11850 United States Census - Head of Household: Frost, Marion E..
"Jackson Parish, Louisiana
(formed 1845 from Claiborne, Ouachita & Union Parishes, Louisiana)
Schedule I. - Free Inhabitants in __ in the County of Jackson, State of Louisiana enumerated by me, on the 29th day of Oct. 1850 C. A. C. Elewell Ass't Marshal. Page 369, House 282, Family 292
25 John Frost 36 M Farmer 300 SC
26 Ann M. Frost 27 F GA
27 Daniel Frost 10 F [sic] AL
28 Marion Frost 11 M AL
29 Tennissee [sic] Frost 4 F AL
30 Calvin M. Frost 1 M LA.".21860 United States Census - Head of Household: Frost, Marion E..
"Jackson Parish, Louisiana, Nov. 6 1860, Page 400
18 John Frost 47 M W Farmer 400 600 SC
19 Ann M. Frost 30 F W Domestic GA
20 Marion Frost 16 M W AL
21 Tennessee Frost 14 F W AL
22 Calvin M. Frost 11 M W LA
23 Henry Frost 8 M W LA
24 Ellen Frost 6 F W LA
25 Ann M. Frost 4 F W LA
26 Columbus Frost 2 M W LA.".31870 United States Census - Head of Household: Marion Frost.
"1870 Census for Ward 6, Ouachita Parish, LouisianaMarion Frost 24 1845 Alabama White Male Nancy Frost 23 1846 Alabama White Female Houston Frost 3 1866 Louisiana White Male.".4Family History Library Film 1254465, 1880 United States Census - Head of Household: Frost, Marion E., NA Film # T9-0465, Page 133B.
"6th Ward, Ouachita Parish, Louisiana
Name Relation Marital Gender Race Age Birth Occupation Father Mother
Marion E FROST Self M Male W 37 LA Farmer SC SC
Nancy FROST Wife M Female W 35 LA Keeping House AL AL
Gilbert FROST Son S Male W 13 LA LA LA
Emma FROST Dau S Female W 10 LA LA LA
Alice FROST Dau S Female W 8 LA LA LA
Jennie FROST Dau S Female W 7 LA LA LA
Floyed FROST Son S Male W 6 LA LA LA
Cicers FROST Dau S Female W 5 LA LA LA
Fulton FROST Son S Male W 3 LA LA LA
Lucien FROST Son S Male W 2 LA LA LA
FROST Dau S Female W 1M LA LA LA.".51900 United States Census - Head of Household: Frost, Marion E..
"1900 United States Census for Ward 6, Ouachita Parish Louisiana
Marion E. Frost Head W M Oct 1844 55 M 34 AL
Nancy E. Frost Wife W F Dec 1845 53 M 34 13 12 AL
Cicero L. Frost Dau W F Aug 1874 25 S LA
John W. M. Frost Son W M Jun 1882 17 S LA
Lillie Belle Frost Dau W F Apr 1880 20 S LA
Walter W. Frost Son W M July 1884 15 S LA
Della A. Frost Dau W F Jan 1887 13 S LA
Their son, Lucein Frost lives next door.".61910 United States Census - Head of Household: Frost, Marion E., Ouachita Parish Court House, Ouachita, 4th Judicial, 300 St. John Street, Monroe, Louisiana 71201.
Ward 6. Bounded north by the center of Ouachita Avenue and Mulberry Street, east by
"Ward 6
Marion E. Frost Head M W 66 M 45 AL AL
Nancy E. Frost Wife F W 63 M 45 13 10 AL AL."
Young's Bayou, south by corporation line extending from Ouachita river through L. P. Alexander's field, and west by Ouachita river and Lover's Lane, not including Grayling Lumber Company plant.71920 United States Census - Head of Household: Frost, Marion E..
"1920 Census for Jury Ward 6, Ouachita Parish, Louisiana, Family 340
Frost, Marion E. Head M W 75 md AL
Frost, Nancy Wife F W 73 md AL
[Lives next door to Walter W. Frost family, their son].".8Tombstone - Frost, M. E., Downsville Cemetery - Lincoln Parish, intersection of LA 151 and LA 145, (Downsville, Union Parish, Louisiana), at intersection, go N. on LA 151 ~1/8 mile.
M. E. Frost
Oct. 26, 1844
Dec. 25, 1923
His toils are past
his work is done
he fought the fight
the victory won.".9Conveyance Record - Frost, M. E., Conveyance Record, Book M, Page 681, 28 Aug 1894, Lincoln, 3rd Judicial, Lincoln Parish Courthouse, 100 Texas Street, Ruston, Louisiana 71270.
M. C. Frost | M. E. Frost.".
"State of Louisiana | Parish of Lincoln}
Know all men by these | presents that I, M. C. Frost | of the first part, have this | day bargained, sold, Transferred and delivered unto | M. E. Frost, the following tract on parsec of | land laying and being situated in the Parish | of Lincoln, together with all improvements, thereupon belonging and No. as follows. W 1/2 | of N.E. 1/4, Sect. 21. T 18, R. 1N. The west half of | North East quarter, Section twenty-one | township 18, Range one West All in the State of Louisiana and Parish above written. And I, M. C. Frost do ???? my- | self, my heirs, and designators, to ??? | and defend the said M. E. Frost of the | second part, his heirs and designee | in the lawful and peaceable possions | of the same forever, for and in consid- |eration of the sum of two hundred | and fifty dollars ($250.00) to me in hand | paid, the receipt of which I hereby | acknowledged, In witness whereas we | the agreeing parties have this day assigned our names together in presence of | [blank space in book_________] each good and faithful witnesses of the State of Louisiana | and Parish of Lincoln this the 25th Aug. | A. D. 1894.
J. M. Williams | E. Howard10Deed Land - Frost, M. E., General Index to Conveyances 1839 - 1927, File No. 376-4, Book 4, Page 425, 7 Dec 1896, Lincoln, 3rd Judicial, Lincoln Parish Courthouse, 100 Texas Street, Ruston, Louisiana 71270.
