Selected Families and Individuals


Rev. James Lunday Sr.

Research needed, four Lunday's mentioned - James, Simon, Daniel and Edward and a James Birchett:
Brunswick County, Virginia Deed Book 7 (Abstracts)
Indenture made the 8th day of January, 1762, between Sion Hill of Southampton County, and William Thweat, for 80 pounds, conveying 128 acres on South side of Meherrin River, adjoining lands of Captain John Mafon and Urvin Brown. Witnesses were James Lunday, Urvin Brown, Abijah Bidlum, Jeremiah Bass (his mark), and James Birchett. Indenture and Memorandum of Livery of Seizin were proved in Court on February 22, 1762, by the oaths of James Birchett, James Lundy and Jeremiah Bass. Deed Book 7, Page 65

Simon Lunday and Daniel Lunday for 199 pounds, 1 shilling, paid by Benjamin Rieves, conveying 180 acres on South side of Meherrin River, dated the 16th day of April, 1762. Witnesses were John Peterson, James Parham, Exum Williamson, John Parham, William Parham, Foster Rieves (his mark), and Edward Lunday (his mark). Indenture and Memorandum of Livery of Seizin were proved in Court on April 26, 1762, by the oaths of James Parham, John Parham, William Parham, and Foster Rieves. Deed Book 7, Page 91.

Elizabeth Birchett

Another father: Maurice Burcher, son of: George and Ann Burcher, son of: John Bourchier and Ann Rolf, son of: William Bourchier and Catherine Barrington, so of: Ralph Bourchier and Elizabeth Hall, son of James Bourchier and Mary Banestre.

Research needed, no known connection to any of the below entries:

Prince George Co, Va Personal Property Tax Roll 1787 © copyright 1999 by Linda L Chandler
BURCHET, William

Prince George Co, Va 1810 Census © copyright 1999 by Linda L Chandler
BIRCHETT, Drury...12 persons and 16 slaves BIRCHETT, Peter...5 persons and 5 slaves

Thomas Lunday

Edmund & Mary Stith, 26 April 1790; dau. of Drury Stith decd., ward of Drury B. Stith; b - Edward Birchett; min - Thomas Lundie, rector of St. Andrew's Parish

Peter Lee Jr.

A second birth place: North Carolina.
A second death date: January 28, 1804.
A second death place: Apson County, North Carolina

Peter Lee d. 1804 m Mary Cato of Brunswick.
great grandson of William Lee of Meherrin Parish, Brunswick Co. Va.
b prior 1718 WW1759.
(One view is that his father was Hugh Lee of Pr Gg d1734/35 of Bristol Parish. Another is that he was s/o William Lee)
1790 Census for Sampson County, North Carolina:
Peter Lee: 4 males over 16, 1 male under 16 , 4 females, 6 slaves
1800 Census for Sampson County, North Carolina:
Peter Lee, over 45, 1 male 16-26, 1 female 16-26, 9 slaves

Sampson County, North Carolina Will Abstracts, 1784-1900
Abstracted by Elizabeth E. Ross
Peter Lee's Will
Dated 28 January 1804, Probated 12 November 1804 LEE, Peter Exec: Sampson Lee Wit: Silas Lee, John Lee Sampson County Court Minutes 12 Nov. 1804

Will admitted for probate. No will found in Sampson County, North Carolina Records. Will was withdrawn from Court House in 1957 by Mrs. Rachel Lee Paul, of Dunn, North Carolina, who was researching the family. She has been dead for many years and her records are not available for searching. [Abstract found in research papers of correspondence with Mrs. Kate (Lee) Roberts, Dec. by EER. No copy in Court House or North Carolina State Archives]
LEE, Peter Sr. Son Peter Lee - 550 ac. WS Great Cohary on Gum Sw.; tools, furn. Son Burchette - upper half of plant.; part of 100 ac. in Maple Field; £15 Son Lundeay Lee - lower half of plant.; part of 150 ac. entered by Williams & Lassiter; part of 100 ac. in Maple Field Dau Geain/Jean & Sampson Lee - £50; feather bed which they already have Dau Rebecca & Thomas Thornton - £50; feather bed & furn. which they have Son Batt Lee - $320; furn. now in his possession Son David Lee - £15 Dau Mary & Bennett Hill - feather bed & furn.; negro Lucey, that they have Dau Elizabeth/Betsy & James Handley - fether bed & furn.,; negro Charlotte now in their possession Dau Penelope & John McCondekie - feather bed & furn.; negro Alley already in their possession Son & daus David, Cato, Geain, Rebecca, Burchet, Batt, Peter, Mary, Elizabeth, Penny, & Lundeay - rem. prop. together with 640 ac. on Mill Ck. in JoCo, to be sold & money equally divided Sons - my wearing appearill (sic) Negroes not to be sold but to be equally divided among all heirs Exec: friend Sampson Lee Wit: Joseph Westbrook, Elias Lee, John Lee, Samuel Ingram
[Additional Info. Estate of Peter Lee, NC Arch. file # 87.508.38 - inv. & Sale]

Mary Cato

1748 Poll List Vol. 26, No. 1, p. 59
Virginia Counties, Robinson, page 76: POLL LIST 1748 Brunswick Co. was created by Act of Assembly in 1720 from Prince George County with additions from Isle of Wight and Surry in 1732. The first court for Brunswick was held May 2, 1732, from which the records of this county date. The following poll list for 1748 gives the names of the residents of Brunswick voting for representatives in the House of Burgesses for the sessions of October, 1748, and April, 1749, and which resulted in the election of Sterling Clack and Drury Stith.
(Family names that were on that list)
Burge of H.—A pole of their votes:
James Hicks
Daniel Cato
John Cato
Robert Lunday
Thomas Tatum
Page 61
John Cato
Daniel Cato
Thomas Avant (maybe, Arant)

Pole for Drury Stith
Robert Hicks
John Hicks
James Hicks
j^athaniel Hicks
Jes^e Tatam (maybe, Tatum)
John Parker

Mary's father could be: Daniel Cato or John Cato.
Note: by 1800 no Cato's were paying taxes in Brunswick County, Virginia

Jane Lee

This is a weak link. Not listed as a child in will.

Burchett Lee

February 10, 1818, Orange County, North Carolina - Will of Burchet Lee
February 1824, Sampson County, North Carolins Extr; Altha Lindsay, brother-in-law Wit; John Lindsay, Nathan Edwards Heirs; wife Delilah, brother-in-law Altha Lindsay.

John McCondichie Sr.

MCCONDICHE, John, Sr. Native of N. Carolina b. Feb. 11, 1775 d. Mar. 7, 1844 Aged 68 years 1 mo. 24 days

Research needed, possible descendants:
Old Snow Hill Cemetery
MCCONDICHE, Emma Farrior August 16, 1864 February 5, 1919
MCCONDICHE, Curtis Herbert August 26, 1836 August 22, 1920

Cato Lee

Other birth places: Brunswick Couty, Virginia; Prince George County, Virginia.

