Selected Families and Individuals


Ophelia Cecilia Arant

Also spelled Cecelia.

Reddick Knox Arrant

1832 Cherokee County Georgia Land Lottery 8th District, 1st Section, Cherokee
241 Reddick Arrant, 561st Upson.*

Research needed, no known connection:
Marriage Book 1, Lowndes County Alabama May 30, 1830 - Feb. 13, 1848
Groom's Name Bride's Name Marriage Bk Pg Married by
Arrant, Reddick and Shanks, Catherine Jan 18, 1838 1 223 Stuart, A. D.

Clarke Co., MS, Deed Book A: Pages 109-110
Allen Arrant to Reddick Arrant - 9 Jun 1837; for $180.50, Lots No. 68, 104, 103, 113, 114, 99, 105, 116, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, and 112; all in the Town of Enterprise, each lot 33 yards square; attest: William Covington, Mark M. Mitchell; appeared before William Covington, Clk, P. C. C. C. 16 Jun 1837; received 10 Jun 1837; recorded 13 Jun 1837.

Clarke Co., MS, Deed Book A, Pages 116-117:
George W. C. and Eliza Osbornd to Reddick Arrant - 31 Jul 1837; for $150.00, the SE qtr of NE qtr, Sect. 21, T4, R14E (40.16 acres); witnesses: Jackson A. Williford, Pleasant L. Phillipps; received 1 Aug 1837; recorded 2 Aug 1837
Pages 182-183:
Joshua and Selena DYESS (Jasper Co., Miss.) to William ARRANT (Lauderdale Co., Miss.) and Reddick ARRANT (Russel Co., Ala - 1 Aug 1844; for $500.00, the West half of SW qtr, Sect. 1, T3, R14E; sellers appeared before Charles F. MAYERHOFF, J. P. (Clarke Co., Miss.) 20 Dec 1844 and acknowledged that they signed, sealed, and delivered the deed; recorded 31 May 1844.
Pages 184-185:
Reddick and Margaret ARRANT (Russel Co., Ala.) and William and Sarah ARRANT to Thomas H. MELTON - 5 Aug 1844; for $1000.00, the SW half of SW qtr, Sect. 1; NE qtr of SE qtr; SW qtr of NE qtr, Sect. 2, T3, R4E

Record Book in Clarke County, Mississippi
Gift Deed
(351) Gift-deed of Peter Arrant to his children; Clarke Co., June 7, 1839.
Children: Elizabeth Gant, David William, Allen and Reddick Arrant.
Grandchildren: Louisa [Lyrely, Reddick, Ezra L. M., Thomas L., and Anjulin?-the children of my deceased daughter, Celia Gennings.
Slaves: Lewis, Lever, Teller, Simon, Prince, Mary, Nan, Jim, Gardner, Jack, Nerva and Perry together with all other property, real and personal. Signed Peter (x) Arrant. Wit; Jno. Watts, Samuel B. Watts, George Cowan. Recorded July 4, 1839. W. F. Green, clerk. Clarke Co., MS.

Gift Deed
(235) Peter Arrant to his children; Clarke Co.
Children: Elizabeth [Gant], David, William, Allen and Rddin.
Grandchildren: Louisa Lyerly, Reddic Gennings, Ezra L. M., daughter Ceely Gennings.
Negroes: Lewis, Tiner, Tiller, Lee, Prince, Mary, Nan, Erin, Gardner, Jack, Nerva, Perry, and Sam. Along with all other property both real and personal.
Land: Div. 10 & 11 frac. sec. 1, T3 R14E, [80 20/100 A.]; 1/4 of SE 1/4/ & SE 1/4 sec. 2, Te, R14E, [78 er/100 A.] [Signed] Peter (x) Arrant. Wit; John J. McRae. Thomas C. Gardner, acting J.P.
Recorded: October 6, 1842. W. F. Green, clerk.

Grantee Index to Deeds, Quitman, Clarke County, Mississippi
Grantee Grantor Book/Page(s) Date
Arrington, Anthony S. Arrant, Reddick & David C279-280 11 Jan 1843
Ferguson, Elijah Arrant, Reddick & David C278-279 11 Feb 1843

Gift Deed
(286) Heirs of Peter Arrant to Negro, Lewis; Clarke Co., Jan. 30, 1843.
$600.00 paid to the heirs of Peter Arrant by Lewis, a Negro man for his freedom.
[Signed] David Arrant, Allen Arrant, Reddick [of Rusel County, Alabama], William (x) Arrant, Elizabeth (x) Gant, J. A. Lyerly, Louisa (x) Lyerly, Reddick Jennings, Ezra L. Jennings, Thomas F. (x) Jennings, Angeline (x) Jennings.
Wit. John J. McRae, George Gardner, D. F. Lawson, B. S. McClendon.

Clarke Co., MS, Deed Book A, Pages 182-183:
Joshua and Selena Dyess (Jasper Co., Miss.) to William Arrant (Lauderdale Co., Miss.) and Reddick Arrant (Russel Co., Ala - 1 Aug 1844; for $500.00, the West half of SW qtr, Sect. 1, T3, R14E; sellers appeared before Charles F. Mayerhoff, J. P. (Clarke Co., Miss.) 20 Dec 1844 and acknowledged that they signed, sealed, and delivered the deed; recorded 31 May 1844.

Clarke Co., MS, Deed Book A, Pages 184-185:
Reddick and Margaret Arrant (Russel Co., Ala.) and William and Sarah Arrant to Thomas H. Melton - 5 Aug 1844; for $1000.00, the SW half of SW qtr, Sect. 1; NE qtr of SE qtr; SW qtr of NE qtr, Sect. 2, T3, R4E.

Land Patents for ARRANT, REDDICK
MS Clarke 1/5/1841 Augusta 6217 MS0730__.488
MS Clarke 1/5/1841 Augusta 6218 MS0730__.489
MS Clarke 1/5/1841 Augusta 6219 MS0730__.490
MS Clarke 1/5/1841 Augusta 6220 MS0730__.491
MS Clarke 1/5/1841 Augusta 6221 MS0730__.492
MS Clarke 1/5/1841 Augusta 6358 MS0740__.140
MS Clarke 1/5/1841 Augusta 6359 MS0740__.141
LA Ouachita 9/1/1849 Ouachita 9176 LA1030__.447
LA Ouachita 9/1/1849 Ouachita 9185 LA1030__.455

1860 Federal Census for Tyler County, Texas
Allen's family
Reddicks's family

Margaret Ann Gray

State of Alabama, Russel County - Margaret Arrant appeared before Wesley G. Deloney, J. P. on 5 Aug 1844 and relinquished right of dower; recorded 31 May 1845.

State of Mississippi, Clarke County - Margaret Arrant appeared before (blank) 5 Aug 1844 and relinquished right of dower for the sum of $1.00; Sarah Arrant did same on 20 Dec 1844; recorded 31 May 1845.

Reddick D. Arrant

A Redick Arant was married to Mary Martha Crow (b. June 29, 1857, d. January 1, 1928). Don't know if this is the same person.

David Arrant Sr.

David Sr. resided in the following locations: Georgia between 1800 - 1826, Loundes County, Alabama between 1827-1836, Clarke County, Mississippi after 1836-1850, and Ouachita Parish, Louisiana in 1850-until his death.

Land patents documentDavid Sr. resided in the following locations: Georgia between 1800 - 1826, Loundes County, Alabama between 1827-1836, Clarke County, Mississippi after 1836-1850, and Ouachita Parish, Louisiana in 1850-until his death.

Land patents document

Mary Anderson

Research needed, a possible nephew of Mary Anderson: ANDERSON, WILLIAM
MS Clarke 5/2/1859 Augusta 10659 MS0820__.045
MS Clarke 5/2/1859 Augusta 11759 MS0830__.192
MS Clarke 4/2/1860 Augusta 14830 MS0880__.395

Peter Arrant

Peter ARRANT - C, J; P; AG5; CRW; slaves: 4M under 10; 2M 10-24; 1M 24-36; 1F under 10; 2F 24-36

Research needed to establish is this is our Peter Arrant:
Timothy D. Hudson
1866 - 1883 UNION PARISH LOUISIANA OBITUARIES These newspaper articles were abstracted by me from Louisiana newspapers available on microfilm at the Hill Memorial Library, Louisiana State University campus, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I acknowledge that the research of Ms. Lori Peppers, Ouachita Parish Librarian, was helpful in compiling these early obituaries, as almost all of these obituaries come from Ouachita Parish newspapers (Union Parish has no extant newspapers from this era).
The Ouachita Telegraph Friday, 25 July 1879, page 3, column 2
Killing of W.H. Baker.
Mr. W.H. Baker, a citizen of this parish for twenty-five years, or more, was killed on his place on the Ouachita, in this parish, on Saturday evening last. The main facts in the killing were elicited at the inquest held by Coroner Locke of this parish. We copy the Coroner's process verbal: I, J.W. Locke, coroner of the parish of Ouachita, State of Louisiana, having been duly notified of the death of W.H. Baker, and having received the body of said W.H. Baker, and made inquiry respecting the death, did on this 20th day of July, 1879, summon the following jury of inquest, to each of whom I administered the following oath, to-wit: You do solemnly swear that you will well and truly inquire and a true verdict render as to what means the deceased W.H. Baker came to his death, to the best of your ability and understanding, so help you God.
Peter ARRANT (his mark)
And the said jurors, after being thus sworn to inquire on behalf of the State when and by what means the said W.H. Baker came to his death, upon their oaths do say, that the said W.H. Baker came to his death from six gunshot wounds in his head, apparently made by a load of buckshot from a shotgun, in hands one Willis Wright (according to the evidence shown to this jury).
Peter ARRANT (his mark)
ISLAND, OUACHITA PARISH, LA., July 20, 1879 This is to certify that I was summoned by J.W. Locke, coroner for said parish, to examine the body of W.H. Baker of this parish. I found that he came to his death by a gunshot wound in the head, the shot tearing the skull and brain very much two shot passing out, but the remaining shot doing the greatest mischief still lodged in the brain. Such a wound is necessarily and quickly fatal. This given under my hand and seal, this day and date above written. S.C. MURPHY, M.D. John L. Daniel, being duly sworn, deposeth and says: I saw Mr. W.H. Baker walk down the lane and seen him walk up to the gate of Willis Wright. He stood at the gate about three minutes; then I heard a gun fire and seen Mr. Baker fall. Willis Wright was the one who fired the gun. I then went to where the gun was fired, and found Mr. Baker lying dead in front of Willis Wright's gate. I seen Willis Wright come out the gate and run by Mr. Baker. I was about three hundred yards from the house (Wright's house) when I saw the gun fire. I am positive that Willis Wright was the man who fired the gun. I saw Wright last when he was wading the river. J.L. DANIEL. Willis Wright, when a slave, belonged to Mr. John Bass of Union parish. He was employed by Mr. Baker on his plantation. It seems that on the day of the killing, early in the morning, Baker ordered Willis off his place, because Willis had been intermeddling with Mr. Baker's cook, a colored woman . About sundown Baker walked down to Willis's cabin, and at the yard gate was shot down as related in the evidence of Mr. Daniels, a step-son of Mr. Baker. Willis left immediately. About eighteen hours subsequent a number of men started in pursuit of the murderer, but up to Wednesday morning the search had proved fruitless."

Research needed:
Land Patents - ARRANT, PETER
MS Clarke 1/5/1841 Augusta 5426 MS0720__.213
AL Pike 11/1/1858 Elba 21599 AL2440__.450
AL Pike 1/3/1860 Elba 24668 AL2490__.471
AL Pike 1/3/1860 Elba 24709 AL2500__.011

Hansford Arrant

Company K 31st Louisiana Infantry Confederate States of America
VPL = Vicksburg Parole List
ABB = Andrew Booth's Book VCB
Arant, H. VPL
Arrant, John VPL
Arrant, David Jr. VPL
Arrant, Ransom ABB

Possible marriage date: Jan. 26, 1859 in West Monroe, Ouachita Parish, Louisiana

S[ar]a Jane Arrant

Her name is probably: Sara Jane Arrant.

Caroline Arrant

One source says she married a Chapman, had no children and lived in Texas.

David Arrant Jr.

Company K 31st Louisiana Infantry Confederate States of America
VPL = Vicksburg Parole List
ABB = Andrew Booth's Book VCB
Arant, H. VPL
Arrant, John VPL
Arrant, David Jr. VPL
Arrant, Ransom ABB

During the Civil War David Arrant, Jr. was sent to fight at Vicksburg, Mississippi. During one of the battles he was shot in the eye. He lost the sight in that eye and also had to live with the facial scar it left. Everyone said he was one ugly looking man but all agreed he had the best nature. The lead from the shot was not removed. It was many years later when the shot finally worked its way to the surface of his skin and it could be removed.