"David Crawford
To: Deed Land
Marion E. Frost
State of Louisiana Parish of Union
Be it remembered that on this the 7th day of December AD One Thousand
Eight Hundred and Ninety Six (1896) before me Edward Everett Dy Clerk of
the Third Judicial District Court, ex-officio Recorder and Notary
Public & c, duly qualified and acting within and for said parish
And State, personally came and appeared David Crawford
a resident of Union Parish La. Who declared and acknowledges
to me said Notary, & c. in the presence of the undersigned legal
witnesses, that for and in consideration of the sum and
price of Eight Hundred Dollars cash in hand paid by the
Vendee Marion E. Frost, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowl-
edged by the Vendor, he has this day bargained, sold, trans-
ferred conveyed and delivered, and by these presents and this
act, he does grant, bargain, sell, transfer convey and deliver
unto the said Marion E. Frost of the Ouachita Parish La., he pres-
ent, purchasing and accepting for himself, his heirs and assigns
the following described tract and parcel of land lying and
being situated in Union Parish La., to wit: The North East
quarter of South East quarter Sec. Twenty (20) and North West
quarter of North West quarter of Section Twenty Eight (28)
and West half of South West quarter Section Twenty one (21)
Township Nineteen North Range One (1) East together with all
the improvements and appurtenances situated thereon and
thereunto belonging & Containing One Hundred & Sixty Acres more
or less - It being all of the same property the said Vendor ac-
quired by purchase from Henry Wilson und__ced by deed of date
August 25th 1888 and of Record in this office in Conveyance Record
“W” on page C18 Y619- To have and to hold the property herein
conveyed unto the said Marion E. Frost his heirs and assign,
forever with full and complete warranty of title= The tax
receipts of 1894, 1895 & 1896 are hereunto annexed as required by law.
The parties Vendor and Vendee, both agree to waive the productions
of the Certificate of Mortgages required by Art 3364 of the Civil Code
of Louisiana and release me said Dy Clerk Notary & c from
all responsibility in he premises for its non production.
Therefore read signed and passed at my office in the town of Farmerville, La.
on the day and date first above written with presence of James A. Rowland and
Joseph D. Crawford two lawful witnesses called for that purpose, who
sign with said appears and me said Notary, & c.
Attest David Crawford
Jas A Rowland M. E. Frost
J. D Crawford Edw Everett Dy Clerk Recorder Notary & c.
A true & correct Record this dec. 7th 1896- Edw Everett Dy Clerk D & c.".11Land Sale - Frost, M. E., Conveyance Record
The consideration is Fifty Dollars cash, and the two promissory notes of | J. H. Ramsey made and signed by his this date, payable to M. E. Frost | or bearer, each for the sum, interest and due as follows:
onveyance Record, Lincoln Parish, Louisi, Book AA, Page 277, 12 Apr 1909, Lincoln, 3rd Judicial, Lincoln Parish Courthouse, 100 Texas Street, Ruston, Louisiana 71270.
"State of Louisiana - Parish of Lincoln.
Be It Known, That on 12th day of April 1909 before me, J M Simms | C.D.C. and Ex-officio Recorder and Notary for Lincoln Parish, La, personally came Marion E. Frost, married | husband of Mrs. Nancy E. Frost, residents of Ouachita Parish, La. and | J. H. Ramsey, married husband of Mrs. Idlona Ramsey, residents of | Lincoln Parish, La. who declare they have traded as follows:
M. C. Frost | for consideration expressed below, has bargained and sold to J. H. Ramsey | with full warranty of this title, a track of land situated in ... Lincoln Parish, La., | together with all the improvements and appurtenances thereto belonging, described as follows:
SE 1/4 of NW 1/4 Sec. 31 T18 NR 1 W. Containing 40 acres more | or less.
Being the same land this vendor bought of the succession of J. O. Prisack as her deed in Deed Book "V" page | 380 of Lincoln Parish, La.
For Eighty two & 50/100 Dollars with 8 per cent, per annum from due and due Oct. 1st 1909
For Eighty two & 50/100 Dollars with 8 per cent, per annum from due and due Oct. 1st 1910
With 10 per cent, on the amount of each note as attorneys fees if came is collected by judicial process, and in order to identify those notes with | this act, I have paraphed each Ne Veritur over my official signature and turned them over to the vendor; and together with the vendor's lien and | privilege accorded by law, the vendee does also especially mortgage, hypothecate and effect this property together with all the improvements | thereon, and all that may hereafter be placed thereon, in favor of the vendor or any further holder of these notes, or either of them. The vendor | accepts this mortgage.
The parties dispense with the production of the certificate of mortgages required by Article 3364 of Civil Code of this State, and exonerate | me, said officer, from all liability in the premises. Taxes shown to be paid.
Done and Signed, by said parties in my presence and in presence of undersigned legal and competent witnesses. And I, said officer, sign | officially.
Done and signed on date above written.
W. T. Ashery? | Geo. Knowley
M. E. Frost | H. N. [his x mark\ Ramsey.".12Land Trade - Frost, M. E., Conveyance Record, Book A-1, Page 460, 2 Jan 1916, Lincoln, 3rd Judicial, Lincoln Parish Courthouse, 100 Texas Street, Ruston, Louisiana 71270.
M. E. Frost | M. A. Bryan
"State of Louisiana - Parish of Lincoln.
Be It Known, That on 2nd day of January 1916, before me | came M. E. Frost married, whose wife now living was formerly | Nancy Kelly and M. A. Bryan, also married whose wife now living was formerly | Miss ???? ???? residents of Ouachita and Lincoln parishes, ???? ???? who declare they have traded as follow, to-wit: | M. E. Frost | for and in consideration of the of Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars cash | has bargained and sold, and does by these presents convey and deliver to M. A. Bryan | with full warranty of this title, a certain tract of land in ... Lincoln Parish, La., together with all the | improvements and appurtenances thereto belonging, known and described as follows, to-wit: | /WE 1/4 of NE 1/4 Sec. 36, TW 18 NR & West, 40 acres | More of Less.
The parties to this act declare that they dispense with the production of the certificate of mortgage required, by Act. 3364 Civil Code, and | exonerate me, said officer, from all liability in the premises. Taxes shown to be paid for 1916.
Done and signed by said parties in the presence of undersigned | legal and competent witnesses, and I, said officer, sign officially. All done and signed on date | above written.
Max Bradeen? | R. G. Mitchell
T. Brewing Dy Clerk Dist. Court & Ex-Officio Recorder & Notary.
A true Record this 2 day of January 1917
Dhu Thompson | C. D: C. and Ex-Officio Recorder.".13Andrew B. Booth, and [Jan Craven, edits by Barbara Frost], Military Service - Frost, M. E., Records of Louisiana Confederate Soldier by Vol. 1.