Cato Lee, a veteran of the Revolutionary War.

In 1790 Cato Lee received a land grant in Johnston County, North Carolina.

In the late 1830's and early 1840's there was a significant migration from the southeastern coastal states to Mississippi and Alabama. The soil was depleted of nutriants and a treaty was signed with the Indians. Now Americans were permitted to buy land west of the Tombigbee River. This rich farm land sold for 25¢ an acre.

Gandruds records of Wilcox County, Alabama: Cato Lee l757=l832 pvt NC Mil. born in Va. died Ala. m. l780 Nancy Holland.

Old Snow Hill Cemetery, located approximately one mile north of the village of Furman, Wilcox County, Alabama..
LEE, Cato Revolutionary War Soldier Born Va. 1757 Died Snow Hill Sept. 26, 1832 PVT North Carolina Militia
LEE, Rev. John A. July 16, 1824 August 17, 1863 [possible grandson]
LEE, Martha J. Dau. of J. A. and P. C. Lee October 6, 1846 July 31, 1847 Age 9 months 25 days
Sir William LEE Son of J. B. and Sylvia Lee January 26, 1835 September 26, 1841

New Snow Hill Cemetery, Wilcox County, Alabama, located on left side of AL Highway 21 from Furman to Snow Hill.
MOTHER Florence L. LEE Born February 18, 1853 Died June 9, 1936
FATHER Arthur L. LEE Born February 17, 1847 Died January 17, 1915
Arthur, Son of A. and F. LEE Born January 10, 1885 Died at Snow Hill, Alabama February 22, 1886 Aged 1 year 1 month 12 days
Alice G. Dau. of A. and F. LEE Born December 29, 1880 Died at Snow Hill, Alabama

1850 Federal Census for Wilcox County, Alabama
711 17 LEE John 50 AL pg00693.txt
711 18 LEE Eliza 40 AL pg00693.txt
711 19 LEE John 18 AL pg00693.txt
711 20 LEE Mary 15 AL pg00693.txt
711 21 LEE Martha 13 AL pg00693.txt
711 22 LEE Amanda 8 AL pg00693.txt
711 23 LEE Robert 1 AL pg00693.txt

788 38 LEE Emily 48 GA pg00772.txt
788 39 LEE Elizabeth 14 AL pg00772.txt
788 40 LEE William 12 AL pg00772.txt
788 41 LEE Rebecca 10 AL pg00772.txt

818 29 LEE A. 41 NC pg00798.txt
818 30 LEE Elizabeth 33 NC pg00798.txt
818 31 LEE Augustus 21 NC pg00798.txt
818 32 LEE Joab 17 AL pg00798.txt
818 33 LEE Alexander 14 AL pg00798.txt
818 34 LEE Jeremiah 11 AL pg00798.txt
818 35 LEE Josaphina 8 AL pg00798.txt
818 36 LEE James 4 AL pg00798.txt

1850 Census from Dallas County, Alabama
LEE 243B-249A-249B-254A-254B-255A-255B-256A-267A-294B-295B-302A-318B

Posted By: Janet E Ariciu, edited by Barbara J. Frost
Post Date: April 08, 2001 at 09:45:19
Cato Lee is buried in the Old Snow Hill Cememtery. I have asked where I can get the records of marriage. I have asked where I can get a copy of the Cemetery book page where Cato Lee is buried. I have a photo of the grave janet

Research needed: St. Clair County, Alabama Marriages to 1825
Lee, Benjamin Elder, Peggy 2 Jan 1821 St. Clair
Lee, James Rickles, Ann 1 Dec 1823 St. Clair
Ebenezer, Newton Lee, Nancy 14 Mar 1821 St. Clair
Buttrick, John Lee, Susannah 15 May 1820 St. Clair

Research needed:
1830 Census Index for St. Clair County, Alabama:
LEA 236

1850 Census Index for St. Clair County, Alabama:
LEE 130A-152B-153A

1860 Federal Census for St Clair County, Alabama, Lee's from GA & AL:
LEE James 14 GA pg0061.txt 127 23
LEE William 12 AL pg0061.txt 142 30

LEE Mary M. 23 AL pg0122.txt 143 1
LEE Wesley I. 1 AL pg0122.txt 73 14
LEE Edward Lee 18 AL pg0122.txt 203 6
LEE General Woorth 10 AL pg0122.txt 203 7
LEE Sarah 19 GA pg0122.txt 203 10
LEE Nancy 13 AL pg0122.txt 203 11
LEE Susan 20 AL pg0122.txt 209 14
LEE Judea 45 AL pg0122.txt 209 15
LEE Elmina 16 AL pg0122.txt 209 16
LEE James 26 AL pg0122.txt 209 19

LEE Ann 5 AL pg0201.txt 142 35
LEE George A. 18 AL pg0201.txt 142 34
LEE Henry G. 13 AL pg0142.txt 142 32
LEE J. E. G. 18 AL pg0142.txt 142 39

1860 Federal Census for St Clair County, Alabama, Lee's from TN:
LEE William 64 TN pg0142.txt 203 9
LEE Dorcas 49 SC pg0142.txt 127 7
LEE Mary 34 SC pg0142.txt 209 12
LEE P. D. T. 16 AL pg0142.txt 209 21
LEE Mary T. L. 14 MS pg0142.txt 41 19
LEE Bryant O. 11 AL pg0142.txt 203 5
LEE Pornelia C. 9 AL pg0142.txt 143 4
LEE Rufus B. 7 AL pg0142.txt 127 8
LEE Roda T. 3 AL pg0142.txt 143 3
LEE Nancy J. 7/12 AL pg0142.txt 142 33

LEE Mathew 47 TN pg0041.txt 127 5
LEE Delilah 45 TN pg0041.txt 142 31
LEE Martha 20 AL pg0041.txt 203 8

LEE Felix 10 AL pg0201.txt 209 10
LEE James P. 2 AL pg0201.txt 209 17
LEE Jane 8 AL pg0201.txt 209 18
LEE Carrol 42 KY pg0201.txt 209 13
LEE Elizabeth 41 TN pg0201.txt 209 11

LEE J. S. 34 AL pg0142.txt 73 13
LEE Francis 38 TN pg0201.txt 127 6
LEE Vincent 13 AL pg0201.txt 127 25
LEE Sarah S. 11 AL pg0201.txt 127 3
LEE Elizabeth 31 SC pg0201.txt 127 4
LEE Mary 17 AL pg0201.txt 127 24
LEE Jere 7 AL pg0201.txt 127 2
LEE James O. 6 AL pg0201.txt 203 12
LEE Dallas 15 AL pg0201.txt 41 20
LEE Margarett 11 AL pg0201.txt 41 21
LEE Martha F. 16 AL pg0201.txt 142 40
LEE William M. 14 AL pg0201.txt
LEE Nancy E. 8 AL pg0201.txt 143 5
LEE Pierce 2 AL pg0201.txt 143 2