[see General Index to Conveyances 1839 - 1927, Union Parish Court House, Farmerville, Louisiana: File No. 418-5, Book 5, Pages 484-6 Deed Land] 1881
John Steel to Deed land with Mortgage returned David Arrant
State of Louisiana, Parish of Union
1. E half of NE quarter, and NW quarter of NE quarter, and SW quarter of NE quarter of Section Eight (8)
2. SW quarter of NW quarter and NW quarter of NW quarter and NE quarter of NW quarter of Section Nine (9)
all in Township twenty One (21) North of Range One (1) East containing 280 acres more or less

His great-grandson, Carnie Caples, stated that David Jr's. funeral was the first one he was permitted to attend at the age of five, he can still remember it 65 years later (2002).

Your children: Their birth certificates/marriage records.

Daughters of the American Revolution
Conrad Arrant is listed with the DAR as a Revolutionary Ancestor. The said Conrad Arrant who resided during the American Revolutionary at Camden District, South Carolina assisted in establishing American Independence while acting in the capacity of Civil Service, SC. His service included: Jury Duty in SC, Petit Juror 1778-1779 Camden District.
Jury List of SC 1778-1779, compiled by Hendrix & Lindsey, pp 48 & 53
Cherokee Land Lottery by James Smith
History of Upson County, Georgia by Carolyn Nottingham & Evelyn Hannah, pp 193, 189, 123
Report of GeLee Hendrix, CG, FASG
and the below listed DAR Applications

If you are from the Louisiana area Arrant's you may be able to join the DAR based on the following documentation and your immediate family's birth, death and marriage and divorce records/certificates:
8th Generation: Conrad Arrant, b. ~1760 PA, d. 26 Oct 1785 (Kershaw County), Craven County, SC, m. ~1757 to Elizabeth, d. ~1835 (Upson County, Georgia).
7th Generation, completed: son Peter Arrant, b. ~1760 probably North Carolina, d. 8 Mar (1842)/1843 Clark County, MS, m. Permelia 'Millie" Reddick: DAR App. Nat # 795499 (Nellie Knox); DAR App. Nat. # 796262 (Mary Wade); DAR App. Nat # 789620 (Elizabeth Dean)
6th Generation, conpleted: son David Arrant Sr. b. ~1800 Georgia, d. ~1880 Union Parish, LA, m. 4 Nov 1822 Mary 'Polly" Anderson b. ~1805 Georgia, d. ~ 1870 Union Parish, LA. "Encyclopedia of Individuals and Founding Families of the Ouachita Valley of Louisiana from 1785 to 1850" Part one A-K by Russ Williams Jr.; DAR App. Nat # 795499 (Nellie Mae Arrant Knox); DAR App. Nat. # 796262 (Mary Wade); DAR App. Nat. # 789620 (Elizabeth Dean)
5th Generation, completed: David Arrant Jr. b. 2 23 1833 Alabama, d. 11 1 1913 Monroe, LA,, m. 7 Jan 1915 Ouachita Parish, LA Columbia Frances Landrum, b. 13 Oct 1844 Ouachita Parish, LA, d. 17 Jan 1917 Ouachita Parish, LA. "Encyclopedia of Individuals and Founding Families of the Ouachita Valley of Louisiana from 1785 to 1850" Part One A-K by E. Russ Williams Jr.
4th generation: Calvin Presley Arrant, b. 10 Nov 1866 Ouachita Parish, LA, d. 25 Apr 1930 Wichita Falls, Wichita County, Texas, m. 16 Aug 1887 Union Parish, LA Florence Hicks b. 14 Aug 1871 Farmerville, Union Parish, LA, d. 2 Mar 1947 Calhoun, Ouachita Parish, LA.
3rd generation, up to you: Your related Arrant grandfather's or grandmother's birth and marriage Certificates (and possibly their being reference in the "Encyclopedia of Individuals and Founding Families of the Ouachita Valley of Louisiana from 1785 to 1850" Part One A-K by E. Russ Williams Jr.
If you're descended from Neiver (Neva) Arrant, her birth and marriage records are approved (granddaughter Barbara Frost's application) and she is listed with the "Encyclopedia of Individuals...".
2nd generation, up to you: Your Arrant parent's birth, death, marriage certificates and those of the spouse (divorce certificate, if it applies). [Mary Joe Caples and Calvin Clenton Frost's paper's are submitted through daughter Barbara Frost]
1st genertion, up to you: Your birth certificate, husband's birth records and marriage/divorce certificates.
Your children: Their birth certificates/marriage records.

Columbia Frances Landrum

Columbia's twin brother is Matthew R. L. Landrum.

John Sterling Crow

Year: 1920 State: Louisiana County: Union ED: 125 Sheet No: 237A&B Reel No: T625-632 Division: Police Jury Ward Two SD: 2 Page No: 14A Enumerated on: January 30-31st, 1920 by: King O. Lankford Transcribed by Shawn Martin and Proofread by Karen Rice
94 | FM | 236 242 | Crow John S. | Head | O F | M W 40 M | | Yes Yes | Louisiana | Louisiana | Louisiana | Y | Farmer General Farming OA | 210
95 | FM | 236 242 | Crow Emilie | Wife | | F W 41 M | | Yes Yes | Louisiana | Louisiana | Louisiana | Y | None
96 | FM | 236 242 | Crow Jessie | Daughter | | F W 21 S | | Yes Yes | Louisiana | Louisiana | Louisiana | Y | None
97 | FM | 236 242 | Crow William S. | Son | | M W 18 S | | Yes Yes Yes | Louisiana | Louisiana | Louisiana | Y | None
98 | FM | 236 242 | Crow Emmet A. | Son | | M W 16 S | | Yes Yes Yes | Louisiana | Louisiana | Louisiana | Y | None
99 | FM | 236 242 | Crow Kerma | Son | | M W 13 S | | Yes Yes Yes | Louisiana | Louisiana | Louisiana | Y | None
100 | FM | 236 242 | Crow Burnigh | Son | | M W 10 S | | Yes Yes Yes | Louisiana | Louisiana | Louisiana | Y | None
1 | FM | 236 242 | Crow Harry | Son | | M W 8 S | | Yes Yes | Louisiana | Louisiana | Louisiana | | None
2 | FM | 236 242 | Crow Robie L. | Son | | M W 4 S | | Yes | Louisiana | Louisiana | Louisiana | | None
3 | FM | 236 242 | Crow Adaline | Daughter | | F W 2 & 6 mo. S | | | Louisiana | Louisiana | Louisiana | | None

Ransom Arrant

Company K 31st Louisiana Infantry Confederate States of America
VPL = Vicksburg Parole List
ABB = Andrew Booth's Book VCB
Arant, H. VPL
Arrant, John VPL
Arrant, David Jr. VPL
Arrant, Ransom ABB

LOUISIANA CONFEDERATE PENSION APPLICATION RECORD:INDEX Aarons - Ayrond Donated by the Louisiana State Archives
ARRANT, MARY E. (JESSUP) CP1.4 3.000000 26.000000 6.000000 ARRANT, MARY E.
ARRANT, RANSOM CP1.4 3.000000 26.000000 6.000000 ARRANT, MARY E

Note: A Ransom P. Arrant is listed as married to Maud Fowles in the following book: Index to Marriages to 1910 (A-K), Book 10, page 452, located in the Court House, Farmerville, Union Parish, Louisiana.

Note: An R. P. Arrant is listed as married to Etta Grover in the following book: Index to Marriages to 1910 (A-K), Book 11, page 89, located in the Court House, Farmerville, Union Parish, Louisiana.

Concord Cemetary - at an intersection in the small town (?); if you take the road going West out of town that is where you will find this cemetary. It is on both sides of the road.

Calvin Presley Arrant

During 1885 - 1889 Calvin and Florence appeared to live in Texas because two of their children were born there. In March 1900 their daughter, Neiver Arrant, was born in Louisiana.

Upon returning to Union Parish, Louisiana, Calvin made the following land purchases (see Appendix for copies):
Jan. 12, 1901: Union and Lincoln Parishes, La. To ????: E 1/2 of SE ¼ of Sec. 24 and NE ¼ of NE ¼ Sec. 26, T2??? ? D. West mid NW ¼ of NW ¼ Sec. 30 T. 2 W. N. R. 1. West containing 160 acres more or less

Nov. 13, 1901: Union Parish, SW quarter of SE quarter of SW quarter and SW quarter of SW quarter less [12 or 17] acres in SW corner of said last ????il and forty on which Culbertson Church is situated and less 1 acre on which school house is situated being in section Thirty <30> of Twenty <20> NR one West Containing Thirty-seven acres more of less.

Sept. 7, 1906: Union Parish, NE ¼ of SW ¼, & W ½ of SW ¼ Sec. 27 T 20 N R ! West excluding however, a strip of land as stated in the deed from the V. S. & P.R.R. co., to J. M. Pardue containing 120 acres more or less

Family Story: Calvin supposedly committed crimes against others as well as his own property (barn burning and killings-said to be in self-defense/family defense). He and others could not live with his actions and so he was committed to a mental hospital in the state of Texas. He died there and was returned home for burial. Another story was he ran away to Texas. Both stories appear to be true:

1920 United States Census for Precinct 7, Bexas, Texas
Colser P. Arrant, white, bore 1869 Louisiana, age 50

1930 United States Census for Precinct 1, Wichita County, Texas
Calvin P. Arrant, white, born in1866 Louisiana, age 63, patient in State Hospital

Second death/location date: April 23, 1930, Austin, Texas.

Daughters of the American Revolution
Conrad Arrant is listed with the DAR as a Revolutionary Ancestor. The said Conrad Arrant who resided during the American Revolutionary at Camden District, South Carolina assisted in establishing American Independence while acting in the capacity of Civil Service, SC. His service included: Jury Duty in SC, Petit Juror 1778-1779 Camden District.
Jury List of SC 1778-1779, compiled by Hendrix & Lindsey, pp 48 & 53
Cherokee Land Lottery by James Smith
History of Upson County, Georgia by Carolyn Nottingham & Evelyn Hannah, pp 193, 189, 123
Report of GeLee Hendrix, CG, FASG
and the below listed DAR Applications

If you are from the Louisiana area Arrant's you may be able to join the DAR based on the following documentation and your immediate family's birth, death and marriage and divorce records/certificates:
8th Generation: Conrad Arrant, b. ~1760 PA, d. 26 Oct 1785 (Kershaw County), Craven County, SC, m. ~1757 to Elizabeth, d. ~1835 (Upson County, Georgia).
7th Generation, completed: son Peter Arrant, b. ~1760 probably North Carolina, d. 8 Mar (1842)/1843 Clark County, MS, m. Permelia 'Millie" Reddick: DAR App. Nat # 795499 (Nellie Knox); DAR App. Nat. # 796262 (Mary Wade); DAR App. Nat # 789620 (Elizabeth Dean)
6th Generation, completed: son David Arrant Sr. b. ~1800 Georgia, d. ~1880 Union Parish, LA, m. 4 Nov 1822 Mary 'Polly" Anderson b. ~1805 Georgia, d. ~ 1870 Union Parish, LA. "Encyclopedia of Individuals and Founding Families of the Ouachita Valley of Louisiana from 1785 to 1850" Part one A-K by Russ Williams Jr.; DAR App. Nat # 795499 (Nellie Mae Arrant Knox); DAR App. Nat. # 796262 (Mary Wade); DAR App. Nat. # 789620 (Elizabeth Dean)
5th Generation, completed: David Arrant Jr. b. 2 23 1833 Alabama, d. 11 1 1913 Monroe, LA,, m. 7 Jan 1915 Ouachita Parish, LA Columbia Frances Landrum, b. 13 Oct 1844 Ouachita Parish, LA, d. 17 Jan 1917 Ouachita Parish, LA. "Encyclopaedia of Individuals and Founding Families of the Ouachita Valley of Louisiana from 1785 to 1850" Part One A-K by E. Russ Williams Jr.
4th generation: Calvin Presley Arrant, b. 10 Nov 1866 Ouachita Parish, LA, d. 25 Apr 1930 Wichita Falls, Wichita County, Texas, m. 16 Aug 1887 Union Parish, LA Florence Hicks b. 14 Aug 1871 Farmerville, Union Parish, LA, d. 2 Mar 1947 Calhoun, Ouachita Parish, LA.
3rd generation, up to you: Your related Arrant grandfather's or grandmother's birth and marriage Certificates (and possibly their being reference in the "Encyclopedia of Individuals and Founding Families of the Ouachita Valley of Louisiana from 1785 to 1850" Part One A-K by E. Russ Williams Jr.
If you're descended from Neiver (Neva) Arrant, her birth and marriage records are approved (granddaughter Barbara Frost's application) and she is listed with the "Encyclopedia of Individuals...".
2nd generation, up to you: Your Arrant parent's birth, death, marriage certificates and those of the spouse (divorce certificate, if it applies). [Mary Jo Caples and Calvin Clenton Frost's paper's are submitted through daughter Barbara Frost]
1st generation, up to you: Your birth certificate, husband's birth records and marriage/divorce certificates.
Your children: Their birth certificates/marriage records.