The Independent Rangers, Company E from Union Parish, Louisiana, organized the summer of 1861. They left July 20, 1861 to report to Camp Moore, traveling by rail from Monroe, Louisiana to Camp Moore, Mississippi through Vicksburg and Jackson, Mississippi arriving at Camp Moore two days later. Members of this company filled important leadership positions for the 12th Louisiana Infantry regimental headquarters. This is the only company that retained it's Camp Moore alpha designation [i.e. Company E] after the May 10th re-organization for three years or the duration of the war.
"Military Service: CSA
Captain D. L. Hicks was replaced by Evander M. Graham as Regimental Adjutant when he was elected Captain of Company E. Hicks resigned due to poor health. Camp Moore, named for Louisiana Governor Thomas Overton Moore, was a training camp for thousands of Confederate troops during the Civil War. It was used briefly by Gen. John C. Breckenridge as his headquarters prior to the Battle of Baton Rouge in 1862. COMPANY ROSTER
Hicks, D. L. Camp Moore (Company E Aug., 1861 to May 1862 - 12 Month Volunteers Camp Moore) Privates [webmaster's family names only listed]
Hicks, James A. 1862 (Company E May, 1862 to April 1865 - 3 Years or the Duration of the War)
Arrant, David 1862
Frost, Daniel L. 1862
Frost, Marion E. Camp Moore
Landrum, Jasper, d. 26 Oct 1861, Pvt Co E 17 La Inf [son of John Landrum and Dicie Lena Neatherlin] Frost, Marion E., Pvt. Co. E, 12th La. Infty. En. Aug. 18, 1861, Camp Moore, Louisiana. Present on Roll to Oct. 31, 1861.
NOV 07 1861 The unit detailed across the river to Belmont MO - Battle of Belmont, arrived too late to fight.
NOV 15 1861 The unit moved to Madrid, MO , and Island No. 10 and remained there until March.
MAR 04 1862 - APR 15, 1862 Believed engaged in battle of New Madrid up until March 14, when Madrid was captured by Union Forces. The unit retreated and regrouped to help in the battle for Island No. 10. Captain, Joseph L. Eddings was captured, and the island taken by Union forces. Captain Eddings was held prisoner in Camp Randall, in Madison, Wisconsin. He died and is buried in Forest Hill Cemetary - Confederate Rest. The wounded and captured confederates were also taken to Camp Randall where several men of the 12th LA. later died of phnemonia and buried.
MAR 17 1862 The Confederate survivors fell back and returned to Ft. Pillow & fought until it was abandoned by the confederates on June 5. The unit removed to Grenada, MS around Holly Springs until October.
Marion Frost:
Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Island No. 10, April 8, 1862.
On Hospl. Register admitted April 28, 1862, to U. S. A. Hospl. Steamer Empress.
Transfd. to St. Louis. Mo., April 26, 1862, Gen. Hospl. Forwd. to Camp Douglas, Ill., Aug. 1, 1862.
Admitted Aug. 3, 1862, to U. S. A. Prison Hospl., Camp Douglas. near Chicago, Ill.
Released from Hospl. Aug. 12, 1862.
Sent to Vicksburg, Miss., Sept. 2, 1862, to be exchanged.
Exchanged from Str. John H. Done near Vicksburg, Miss., Sept. 20, 1862.
OCT 03-04 1862 Fought in the battle of Corinth before returning to spend the winter months around Grenada, Holly Springs, and Canton.
Marion Frost: Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1862. Absent on furlough.
FEB 1863 Dispatched to Port Hudson & was there during the naval attack on March 14 1863.
Marion Frost: Roll for March and April, 1863, Present.
APR 1863 The regiment headed out to join the Army of Tenessee in Georgia, but shortly thereafter received orders to return to Mississippi to intercept a raid led by Union Colonel Benjamin Grierson, but failed to catch up with him, and returned briefly to Port Gibson.
MAY 16 1863 The regiment fought in the Battle of Bakers Creek and valiently covered to retreat of the Confederate Army.
Marion Frost: Roll for May and June, 1863, Absent, sick in Vicksburg.
MAY 19 thru July 04, 1863 During the summer of 1863 the men made up part of the army commanded by General Joseph E Johnson at Jackson MS. A small band of about 160 men was detached to General John C Vaughn's brigade under Capt. John A Dixon of Company C. Captain Dixon was at this time promoted to Major. From May to July 4, 1863, these men fought valiantly in defense of the city of Atlanta.
Marion Frost: Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and paroled Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863.
Marion Frost: Rolls from Aug., 1863, to Dec., 1863, state absent.
During the fall, winter, and spring the unit occupied camps at Morton and Canton, Meridian MS, and also Demopolis, and Montvallo Alabama.
MAY 1864 The unit joined the Army of Tennessee in Resaca, Georgia. During the next two months, the regiment was involved in several battles including those at Marietta, Kennesaw Mountain, Lost Mountain, Bethel Church, and New Hope Church. It was on May 29th that Manson Feazel was killed in battle at New Hope Church.
Marion Frost: Rolls from May, 1864, to Aug., 1864, Absent. In Louisiana on Parole.
JUL 20 1864 Weak from lack of sufficient food rations, and demoralized from the many losses of its unit, the 12th regiment was again called upon to fight at the battle of Peachtree Creek on JULY 20. On this day, 73 men were either killed wounded or listed as MIA, and it's prized battleflag was captured. Two days later the troops again were called to battle in the main defense of Atlanta. Following the evacuation of the city, the men joined the army on its invasion of Tennessee.
NOV 30 1864 The regiment fought in the bloody battle of Franklin, TN where an additional 80 men of the 12th were either killed or wounded.
DEC 15, 16 The regiment fought in the battle of Nashville and later retreated to Tupelo, MS.
FEB 1865 The regiment joined the army of Joseph E Johnson in North Carolina.
MAR 19 1865 The 12th LA fought their last battle at Bentonville, NC.
APR 26 1865 The regiment surrendered in Greensboro, NC.".