Research needed, is Asa, Jalpha, Jesse, Lazarus, Lovett, Moses, Paul S., Samuel, Seaborn, Willie a son or nephew?:

Land Patents for:

LA Lincoln 1/10/1851 Monroe 10406 LA1050__.295
LA Lincoln 9/1/1852 Monroe 11447 LA1070__.179
LA Lincoln 9/1/1852 Monroe 11533 LA1070__.232
LA Bienville 9/1/1852 Monroe 11775 LA1070__.449

LA Lincoln 10/30/1857 Monroe 15563 LA1140__.038

LA Union 9/15/1854 Monroe 13191 LA1090__.435
LA Union 8/20/1858 Monroe 16279 LA1150__.338

AL Wilcox 8/1/1831 Cahaba 7152 AL0270__.063
AL Wilcox 8/1/1831 Cahaba 7154 AL0270__.065

AL Wilcox 8/5/1834 Cahaba 13010 AL0380__.423

AL Dallas 4/15/1837 Cahaba 23227 AL0590__.401
AL Dallas 5/15/1837 Cahaba 23476 AL1590__.146
AL Dallas 8/2/1837 Cahaba 27470 AL1670__.108
AL Wilcox 5/20/1841 Cahaba 34984 AL1820__.192

AL Lowndes 5/6/1829 Cahaba 3706 AL0200__.113
AL Jefferson 3/20/1837 Tuscaloosa 12297 AL0880__.003
AL Dallas 4/15/1837 Cahaba 23195 AL0590__.369
AL Dallas 5/20/1837 Cahaba 25110 AL1620__.263
AL Dallas 8/31/1839 Cahaba 29693 AL1810__.216
AL Jefferson 9/20/1839 Tuscaloosa 23083 AL2670__.281
AL Jefferson 9/20/1839 Tuscaloosa 23084 AL2670__.282
AL Elmore 10/10/1840 Cahaba 35014 AL1810__.217

AL Butler 11/1/1958 Greenville 48158 AL2040__.353

AL Lowndes 8/1/1837 Cahaba 25817 AL1630__.466

Nancy Holland

Note: Some have death: 1830, Tennille, Georgia.

Research needed, no known connection:
James Holland
BIRTH: 1728, Scotland
DEATH: 1790, Pickney, Wayne County, North Carolina
Father: Joseph "of Spivey" Holland , Jr. (1715-1799) Mother: Ester Edmonds (1716-) Family 1 : Jerutha ( Ruthie) White
MARRIAGE: BEF 1764, Scotland
Absolom Holland
+Elisha Holland , Sr.

Sheppard Family Cemetery is on Tennille to Harrison Road. From Tennille go to the Jim Kelly place, turn left, continue to the Arlie Hartley residence. The cemetery is 50-60 yards from the road.
Frank Sheppard and his wife, Nancy Lee Sheppard, have no markers, but graves are known. See Newsome, Washington County, Georgia Tombstone Inscription, 1967, p. 152.

Note: Nancy Holland Lee, wife of John Lee, is probably buried here. she resided with her daughter, Nancy, until hr death.

Peter Lee

Peter's will was proven October 22, 1838 in Wilcox, Alabama.

John Cato Lee

Research needed, no known connection:
Land Patents for LEE, JOHN
AL Lowndes 11/22/1826 Cahaba 2720 AL0180__.103
AL Dallas 7/8/1829 Cahaba 4097 AL0200__.495
AL Dallas 7/8/1829 Cahaba 4096 AL0200__.494
AL Lowndes 11/14/1833 Cahaba 11552 AL0350__.469
AL Dallas 10/1/1835 Cahaba 20216 AL0530__.400
AL Dallas 10/1/1835 Cahaba 20217 AL0530__.401
AL Lowndes 10/14/1835 Cahaba 16332 AL0450__.246
AL Dallas 10/15/1835 Cahaba 20650 AL0540__.333
AL Dallas 11/20/1835 Cahaba 19291 AL0510__.482
AL Dallas 4/10/1837 Cahaba 20976 AL0550__.158
AL Dallas 4/10/1837 Cahaba 20977 AL0550__.159
AL Lowndes 4/10/1837 Cahaba 21242 AL0550__.423
AL Dallas 4/10/1837 Cahaba 21378 AL0560__.055
AL Wilcox 8/7/1837 Cahaba 27982 AL1680__.128
AL Wilcox 5/20/1841 Cahaba 34964 AL1820__.172

Dallas County AL 1850 Agricultural Census - Dallas Co., AL
1. Owner 2. Acres of Improved Land 3. Acres of Unimproved Land 4. Cash Value of Farm 5. Value of Farm Implements and Machinery 13. Value of Livestock
John Lee, 200, 440, 2000, 170, 500
Sasne Lee, 100, 140, 840, 50, 502
P. S. H. Lee, 300, 600, 7000, 300, 910
Francis J. Lee, 200, 240, 360, 100, 476
J. M. Lee, 450, 575, 1300, 500, 2460
Y. B. Lee, 275, 315, 4000, 400, 9000

Research needed, no known connection:
1850 Federal Census for Wilcox County, Alabama
711 17 LEE John 50 AL pg00693.txt
711 18 LEE Eliza 40 AL pg00693.txt
711 19 LEE John 18 AL pg00693.txt
711 20 LEE Mary 15 AL pg00693.txt
711 21 LEE Martha 13 AL pg00693.txt
711 22 LEE Amanda 8 AL pg00693.txt
711 23 LEE Robert 1 AL pg00693.txt

Research needed, no known connection:
Marriage: John Lee on 11 JAN 1821 to Peggy Connegghay

John Cato Lee was in fact John Allen Lee, who married Patience Caroline Purifoy, and died in 1863. I live in John Allen & Patience's house. :) - Thanks Cindy Waren McCoy

Nancy Lee

Research needed:
1880 United States Census for
Name Relation Marital Gender Race Age Birth Occupation Father Mother
Catharine HARVEY Self D Female W 56 PA At Home NY NJ
Alma HARVEY Dau Female W 26 PA At Home PA PA
Nancy L. SHEPPARD Mother Female W 84 NJ At Home NJ NJ
4th Ward, Williamsport, Lycoming, Pennsylvania
Family History Library Film 1255153, NA Film Number T9-1153, Page Number 540B

James Kelley

Connection to these descendants is speculation!