Florence A. Hicks

Another name: Florence Frances Hicks.
Note: Some believe Florence A. Hicks was born in Marion, Union Parish, Louisiana.

The Union Parish, Louisiana Index to Succession Book Probate Records Index). Transcribed and submitted by the late Mrs. Arelia S. Breed for "The Genie", published quarterly by the ARK-LA-TEX GENEALOGICAL ASSOCIATION, INC.
Hicks Florence Tutorship A-3 436 26

Succession Book Z - Union Parish, Louisiana, October 26, 1887, Page 56-58

[Located In Margin] Petition & Order | for Account. | Filed October | 26th 1887.

To the Hon. Judge of the 3d Judicial District | Court of Louisiana holding sessions in and for | the Parish of Union.
The petition of Florence Hicks who has lately | married to Calvin P. Arrant and Calvin P. | Arrant her husband who joins her herein and | authorizes her to prosecute this suit and | stand in judgment both residents of Union | Parish, La., respectfully represents unto your | Hon. Court that petitioner Florence Hicks has | lately been emancipated by her marriage | as aforesaid, that John M. Lee Jr. of Union | [Page 57] Parish was her duly appointed and qualified | tutor having been appointed by your Hon. Court. That prior to his appointment as tutor to | petitioner Dr. W. C. Carr late of Union Parish was | appointed and qualified tutor to petitioner | and acted as such up to his death which occur | red in January 1886. That after his death the said J. M. Lee Sr. was appointed tutor to petitioner | as aforesaid.
Petitioner avers that the said Jno. M. Lee Jr. | tutor failed and neglected to provoke the fil-| ing of an account of the tutorship of the | said tutorship of W. C. Carr, and has never | filed any account of his own tutorship. | Petitioners aver that through their atty Jas. A. Ramsey | they have demanded of the said Jno. M. Lee Jr. | that he file an account, and he has failed | and neglected to do so.
Petitioners aver that she (Florence Hicks) is | entitled to have a full, fair and explicit | account of the entire tutorship from the date | of the appointment of the said W. C. Carr to | the emancipation of petitioner filed by the said J. M. Lee Jr. Tutor.
Petitioners aver that her father George W. Hicks | died in August 1884. That soon after his death | her mother Mrs. Elizabeth Hicks qualified as | her Natural Tutrix to petitioner and the other | minor children, that in Jan. 1885 her said | mother died also, and the succession of her | said father and mother was settled up by | E. J. Lee admr of their succession appointed such | by your Hon. Court that the said admr. turned | over to the said W. C. Carr tutor and the said | J. M. Lee Jr. Tutor several amounts of money coming | to petitioner as above stated, no account of said | funds or the acts and doings of either tutor | has ever been filed in your Hon. Court.
Wherefore petitioners pray that the said John | M. Lee Jr. Tutor have service hereof and be duly | cited to answer hereto and that an order issue | from your Hon. Court commanding the said | Jno. M. Lee Jr. Tutor to file in your Hon. Court within | [Page 58] ten days from the service thereof a full, fair and | explicit account of the entire tutorship of petitioner | from the date of the appointment of the said | W. C. Carr Tutor showing in full the acts of said | Tutors and the amount in full coming to petition- | er. And petitioners pray for judgment against | the said John M. Lee Jr. Tutor for whatever amount | with five per cent per annum interest thereon | from the date of the appointment of the said | W. C. Carr as tutor.
Petitioners pray for all other orders necessary | and for general relief.
Jas. A. Ramsey | Atty. for Petitioners.

Succession Book Z - Union Parish, Louisiana, October 26, 1887, Page 58

State of Louisiana, Parish of Union.
Personally appeared before me the undersigned | loyal authority Jas. A. Ramsey who after being by | me duly sworn deposes and says that he is the | atty for the foregoing petitioners and that his | Hon. John Young, Judge 3d Dist. of La., is now | absent from Union Parish. All of which he swears | is the best of his knowledge and belief.
Sworn to and subscribed | before me on this the 26th of | Oct. 1887. Jas. M. Smith | Clerk D. C. &c.} Jas. A. Ramsey.

Succession Book Z - Union Parish, Louisiana, December 31, 1887, Pages 58-60

Final Account | Filed December | 31st 1887

Final account of J. M. Lee Jr. Tutor to the | minor Florence Hicks heir of Geo. W. & Elizabeth | Hicks dec'd, said minor now being emancipa- | ted by marriage.
The Tutor received seventy seven dollars from | the estate of Dr. W. C. Carr for the four minor | heirs of Geo. W. & Elizabeth Hicks dec'd. one | fourth of which belongs to Florence Hicks. | He therefore charges himself with | said one fourth to wit = $19.25
He also charges himself with one fourth of the amt. which he rec'd | from E. J. Lee admr. of the Est. | [ Page 59]

of Geo. W. & Elizabeth Hicks to wit: $51.50
He also charges himself with 5% | inst. on said sums from the time | he received same which was | Aug. 31st 1886. 1 yr & 4 mo. $ 4.70
Total charges $75.45
Your Tutor claims the following | credits for necessaries which he | paid out for said minor acct. | with J. Marx & Bro. for the years 1886 & 1887. $19.15
Acct. with J. Stein & Co. for 86 & 7 2.65
Credits carried over $21.80
Credits brought forward $21.80
Tutors commission .47
Attys fee for filing this acct. $10.00
Clerks cost 2.50
Total credits $34.77

Total charges $75.45
Total credits $34.77
Bal. due Florence Hicks $40.68
To the Hon. Judge of the 3rd Dist Court | of Louisiana holding session in and for the | Parish of Union. The petition of Jno. M. Lee Jr. | who is Tutor to the minor Florence Hicks who | is emancipated by marriage, with respect presents | herewith his final account of his Tutorship | with said emancipated minor in pursuance | with an order issued out of your Hon. Court.
Your Tutor avers that it is impossible for him | to file an acct. of her former Tutor, W. C Carr decd. | as he knew nothing of the said W. C. Carr's business | matters. Your Tutor avers that the final acct. | in the succession of W. C. Carr the former tutor | of the minors of Geo. W. & Elizabeth Hicks dec'd, | the said Florence Hicks herein being one of the | minors shows that six hundred dollars was | due them by said estate.
Petitioner was not qualified as their Tutor | until after the homologation of the final account | in the succession of the said W. C. Carr.
That said succession was notoriously insolvent | [Page 60] and the said heirs were paid a very small percentage | of their claim. Your Tutor only received Seventy | Seven Dollars of which he gives Florence Hicks | was duly homologated by your Hon. Court and | the admr. ordered to pay the debts porately [sic - prorated] and | their prorate share only being Seventy Seven Dollars | which your Tutor received.
He also received Two Hundred Six Dollars for | said minors from E. J. Lee Admr. of the estate | of Geo. W. & Elizabeth Hicks dec'd. of which he | has given Florence Hicks credit herein for her | portion. He avers that the charges in this | final acct. are Seventy Five and 45/100 Dollars | and the same is correct, and the credits are | Thirty Four and 77/100 Dollars and the same is | correct. Showing a balance of Forty and 68/100 Dollars |due the said Florence Hicks.
Wherefore your Tutor prays that this his | final account of his Tutorship of said | emancipated minor Florence Hicks heir of | Geo. W. & Elizabeth Hicks dec'd. be accepted, approved and homologated by your Hon. | Court in all its parts and upon your Tutor | filing his vouchers the amounts he paid out | for her and his voucher showing a settlement | with her that his bond as to said emancipated | minor Florence Hicks be canceled and he | be discharged and relieved from any other | responsibility as to her tutorship.
He prays for general relief &c.
Everett & Everett. | Attys for Petitioner.

Succession Book Z - Union Parish, Louisiana, February 14, 1888, Page 60

[Located In Margin] Opposition to | Final Account. | Filed February | 14th, 1888.

In 3rd District Court, Union Parish, Louisiana.
In the matter of the Tutorship of Florence Hicks (Arrant).
Now come Florence Hicks (Arrant) and her | husband Calvin P. Arrant who joins her, his | said wife, to enable her to bring this opposition | and stand in judgment, both residents of | Union Parish, Louisiana and files this their | [Page 61] opposition to the final account of John M. Lee Jr. | tutor to said Florence Hicks (Arrant) filed (December | 31st A. D. 1887.
Opponent avers that her said tutor John M. | Lee Jr. has charged her in said final account | with twenty one & 80/100 dollars, for goods which | he alleges he bought for her during the years | 1886 & 1887. She shows that said amount is far | in excess of the revenues of her property in | said tutor's hands, and as no family meeting | has ever been convoked to advise the spending | of any portion of her capital, said charge | by said tutor is illegally made and should | therefore be stricken from his final account, and that as thus amended said account | should be approved and homologated.
Opponent shows that since the death of her | parents, George & Elizabeth Hicks she has earned | a support with her labor, and that whatever | of the pittance left her by her said parents | has been spent, has been done in violation of | law. Wherefore, opponent prays that this her | opposition to said final account be sustained | and that the amount of twenty-one & 80/100 dollars | which said tutor has given himself credit | for in said account be stricken therefrom, and | that as thus amended said account be approved | and homologated.
She prays for all other necessary orders | for costs and general relief.
Dawkins & Dawkins | Attys for Opponent.

Succession Book Z - Union Parish, Louisiana, February 20, 1888, Page 61-62

[Located In Margin] Evidence to | homologate | final account. | Filed February | 20th 1888.

Tutorship of Florence | heir of Geo. W. & Elizabeth | Hicks dec'd.} In 3rd Dist. Court | Parish of Union, State | of Louisiana.

Personally came and appeared before me, | the undersigned legal authority, J. M. Lee Jr. | who after being by me first duly sworn deposes | and says: I am Tutor to the heir Florence Hicks. I have filed the final acct. of my tutorship to | [page 62] her in the 3rd Dist. Court. Said acct. was filed | Dec. 31st 1887.
The charges therein are all correct charges. The acct. of J. Marx & Bro. of $19.15 was paid | by me and the same is correct.
The acct. of $2.65 paid J. Stein & Co. is just | and correct. The com. of 47c is just & correct. | The atty. fee paid Everett & Everett is just and | correct. The $2.50 paid the Clerk of Court is | correct. All of the charges and credits are correct. John M. Lee Jr.
Sworn to and subscribed before me on this | Feby 20th 1888.} W. W. Heard Dy. Clk D. C. &c.

Succession Book Z - Union Parish, Louisiana, February 20, 1888, Page 62

[Located In Margin] Argument of | parties | Filed Feby. | 20th 1888.

Farmerville, La., Feby. 18th 1888.
It is hereby agreed by the counsel of J. M. Lee Jr. | and the counsel of Florence Hicks, that the | opposition filed to his final acct. of the tutor- | ship of Florence Hicks be withdrawn the cash | in the opposition & tutorship to be paid by tutor | and the account be duly homologated and the | amt. due as shown be decreed correct.
Everett & Everett | Attys for J. M. Lee Jr. Tutor.
Dawkins & Dawkins | Attys for Florence Hicks

Succession Book Z - Union Parish, Louisiana, February 20, 1888, Page 62

[Located In Margin] Filed in evidence | in no. 3348 & | marked "B" | Feby. 20, 1888.

Received of J. M. Lee Jr. my Tutor the | amount in full due me as my Tutor, as is | shown by his final acct. of my tutorship | which has been duly and legally homologated | in the 3rd Dist. Court.
This Feby 21st 1888.
Florence Arrant.
I authorized my wife to sign this receipt. | C. P. Arrant
J. D. Everett | R. B. Dawkins.

Succession Book Z - Union Parish, Louisiana, February 20, 1888, Page 63

[Located In Margin] Evidence | Filed Feby, | 20th/88
Tutorship of the minor Florence Hicks.
Evidence adduced in open court on the homol- | ogation of the final account of Tutor, | This February 20, 1888.
Evidence & affidavit of J. M. Lee Jr. Tutor filed | in evidence by the Tutor & marked "A".
Receipt of Florance Arrant nee Hicks filed | in evidence by Tutor & marked "B."
Agreement of Parties filed in evidence by | Tutor & marked "C".
Evidence closed | February 20th 1888.