11860 United States Census - Head of household: Kelly, William, Schedule 1, Page 56.
"Free Inhabitants in the Parish of Union of Louisiana, enumerated by me, on the 6th day of July 1860. A. C. Wade, Post Office Downsville, Dwelling 252, Family 252.:
Line Name Age Sex Occupation Estate Personnel Born
9 Wm Kelly 47 M Farmer 1000 325 SC
10 Lavinia Kelly 41 F SC
11 A. D. Kelly 21 F AL
12 Jno W. Kelly 20 M AL
13 D. A. Kelly 17 F AL school
14 Eliz H. Kelly 16 F AL school
15 Nancy Kelly 12 F AL
16 A. E. Kelly 10 M AL
17 W. F. Kelly 7 M LA.".21870 United States Census - Head of Household: Frost, Marion, Ouachita Parish Court House, Ouachita, 4th Judicial, 300 St. John Street, Monroe, Louisiana 71201.
"1870 United States Census - Head of Household: Marion Frost.
"1870 Census for Ward 6, Ouachita Parish, LouisianaMarion Frost 24 1845 Alabama White Male Nancy Frost 23 1846 Alabama White Female Houston Frost 3 1866 Louisiana White Male.".".31880 United States Census - Head of Household: Frost, Marion E..
"Family History Library Film 1254465, 1880 United States Census - Head of Household: Frost, Marion Elbert, NA Film # T9-0465, Page 133B.
6th Ward, Ouachita Parish, Louisiana
Name Relation Marital Gender Race Age Birth Occupation Father Mother
Marion E FROST Self M Male W 37 LA Farmer SC SC
Nancy FROST Wife M Female W 35 LA Keeping House AL AL
Gilbert FROST Son S Male W 13 LA LA LA
Emma FROST Dau S Female W 10 LA LA LA
Alice FROST Dau S Female W 8 LA LA LA
Jennie FROST Dau S Female W 7 LA LA LA
Floyed FROST Son S Male W 6 LA LA LA
Cicers FROST Dau S Female W 5 LA LA LA
Fulton FROST Son S Male W 3 LA LA LA
Lucien FROST Son S Male W 2 LA LA LA
FROST Dau S Female W 1M LA LA LA.".41900 United States Census - Head of Household: Frost, Marion E..
"1900 United States Census for Ward 6, Ouachita Parish Louisiana
Marion E. Frost Head W M Oct 1844 55 M 34 AL
Nancy E. Frost Wife W F Dec 1845 53 M 34 13 12 AL
Cicero L. Frost Dau W F Aug 1874 25 S LA
John W. M. Frost Son W M Jun 1882 17 S LA
Lillie Belle Frost Dau W F Apr 1880 20 S LA
Walter W. Frost Son W M July 1884 15 S LA
Della A. Frost Dau W F Jan 1887 13 S LA
Their son, Lucein Frost lives next door.".51910 United States Census - Head of Household: Frost, Marion E..
Ward 6. Bounded north by the center of Ouachita Avenue and Mulberry Street, east by
"1910 United States Census for Ward 6, Ouachita Parish Louisiana
Marion E. Frost Head M W 66 M 45 AL AL
Nancy E. Frost Wife F W 63 M 45 13 10 AL AL."
Young's Bayou, south by corporation line extending from Ouachita river through L. P. Alexander's field, and west by Ouachita river and Lover's Lane, not including Grayling Lumber Company plant.61920 United States Census - Head of Household: Frost, Marion E..
"1920 Census for Jury Ward 6, Ouachita Parish, Louisiana, Family 340
Frost, Marion E. Head M W 75 md AL
Frost, Nancy Wife F W 73 md AL
[Lives next door to Walter W. Frost family, their son].".7Tombstone - Kelly, N. E., Downsville Cemetery - Lincoln Parish, intersection of LA 151 and LA 145, (Downsville, Union Parish, Louisiana), at intersection, go N. on LA 151 ~1/8 mile.
Nancy Kelly
Wife of
M. E. Frost
Dec. 17, 1864
Mar. 28, 1931
Her toils are past,
her work is done,
she fought the fight,
the victory won.".
1Tombstone - Frost, R. E., Downsville Cemetery - Lincoln Parish, intersection of LA 151 and LA 145, (Downsville, Union Parish, Louisiana), at intersection, go N. on LA 151 ~1/8 mile.
"Rose Ella Frost
Sacred to the memory of
Rose Ella
Daughter of
M. E. & N. E. Frost
Born Jan. 7, 1887
And passed from death to
Aug 29, 1887 Aged 7 mo's
____ ____ sleep make may
little child rest
God calls away when he
thinks best.".
1Social Security - Frost, J. W. M..
"John W. Frost, SSN: 439-36-6095, Issued: LA (before 1951), Residence: 71234 Downsville, Union Parish, LA Born: August 31, 1882, Death: February 15, 1970."
Death Residence Localities:
ZIP Code: 71234
Localities, all in Union Parish, Louisiana: Downsville, Eureka, Frost Town, Point, Willhite
Note: Death date is different.2Tombstone - Frost, J. W. M., Pleasant Valley Cemetery, La 837 and La 151, Pleasant Valley (FrostTown), Ouachita Parish, Louisiana.
"Double Headstone - FROST
John Willie Mae
Aug. 31, 1882
Feb. 23, 1970
1Social Security - Tanner, C. M..
"Catherine FROST; Birth Date: 22 Jan 1890; Death Date: Oct 1980; Social Security Number: 437-78-3184; State or Territory Where Number Was Issued: Louisiana Death Residence Localities ZIP Code: 71234 Localities, all in Union Parish, Louisiana: Downsville, Eureka, Frost Town, Point, Willhite.".2Tombstone - Tanner, C. M., Pleasant Valley Cemetery, La 837 and La 151, Pleasant Valley (FrostTown), Ouachita Parish, Louisiana.
"Double Headstone - FROST
Catherine Mae
Jan. 22, 1890
Oct. 13, 1980.".
11880 United States Census - Head of Household: Frost, Marion E., Family History Library Film 1254465, NA Film # T9-0465.
