FROST Dau S Female W 16 LA At School SC GA
Malisia TINGLE Dau W Female W 23 LA SC GA
Mollie TINGLE GDau S Female W 3 LA LA LA.".

Marlon Columbus Frost

1FamilySearch™, International Genealogical Index v4.02 North America.
"Batch number: 5003761, Source Call No.: 1553259, Type: Film - Film Sheet: 4
Marlon Columbus Frost: Parents - John Frost and Ann.".

Sophia Jane Wheat

1Tombstone - Wheat, S. J., Hinton Cemetery, George Simmons Road, just off Tack Allen Road, Ouachita Parish, Louisiana.
"Sophie J. Frost, Nobember 27, 1862 - December 14, 1946; born Alabama.".

James J. Frost

1Social Security - Frost, J. J..
"James Frost, SSN: 434-20-4604, Residence: 71418 Columbia, Caldwell, LA, Born: 3 Mar 1887, Issued: LA (Before 1951).".

2Tombstone - Frost, J. J., Hinton Cemetery, George Simmons Road, just off Tack Allen Road, Ouachita Parish, Louisiana.
"James J. Frost, March 3, 1887 - October 10, 1972; s/o Sophie J.".

Maudie Maybelle Hinton

1Tombstone - Hinton, M. M., Hinton Cemetery, George Simmons Road, just off Tack Allen Road, Ouachita Parish, Louisiana.
"Maudie M. Frost, October 1891 - October 13, 1940; Hinton, w/o James J.".

Ira Dennis Frost

1Tombstone - Frost, I. D., Cypress Cemetery, Cypress School Road, Ouachita Parish, Louisiana.
"Ira Dennis Frost, July 28, 1891 - May 4, 1967; s/o Sophie J.".

Ira Dennis Frost

1Tombstone - Frost, I. D., Cypress Cemetery, Cypress School Road, Ouachita Parish, Louisiana.
"Ira Dennis Frost, July 28, 1891 - May 4, 1967; s/o Sophie J.".

Florence Bernice Baugh

1Tombstone - Baugh, F. B., Cypress Cemetery, Cypress School Road, Ouachita Parish, Louisiana.
"Florence Bernice Frost, July 12, 1914 - ; Baugh, w/o Ira Dennis.".

Billy Daniel Frost

1Tombstone - Frost, B. D., Cypress Cemetery, Cypress School Road, Ouachita Parish, Louisiana.
"Billy Daniel Frost, August 15, 1952 - June 9, 1966; s/o Florence and Ira Dennis.".