[Located In Margin] Judgment. | Homologation | the final acct. | of Tutor. | Filed Feby. | 20/88.

Tutorship of Florence | Hicks heir of Geo. W. & | Elizabeth Hicks dec'd.} In 3rd Dist. Court | Parish of Union State of | Louisiana.
Upon the trial of the | homologation of the final acct. of J. M. Lee Jr. | of his tutorship of Florence Hicks heir of | Geo. W. & Elizabeth Hicks dec'd. and the | opposition to said final acct. filed Feby. | 4th 1888 having been dismissed and the Tutor | having made proof of said final act. | and the same appearing correct, it is therefore | ordered, adjudged and decreed that there be | judgment approving and homologating said | acct. in all its parts, and the Tutor having | filed his vouchers herein showing a settlement | with said minor, it is therefore ordered, adjudg- | ed and decreed that his bond as to her be | canceled and the Clerk is ordered to cancel | same so far as his tutorship to the minor | Florence Hicks is concerned.
This done, read and signed in open court | on this Feby. 20th 1888.
John Young | Judge 3rd Dist. Court of La.

George W. Hicks

George W. Hicks was not listed in Union Parish when the 1860 census was conducted.

1867 Union Parish Louisiana Voter Registration, transcribed by Timothy D. Hudson on 11/2000, page 13, line 399
__. W. Hicks [The first initial is too ornate to read - could be an A, O, or G]

The Union Parish, Louisiana Index to Succession Book Probate Records Index). Transcribed and submitted by the late Mrs. Arelia S. Breed for "The Genie", published quarterly by the ARK-LA-TEX Genealogical Association, Inc.
Hicks George W.& Elizabeth Tutorship A-2 105-106
Hicks Florence Tutorship A-3 436 26
Hicks Geo W & Elizabeth Tutorship Z 27,31,34,67
Hicks Leon Dec'd Tutorship 11 70-73 1385

Succession Book Z - Union Parish, Louisiana, August 15, 1884, Pages 21-22

[Located In Margin] Petition & order | for Inventory &c. | Filed August | 15th 1884.

To the Hon. John Young, Judge of the 3rd Judicial District Court of La, in and for Union Parish.
Mrs. Elizabeth Hicks a resident of Union Parish | La. hereby respectfully petitions your Hon. Court | and shows that her husband George W. Hicks, | dec'd departed this life interstate at his residence | [Page 22] In Union Parish La., on August 11th A. D, 1884, | leaving a small community property owned by | him and petitioner in community - that he leaves | seven heirs, children born of the marriage between | him and petitioner, viz: Leon, John Newton, Florence, | Edgar, Jefferson, Carrie & B. Hicks, the last six | named being minors & the first, Leon, being the only major. Petitioner shows that by law she is | the Natural Tutrix of her six minor children and | that she desires to qualify as such and to have | Robt. C. Webb appointed Under Tutor to them - she | shows that an inventory should be taken and | filed of his community effects. Wherefore petitioner | prays that W. W. Heard, Notary Public, be ordered | to take an inventory of the effects of said dec'd. | Geo. W. Hicks, that petitioner be recognized and | confirmed as Natural Tutrix of the minors, John Newton, Florence, Edgar, Jefferson, Carrie & B. Hicks | that Robt. C. Webb be appointed Under Tutor to | them and that after an abstract of the inventory | of said effects shall have been filed, that | petitioner & the said Robt. C. Webb be allowed to | qualify. She prays for general relief &c.
G. A. Killgore Jr. | Atty. for petitioner.

Premises considered, it is hereby ordered that | W. W. Heard, Notary, do forthwith take and | return a true and complete inventory of the | effects left by said dec'd. Geo. W. Hicks, and | that Mrs. Elizabeth Hicks be and she is hereby | recognized as Natural Tutrix to the minors, | John Newton, Florence, Edgar, Jefferson, Carrie & B. Hicks, that Robt. C. Webb be & is hereby | appointed Under Tutor to said minors & that said | Mrs. Elizabeth Hicks & the said Robt. C. Webb | be allowed to qualify after the filing of the | abstract of said inventory. Thus done & signed | officially on this August 15th A. D. 1884.
Jas. M. Smith | Clerk D. C. &c.

Succession Book Z - Union Parish, Louisiana, August 18, 1884, Page 23

[Located In Margin] Inventory | Filed August | 18th 1884

State of Louisiana | Parish of Union} We and each of us do | solemnly swear that we | appraise all the property that may be presented | to us situated in Union Parish, La., belonging to | an composing the Estate of George W. Hicks, | Deceased, al[l] its cash value to the best of our | judgment and information. So help me God.
Sworn to and subscribed |before me on this the | 18th day of August, | A. D, 1884.} E. J. Lee | R. C. Webb.
W. W. Heard | Notary Public.

Succession Book Z - Union Parish, Louisiana, August 18, 1884, Pages 23 -26

State of Louisiana | Parish of Union} Be it remembered that | on this the Eighteenth | day of August A. D., | Eighteen Hundred and Eighty Four (1884) | pursuant to an order issued out of the Honorable | the Third Judicial District Court of Louisiana | in and for Union Parish of date August 15th | 1884 in the matter of the Estate of George W. | Hicks, deceased, at the instance of Mr. Elizabeth | Hicks, surviving spouse and applicant to | be appointed Tutrix to the minor heirs of said | Estate and to me William W. Heard, Notary Public, | in and for Union Parish La directed author- | izing and commanding me to take an inventory | and cause an appeasement to be made of all | the property real & personal belonging to the | Estate of George W. Hicks, Dec'd. situated in | Union Parish La. - it being all community.
Now, therefore, I William W. Heard Notary | Public within and for said Parish and State | duly commissioned, qualified and acting | being aided and assisted by E. Jefferson Lee | and Robert C. Webb two good and lawful | male citizens residing in said Parish and | sworn by me as appraisers, proceeded at my | office in the town of Farmerville, La., in the | presence of the undersigned legal witnesses | to take said Inventory and appeasement as | [Page 24] will hereafter appear to wit:
Real Property
340 acres known as part of the Andy Hayes | place described as the South East quarter of | section Sixteen and North East quarter of North | West quarter of section Twenty one and South | East quarter of South West quarter of section | Sixteen (16) all in Township Twenty one (21) North. | Range one (1) East with all the improvements | thereon appraised at $2.50 per acre $600.00
Total amount of real property | Six Hundred Dollars.

Personal Property
Corn in field not gathered app'd at 62.50
Cotton growing estimated to make | 2500 pounds " " 75.00
An Undivided one half interest | in John Hicks' corn crop" " 20.00
An undivided one half interest | in John Hicks' cotton crop" " 90.00
1000 lb. fodder " " 7.50
20 bushels of old corn " " 15.00
Sugar cane batch of one acre " " 25.00
One mare mule "Ida" " " 80.00
" " " "Mollie" " " 50.00
Amt. per. property carried over $425.00
Amt. per property brought over $425.00
Three yearlings $8.00 each " " 24.00
22 Head Hogs " " 25.00
One - two horse wagon & harness " " 15.00
One hack & harness " " 35.00
One box tools (assorted) " " 2.50
One lot plow stocks, plows, shovels, hoes &c " " 10.00
One wood screw " " .25
One man saddle " " 5.00
One lady saddle & bridle " " 5.00
One large wash pot " " 2.00
One grind stone " " 1.00
One stove & fixtures " " 15.00
One safe & dining table " " 2.50
[Page 25]
one lot table ware, dishes, K. & f. &c " " 2.50
2 tin cans, 4 jugs, & stone jars & tray " " 3.25
One churn & spinning wheel " " 1.00
8 Head Geese & 25 head chickens " " 4.50
One folding table " " .50
One lot chairs (3 rockers & 6 sitting) " " 4.50
One sewing machine (Wilson) " " 15.00
One Seth Thomas clock " " 10.00
one side board & glass " " 7.50
one single barrel shot gun " " 2.50
one lot old books & family bible " " 2.50
One broad ax; 75, 1 pr balances 75 " " 1.50
Amt. per. property carried over $672.50
Amt. per. property brought forward $672.50
Three large cotton baskets app'd at .75
One ward robe " " 10.00
" wash stand " " 1.00
Three cottage bedsteads " " 12.00
One lounge & bedding for same " " 5.00
One Teaster bed stead " " 6.00
One trunk " " 1.00
One lot bed covering (i.e. quilts, blankets,
counter panes & coverlets " " 10.00
Two feather beds " " 10.00
Five mattresses 1.50 each " " 7.50
Four bolsters and Eight pillows " " 3.00
Total amount personal property $738.75
Seven Hundred and Thirty Eight | and 75/100 Dollars.

Total amt. real property over $600.00
" " personal " " $738.75
Total amount of Inventory $1338.75

Having completed the taking of said Inventory | & appeasement we this day close this our | process verbal of same with the result given | above. In testimony where of I have caused said appraisers to sign their names hereto in the presence of the undersigned legal witnesses | [Page 26] on the day and date above written and in my | presence & in addition to the genuine signatures | of the said appraisers, witnesses & me said | Notary hereto I have affixed my seal of | office, authenticating this Inventory & appeasement.
Wm Turnage | Jas. A. Manning
E. J. Lee | R. C. Webb.
W. W Heard | Notary Public

Succession Book Z - Union Parish, Louisiana, August 30, 1884, Page 26

[Located In Margin] Oath & Letters | Under Tutor, | Filed August | 30th 1884.

State of Louisiana, Parish of Union.
Robt. C. Webb being duly sworn, say that he | will well and faithfully discharge and perform | all and singular he duties incumbent on him as | Under tutor of the minors, John Newton, Florence, | Edgar, Jefferson, Carrie, & M. B. Lee Hicks heirs | of the Estate of George W. Hicks, Dec's, according | to law, and according to the best of his knowledge | and understanding. So help him Gold?
Sworn to and subscribed before me on this 30 day of August A. D. 1844} R. C. Webb.
W. W. Heard Dy. | Clerk District Court.

Succession Book Z - Union Parish, Louisiana, August 30, 1884, Page 26

State of Louisiana, | Parish of Union.} Third District Court.
This shall certify to all whom | it may concern, that on the 15 day of August | A. D. 1844 an application was made to the | Honorable Judge of the said District Court in | and for Union Parish, La., by Mrs. Elizabeth A. Hicks | praying that Robt. C. Webb might be appointed | under to the minors, John Newton, Florence, Edgar, | Jefferson, Carrie and M. B. Lee Hicks, heirs of the | Estate of Geo. W. Hicks. Now know ye, that Robert | C. Webb has been and he is hereby appointed Under | Tutor to the said minors and that he has fulfilled | all the requisites of the law. Witness our hand and seal | of said Court, this the 30 day of August, A. D. 1884.
W. W. Heard Dy. Clerk of District Court.

Succession Book Z - Union Parish, Louisiana, November, 1884, Page 27

[Located In Margin] Petition for sale | of property &c. | Filed November | ??th 1884

Estate of Geo. Hicks, dec'd.
In 3rd Dist. Court of La., Union Parish.
The petition of Mrs. Elizabeth Hicks, a | resident of Union Parish, La., and Natural Tutrix | of the minors, John Newton, Florence, Edgar, Jefferson, Carrie & B. Hicks heirs of above estate.
Petitioner shows the court that there are debts | due by said estate amounting to something like | the inventoried price thereof - probably more, that | many of those debts are urgent, some mortgage, | some privilege &c, to wit: D. Stein &c as debt for | about $1250.00, to wit: law charges, expenses of | last illness &c - that there is no money on hand | with which to pay these debts, hence a sale | of the property is necessary to pay these debts.
Wherefore petitioner prays for an order from | this Hon. Court ordering and authorizing her | to advertise & sell the effects of said estate for | cash in order to pay said debts - she prays | for all necessary orders & decrees & for general | relief, &c.
G. A. Killgore Jr. | Atty. for petitioner.

Succession Book Z - Union Parish, Louisiana, January 31, 1885, Page 7

[Located In Margin] Oath and Letters | of Admt | Filed Jany. | 31st 1885.

State of Louisiana, | Parish of Union} Third District Court
I, E. Jeff. Lee, do solemnly swear that I will | faithfully and impartially discharge all | the duties incumbent on me as administrator of | the estates of Geo. W. and Elizabeth Hicks, deceased | according to the best of my ability and understand- | ing. So help me God!
Sworn to and subscribed before me, on this | 31st day of January 1885.} E. J. Lee
W. W. Heard Dy Clerk D. C. Sc.