"6th Ward
Name Relation Marital Gender Race Age Birth Occupation Father Mother
Marion E FROST Self M Male W 37 LA Farmer SC SC
Nancy FROST Wife M Female W 35 LA Keeping House AL AL
Gilbert FROST Son S Male W 13 LA LA LA
Emma FROST Dau S Female W 10 LA LA LA
Alice FROST Dau S Female W 8 LA LA LA
Jennie FROST Dau S Female W 7 LA LA LA
Floyed FROST Son S Male W 6 LA LA LA
Cicers FROST Dau S Female W 5 LA LA LA
Fulton FROST Son S Male W 3 LA LA LA
Lucien FROST Son S Male W 2 LA LA LA
FROST Dau S Female W 1M LA LA LA.".21900 United States Census - Head of Household: Frost, Floyd E..
"1900 United States Census for Ward 6, Ouachita Parish Louisiana
Floyd E. Frost Head W M Aug 1871 28 M 5 LA
Mary B. Frost Wife W F Feb 1876 24 M 5 4 4 GA
Robert L. Frost Son W M Nov 1895 4 S LA
Albert C. L. Frost Son W M June 1897 2 S LA
Bessie E. Frost Dau W F Oct 1898 2 S LA
Baby Frost Dau W F Apr 1900 ?/12 LA [Ruby Mitte Frost].".31910 United States Census - Head of Household: Frost, Floyd E..
"1910 United States Census for Police Jury Ward 6, Ouachita Parish Louisiana
Floyd Frost Head M W 39 M 15 LA AL
Mary Frost Wife F W 35 M 15 7 6 AL GA
Robert Frost Son M W 14 S LA LA
Albert Frost Son M W 12 S LA LA
Bessie Frost Dau F W 10 S LA LA
Clarence Frost Son M W 8 S LA LA
Rosa Frost Dau F W 5 S LA LA.".41930 United States Census - Head of Household: Frost, Floyd E..
"1930 United States Census for Police Jury Ward 6, Ouachita Parish Louisiana
Floyde E. Frost 58 1871 Louisia Head White
Mary B. Frost 55 1874 Wife
Bessie Frost 29 1900 Dau
Rosy Frost 24 1905 Dau
Ola Frost 16 1913 Dau.".5Tombstone - Frost, F. E., Auld's Chapel Cemetery, near Union Parish line., From Arkansas Road take Garland's Gin Road, Louisiana.
"Floyd E. Frost, 1871 - 1941; s/o Marion E. and Nancy E.".6Index to Marriages - Frost/Garland, 1834 to 2/4/1954, Book 9, page 69, Union Parish Court House, Union, 3rd Judicial, Corner of Main Street and Sterlington Highway, Farmerville, Union Parish, Louisiana 71241.
"Groom: Floyd E. Frost, Bride: Mary B. Garland, Date: January 3, 1895.".
1Tombstone - Garland, M. B., Auld's Chapel Cemetery, near Union Parish line., From Arkansas Road take Garland's Gin Road, Louisiana.
"Mary B. Frost, 1875 - 1967; w/o Floyd E.".2Index to Marriages - Frost/Garland, 1834 to 2/4/1954, Book 9, page 69, Union Parish Court House, Union, 3rd Judicial, Corner of Main Street and Sterlington Highway, Farmerville, Union Parish, Louisiana 71241.
"Groom: Floyd E. Frost, Bride: Mary B. Garland, Date: January 3, 1895.".
1Social Security - Frost, R. L..
"Robert Frost, SSN: 437-01-3008, Residence: 71291 West Monroe, Ouuachita, LA, Last Benefit: 71201 Monroe, Ouachita, LA, Born 28 Nov 1895, Died: Aug 1981, Issued: LA (Before 1951).".2Tombstone - Frost, R. L., Auld's Chapel Cemetery, near Union Parish line., From Arkansas Road take Garland's Gin Road, Louisiana.
"Robert Lee Frost, November 28, 1895 - August 28, 1981; s/o Floyd E. and Mary B.".
1Tombstone - Frost, B. E., Auld's Chapel Cemetery, near Union Parish line., From Arkansas Road take Garland's Gin Road, Louisiana.
"Bessie Emma Frost, October 19, 1898 - November 23, 1979; d/o Floyd E. and Mary B.".
1Tombstone - Frost, B., Auld's Chapel Cemetery, near Union Parish line., From Arkansas Road take Garland's Gin Road, Louisiana.
"Beulah Frost, October 23, 1903 - June 23, 1905; d/o Floyd E. and Mary B.".
1Social Security - Frost, R. L..
"Rosa L. Frost, SSN: 434-54-0219, Residence: 71291 West Monroe, Ouachita, LA, Born: 12 Mar 1905, Died: Jul 1993, Issued: LA (1955).".2Tombstone - Frost, R. L., Auld's Chapel Cemetery, near Union Parish line., From Arkansas Road take Garland's Gin Road, Louisiana.
"Rosa Lee, Dates: March 12, 1905 - ; d/o Floyd E. and Mary B.".
1Tombstone - Frost, J. M., Auld's Chapel Cemetery, near Union Parish line., From Arkansas Road take Garland's Gin Road, Louisiana.
"Jetty Mae Frost, March 3, 1917 - April 23, 1917; d/o Floyd E. and Mary B.".
1Social Security - Frost, L.L..
"Lucian FROST Birth Date: 6 Apr 1878 Death Date: 15 Jul 1969 Social Security Number: 433-78-8070 State or Territory Where Number Was Issued: Louisiana Death Residence Localities ZIP Code: 71291 Localities all in Ouachita Parish, Louisiana: Cheniere, Claiborne, Cypress, Dean Chapel, Drew, Forest Park, Highland Park, Kiroli Woods, Olinkraft, Splane Place, Wall Lake, West Monroe."
Note: First name and day of death are different from tombstone.21880 United States Census - Head of Household: Frost, Marion E., Family History Library Film 1254465, NA Film # T9-0465.
"6th Ward
Name Relation Marital Gender Race Age Birth Occupation Father Mother
Marion E FROST Self M Male W 37 LA Farmer SC SC
Nancy FROST Wife M Female W 35 LA Keeping House AL AL
Gilbert FROST Son S Male W 13 LA LA LA
Emma FROST Dau S Female W 10 LA LA LA
Alice FROST Dau S Female W 8 LA LA LA
Jennie FROST Dau S Female W 7 LA LA LA
Floyed FROST Son S Male W 6 LA LA LA
Cicers FROST Dau S Female W 5 LA LA LA
Fulton FROST Son S Male W 3 LA LA LA
Lucien FROST Son S Male W 2 LA LA LA
FROST Dau S Female W 1M LA LA LA.".31900 United States Census - Head of Household: Frost, Lucian L..