Research needed, no known connection:
SCHEDULE 1. Free Inhabitants in the Parish of Union, State of Louisiana, enumerated by me, on the 19th day of ____June____, 1860. A. C. Wade, Ass't Marshal.Post Office:____SHILOH____ 1 -
Dwelling #; 2 - Family #; 3 - Name; 4 - Age; 5 - Sex; 6 - Color; 7 - Occupation (over age 15); 8 - Value of Real Estate; 9 - Value of Personal Estate; 10 - Place of Birth;
Page: 5
Wm. Kelley 22 M Farmer 600 150 AL X
Geo. A. Kelley 19 F Housekeeper GA
Francis Kelley 17 F AL
James Kelley 6mo M LA

Page 25:
155 155
T.J. Jones 40 M Farmer 2000 800 TN
Nancy E. Jones 33 F Housekeeper LA
J. Kelly 33 M Laborer 150 MS

PAGE: 26
W.H. Kelley 35 M Farmer 100 MS
M. Kelley 30 F Housekeeper MS
M.J. Kelley 15 F MS X
Louisia Kelley 14 F MS X
Thos. Kelley 12 M MS X
Martha Kelley 10 F MS X
Julia Kelley 8 F LA
James Kelley 6 M LA
H.A. Kelley 2 F LA
V.A. Kelley 2 F LA

Page: 39
243 243 Jno. Kelly 22 M Farmer AL X
Felicity Kelly 22 F Housekeeper LA X X

Page: 40
251 251 Mathew Kelley 45 M Farmer 1600 1047 SC X
Emily Kelley 32 F Housekeeper MS
Mary Kelley 16 F MS X
Caladonia Kelley 12 F AL X
Geo. B. Kelley 10 M AL X
Beautress Kelley 7 F LA X
Hubert Kelley 4 F LA
M.A. Kelley 1 F LA
Milly Caddz 12 F LA X
Louis Caddz 10 M LA X

Research needed, no known connection:
Kelley Cemetery, Ward 7, Sikes, Winn Parish, Louisiana
Kelley, W. S. b. 13 Aug. 1859 d. 11 July 1928 "Father"
Kelley, S. E. b. 26 May 1858 d. 29 July 1928 " Mother" This stone is broken. They also have foot markers Father and Mother
Kelley, W. M. b. 16 May 1832 d. 22 Feb. 1914
Kelley, Elizabeth b. 11 Oct. 1835 d. 8 Mar. 1928 This stone is broken. She also has foot marker E. K.
Kelley, Lucy V. b. 1 Nov. 1903 d. 12 Sept. 1904 dau. of G. I. & Bell
Kelley Kelly, George I. b. 11 Jan. 1882 d. 15 Sept. 1964
Kelly, Belle J. b. 20 Aug. 1883 d. 11 May 1981 ( Belle also has a funeral home marker from Southern Funeral Home ) They have foot markers Father and Mother
Kelly, Willie L. b. 8 July 1884 d. 19 Jan. 1966

Research needed, no known connection:
Sikes Cemetery, La Hwy 126 & 499 North at Sikes Baptist Church, Sikes, Winn Parish, Louisiana
Kelly Alice Almeda W/O W. L.
Kelly B.09/18/1885 D.03/27/1908
Kelly James J. [double marker] B.06/05/1885 D.07/08/1972
Kelly Mary Etta W/O James J.
Kelly B.03/05/1887 D.04/27/1964
Kelly Merle B.02/17/1914 D.05/22/1923
Kelly Merlie B.11/25/1907 D.02/28/1928

Research needed, no known connection:
George Alexander Kelly; Winn Parish, Louisiana
by Greggory E. Davies
120 Ted Price Lane
Winnfield, LA 71483

George Alexander Kelly

The Kellys came from Georgia. His father's name was Franklin and was well known in the early history of this country. He was a brick mason and besides he was well endowed with intellectual gifts.

Senator Geo. A. Kelly was one of five sons, all of whom possessed strong intellect, however, none of them probably equal to the subject our sketch.

He was born Dec. 11, 1839 in Alexandria and was educated in the schools of Rapides and Winn.

He early manifested a love for and aptness in education and educational matters. He was a precocious, bright and independent, which soon gave him a position, in the ascendant. He became a teacher and right well did he perform his duty in this roll, as men and women of middle age throughout the country will testify.

He entered the Christian ministry young, but in mature manhood, as a preacher, he was eloquent clear, forcible. He was a leader and his service was sought far and wide, but the labor was onerous and the compensation inadequate and he entered politics an held positions in the House of Legislature and also in the State Senate. He was well
fitted for this line of life.

He is now engaged in the ministry and only resorts to other things, the necessities of inadequate compensation require. He has always been proud, independent, self poised, with intellectual endowments, which had they been exercised in other
sections more favorable would have lead to any height.

He married Miss Lou Alford in 1860, and Mrs. Adair in 1906. He has lived his entire life in Louisiana. he was a soldier in the Confederate war--orderly sergeant in infantry. He is a Baptist, a Mason, Knight of Pythias, Woodman, F. E. and C. U.
of A. He is popular and much beloved.

He thinks there is a bright future for this parish and this section.

His motto: "To live for the service of God and mankind."

(The above article appeared in The Guardian newspaper, Vol. XXVII, No. 8-9, published September-October, 1907 at Winnfield, LA., and was copied from Watson Memorial Library, Cammie Henry Archives, Northwestern State
University, Natchitoches, LA. and submitted by Greggory Ellis Davies, Winnfield, LA.)

Greggory E. Davies 120 Ted Price Lane, Winnfield, LA 71483

John F. Kelly
John F. Kelly, M. D., is a name that has become familiar throughout this section of the country, for he has entered the doors of many of its inhabitants in his professional capacity, and wherever he has been his agreeable and pleasant countenance has brought sunshine with it, and his well-known, thorough knowledge of his profession has secured
the confidence of all. He was born in Smith County, Miss., July 16, 1836, to Archibald and Margaret McGill Kelly, who were born in the Old North State. The father died in Caldwell parish, La., in 1848 at the age of sixty-five years, and the mother in Winnfield, La., when sixty-seven years of age. The grandparents of Dr. Kelly came from Scotland, and in 1846 the Kellys settled in Louisiana, taking up their abode in Caldwell Parish, at which place the Doctor was educated. He began the study of medicine in 1857, in the office of Dr. C. C. Meredith of that place. The winter of 1860-1861 he spent in the
University of Louisiana, but in May of the latter year he joined Company I, Third Louisiana Infantry, and served throughout the war, being on detached duty a part of that time. An assistant surgeon at the fall of Vicksburg he was left in charge of the sick and wounded of his regiment, and there remained until November, 1863. After the war he returned home and entered upon the practice of medicine, a calling to which he has devoted his attention ever since, with the exception of a short time, during 1867 he graduated at the New Orleans School of Medicine. In politics he is a Democrat, and in 1872 was elected to the State Senate from the Twenty-fourth Senatorial District, being re-elected in 1878. He made a faithful trusty and intelligent legislator, and did all in his power to prove himself worthy the responsible position to which he had been elected, and with the best results. He was married in 1865 to Miss Lillie A. Wade, who was born in Tennessee in 1847, and has borne him five children: Maggie, Kate, Daniel W., John L., and Angus H. Dr. Kelly is a member of Eastern Star Lodge No. 151, F. & A. M., and he and his wife are members of the Baptist Church.