Third District Court of Louisiana, in and | for the Parish of Union.
Successions of Geo. W. and Elizabeth Hicks Deceased.
Whereas, E. Jeff. Lee has this day been duly and | legally appointed administrator of the estates of | Geo. W. & Elizabeth Hicks deceased, and has given | bond with good and solvent security, and taken | the oath required by law.
Now, therefore, the aforesaid E. Jeff. Lee is | hereby duly and legally authorized and fully | empowered to do and perform all the acts | appertaining to the said appointment, according | to law.
Given under my hand and seal of office, | on this the 31st day of January, A. D. 1885.
W. W. Heard Dy. Clerk District Court

Succession Book Z - Union Parish, Louisiana, January 31, 1885, Pages 7-8

Petition & order. | To sell personal | property. | Filed January | 31st 1885.

In the matter of the successions of Geo. W. and Elizabeth Hicks dec'd.
In 3rd Dist. Court of La., in and for | Union Parish.
E. Jeff. Lee administrator of above named | successions and a resident of Union Parish, La., | hereby petitions this Hon. Court for a sale of | the personal effects of said successions to pay the following debts, viz: an a/c in favor of
Dr. C. H. Jameson for $62.00
[Page 8]
Jake Stein " 60.00
S. S. Kirkpatrick " 24.00
Mrs. C. Ham " 10.00
J. N. Lee Sr. " 10.00
and the clks [sic] fee &c Petitioner shows that there | is no money on hand with which to pay these | and other claims due by said successions, hence | it is necessary to sell some of the effects for cash.
Wherefore petitioner prays for an order from | effects for cash in order to pay the debts, |he prays for general relief &c.
G. A. Killgore Jr. | Atty. for Petitioner

Premises considered, it is hereby ordered that | E. Jeff. Lee, Admr. of successions of Geo. W. & Elizabeth | Hicks dec'd, do audition and sell the personal | effects of said successions for cash to pay debts.
This done in absence of Dist. Judge from Union | Parish, on this Jany, 31st 1885.
Jas. M. Smith | Clerk D. C. &c.

Succession Book Z - Union Parish, Louisiana
February 2, 1885, Pages 30-31

[Located In Margin] Petition & order | supply | Tutor &c. | Filed February | 2nd 1885.

To the Hon. John Young, Judge of the 3rd | Dist. Court of La., in and Union Parish.
Robert C. Webb, a resident of Union Parish, La., | and under tutor to the minor heirs of Geo. W | and Elizabeth Hicks, dec'd. hereby respectfully | petitions your Hon. Court and shows that about Aug. the 30th last petitioner was apppoint- | ed by this Hon. Court as under tutor to the | minors, Jno. Newton, Florence, Edgar, Jefferson, | Carrie & M. B. Lee Hicks, children and heirs of | Geo. W. Hicks, dec'd, that Mrs. Elizabeth Hicks | was at same time appointed Tutrix to said minors - | that about Jany. the 17th last said Mrs. Elizabeth | Hicks, dec'd. leaving said minors without a tutor - | that John Newton Hicks who was a minor | when petitioner was appointed under tutor has | obtained his majority but that all the other | named children are still minors and that a | tutor should be appointed for them.
Petitioner shows that E. Jeff Lee has been | appointed admr. of both the successions of | Geo. W. & Elizabeth Hicks, dec'd. and has | obtained an order from this Hon. Court to | sell the personal property for cash to pay | debts and under said order he has advertised | the effects for sale to take place Feby. 21st 1885.
Petitioner believes it to be to the interest of | said said [sic] minors to have said effects sold on | time or partly on time - he thinks it is to the interest also of said minors that some of the | effects, such as bedding & family relics be | bid in by their tutors for them. Petitioner | shows that there are several of said minors | and that their means are limited, hence it | may be best that a tutor should be appointed | to each of them separately - he shows that said | minors have a goodly number of relatives & | it is best that all of these questions be settled by a family meeting.
Wherefore petitioner prays that a family meeting be convoked at once to be composed of the following relatives of said minors, viz" | [not readable on my copy] |
[Page 31] Hayes & Jno. M. Brantly, to deliberate and | advise in the interest of said minors upon the questions above referred to and mentioned above, viz: First, to suggest tutors for said | minors. Second, to advise as to how the effects | of said successions of Geo. W. & Elizabeth Hicks, dec'd. shall be sold, whether entirely for cash | or partly for cash & partly on time & what | time & how secured in case any portion of said | estate should be sold on time, and Third to | advise or disadvise [sic] the tutors of said minors | to purchase property at said succession sale | for said minors. Petitioner prays that W. W. Heard a Notary Public, be ordered to convoke said family meeting at the earliest day | practicable - he pays for general relief &c.
G. A. Killgore Jr. | Atty. for petitioner.

Premises considered, it is hereby ordered that | W. W. Heard, Notary Public, do convoke said | family meeting as prayed for above and that it be composed of the relatives named | & that said family meeting when convoked | do deliberate and advise in the interest of | said minors on the questions mentioned in | the fore going petition and upon any & all | other matters they may deem to be of immediate | interest to said minors.
This done and signed on this Feby. the 2 A. D. 1885.
Jas. M. Smith | Clerk D. C. &c.

Succession Book Z - Union Parish, Louisiana, February 2, 1885, Page 28

Sworn to & subscribed | before me on this 2nd | day of February 1885}
J. M. Lee, Jr. | Wm C. Carr | Jordan Auld | Luther A (his + mark) Hayes | John M. Brantly.
W. W. Heard | Notary Public.

Succession Book Z - Union Parish, Louisiana, February 2, 1885, Pages 27-28

Proceedings of | Family Meeting. | Filed Feby, | 2/85

In the matter of the Tutorship of the minors of Geo. W. Hicks Dec'd.
State of Louisiana, | Parish of Union.} I do solemnly | swear that I will | faithfully and impartially | give my advice and recommendations relative | to the appointment of a tutor and whether or | not the effects of the successions of Geo. W. & | Elizabeth Hicks Dec'd, should be sold for | cash or partly for cash & partly on time & what | time & how in case any portion of said estate | should be sold on time & also to advise whether | or not the tutor of the minor heirs of said | estates should purchase at succession sale | any property - all of which advice & recommend- | ation we give according to the best of my ability & understanding. So help me God.
[28] Sworn to & subscribed | before me on this 2nd | day of February 1885.} J. M. Lee, Jr. | Wm C. Carr | Jordan Auld | Luther A. (his + mark) | John M. Brantly

State of Louisiana, Parish of Union.
Be it remembered that on this second day of | February 1885 pursuant to an order issued out | of the Honorable Third District Court of | Louisiana in and for Union Parish of date - | Feby. 2/85 at the instance of Robt. C. Webb | under tutor and to me the undersigned Notary | Public directed authorizing me to convoke a | family meeting composed of John M. Lee Jr., | William C. Carr, Jordan Auld, Luther A. Hayes and John M. Brantly relatives & friends of the | minors, Florence, Jefferson, Edgar, Carrie & M. B. Lee | Hicks, heirs of the estates of Geo. W. & Elizabeth Hicks | for the purpose of suggesting & recommending | some suitable person as tutor to said minors.
The tutor having died to advise as to how the | effects of said successions shall be sold whether | entirely for cash or partly for cash & partly | on time & what time & how in case any portion | of said estate should be sold on time and to | advise the tutor of said minors to purchase | property at said succession sale for said minors.
Now therefore, I, William W. Heard Notary | Public duly qualified and acting within and | for said Parish and State did in pursuance | to said order cause the aforementioned relatives | & friends to come before me at my office in | the town of Farmerville, La., (the under tutor being present) and administering to said | members composing this meeting the oath on | the reverse hereof, the said family meeting after | consultation & deliberation advise that W. C. | Carr be appointed & confirmed tutor to Florence, | Jefferson, Edgar, & Carrie Hicks heirs of said | estates upon complying with the law and that | James shall be appointed & confirmed tutor | to the minor M. B. Lee Hicks heir of said | [Page 28] estates upon complying with the requirements of | the law & that John M. Lee Sr. & Robert. C. Webb | be appointed under tutors to the minors as | named for tutors, and the said family meeting | further advise & recommend unanimously that | the personal property of said estates in which | said minors have an interest for all sums over | five dollars be sold on time due & payable | December 1st 1885 purchasers giving their | notes with approved personal security with | 8% interest from date of sale & that for all | sums under five dollars that the sale be for | cash and the said family meeting further | recommend that the tutors of the minors | heretofore named be authorized to purchase | at said sale for said minors the bedding & | such other family relics as said tutors | may see proper and the said family meeting | further recommend that the real estate of said | successions be sold on or about December | 1st 1885 & that the terms of sale for such | real estate be for cash and that the | administrator of said successions be authorized | to make said sale.
In testimony whereof I have caused the | members of said family meeting to sign | their names hereto on the day & date above | written in the presence of the undersigned | legal witnesses. The under tutor R. C. Webb | being present & approves of the above | recommendations.
Jas. M. Smith | J. A. Byrom
J. M. Lee Jr. | W. C Carr | Jordan Auld | Luther A. (his + mark) Hayes | John M. Brantly.
approved | R. C. Webb under tutor
W. W. Heard | Notary Public.

Succession Book Z - Union Parish, Louisiana, February 4, 1885, Pages 31-34

[Located In Margin] Petition & judge- | ment for | homologation. | Filed Feby. | 6/85.

In the matter of the succession of Geo. W. | & Elizabeth Hicks, dec'd. In 3rd Dist. Court | of La., in & for Union Parish.
To the Hon. John Young, Judge of the | 3rd Dist Court of La., in and for Union | Parish, La.
The petition of Robert C. Webb, under tutor to the minors, Florence, Edgar, Jefferson, | Carrie & B. Lee Hicks heirs of Geo. W. & Elizabeth Hicks dec'd. | [Page 32]
Issue of the marriage between said dec'd. and a | resident of Union Parish, La., with respect shows | this Court that on Feby. 2nd 1885 petitioner obtain- | ed an order for and caused a family meeting | to convoked in the interest of said minors to | suggest for them tutors & to advise and recommend | in their interest as to how the property of said | successions above should be sold & to advise as to | the property of the tutors of said minors purchas- | ing at said sale property for said minors &c.
Petitioner shows that on Feby. 2nd said family | meeting was duly convoked & held before W. W. | Heard a notary Public in & for Union Parish, La., | that an inventory of the effects of said successions | amount to $1953.92 - that there are seven heirs | equally interested in said successions, each owning | an one seventh interest, and that said family | meeting recommended and advised, first, that Wm C. Carr be appointed tutor to the minors, Florence, Jefferson, Edgar, & Carrie Hicks & that | James Hall be appointed tutor to the minor M. B. Lee Hicks & that Jno. M. Lee Sr. & petitioner be appointed under tutor to said minors they also recommended, in regard to the sale of the effects | of said estates of Geo. W. & Elizabeth Hicks, dec'd. | the parents of said minors, that the personal effects of said estates be sold as follows, viz: all sums over five dollars be sold on time | to be paid Dec. 1st 1885, purchased in giving their | notes with approved personal security with 8% | interest from date of sale & that all sums under | five dollars be paid cash - also they recommend | & advise that the tutors of said minors be | authorized to purchase at said sales for said | minors the bedding & such other family relics | as said tutors may see proper & further that | said real estates of said successions above be sold by the admr. on or about Dec. 1st 1885 for | cash.
Petitioner shows that the proceedings and | views of said family meeting are approved by | petitioner and petitioner believes that they should be homologated by this court & become its | [Page 33] judgment. Wherefore petitioner prays that | said proceedings be duly homologated - | that Wm C. Carr be appointed tutor to the minors | Florence, Edgar, Jefferson & Carrie Hicks upon | his giving the necessary bond & that James | Hall be appointed tutor to the minor M. B. Lee | Hicks upon his giving the requisite bond | & that Jno. M. Lee Sr. be appointed under | tutor to said minors - that the personal | property of said estates of Geo. W. & Elizabeth | Hicks dec'd. be sold as follows, viz: all bids | under five dollars cash & all bids over five dollars on time to be paid Dec. 1st 1885 with | 8% from date of sale with approved | personal security - that the tutors be author- | ized to bid in such things as the bedding | & family relics &c at said sale for said minors | & that the real estate be sold about Dec. 1st 1885 | for cash. Petitioner prays for general relief &c.
G. A. Killgore Jr. |Atty. for petitioner.