"1900 United States Census for Ward 6, Ouachita Parish Louisiana
Lucian L. Frost Head W M Apr 1878 22 M 4 LA
Lena Frost Wife W F May 1887 19 M 4 2 2 MS
Alonzo Frost Son W M Feb 1898 2 S LA
Willie L. Frost Son W M Jan 1900 4/12 S LA.".41910 United States Census - Head of Household: Frost, Luceon, Page 13, Ouachita Parish Court House, Ouachita, 4th Judicial, 300 St. John Street, Monroe, Louisiana 71201.
"Ward 6
Luceon Frost Head M W 32 M LA AL
Lena Frost Wife F W 29 M 12 7 7 MS MS
Lonnie Frost Son M W 11 S LA LA
Loyd Frost Son M W 10 S LA LA
Elbert Frost Son M W 8 S LA LA
Wilburn Frost Son M W 7 S LA LA
Benton Frost Son M W 5 S LA LA
Sloy Frost Son M W 3 S LA LA
Palmer Frost Son M W 2 S LA LA.".51920 United States Census - Head of Household: Frost, L. L., Ouachita Parish Court House, Ouachita, 4th Judicial, 300 St. John Street, Monroe, Louisiana 71201.
"Police Jury Ward 6, Dwelling/Family 257/257:
82 Frost, Lucian L. Head M W 42 md LA AL AL
83 Frost, Emily Wife F W 35 md MS MS MS
84 Frost, Alzo Son M W 13 s LA LA MS
85 Frost, Palmer Son M W 11 s LA LA MS
86 Frost, Ethel Dau F W 9 s LA LA MS
87 Frost, Rosa Dau F W 7 s LA LA MS
88 Frost, Ozela Dau F W 4 s LA LA MS
89 Frost, Ermine Dau F W 3 s LA LA MS.".61930 United States Census - Head of Household: Frost, Lucien, L., Page 133B, Ouachita Parish Court House, Ouachita, 4th Judicial, 300 St. John Street, Monroe, Louisiana 71201.
"Police Jury Ward 5
Lucion L. Frost 52 1877 Louisiana Head White
Emily L. Frost 48 1881 Wife
Ozela Frost 14 1915 Dau
Emmie Frost 11 1918 Dau
David Frost 8 1921 Son
Emma L. Frost 6 1923 Dau.".7Tombstone - Frost, L. L., Pleasant Valley Cemetery, La 837 and La 151, Pleasant Valley (FrostTown), Ouachita Parish, Louisiana.
"Double Headstone - FROST
Luceon Larche
Apr. 6, 1978
July 25, 1969
[between the names]
Spelling: Lucien/Luceon.8Index to Marriages - Frost/Weems, Ouachita Parish Court House, Ouachita, 4th Judicial, 300 St. John Street, Monroe, Louisiana 71201.
"L.F. Frost and Lena Weems 11/7/1896."
It is obvious that an error is made in Lucian's initials. He was commonly known as "LL".
1Tombstone - Weemes, E. L., Pleasant Valley Cemetery, La 837 and La 151, Pleasant Valley (FrostTown), Ouachita Parish, Louisiana.
"Double Headstone - FROST
Emily Lena Weemes [sic]
Oct. 14, 1881
Apr. 28, 1962."
Spelling of Weems/Weemes.2Index to Marriages - Frost/Weems, Ouachita Parish Court House, Ouachita, 4th Judicial, 300 St. John Street, Monroe, Louisiana 71201.
"L.F. Frost and Lena Weems 11/7/1896."
It is obvious that an error is made in Lucian's initials. He was commonly known as "LL".
1Tombstone - Frost, L. B., Auld's Chapel Cemetery, near Union Parish line., From Arkansas Road take Garland's Gin Road, Louisiana.
"L. Benton, Frost, April 17, 1905 - March 15, 1913; s/o Lucien L. and Emily L.".
1Family History Library Film 1254456, 1880 United States Census - Head of Household: Frost, Calvin M., NA Film Number T9-0456, Page Number 40D [one page further than John and Ann Frost].
Name Relation Marital Gender Race Age Birth Occupation Father Mother
4th Ward, Lincoln, Louisiana
Calvin FROST Self S Male W 30 LA Farmer SC GA Tennesee FROST Sister S Female W 33 LA Keeping House SC GA.".2Marriage Record - Frost/Keener, Index to Marriages 1817 to Feb. 4, 1954, Volume 7, page 664, Union Parish Court House, Union, 3rd Judicial, Corner of Main Street and Sterlington Highway, Farmerville, Union Parish, Louisiana 71241.
"Bride: Mary F. Keener, Groom: Calvin M. Frost, March 6, 1887.".
1Marriage Record - Frost/Keener, Index to Marriages 1817 to Feb. 4, 1954, Volume 7, page 664, Union Parish Court House, Union, 3rd Judicial, Corner of Main Street and Sterlington Highway, Farmerville, Union Parish, Louisiana 71241.
"Bride: Mary F. Keener, Groom: Calvin M. Frost, March 6, 1887.".
1Social Security - Frost, A.C..
"A. Frost, SSN: 433-16-6238, Issued: LA (before 1951), Residence: 71234 Downsville, Union Parish, Louisiana."
Note: Birth and Death dates are the same.2Tombstone - Frost, A. C., Pleasant Valley Cemetery, La 837 and La 151, Pleasant Valley (FrostTown), Ouachita Parish, Louisiana.
"Double Headstone
Alvin C.
Nov. 9, 1907
Sept. 3, 1983
1Tombstone - Frost, N. M., Pleasant Valley Cemetery, La 837 and La 151, Pleasant Valley (FrostTown), Ouachita Parish, Louisiana.
"Natie M.
Feb. 4, 1907
Asleep in Jesus
1Social Security - Frost, W.W..
"Walter Frost, SSN: 437-12-1628, Issued: LA (before 1951), Residence: 71201 Monroe, Ouachita Parish, LA, Born: July 14, 1884, Death: September 1973.".2Tombstone - Frost, W. W., Pleasant Valley Cemetery, La 837 and La 151, Pleasant Valley (FrostTown), Ouachita Parish, Louisiana.
"Double Headstone - FROST
Walter W.