(The above article was copied from "Biographical & Historical Memoirs of Northwest Louisiana" published in 1890 by The Southern Publishing Company.)

Submitted by: Annette (Carpenter) Womack of Winnfield, Winn Parish, LA January 1998
(Spelling was retained as in document)
JOHN F. KELLY John F. Kelly, M. D., is a name that has become familiar throughout this section of the country, for he has entered the doors of many of its inhabitants in his professional capacity, and wherever, he has been his agreeable and pleasant countenance has brought sunshine with it, and his well-known, thorough knowledge of his profession has secured the confidence of all. He was born in Smith County, Miss., July 16, 1836, to Archibald and Margaret (McGill) Kelly, who were born in the Old North State. The father died in Caldwell Parish, La., in 1848 at the age of sixty-five years, and the mother in Winnfield, La., when sixty-seven years of age. The grandparents of Dr. Kelly came from Scotland, and in 1846 the Kellys settled in Louisiana, taking up their abode in Caldwell Parish. at which place the Doctor was educated. He begin the study of medicine in 1857, in the office of Dr. C. C. Meredith of that place. The winter of 1860-61 he spent in the University of Louisiana, but in May of the latter year he joined Company I, Third Louisiana Infantry, and served throughout the war, being on detached duty a part of the time. As assistant surgeon at the fall of Vicksburg be was left in charge of the sick and wounded of his regiment, and there remained until November, 1863. After the war he returned home and entered upon the practice of medicine, a calling to which he has devoted his attention ever since, with the exception of a short time, during 1867 he graduated at the New Orleans School of Medicines. In politics he is a Democrat, and in 1872 was elected to the State Senate from the Twenty-fourth Senatorial District, being reelected in 1878. He made a faithful, trusty and intelligent legislator, and did all in his power to prove himself worthy. the responsible position to which he had been elected, and with the best results. He was married in 1865 to Miss Lillie A. Wade, who was born in Tennessee in 1847, and has borne him five children: Maggie, Kate, Daniel W., John L., and Angus H. Dr. Kelly is a member of Eastern Star Lodge No. 151, of the A. F. & A. M., and he and his wife are members of the Baptist Church.

John Luther Kelly, M. D., Winn Parish, Louisiana
Contributed by Greggory E. Davies 120 Ted Price Lane Winnfield, LA 71483
John Luther Kelly, M. D. A physician and surgeon with an exceptional record of service, Dr. John Luther Kelly is a veteran of the World War, has practiced medicine in several localities of Louisiana, and since the war has been located at Oak Grove in West Carroll Parish. He is a commander of Charles H. Catron Post No. 53 of the American Legion at Oak Grove, is secretary of the West Carroll Medical Society and is present parish health officer. Doctor Kelly volunteered for service in the Army Medical Corps in May, 1917. He attended the First Medical Officer's Training School at Camp Greenleaf, was commissioned a first lieutenant and assigned duty at Camp Lee, Virginia. He was promoted to captain and later to major and went overseas as regimental surgeon with the Three Hundred and Fourteenth Field Artillery. He was overseas from March, 1918, until June, 1919. The Three Hundred and Fourteenth Field Artillery was on the battle line fifty-three consecutive days and 22 percent of its personnel were on the casualty list. Doctor Kelly himself was slightly gassed and was injured when thrown from a horse. He received his honorable discharge at Camp Lee, Virginia, June 17, 1919, and now holds a commission as major in the Medical Officer's Reserve Corps. Doctor Kelly comes of a family of physicians and was born August 10, 1882, son of Dr. John F. and Lillie Ann Wade Kelly. His mother was a daughter of Dr. John Wade, one of the pioneer medical men in Union Parish, Louisiana. Dr. John F. Kelly was a graduate in medicine from Tulane University at New Orleans, and was surgeon in Company I of the Third Louisiana Regiment during the war between the states. For a period of forty years he enjoyed the honors and responsibilities of an extensive medical practice in Winn and Grant parishes, and represented Winn Parish in the State Senate. He was in the Senate during the anti-lottery fight and was one of the legislators whom no influence could betray from the path of duty and his honest convictions. He was seventy years of age when he died, and his widow, now seventy-nine, lives at Winnfield with her son, Dr. D. W. Kelly. The late Dr. John F. Kelly was president of the Grant Parish School Board, was a Baptist, and a Royal Arch Mason. One of the five children, John Luther Kelly graduated from Colfax High School, and studied medicine in the University of Nashville and the University of Tennessee, graduating M. D. from the latter institution. In the course of his experience he has had some unusual opportunities for post-graduate study and clinical work, including attendance at the army Surgeon's School while with the Expeditionary Forces. For one year he was resident surgeon in the eye, ear, nose and throat hospital at New Orleans and another year was resident surgeon in the Memphis General Hospital. During 1923 he spent ninety days in post-graduate study at Tulane University. Doctor Kelly first engaged in practice at Rochelle in Grant Parish from May, 1908, until May, 1910, and from 1910 to 1917 was located at Montrose. After his discharge from the army he located at Oak Grove. Doctor Kelly in 1916 was elected a member of the State Legislature from Natchitoches Parish during the Governor Pleasant administration. He served as chairman of the committee of public health and quarantine, and resigned his seat to enter the army. Doctor Kelly married Miss May Ethel Thompson, a native of Moline, Illinois. They have one son, John L., Jr., born in 1913. This son's present expectations are to take up and pursue a career as a physician and surgeon. Doctor Kelly took his first degrees in Masonry at Colfax, is now a member of the lodge at Oak Grove, and belongs to the Scottish Rite Consistory and El Karubah Temple of the Mystic Shrine at Shreveport.
(The above was extracted from "A History of Louisiana", by Henry E. Chambers, published 1925. Submitted by Greggory Ellis Davies, Winnfield, Winn Parish, La.)

Voter List of 1898. Winn Parish, Louisiana
Submitted by Greggory E. Davies 120 Ted Price Lane Winnfield, LA 71483

Date Name Age/Color/Nativity/Residence/Occupation/Time of 1898 Residence in the State-Parish-Ward/Year Born/Naturalized (when/where)/Qualification/ Ancestor/Relationship/Residence of Ancestor/Remarks (Ward-Precinct)

Kelly, A. C. 75/W/AL/Near Winnfield/farmer/25-25-20/1823/-/ -/prior/-/ -/-/1-1 8/24
Kelly, Wm. 64/W/GA/Near Gaars Mill/farmer/40-40-40/1834/-/-/prior/ -/-/-/7-1 8/20
Kelly, A. C. 27/W/LA/Near Gaars Mill/farmer/27-27-27/1873/son/ Wm. Kelly/father/GA/7-1
Kelly, M. R. 69/W/GA/Near Atlanta/farmer/50-40-30/1829/-/- /prior/-/-/LA/6-1 8/26 7/8
Kelly, Wm. R. 33/W/LA/Near Atlanta/farmer/33-9-9/1865/-/-/son/ M. R. Kelly/father/LA/6-1
Kelly, J. W. 39/W/LA/Near Atlanta/farmer/39-39-10/1858/-/-/son/ M. R. Kelly/father/LA/6-1 7/16
Kelly, W. S. 40/W/LA/Near Gaars Mill/farmer/40-40-40/1858/-/-/son/ father/LA/7-1 8/27