Premises considered, after reading the foregoing | petition & process verbal of the family meeting | held on Feby. 2nd 1885 as alleged in the petition, | it is hereby ordered, adjudged & decreed that | said process verbal be & is hereby approved, & | homologated in all its parts & made the | judgment of this court & further that Wm C. | Carr be & he is hereby appointed Tutor to the | minors, Florence, Edgar, Jefferson & Carrie Hicks | & that James Hall be & he is hereby appointed | Tutor to the minor M. B. Lee Hicks & that | they be permitted to qualify as such upon | giving the bond required by law & that | J. M. Lee, Sr. be & is hereby appointed under | tutor to said minors & that he be permitted | to qualify as such & that the sale of the | effects (personal) be sold as follows, all bids | under five dollars cash & all over that amount | to be paid Dec. 1st 1885, giving their notes with | approved personal security with 8% from date | of sale & that said Tutors be & are permitted | [ Page 34] to purchase at said sale for said minors such | things as the bedding & other family articles and | further that said real estate of said successions | be sold for cash on or about Dec. 1st 1885.
This done and signed on this February the 4th | A. D. 1885
Jas. M. Smith | Clerk D. C. &c.

Succession Book Z - Union Parish, Louisiana, February 18, 1885, Page 8

[Located In Margin] Petition & order | to sell | Filed February | 18th 1885

In the matter of the succession of Geo. W. & | Elizabeth Hicks dec'd under administration of | 3rd Dist. Court of La., in & for Union Parish.
E. Jeff. Lee, admr. of above successions & | a resident of Union Parish, LA., hereby petitions | this Hon. Court and shows that on Jany 2nd | 1885 he obtained an order from this Hon. Court | to sell the personal effects of said estates for cash, | that in pursuance to said order he advertised | said effects for sale to be sold on Feby 21st 1885 | that on Feby 2nd 1885 an order was obtained by | the under tutor to the minors of said dec'd par- | ties above, for a family meeting to be convoked in | the interest of said minors to regulate & to advise | as to how said effects should be sold & where | said family _____was duly convoked on the | [Page 9] named be sold as follows, viz: all bids under | five dollars should be cash & all over that amount | to be as follows, viz: said bid due Dec. 1st 1885 | & bidder to give their notes for said bids with | 8% per annum interest thereon from day of sale.
Petitioner shows that he fully concurs with said | family meeting - that same was duly approved & | homologated.
Whereupon petitioner prays that an order | issue from your Hon. Court authorizing the sale | of said effects to be made as advised by said | family meeting - he prays for general relief &c.
G. A. Killgore, Jr. | Atty. for Petitioner

Premises considered it is hereby ordered that | E. Jeff. Lee Admr. as above do advertise & sell | the personal effects of said estates of Geo. W. & | Elizabeth Hicks dec'd, as recommended by the | family meeting held on the 2nd inst. & as set | part in the petition.
This done, Feby 10th 1885.
Jas. M. Smith | Clerk D. C. &c.

[Located In Margin] Petition & order | to pay debts. | Filed Feby. | 20th 1885.
In 3rd Dist. Court of La., in & for Union Parish.
Successions of Geo. W. & Elizabeth Hicks, dec'd.
Now comes E. Jeff. Lee, Admr. of above successions & | shows the Court that he has collected some money | due said estates & that he is now ready to settle the | debts of same especially those that are pushing.
Whereupon he prays that he be ordered or permitted | to pay the debts of said estate - he prays for general | relief &c.
G. A. Killgore Jr. | Atty. for petitioner.

Premises considered, it is hereby ordered that said E. Jeff. Lee, Admr. of estates of Geo. W. & Elizabeth | Hicks, dec'd. be & is hereby ordered & authorized to | pay the debts of said successions. This done in chamber | on this Feby 20th 1885.
John Young Judge 3rd Dist. Court of La.

Succession Book Z - Union Parish, Louisiana, March 9, 1885, Pages 10-13

Process verbal | of sale of | personal effects

In the matter of the successions of Geo W. and Elizabeth | Hicks, dec'd.
Process verbal of sale - In 3rd Dist. Court of La. in & for Union Parish.
By virtue of an order issued from the Hon. 3rd | Dist. Court and to me directed, I did on Saturday the 28th day of Feby 1885 repair to the late residence |
of said Geo. W. & Elizabeth Hicks, dec'd, and after | crying aloud the sale and announcing the terms | thereof, proceeded to sell the effects of said | successions to the parties mentioned below, they | being the last & highest bidders, viz:
J. N. Hicks bought one mule (Ida) $123.00
Leon Hicks " one mule (Mollie) 79.00
G. W. Smith " " cow & yearling 15.00
Leon Hicks " " " & calf 20.00
Jeff Arrant " " " & yearling 10.00
G. W. Smith " " old bridle cow 5.00
Jas. A. Taylor " one sow & seven shoat 12.2?
" " " " sow & eight pigs 10.00
J. N. Hicks " seven bushels peas 10.1?
Am't carried over $284.4?
Am't brought over $284.4?
J. N. Hicks bought 34 1/4 bushels corn 35.00
R. C. Webb " 12 3/4 " " 13.4?
J. N. Hicks " Lot Fodder 2.80
R. C. Webb " Lot cotton seed @ 5.8?
J. N. Hicks " " " " " 5.52
W. A. Albritton " one hack & harness " 38.00
Leon Hicks " wagon & harness " 32.00
N. W. Taylor " 2 Avery plows " 2.25
" " " " Lot plow stocks & harness " 2.35
Moses Baylas " Lot plows " 3.05
N. W. Taylor " " single trees & irons " 1.00
" " " " one double tree " .50
Jas Hall " one grub hoe " .75
N. W. Taylor " one brier hook " 1.20
Jeff " one broad ax " 1.50
Jas. Moses " one cross cut saw " .55
R. C. Webb " Lot hoes & spade " .75
Mose Baylas " one Fire? " .85
[Page 11]
N. Ludwig " an half bushel measure " .50
R. C. Webb " Lobold irons " .25
Wm Aulds " 1 molasses barrel " .30
J. N. Hicks " 1 side saddle " 3.50
J. M. Lee Sr. " one man's saddle " 3.00
Wm Aulds " stretcher chain " .05
Am't carried down $447.22
Amt brought over $447.22
W. C. Niagard " one pr. balances " .75
" " " " two club axes " 1.00
J. N. Hicks " one old loom " .05
R. C. Webb " one iron wedge " .75
Math Albritton " Lot fish hooks & lines " .10
R. C. Webb " one wash pot " 3.25
Leon Hicks " Lot geese " 1.50
J. N. Hicks " one grind rock " 1.00
Moses Baylas " one garden hoe " .45
J. N. Hicks " one cook stove & fixtures " 20.00
" " " " one table, safe & bench " 2.25
M. W. Taylor " one boiler " .30
Jas Hall " one sausage grinder & " 2.00
" " " three jugs " .75
J. N. Hicks " two lard buckets " .25
J. M. Brantly " three water buckets " 1.00
Leon Hicks " two tin buckets " .25
A. C. Webb " one dish pan " .60
Moses Baylas " three small tin pans " .60
N. Ludwig " 1 r. candle moles " .10
Moses Baylas " 2 wash pans " .25
R. C. Web " one lot pie plates " .25
Leon Hicks " one wood churn & dasher " .30
J. P. Fenton " one bread tray & roller " .50
W. C. Niagard " one potato grater " .20
M. W. Taylor " 2 tin lard stands " 1.00
W. H. Hearn " 1 gallon pot " .20
Am't. carried over $486.87
Am't brought over $486.87
J. N. Hicks bought one spinning wheel @ 1.00
N. L. Davis " 2 brass lamps @ .25
Mose Baylas " 2 glass pitchers " .35
W. H. Hearn " 2 stone " " .50
Mose Baylas " 1 large dish " .55
Leon Hicks " 6 small dishes " 1.25
[Page 12]
David Arrant " Lot glass ware " 1.10
Leon Hicks " " cuper [sic] saucers " 1.10
J. N. Hicks " " plates " 1.45
Jeff Arrant " 1 sugar & steak dish " .10
Leon Hicks " Lot knives, forks & spoons 1.15
J. N. Hicks " one old table & sieve " .20
M. W. Taylor " 2 lard cans " .70
David Aulds " 1 Lot fruit jars " .55
N. Ludwig " 1 dinner bell & coffee pot " .55
W. H. Hearn " 1 lot bee hives " 3.25
W. F. McGough " 1 Calendar Clock " 11.00
Mose Baylas " 1 sewing machine " 10.00
J. N. Hicks " 1 Family Bible " 6.00
J. M. Lee Sr. " 4 charts " .40
J. N. Hicks " 1 " " .10
J. M. Lee Sr. " 1 U.S. Map " .25
W. C. Carr Tutor " 1 gun for the minor Edgar 2.50
J. N. Hicks " 1 lot smoothing irons " .85
Leon Hicks " 1 Wardrobe " 25.75
David Arrant " 1 hatchet " .25
Am't carried down $559.12
Am't brough [sic] down $559.12
J. M. Lee Sr. bought 1 wash stand @ 1.00
N. Ludwig " 1 teaster bedstead " 10.25
W. C. Carr Tutor " 1 Bedstead, bed & covering Florence "15.00
" " " " " " " " " " Carrie " 15.00
M. S. Davis " 1 Feather bed, bolster & pillow "16.00
Wm Turnage " 1 side board & glass " 5.50
Mose Baylas " 1 trunk " 1.00
Marcus Rabun " 1 Book Bunyan " .50
J. N. Hicks " 1 " History of War " .25
Marcus Rabun " 1 " Water work " .25
N. Ludwig " 1 " GOr. Gunn .25
J. N. Hicks " 1 broom " .25
W. C. Niagard " 1 looking glass " .20
Mose Baylas " 5 sitting chairs " 1.35
N. Ludwig " 1 rocking chair " 1.15
W. C. Carr Tutor Carrie 1 small rocker " .25
Jas Moses " 1 Solding table " .50
[Page 13]
A. C. Webb " 1 Lot chickens " 3.25
J. M. Brantly " 1 wheel barrow " 1.85
A. L. Pace " 1 pr. saddle bags " .35
M. W. Taylor " 1 lot boards " 3.00
A. C. Webb " 1 " lumber " 2.97
Am't carried over $644.74
Amt brought for'd $644.74
J. N. Hicks " night glass " .25
J. W. Kennedy " 1 lot seed corn " 3.00
Total amt of sale $647.99
And now therefore the purchaser having | complied with the terms of sale by paying the | cash for all bids under five dollars & giving | their notes with approved personal security due | and payable Dec. 1st 1885 for all amts over five | dollars I therefore by this process verbal of sale | grant & deliver to the purchaser the items | purchased and bid in by them.
This March 9th A. D., 1885.
G. A. Killgore, Jr. E. J. Lee.
A. L. Pace Admr.

Succession Book Z - Union Parish, Louisiana, April 7, 1885, Page 35-36

[Located In Margin] William C. Carr's | bond as tutor | Filed April | 7th 1885

State of Louisiana, | Parish of Union.} Third Judicial District Court

Know all men by these presents, that | we William C. Carr as principal and E. Jeff. | Lee, Siloanus L. Joiner and John M. Lee Sr. as | securities are held and firmly bound unto Hon. | John Young, Judge of the Third Judicial District | Court, of Louisiana, in and for the Parish of | Union, Louisiana, or his successors in office in | the just and full sum of Eleven Hundred & | Sixty ($1160.00) Dollars, to the true and faithful payment of which, we bind ourselves, our heirs, | administrators and legal representative firmly | and in solido [sic] by these presents.
Dated at Farmerville, La. on this the 7th | day of April A. D., 1885.

The Condition of the above Obligation is | such that whereas the above bound William C. | Carr has this day been duly and legally | appointed Tutor of Jefferson, Florence, Carrie | and Edgar Hicks minor heirs of the estates | of G. W. & E. Hicks deceased and he has taken | the oath required by law. Now therefore if | the above bound William C. Carr as principal | shall faithfully and impartially discharge | all the duties incumbent on him as Tutor of | said minors of said Estate, and shall render |
[Page 36] to the Court a true and correct account of all | his acts and doings in and about said Tutorship | and shall when legally required so to do, pay | over all sum of money and deliver all the | property of whatever nature that he may have | in his hands, belonging to said minors to the | proper person or persons to receive the same, | then this obligation to be null and void, other- | wise to be and remain in full force and effect, | according to law.
Done, signed and acknowledge before me, | on the day and date above written.
W. W. Heard Dy. Wm C. Carr
Clk. D. C. &c. E. J. Lee | S. J. Joiner | John M. Lee Sr.