July 14, 1884
Sept. 30, 1973.".
1Tombstone - Heckford, M. J., Pleasant Valley Cemetery, La 837 and La 151, Pleasant Valley (FrostTown), Ouachita Parish, Louisiana.
"Double Headstone - FROST
Melisse J.
July 16, 1885
Nov. 30, 1944.".
1Social Security - Frost, H. W..
"Herman W. Frost, born: November 20, 1912, Died: February 18, 1990, SSN: 439-10-7668, Issued: Louisiana.".2Tombstone - Frost, H. W., Pleasant Valley Cemetery, La 837 and La 151, Pleasant Valley (FrostTown), Ouachita Parish, Louisiana.
"Herman W. Frost
World War II
Nov. 20, 1912 Feb. 18, 1990.".
1Tombstone - Frost, Infant, Pleasant Valley Cemetery, La 837 and La 151, Pleasant Valley (FrostTown), Ouachita Parish, Louisiana.
Son of
Mr. and Mrs.
W. W. Frost
May 6, 1930
Gender terms as on stone.
1Social Security - Frost, I. F..
"Ivey F. Frost, Residence: 71292 West Monroe, Ouachita, LA, Born: 9 May 1910, Died: 15 Nov 1997, Issued: LA (Before 1951)."
Death Residence Localities ZIP Code: 71292 Localities: Bawcomville, Brownsville, Cheniere, Lapine, Luna, Olinkraft, Siegle, West Monroe, Ouachita Parish, Louisiana.2Tombstone - Frost, I. F., Auld's Chapel Cemetery, near Union Parish line., From Arkansas Road take Garland's Gin Road, Louisiana.
"Ivey Floyd Frost,May 9, 1910- ; s/o Floyd E. and Mary B.".3Sue Lynn Sandifer, Obituary - Frost, Ivey Floyd, The News-Star in Monroe, Louisiana.
Wednesday, November 5, 1997.
Ivey F. Frost, 87 of West Monroe, died Saturday, November 15, 1997. Services will be Sunday at 10 p.m. at Kilpatrick Funeral Home, West Monroe with Rev. David Maxwell officiating. Burial will be in Aulds Chapel Cemetery. Mr. Frost was a member of Ridge Avenue Baptist church. He was retired from Frost Trailer as a welder. He was preceded in death by his wife of 67 years: Opal Malone Frost; a son: Leslie Weldon Frost; one grandchild: Kimberly Murphy; parents: Floyd and Molly Frost; two brothers: Robert (Pat) Frost and Albert Frost; three sisters: Bessie Frost, Mittie Smith, and Rosalie Frost. Survivors include his sons: Ivey Velton Frost and wife, Virginia, and Raymond M. Frost and wife, Lazane; daughter: Brenda Sue Murphy and husband, Benny Joe; eight grandchildren: Kathy Walker, Sharon Medina, Laura Frost, Jay Frost, Karla Stapleton, Natalie Murphy, Samantha Murphy, and Melanie Murphy; six great-grandchildren; brother: Clarence (Buddy) Frost; sister: Olla Mae Frost White. Pallbearers will be Billy Kennedy, Charles Flowers, Wayne Ervin, Oliver Moore, James Frost, and Ellis Auttonberry.".
1Social Security - Malone, O..
"Opal M. Frost, SSN: 435-32-8577, Residence: 71292 West Monroe, Ouachita, LA, Born: 19 Dec. 1913, Died: 26 Jul 1997, Issued: LA (Before 1951)."
Death Residence Localities ZIP Code: 71292 Localities: Bawcomville, Ouachita, Louisiana Brownsville, Ouachita, Louisiana Cheniere, Ouachita, Louisiana Lapine, Ouachita, Louisiana Luna, Ouachita, Louisiana Olinkraft, Ouachita, Louisiana Siegle, Ouachita, Louisiana West Monroe, Ouachita, Louisiana.2Tombstone - Malone, O., Auld's Chapel Cemetery, near Union Parish line., From Arkansas Road take Garland's Gin Road, Louisiana.
"Opal Frost, December 19, 1913 - ; Malone, w/o Ivey Floyd.".
1Tombstone - Frost, L. W., Auld's Chapel Cemetery, near Union Parish line., From Arkansas Road take Garland's Gin Road, Louisiana.
"Leslie Weldon Frost, October 18, 1937 - October 19, 1937; s/o Ivey f. and Opal.".
1Social Security - Frost, W. J. Sr..
"Wilbert Frost, SSN: 437-26-2557, Residence: 71234 Downsville, Union, LA, Born: 17 Dec 1902, Died: Nov 1971, Issued: LA (Before 1951); Death Residence Localities ZIP Code: 71234 Localities: Frost Town, Union, Louisiana.".21910 United States Census - Frost, Wilbert J..
"1910 United States Census for Ward 6, Ouachita Parish Louisiana, page 13
Luceon Frost Head M W 32 M LA AL
Lena Frost Wife F W 29 M 12 7 7 MS MS
Lonnie Frost Son M W 11 S LA LA
Loyd Frost Son M W 10 S LA LA
Elbert Frost Son M W 8 S LA LA
Wilburn Frost Son M W 7 S LA LA
Penton Frost Son M W 5 S LA LA
Sloy Frost Son M W 3 S LA LA
Palmer Frost Son M W 2 S LA LA.".31930 United States Census - Head of Household: Frost, W. J., Road 6 1/2 Precinct 7, Hildago County, Texas, Dwelling/Family: 50/52:.
"61 Frost, Wiford J. Head M W 29 md LA LA MS Farm Manger
62 Frost, Gennie Wife F W 23 md LA LA LA
63 Frost, Benton, Son M W 8 s LA LA LA
64 Frost, Calvin, Son M W 5 s LA LA LA
65 Frost, Jesse J. Son M W 3 s LA LA LA.".4Tombstone - Frost, W. J., Pleasant Valley Cemetery, La 837 and La 151, Pleasant Valley (FrostTown), Ouachita Parish, Louisiana.
"Double Headstone - FROST
Wilbert J.
Dec. 17, 1902
Nov. 8, 1972
Shared with Louise Reid.5Index to Marriages 1839 to 2/4/1954 - Frost/Lenard, Book 20, Page 165, Union Parish Court House, Union, 3rd Judicial, Corner of Main Street and Sterlington Highway, Farmerville, Union Parish, Louisiana 71241.