Research needed, other Kelley's married in Pike County, Alabama (possible relatives of William Kelley):
Pike County
1/12/1831 Emily Kelly, Samuel Carlisle 4/27/1833 John Kelly, Epsey Sanford 5/23/1836 Mary Kelly, Jeremiah Carnly
11/25/1837 Emily Kelly, Richard Parish 10/26/1839 Miney Kelly, Jesse Cantaline
2/25/1843 Malissa Kelly, John Ward
2/25/1845 Mary Jane Kelly, William Ceercuton
8/14/1845 Sarah E. Kelley, Edwin J. Bristow
3/2/1846 Jacob Kelly, Sarah Fryer
9/14/1847 John E. Kelly, Martha M. Keys 9/28/1848 Prudence Kelly, Uriah Dunn

Mathew Kelley

Mathew was born in South Carolina, moved to Mississippi and married and had one child. Somewhere between 1844 and 1845 he moved his family to Alabama. He lived there for about five years and then move the family to Louisiana after 1850.

Mathew Kelley lives very near William M. Kelly in Union Parish, Louisiana in 1860. They are believed to be brothers.

Mathew's value of real estate is listed as: $1600, and Value of Personal Estate is listed as: $1047.
Mathew is listed as being unable to read or write.

Research needed, Mars Hill Cemetery, Winn Parish, Louisiana
Elvaria Hicks 28 AUG 1858 20 DEC 1931
James Warren 28 SEP 1858 5 JAN 1924
Sara Ann 15 OCT 1848 30 MAR 1923
William Riley 4 MAY 1865 9 MAY 1932

Martin Batte Lee

Photo submitted by Hank Johns.

Moved to Wilcox County, Alabama in the late 1820's. (see Land Patents)

It is also believed that these Land Patents belonged to Martin Batte Lee:
LEE, MARTIN AL Lowndes 11/14/1833 Cahaba 11483 AL0350__.398
LEE, MARTIN AL Wilcox 6/12/1834 Cahaba 12304 AL0370__.215
LEE, MARTIN AL Lowndes 6/12/1834 Cahaba 12305 AL0370__.216
LEE, MARTIN AL Lowndes 9/12/1835 Cahaba 13498 AL0390__.412
LEE, MARTIN AL Lowndes 10/1/1835 Cahaba 19757 AL0520__.452
LEE, MARTIN AL Lowndes 10/15/1835 Cahaba 20576 AL0540__.259
LEE, MARTIN AL Lowndes 4/10/1837 Cahaba 21135 AL0550__.316
LEE, MARTIN AL Lowndes 5/20/1837 Cahaba 26862 AL1650__.494

Martin moved his family to Union Parish, Louisiana by 1850.

Land Patents for Martin Batte Lee:
Document Numbers Document Nr.: 13974 Accession/Serial Nr.: LA1140__.352 BLM Serial Nr.: LA NO S/N
8/10/1858 160.8 acres
AliquotParts Sec./Block Township Range Fract.Section Meridian State Counties
SWSW 2/ 21-N 1-E No Louisiana LA Union
SESE 3/ 21-N 1-E No Louisiana LA Union
W½SE 3/ 21-N 1-E No Louisiana LA Union

Document Numbers Document Nr.: 17626 Accession/Serial Nr.: LA1170__.230 BLM Serial Nr.: LA NO S/N
7/1/1859 120.64 acres
NENE 3/ 21-N 1-E No Louisiana LA Union
SWNE 3/ 21-N 1-E No Louisiana LA Union
NWNW 2/ 21-N 1-E No Louisiana LA Union

"List of Registered Names in Union Parish La
Filed Sept 6th 1867
J. M. Reid, Clerk"
Page 2:
55. Martin B. Lee

Martin Batte Lee Bible, Union Parish, LA submitted by: Hank Johns
Martin Batte LEE, bible Contributed by: Henry LeRoy "Hank" JOHNS III, North Little Rock, Arkansas (The best I can tell, this bible was printed in 1877. It is 4 inches thick, 12 inches tall and 10 inches wide. It weighs about 10 pounds. It appears to be a display bible. The initials of M. B. LEE are engraved on the front cover in gold printing. On the inside cover, is documented, how the bible was passed down through our family.) Belonged to Martin Batte Lee, great grandfather of May B. Lee (Wooten) by her father John Martin Lee - ? (unreadable) in ? (unreadable) (unreadable) the to me. To Anna Wooten Slagle on her 64th birthday from Mother, M.B. Lee Wooten, April 23, 1967. To Anna Wooten Johns on her 22nd birthday from "Nana", Anna Wooten Slagle, September 14, 1976. To "Hank" (Henry LeRoy Johns, III), I want to pass on to you this special family Bible in appreciation of your genealogical research. It belonged to Martin Batte Lee. Love, Your baby sister, Anna Wooten Johns Parent, Easter, 1997.

MARRIAGES Martin Batte Lee to Lavincy Albritton
His son John Martin Lee Sr. to Mary Jane Taylor (Windes) Feb 6, 1849
His son John Martin Lee Jr. to Vada Burch Nov -19- 1872 in La.
Their son Wm Burch Lee to Irene Drake Nov 4th 1908 Minden La
J. M. Lee & Vada Burch's daughters Anna Lee to Hillyer Ralston Speed. Apr 19, 1898 Monroe, La. "" " "" " "" "" May Burch Lee to James Roche (Roach) Wooten. Feb 11, 1902 New Orleans, La

BIRTHS May Burch Lee Wooten B. Feb 9, 1881 in La
James Roach Wooten B. Mar 4, 1877 in Ga.

Ch: Anna Lee Wooten B. Apr 23, 1903 in Ga.
John Lee Wooten B. Nov 21, 1905 in La.
Maria Brooking Wooten B. Nov 5. 1911 in La.

DEATHS James Roach Wooten Died March 8, 1951 in La
May Burch Lee Wooten
John Lee Wooten died June 13, 1960
(Pasted on the page after the Death records is a newspaper obit for Mrs. Vada Burch Lee) FUNERAL IS HELD FOR PROMINENT MONROE WOMAN Services Conducted At Speed Home; Burial In City Cemetery.
The funeral of Mrs. Vada Burch Lee, 80, widow of John Martin Lee, member of a distinguished southern family and prominent for many years in Monroe, who died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. H. R. Speed, 110 Pine street, early Sunday, (written in ink in the margin: March 8, 1936), was held at the residence Monday at 3 p.m. Rev. L. T. Hastings, pastor of the First Baptist church, officiated. Internment was made in the old city cemetery.