Succession Book Z - Union Parish, Louisiana, April 20, 1885, Page 34

[Located In Margin] Order fixing | bond. | Filed April, | 20th 1885.

To the Hon. John Young, Judge of the | 3rd Dist. Court of La., Union Parish.

In the matter of the Tutorship of the minor | heirs of Geo W. & Elizabeth Hicks, dec'd.
Robert. C. Webb under tutor to all of the minors | hereby petitions this Hon. 3rd Dist. Court | & shows that on Feby. 2/85 he caused a family | meeting to be convoked & held to name & suggest | tutors for said minors - their tutor Mrs. Elizabeth | Hicks having died, he shows that said family | named & recommended as tutor for the minors | Florence, Jefferson, Carrie & Edgar Hicks, - Dr. W. C. Carr & for the minor M. B. Lee Hicks, the named Wm Hall. Petitioner shows that | said proceedings were duly homologated. | He shows that it is necessary that the bonds | be fixed for said Tutor to give.
He shows that it is necessary that said estates inventoried | Nineteen Hundred & Fifty Three & 92/100 dollars | in all - that six hundred dollars of this | is in real estate which is now in hands of | the admr. of said estates - that the balance | was in personal property, all of which has been sold by said admr - he shows that the | admr. has paid off all the outstanding debts | & now has some means to turn over to the tutors - he therefore prays that the court fix the amt. | of the bonds for these tutors to give - there | are five minor children & two majors, heirs of said estates - four of these minors represented | by W. C. Carr & one by Jas. Hall - he prays for general relief &c. G. A. Killgore, Atty. for petitioner.

Succession Book Z - Union Parish, Louisiana, April 20, 1885, Page 35

Premises considered, it is hereby ordered that | the bond of Dr. W. C. Carr as Tutor to the | minors, Jefferson, Florence, Carrie & Edgar Hicks, | be & is hereby fixed at Eleven hundred & sixty | dollars - & that the bond of Jas Hall Tutor | to the minor M. B. Lee Hicks, be & is hereby | fixed at Two hundred & ninety dollars & upon | them giving said bonds that they be permitted | to qualify. Thus done & signed on this | April, 20th 1885.
John Young, Judge 3rd Dist. | Court of La., Union Parish

Succession Book Z - Union Parish, Louisiana, April 27, 1885, Page 36

[Located In Margin] Oaths & Letters. | Tutor | W.C. Carr, | Filed April, | 27th 1885.

State of Louisiana Parish of Union.
William C. Carr being duly sworn, says that | he will well and faithfully discharge and perform | all and singular the duties incumbent on him | as tutor of the minors, Florence, Jefferson Carrie | and Edgar Hicks, heirs of the estates of Geo. W. | & Elizabeth Hicks Dec'd. according to law, and | according to the best of his knowledge and under- | standings. So help him God!
Sworn to and subscribed before me on this | 27 day of April, A. D., 1885} Wm. C. Carr.
W. W. Heard Dy | Clerk District Court.

Succession Book Z - Union Parish, Louisiana, April 27, 1885, Page 36

State of Louisiana, | Parish of Union.} Third District Court.
This shall certify to all | whom it may concern, that on the 2nd day of | February, A. D., 1885 an application was made | to the Honorable Judge of the said District Court | in and for Union Parish, La., by Robert C. Webb, under tutor praying that a family meeting | might be convoked to supply a tutor etc. to the | above minors & the said family meeting having | recommended W. C. Carr as such & their | [Page 37] proceedings duly homologated.
Now know ye, that William C. Carr has been | and he is hereby appointed Tutor to the said | minors and that he has fulfilled all the | requisites of the law. Witness our hand and | seals of said Court, this the 27 day of April | A. D., 1885.
W. W. Heard Dy | Clerk District Court.

Succession Book Z - Union Parish, Louisiana, May 16, 1885, Page 38

[Located In Margin] Bond of | James Hall. | Tutor | Filed May, | 16th 1885.

State of Louisiana, | Parish of Union} Third Judicial District Court.

Know all men by these presents, that we | James Hall as principal and J. Robert Hall and | Edmund D. Tugwell as securities as held and firmly bound unto Hon. John Young, Judge of the | Third Judicial District Court, of Louisiana, in | and for the Parish of Union, Louisiana, or his | successors in office in the just and full sum of Two hundred and Ninety ($290.00) Dollars, to the | true and faithful payment of which, we bind | ourselves, our heirs, administrators and legal | representatives firmly and in solido by these | presents. Dated at Farmerville, La., on this the | 16th day of May. A. D., 1885.

The Condition of the above Obligation is such | that whereas the above bound James Hall | has been duly and legally appointed Tutor | to the minor M. B. Lee Hicks, minor heir of the | Estate of G. W. & E. Hicks, Deceased, and he has | taken the oath required by law. Now therefore | if the above bound James Hall as principal | shall faithfully and impartially discharge all | the duties incumbent on him as Tutor of said | minor M. B. Lee Hicks, and shall render to the | Court a true and correct account of all his | acts and doings in and about said Tutorship | and shall when legally required so to do, pay | over all sum of money and deliver all the property | of whatever nature that he may have in his | hands, belonging to said minor to the proper | person or persons to receive the same, then this | obligation to be null and void, otherwise to be | and remain in full force and effect, according | to law.
Done, signed and acknowledged before me, on the day and date above written.
Jas. M. Smith James Hall
Clerk D. C. &c. J. A. Hall
E. D. Tugwell.

Succession Book Z - Union Parish, Louisiana, May 16, 1885, con't. Page 37

[Located In Margin] Oath and Letters | of James Hall | Tutor. | Filed May | 16th 1885.

State of Louisiana, Parish of Union.
James Hall being duly sworn says that he | will well and faithfully discharge and | perform all and singular the duties incumbent | on him as tutor to the minor, M. B. Lee Hicks, | heir of G. W. & E. Hicks Deceased, according | to law, and according to the best of his | knowledge and understanding. So help him God!
Sworn to and subscribed before me | on this 15th day of May, A. D., 1885} James Hall.
Jas. M. Smith, Clerk District Court.

Succession Book Z - Union Parish, Louisiana, May 16, 1885, con't. Page 37

State of Louisiana, | Parish of Union} Third District Court.
This shall certify to all | whom it may concern, that on the 2d day | of February, A. D., 1885 an application | was made to the Honorable Judge of the | said District Court in and for Union Parish, | La., by Robert C. Webb, Under Tutor praying | that a family meeting might be convoked | to supply a tutor &c to the above minor & | the said family meeting having recommended | James Hall as such tutor & their proceedings were duly homologated.
Now know ye, that James Hall has been | and he is hereby appointed tutor to the said | minor and that he has fulfilled all the | requisites of the law. Witness our hand and seal | of said Court, this the 16th day of May, A. D., 1885.
Jas. M. Smith | Clerk District Court.

Succession Book Z - Union Parish, Louisiana, October 8, 1885, Page 13

[Located In Margin] Petition & order | to sell nat | estate. | Filed October | 8, 1885

Estates of Geo. W. & Elizabeth Hicks dec'd.
In process of administration In 3rd Dist. Court | of La., in & for Union Parish.
E. Jeff. Lee, administrator of above named | estates and a resident of Union Parish, La. | respectfully petitions your Hon. Court and shows | that on Feby, 2/85 he caused a family meeting | to be held or a family meeting was held to | deliberate in the interest of the minor heirs of said | estates relative to the sale and disposition of the | effects, that said family meeting advised and | recommended that the personal effects be sold | partly for cash & partly on time, which was | accordingly done on Mc'h 9/85, they also at the | same sitting advised and recommended that the | real estate of said successions be sold for cash | on or about Dec. 1st 1885. Petitioner shows that | the proceedings of said family meeting were duly | homologated by judgment of this Hon. Court on | [Page 14] Feby 5 / 85. Petitioner shows that in order to give the | requisite advertisement of thirty day as required | by law he must soon hand in said notice - he | shows that he is desirous of winding up his | administration of said estates and to partition | the effects among the heirs - he shows that this | real estate is all the property still indisposed of | & that he desired to advertise & sell this as said | family meeting has advised & suggested.
Wherefore he prays for an order from this | Hon. Court authorizing & ordering him to advertise | and sell the real estate of said estates from cash | on the 28th day of November 1885 - he prays for general relief & c.
G. A. Killgore Jr. | Atty. for petitioner.
In the matter of the succession of Geo W and | Elizabeth Hicks, dec'd, | after reading and | considering the foregoing petition, it is ordered | that said administrator do advertise and sell | for cash on November 28th A. D. 1885, the real estate | belonging to the above estates in pursuance to the | recommendations of said family meeting.
This done and signed officially on this Oct. the | 8th A. D. 1885 the District Judge being | absent from the Parish of Union.
Jas. N. Smith | Clerk D. C. &c.

Succession Book Z - Union Parish, Louisiana, November 6, 1885, Page 39

[Located In Margin] Petition for a | family meeting | Filed November, | 6th 1885.

To the Hon. John Young, Judge of the 3rd | Dist. Court of La., in & for Union Parish.
James Hall, Tutor, to the minor M. B. Lee Hicks, heir of estate of Geo. W. & Elizabeth Hicks dec'd. | & a resident of Union Parish, La., shows, that | said minor owns only an one seventh interest | in said above estates which amounts to about | nineteen hundred & fifty three & 92/100 dollars | less the debts & expenses in said estate - that | this is all the property which said minor | owns - that the revenues of said property | are insufficient to support said minor & to | rear it up - wherefore petitioner prays | that an order issue from your Hon. Court | directed to W. W. Heard, Notary Public ordering | him to convoke a family meeting to be com- | posed of Benjamin Taylor, J. M. Lee Sr., Britton Honeycutt, Saml. N. Brazzel and A. J. | Callaway, all near relatives & friends of said | minor & that said family meeting deliberate | & advise in the interest of said minor relative | to petitioner taking from the capital of said | minor's property a sufficiency to defray the | expenses of raising & supporting it & to decide | as to what amt. petitioner may draw annually, | (in excess of the revenuse [sic]) from the capital | to defray the expenses of maintaining & | supporting said minor - he prays that | said family meeting be convoked & held | & the return thereof make - he prays for general relief. &c.
G. A. Killgore jr. | Atty. for petitioner.

Premises considered it is ordered that | W. W. Heard, Notary, do at once convoke | & hold said family meeting as prayed for on | this Nov. the 6th A. D., 1885.
John Young | Judge 3rd District.

Succession Book Z - Union Parish, Louisiana, November 6, 1885, Pages 40-41

[Located In Margin] Proceedings of | Family Meeting | Filed November | 6, 1885.

State of Louisiana, Parish of Union.
I, Benjamin Taylor, J. M. Lee, Sr, Britton Honeycutt, | Samuel H. Brazzil and A. J. Callaway, do solemnly | swear that we will faithfully and impartially give | my advice and recommendation relative to James | Hall, Tutor to the minor M. B. Lee Hicks taking | from the capital of said minors property a | sufficiency to defray the expense of raising and | supporting said minor and to decide as to what | amount said Tutor may draw annually in excess | of the revenues from the capital to defray the | expenses of maintaining & supporting said minor, | according to the best of our judgment and | understanding. So help me God.
Sworn to and subscribed | before me on this | the 6th day of November | A. D. 1885.} W W Heard | Notary Public
Benj. Taylor | John M. Lee Sr. | B. Honeycutt | S. H. Brazzil | A. J. Callaway

State of Louisiana, Parish of Union.
Be it remembered, that on this the sixth day | of November A. D. 1885 pursuant to an order | issued out of the Honorable the Third Dist. | Court of Louisiana in and for Union Parish | of date Novr. 6th 1885 at the instance of James | Hall, Tutor to the minor M. B. Lee Hicks and to me | William W. Heard Notary Public in and for Union | Parish, La., directed, authorizing me to convoke | a family meeting composed of Benjamin Taylor | John M. Lee Sr. Britton Honeycutt, Samuel H. Brazzil, | and Abner J. Callaway relatives and friends of | said minor, for the purpose of suggesting and | advising as to whether the Tutor of said minor | James Hall shall draw from the capital of | said minor's property a sufficiency to defray | the expense of raising and supporting said minor | and to decide as to what amount said Tutor | may draw annually in excess of the revenues | from the capital of said minor.
Now therefore, I, William W. Heard, Notary Public, duly qualified and acting within and for said | [Page 41] Parish and State, did in pursuance to said order cause | the aforementioned relatives and friends to come before | me at my office in the town of Farmerville, La., (the | under tutor, Robt. C. Webb, being present - and | administering to said members composing said | meeting the oath on the first page here of, the | said family meeting after mature consultation | and deliberating recommend and advise unanimously | that James Hall, Tutor to the minor M. B. Lee | Hicks, draw from the capital of said minor's | property an amount including the revenues thereof | that will amount to Eight dollars per month | that is to say the revenues and the capital so | drawn shall amount to eight dollars per month.
The reasons assigned by said members for | making the above recommendations are these - | that the revenues of said minor's property are not sufficient to properly maintain, raise | and support said minor.
In testimony whereof I have cause the members | aforesaid to sign their names hereto on the day | and date above written in the presence of the | undersigned legal witnesses. The Under Tutor | R. C. Webb was present and signs hereto | approving the recommendations made above.
Attest: John Donley | S. W. Ramsey
Benj. Taylor | John M. Lee Sr. | B. Honeycutt | S. H. Brazzil | A. J. Callaway
approved | A. C. Webb under tutor.
W. W. Heard Notary Public.