State of Louisiana Parish of Union} Know All Men by These Presents THAT WE Wilbert J. Frost as Principal, and [blank space] as Security, acknowledge to ??? to the Governor of the State of Louisiana, or his successor or ??? in office, that the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS (the payment of which we hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, and administrators, in which Given under our hands at ???? this 16 day of July A. D. 1921 The Conditions of the above Obilgation in Such That, whereas, the above ???? Wilbert J. Frost has this day obtained a license from the Clerk of the District Court of the PARISH OF UNION, STATE OF LOUISIANA, to marry with Miss Ginie Lenard Now, if at the time said license was granted, there existed no legal impediments or obstacles to the celebration of said marriage ???? and in such case, this obligation to be null and void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue in law. Wilbert Frost Said Frost Name of Man: Wilbert J. Frost Age 20 Residence Calhoun Mother Lena Weemes Residence Calhoun Father Lucian Frost Residence Calhoun Former Wife None Dead/Living Relationship of contracting parties: No Kin Name of Woman Genie Lenard Age 18 Residence Eros Mother Don't know Residence Eros Father Don't know Residence Eros Former Husband None Dead/Living STATE OF LOUISIANA, PARISH OF UNION I DO HEREBY CERTIFY, That I have, on this day, in the pursuance of the foregoing License, celebrated and solemnized A MARRIAGE BETWEEN Mr. Wilert J. Frost and Miss Genie Lenard agreeable to the Law and customs of the State of Louisiana. IN FAITH WHEREOF, I have together with the parties, and in the present of the undersigned witnesses, signed these presents on this the 16 day of July A. D. 1921 Witnesses: Loid [Lloyd] Frost Joe Ramsey J. J. Price Wilbert J. Frost Gennie Lenard [a name], minster.".
Groom: Wilbert J. Frost, Bride: Genie Lenard, Date: July 16, 1921
1Tombstone - Lenard, G., Pleasant Valley Cemetery, La 837 and La 151, Pleasant Valley (FrostTown), Ouachita Parish, Louisiana.
"Gennie Frost2Index to Marriages 1839 to 2/4/1954 - Frost/Lenard, Book 20, Page 165, Union Parish Court House, Union, 3rd Judicial, Corner of Main Street and Sterlington Highway, Farmerville, Union Parish, Louisiana 71241.
State of Louisiana Parish of Union} Know All Men by These Presents THAT WE Wilbert J. Frost as Principal, and [blank space] as Security, acknowledge to ??? to the Governor of the State of Louisiana, or his successor or ??? in office, that the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS (the payment of which we hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, and administrators, in which Given under our hands at ???? this 16 day of July A. D. 1921 The Conditions of the above Obilgation in Such That, whereas, the above ???? Wilbert J. Frost has this day obtained a license from the Clerk of the District Court of the PARISH OF UNION, STATE OF LOUISIANA, to marry with Miss Ginie Lenard Now, if at the time said license was granted, there existed no legal impediments or obstacles to the celebration of said marriage ???? and in such case, this obligation to be null and void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue in law. Wilbert Frost Said Frost Name of Man: Wilbert J. Frost Age 20 Residence Calhoun Mother Lena Weemes Residence Calhoun Father Lucian Frost Residence Calhoun Former Wife None Dead/Living Relationship of contracting parties: No Kin Name of Woman Genie Lenard Age 18 Residence Eros Mother Don't know Residence Eros Father Don't know Residence Eros Former Husband None Dead/Living STATE OF LOUISIANA, PARISH OF UNION I DO HEREBY CERTIFY, That I have, on this day, in the pursuance of the foregoing License, celebrated and solemnized A MARRIAGE BETWEEN Mr. Wilert J. Frost and Miss Genie Lenard agreeable to the Law and customs of the State of Louisiana. IN FAITH WHEREOF, I have together with the parties, and in the present of the undersigned witnesses, signed these presents on this the 16 day of July A. D. 1921 Witnesses: Loid [Lloyd] Frost Joe Ramsey J. J. Price Wilbert J. Frost Gennie Lenard [a name], minster.".
Groom: Wilbert J. Frost, Bride: Genie Lenard, Date: July 16, 1921
1Social Security - Frost, W. J. Sr..
"Wilbert Frost, SSN: 437-26-2557, Residence: 71234 Downsville, Union, LA, Born: 17 Dec 1902, Died: Nov 1971, Issued: LA (Before 1951); Death Residence Localities ZIP Code: 71234 Localities: Frost Town, Union, Louisiana.".21910 United States Census - Frost, Wilbert J..
"1910 United States Census for Ward 6, Ouachita Parish Louisiana, page 13
Luceon Frost Head M W 32 M LA AL
Lena Frost Wife F W 29 M 12 7 7 MS MS
Lonnie Frost Son M W 11 S LA LA
Loyd Frost Son M W 10 S LA LA
Elbert Frost Son M W 8 S LA LA
Wilburn Frost Son M W 7 S LA LA
Penton Frost Son M W 5 S LA LA
Sloy Frost Son M W 3 S LA LA
Palmer Frost Son M W 2 S LA LA.".31930 United States Census - Head of Household: Frost, W. J., Road 6 1/2 Precinct 7, Hildago County, Texas, Dwelling/Family: 50/52:.
"61 Frost, Wiford J. Head M W 29 md LA LA MS Farm Manger
62 Frost, Gennie Wife F W 23 md LA LA LA
63 Frost, Benton, Son M W 8 s LA LA LA
64 Frost, Calvin, Son M W 5 s LA LA LA
65 Frost, Jesse J. Son M W 3 s LA LA LA.".4Tombstone - Frost, W. J., Pleasant Valley Cemetery, La 837 and La 151, Pleasant Valley (FrostTown), Ouachita Parish, Louisiana.
"Double Headstone - FROST
Wilbert J.
Dec. 17, 1902
Nov. 8, 1972
Shared with Louise Reid.
1Tombstone - Reid, L., Pleasant Valley Cemetery, La 837 and La 151, Pleasant Valley (FrostTown), Ouachita Parish, Louisiana.
"Double Headstone - FROST
Louise Reid
May 2, 1923
May 18, 1997."
Shared with Wilbert J. Frost.2Tombstone - Reid, L..