Mrs. Lee, despite her advanced age, had been active up to last Thursday, when she was suddenly stricken with paralysis. Mrs. Lee was the widow of John Martin Lee, who, at the time of his death in 1908 was general land agent of the Southern Pacific railroad. Born in Georgia The family of Mrs. Lee was prominent in the War Between the States. It was of Georgia origin. She was born in Lagrange, Ga., May 8, 1855, the daughter of Dr. Richard Burch and Letitia Sale Burch. Doctor Burch was cavalry officer in the Confederate army and after the war he came to Louisiana, expecting to escape the turmoil attending the reconstruction period. Instead, he found the situation in this state more tumultuous than in Georgia. He located at Farmerville, then a center of the cotton shipping industry, and he became prominent in north Louisiana as a physician. The year after he came to this state, his daughter, Vada, married John Martin Lee on Nov 19, 1872 at the age of 17. It was then the post-war period of railroad expansion in the south, and Mr. Lee, member of a leading family of the state, became identified with the land department of the Southern Pacific, with headquarters in New Orleans. He continued in that position until his death in 1908 when Mrs. Lee removed to Monroe to reside.

Mrs. Lee was a woman noted for her wide intellectual attainments and devoted herself to the cultural things of life. She was deeply interested in civic beautification and gave much time to civic and charitable efforts. She also was an outstanding member of the First Baptist church.

Flowers Her Hobby
Flowers with Mrs. Lee were a great hobby and she spent many hours daily with her favorite plants in the garden of her daughter, which is one of the most beautiful in the city.

One son, Capt. Thompson Wood Lee, a veteran of the Spanish-American war, died Sept 12, 1898, and the United States War Veterans' post here bears his name.

Three children of Mrs. Lee survive. They are Mrs. H. R. Speed and Mrs. J. R. Wooten, both of Monroe, and William Burch Lee of Shreveport. Surviving grandchildren are Mrs. T. O. Bancroft, Mrs. E. T. Lamkin, John Lee Wooten and Mrs. Elmer Slagle, all of Monroe; William Burch Lee, Jr., Felix Drake Lee and Elizabeth Lee, all of Shreveport, and Mrs. Melville C. Vaughan of Lawrenceville, Ill, Eleven great-grandchildren also survive. The pallbearers were: William Burch Lee, Jr., and Felix Drake Lee of Shreveport and John Lee Wooten of Monroe, Mrs. Lee's grandsons; T.O. Bancroft, Elmer Slagle and E. T. Lamkin of Monroe, her grandsons-in-law; and A.D. Turnage of Farmerville and Robert C. Webb of Delta Point, her nephews by marriage. (end of newpaper obit)

(Hand written, besides the above newspaper obit, is the below statement written by May Burch Lee Wooten, great grand daughter of Martin Batte Lee) "(Today July 2d, 1936 as I place this newspaper clipping in this book I shall "Hand down" to my grandchildren as it was given to me by my grandfather John Martin Lee Sr. I ponder which of them will treasure this book as I have because it was bought by my great grandfather Martin Batte Lee who was born in Virginia 1798. May Burch Lee Wooten)"

"Martin Batte Lee as remembered by his grand daughter-in-law Vada B. Lee - was a tall slender man with kind brown eyes, reserved, gentle dignified- a deacon in the Baptist Church- He had only one son John Martin Lee Sr. John M to remember as a bright and shinning star in the home where I spent many happy hours - Because I was interested in all he had to say of his Lee family and because I had the same initials this book came to me. M.L.W." (end of bible entries)

Liberty Hill Primitaive Baptist Church, Union, Louisiana, submitted by: Tim Hudson, edited by Barbara J. Frost

Records of Liberty Hill Primitive Baptist Church, Union Parish Louisiana

Location: Liberty Hill Church adjoins the Taylor/Liberty Hill Cemetery, located near Bayou de'Loutre, seven miles northeast of Farmerville off Louisiana Highway 33 from Farmerville to Marion, in the northwest quarter of Section 12, Township 21 North, Range 1 East.

What are Primitive Baptists?
In the early 1800s, an issue developed among the Baptist denomination concerning “missions” and benevolent organizations - should the churches support them or not? Baptist pioneers from the Carolinas and Georgia brought this matter into Alabama, neither group had patience with the other's views. Some churches displayed openly anti- or pro-mission, others attempted to evade the issue. The anti-mission Baptists began to split from the missionaries during the 1830s, and became known as Old-School, Hardshell, New Tests, or more formally, Primitive Baptists. Many Alabama Baptist churches with anti-mission beliefs withdrew from the associations to which they belonged and formed new Primitive Baptist Associations. Further issues developed, and before long there were significant doctrinal differences between the Missionary (later Southern) Baptists and the Primitive Baptists.

Background on Liberty Hill Church:
Liberty Hill Primitive Baptist Church, originally called Pleasant Hill Baptist Church,formed soon after Colonel Matthew Wood and his son-in-law, John Taylor, arrived in eastern Union Parish Louisiana from Lowndes County Alabama in early February 1837. The Taylors belonged to an anti-missionary Baptists in Butler County Alabama, and apparently John Taylor helped establish a hardshell Baptist Church near his home some six or seven miles east of what is now Farmerville. In the latter 1840s, Pleasant Hill Church purchased land from Henry P. Anderson. The church's new property adjoined John Taylor's plantation, and the church soon erected a building next to Taylor's family graveyard. This community graveyard is one of the oldest in Union Parish and is known as the Taylor/Liberty Hill Cemetery.

In the early 1840s, many of Taylor's siblings joined him in eastern Union Parish, and most of them are believed to become members at Liberty Hill Church. In particular, Taylor's older brother, Baptist preacher Elder James Taylor, may have served the church as paster prior to his death in 1852.

We do know that by the 1890s, Liberty Hill Church had joined the South Ouachita Primitive Baptist Association, an organization that included churches in north Louisiana and southern Arkansas.

In the latter 1930s as Union Parish geared up for its centennial celebration, many of the older residents were interviewed for the centennial issue of the Farmerville "Gazette". An article claims that Liberty Hill Church had existed prior to 1830. I seriously doubt this claim. ... no record of any settlers in the Bayou d'Loutre region in which Liberty Hill is located prior to 1836. There is not even a record of any Baptist Churches in original Ouachita Parish prior to the latter 1820s, just a few years after the earliest recorded Baptist sermon was preached there in 1819 or 1820. ...evidence points to Liberty Hill Church's formation as occurring about 1837...

Destruction of the Church & Associational Minutes:
Numerous members of my family have had close associations with Liberty Hill Church since those early years. In particular, my relatives Henry B. T. Goyne and his wife Mary Ann Murray Goyne joined the church in the 1870s. Their daughter Susannah J. Goyne and son-in-law John Thomas Hudson apparently joined in the 1880s, and Hudson served as church clerk during the 1890s and early 1900s. Most of John and Susan's family belonged to the church, including their eldest son Charles Henry Hudson (1873-1959). Seven of Charlie Hudson's eight children belonged to Liberty Hill, and his grandson Woodrow W. Hudson, Jr. (my father) has served as pastor of the church since 1961.

During the 1930s and early 1940s, my great-uncle Charles Henry Hudson,Jr. (called "June" or "Bud" by the family) served Liberty Hill Church as church clerk, and he also served as the clerk of the South Ouachita Association in the early 1940s. His wife Vivian Love had died followingthe birth of their only child in 1938, and he had moved back in with his parents. Thus, Uncle Bud had both the church and the association minutes at the home of his parents, Charlie and Docia Ward Hudson, during this period. Tragically, the Hudson home burned in 1945, destroying all its contents, including the minutes.

For some unknown reason, the book recording the church minutes from the period 1870 - 1877 were in someone else's possession in 1945, as they survived the 1945 fire that destroyed the majority of the minutes.

A Few 1870s Members of Liberty Hill Primitive Baptist Church, that includes Martin Batte Lee:

The minutes abstracted reveal the names of only a few members of the church in during the 1870s. Unfortunately, the majority of the membership, especially female members, were rarely mentioned in the minutes other than when they joined or requested dismissal. The few names below constitute only a fraction of those who belonged to the church during this time. Between 1890 and 1920, the church had between 30 and 40 members.

A few of the people mentioned in the surviving minutes as members of Liberty Hill Primitive Baptist Church during the 1870s:
Elder Henry Archer - pastor of the church in the 1870s
J. H. Patterson - clerk of the church in the 1870s
Martin Batte Lee
Enoch Richard Albritton
Mr. Osburn (listed in the minutes as "colored")
Riley Agerton
Henry B. T. Goyne
J. L. Taylor
Catherine Taylor Rabun
Sarah Taylor
..., many others.

Records from later years prove that many Pattersons, Taylors, Albrittons, Scarboroughs, and Hudsons also belonged during this time period.

The Surviving Minutes:
As standard for Baptist churches, Liberty Hill Church in the 1870s held services one weekend per month, with preaching on both Saturday and Sunday. After preaching on Saturday, the church held conference, presided over by a moderator, ordinarily the preacher.

The standard format of the minutes is:
"After worship the Church went in conference.
1. Invited visited Brethren and Sisters to seat with us.
2. Open the doors of the church for the reception of members.
3. Inquired for the health of the church and peace.
4. Inquired for reference.
5. Called for misc. business.
Done by the order of the church in conference. Elder H. Archer, Mod., J. H. Patterson, Clk."

The minutes begin with the conference held on Saturday, 26 February 1870, and run through the conference held on Saturday, 23 June 1877 (with a few omissions). Throughout this period, Elder Henry Archer served Liberty Hill Church as pastor, and J. H. Patterson as church clerk, and as such their names are recorded each month.

Abstracts of the Liberty Hill Church Minutes, 1870 - 1877 that include Martin B. Lee:

21 May 1870
"5. Misc. Business. Move and second the church appoint delegates to the district meeting to be held at New Hope Church, Louisiana - which will convene Friday before the Second Sunday in July. Delegated Brethren M. B. Lee, Bro. J. H. Patterson."

29 Aug 1870
"5. Misc. business - By move and second, the church went into the choice of delegates to the Association, and chose Brethren M. B. Lee, H. Archer, J. H. Patterson, and M. Armstrong in case of absence.

Done by order of the church in conference. Elder R. Roler, Mod. J. H. Patterson, Clk."

24 June 1871
"4. Inquired for reference. And by motion and second, the church went into the choice of her delegates to the District meeting to be held with Good Hope Church commencing on Friday before the first Sunday in August. She chose Elder H. Archer, M. B. Lee, J. H. Patterson, and J. L. Tugwell in case of absence."

22 July 1871
"5. Inquired for misc. business. By motion and second, the church took up the case of Bro. Osburn in relative to his preaching. The Church has silenced him from preaching."

29 Aug 1871
"5. Called for misc. business. By motion and second the church appointed a committee of three to cite Bro. Osburn to appearance before the church - The committee M. B. Lee, J. H. Patterson, J. M. Armestrong."

23 Sept 1871
"4. Reference. There being a letter to the Association, the letter was read and adopted. The committee reported and Bro. Osburn (colored) is presence. By motion the church took up the case of Bro. Osburn for doctrine, for cursing, and whoremonger. By motion and second the church took the vote on Bro. Osburn's case. The church declared nonfellowship for him for whoremonger, for doctrine, and for cursing.

24 May 1873
"5. Inquired for misc. business. By motion and second the church requested the rules of decorum be read at our next conference. By motion and second the church went into the choice of her delegates to the District meeting which terminated in the choice of Elder H. Archer, M. B. Lee, F. M. Armstrong, and J. H. Patterson, alternate."

29 Aug 1873
"5. Inquired for misc. business. By motion and second, the church went into the choice of her delegates to the Association and determined in the choice of Brethren M. B. Lee, H. Archer, F. M. Armstrong, and J. H. Patterson, alternate.

21 Aug 1875
"2. Opened the doors of the church for the reception of members. By motion and second the church received Sister Mary Hester (Hicks?) by an experience of Grace...

25 Dec 1875
The format of the minutes during this conference was different, probably due to the absence of Elder Henry Archer. The moderator for this conference was Martin Batte Lee, who was then nearly seventy-eight years old:

"After worship the church met in conference.
1. Invited visiting Brethren to seats.
2. Inquired for peace and fellowship including acknowledgments.
3. Give opportunity for reception of members.
4. Call for reference.
5. Misc. Business.
M. B. Lee, Md. and J. H. Patterson, clerk."

21 May 1876
"5. Inquired for misc. business. By motion and second the church went into the choice of her delegates to the District meeting which terminated in the choice of H. Archer, M. B. Lee, J. H. Patterson, and F. M. Armstrong and alternate - J. L. Taylor."

This concludes the pre-1945 extant minutes of Liberty Hill Primitive Baptist Church.

John Gully

Research needed, no known connection:
Land Patents for GULLY, JOHN
AL Conecuh, Escambia 8/15/1837 Sparta 3141 AL2160__.112
AL Escambia 8/15/1837 Sparta 3878 AL2170__.342
AL Conecuh, Escambia 8/15/1837 Sparta 3879 AL2170__.343
AL Escambia 8/21/1837 Sparta 4594 AL2190__.050
AL Conecuh, Escambia 8/21/1837 Sparta 4619 AL2190__.075

Research needed, a possible child:
1880 United States Census for
Name Relation Marital Gender Race Age Birth Occupation Father Mother
John J. GULLEY Self M Male W 25 AL Farmer AL AL
Ollie GULLEY Wife M Female W 22 AL Keeping House AL AL
Mary GULLEY Dau S Female W 1 AL AL AL
Snow Hill, Wilcox, Alabama
Family History Library Film 1254034, NA Film Number T9-0034, Page Number 188A