Succession Book Z - Union Parish, Louisiana, November 9, 1885, Pages 41-42

[Located In Margin] Petition and judge- | ment homologating | proceedings of | family meeting. | Filed November, | 9th 1885.

To the Hon. John Young, Judge of the 3rd Dist. | Court of La., in & for Union Parish.
Jas. Hall, a resident of Union Parish, La., & tutor | to the minor M. B. Lee Hicks, shows that on Nov. | 6th 1885 he caused a family meeting to be convoked | & held to deliberate on the subject of allowing | petitioner to take from the capital of said minor | a sufficiency to support said minor - he shows that | [Page 42] said family meeting was held & did advise & | recommend that petitioner draw from the capital | of said minor's funds enough together with the revenues of said property to make eight dollars | per month upon which to rear & support said minor.
Wherefore petitioner prays that the proceedings | of said family meeting be approved and homologated | in all its parts & that he be allowed to take from | the capital of said minor's funds the amt. designated by said family meeting - he prays for | all orders necessary for general relief &c.
G. A. Killgore Jr. | Atty. for petitioner.

In the matter of the tutor ship of the minor M. B. Lee Hicks, on application of James Hall, | Tutor to said minor, for a family meeting to | deliberate & advise as to the property of said | Tutor drawing from the capital of said minor | to support & maintain it - said family meeting | having been duly convoked & held & having on | the 6th of Nov. 1885 advised & recommended that | said tutor be allowed to draw from the | capital of said minor, enough to make a | purse of eight dollars to gather with the revenues | of the property of said minor - it is therefore ordered | & decreed that said family meeting proceedings | be duly approved & homologated in all its parts |& that said tutor be & he is hereby permitted to | carry out the admr of said family meeting in | all its parts.
Thus done & read & signed in chamber on | this November the 9th 1885.
John Young | Judge 3rd Dist. Court of La.
Filed on evidence & marked | C. Aug. 15,/89 | Heard.

Succession Book Z - Union Parish, Louisiana, April 5, 1886, pages 14-18

[Located In Margin] Admr's final | a/c | Filed April | 5th 1886

Successions of Geo W. and Elizabeth Hicks dec'd.
In 3rd Dist. Court of La., in and for Union Parish.
E. J. Lee - Admr. having fully administered said | successions, here tenders and files his final a/c | of his acts and doings as Admr. of said succession | and asks that they be approved and homologated | and his bond as admr. canceled.
Admr charges himself with the inventoried piece of the effects, viz:
Personal property $1353.??
[Page 15]
Included in the personal property inventoried is | everything belonging to dec'd. of a perishable kind, | such as, stock, household & kitchen furniture, notes &c.
The major heirs viz: Leon & J. N. Hicks had | received from their parents bedding &c estimated | to be worth fifteen dollars and as some of the | minor heirs are old enough to know and understand | things, they have desired to take an equal amount | each in bedding &c to make them equal to the majors, | hence the tutor to said minors have taken into his control & custody for the following named minors the following property valued as follows, viz:
Voucher "A" To Carrie Hicks, one feather bed &c @ $15.25
" "B" " Florence " " " " " " 15.00
" "C" " Edgar " " " " " " 2.50
Total ------ $32.75
As These items were inventoried and are charged | to Admr. in the inventory, they or their value should | be deducted & admr. credited therewith, which when | done leaves admr. properly chargeable with the | difference, viz: $1921.17
Admr. shows that under the advice of a | family meeting the effects of the successions that | were sold, were sold partly on time, purchasers | giving their notes drawing interest, that the notes | that were inventoried were also drawing interest & that | he has collected said notes with the interest and | has also sold the effects & collected said notes with the interest and has also sold the effects & collected the purchase | price, viz:
The sales of the personal property amount to $646.89
The collections of the notes inventoried amount, viz:
Notes on J. Stein and D. Stein $ 918.04
Am't collected of J. N. Hicks | for rent of place for 1885 30.00
Am't collected from the K. of P. Lodge 30.00
Total Am't. sales &c $1624.93
By reference to the process verbal of the | sale of the personal property it will | be seen that the items of bedding &c | for the minors above named were cried | off & bed in by their tutor W. C. Carr at | the sale, hence instead of the inventory they credited said items which were | [Page 16] cried off & appear in the process verbal of sale | should be deducted from the above amt. They | were cried off at __ 32.51
Leaving as total sales & collection Amt $1592.43
Amt sales real estate 682.00
Total Amt sales & collections $2274.43
This Amt. includes the bids of Leon Hicks of $ 166.15
and J. N. Hicks of $ 215.00
Total $ 381.15
Which when deducted from the total amt. | sales & collections leaves $1893.28 actual cash which
Admr. took in all.

Admr. is entitled to a credit for the following | amts. which he has paid out and which he has | accepted as debts due by said estates, viz:
Voucher "D" a/c in favor J. Stein $112.56
" "E" " " " Dr. C. H. Jameson 62.00
" "F" " " " S. S. Kirkpatrick 22.65
" "G" " " " G. A. Killgore Jr. 25.00
" "H" " " " J. G. Trimble 6.70
" "I" " " " Dr. W. W. Barnes 6.50
" "J" " " " Mollie Barlow 13.00
" "K" " " " Mr. H. Ham 12.00
" "L" " " " J. M. Lee Sr. 1.50
" "M" " " " " " " " 1.00
" "N" " " " " " " " 21.00
" "O" " " " J. R. Simmons 14.00
" "P" " " " Elmra Mitchel 11.25
" "Q" " " " Ida Baylas 7.00
Amt. carried down $316.16
Amt credits brought down $316.16
Voucher "R" a/c in favor Easter 1.00
" "S" " " " Ellen Evans 1.50
" "T" " " " Rosa Raly 3.00
" "U" " " " W. C. Niagard 17.00
" "V" Taxes for 28.16
" "W" a/c in favor J. M. Smith 20.00
" "X" " " J. G. Trimble 5.90
" "Y" " " W. H. Hearn 6.53
" "Z" " " E. J. Lee admr. commissioned 56.90
[Page 17]
Total am't debts &c paid $707.23
Adminr. has paid on to the tutor of the | minors the following.
Voucher "B2" To Dr. W. C. Carr tutor to the minors | Florence, Edgar, Jeff Lee & Carrie on May 2/85 $ 70.00
" "C3" To W. C. Carr tutor as above on Dec 7/85 21.00
" "D4" To W. C. Carr tutor as above on Dec. 10/85 200.00
" "E5" To W. C. Carr tutor as above on Jany. 9/86 20.00
Total am't. fu'd. to W. C. Carr $ 711.20
" "F6" To Jas Hall tutor to M. B. Lee Hicks on May 28/85 125.00
" "G7" Jas Hall tutor as above Dec. 19/85 100.00
Total am't. fu'd. to Jas Hall 225.00
Total amt. debts &/c paid $ 707.23
" " paid W. C. Carr Tutor 711.20
" " paid Jas. Hall " 225.00
Total amt. paid out $1643.43
This being adm's credit

Total amt debts including sales and money | collected &c $2274.43
Total amt. credits including | debts paid & amts handed to tutor $ 163.43
Amt money &c on hand $ 631.00
This last item is made up | of cash money $249.85
Note of Leon Hicks 166.15 bid in at sale
" " J. N. Hicks 215.00 " " " "
Aggregate 631.00

The above amt. shows the amt of actual | cash on hand and the amt of notes given | by the heirs for property bid in by them at | the sale. Now in order to find the amt. that | each heir is entitled to we must add the | above amts. turned over
to Dr. W. C. Carr Tutor $ 711.20
" Jas. Hall " 225.00
Total $1567.20
The above amt. is to be divided equally among all the heirs, viz: {two lines hard to read] | [Page 18] minor children who have received nothing in | the way of bedding, as the other heirs have, | viz: To Jeff Lee Hicks minor $15.00 cash
" Edgar " " 12.50 "
" M. B. Lee " " 15.00 "
Total amt. to be deducted 42.50 | from the $1567.20 leave $1524.7 to be divided among all seven of the children, giving to each $217.81.

To the Hon Jno. Young, Judge of the 3rd | Judicial Dist. Court of La. in & for Union Parish.
The Petition of E. Jefferson Lee a resident of Union | Parish, La. and admr. of the estates of Geo. W. & | Elizabeth Hicks dec'd, with respect shows that he has wound up his administration of said | estates and has settled up all its indebtedness | & presents this tabulated statement of his acts | & doings as admr. of said estates and files same | as his final a/c. He shows that there are seven | heirs to said estates viz: Leon, Jno. N. Florence, Carrie, | Edgar, Jeff Lee & M. B. Lee Hicks, the last five of whom | are still minors - he shows that he has | paid over to the tutors of said minors $936.20, that | the two major heirs, Leon & Hon N. Hicks bought in | at the sale property to the amt. of $381.15 as will | be seen from the process verbal of sale & their | notes filed herein he asks that this a/c be duly | imputed by the court, that notice of its filing | be given as the law requires & upon due inspection | that this a/c be approved & homologated and made | the judgment of this court that petitioner be permitted to settle with all Parties, creditors & | heirs as this a/c shows & upon filing the proper | receipts for all the money that his bond as admr. | for general relief &c [of account].
G. A. Killgore, Jr. | Atty. for admr.
Premium considered, it is hereby ordered that the above & foregoing a/c be filed and duly advertised |

Succession Book Z - Union Parish, Louisiana, April 12, 1886, Pages 43-44

[Located In Margin] Tutorship of | the heirs of | G. W. & E. Hicks. | Petition for | family meeting | Filed April, | 12th 1886.

In the matter of the Tutorship of the minor heirs | of Geo W. and Elizabeth Hicks, dec'd. In 3rd Dist. | Court of La., in and for Union Parish.
To the Hon. John Young, Judge of the 3rd Judicial | District Court of La., and for Union Parish.
The petition of Robert C. Webb under tutor to the | minors, Florence, Carrie, Edgar, Jeff. Lee & M. B. Lee | Hicks, all heirs of said Geo. W. and Elizabeth | Hicks dec'd. Petitioner shows that Dr. W. C. Carr | who was the tutor to the minors, Carrie, Florence, | Edgar & Jeff Lee Hicks, died recently & that | said minors are now without a tutor & that | under the law it is petitioners duty to have | another tutor appointed for said minors - | he shows also that he would like to be | released from the position of under tutor | to said minors | he shows that it is necessary | to have a family meeting convoked in the | interest of said minors to advise & recommend | a tutor & under tutor to said minors.
Wherefore he prays for an order from this | Hon. Court directed to W. W. Heard a Notary | Public in & for Union Parish, La., to convoke | and hold a family meeting to be composed of | Jno. M. Lee Sr. E. J. Lee, J. M. Brantly, W. H. Hearn, and Jno J. Aulds Sr. the nearest relatives of | said minors to advise & recommend a suitable | person for tutor to said minors & also to | recommend an under tutor for them - he prays | that said family meeting be held on Wednesday | the 14th day of April, A. D. 1886 - he prays for | general relief &c.
G. A. Killgore Jr. | Atty. for petitioner.

Premises considered, it is hereby ordered | that W. W Hard Notary Public do on Wednes- | day the 14th April, 1886, convoke & hold said | family meeting as prayed for and that it be composed of the parties named in the petition | and also that Robt. C. Webb, the under tutor to said minors be summoned to be present | [Page 44] at said family meeting to either approve or | disapprove of the deliberations & suggestions.
Thus done & signed in chamber on this | April, 12th A. D. 1886.
John Young | Judge 3rd Dist Court of La. | Union Parish.

Succession Book Z - Union Parish, Louisiana, April 14, 1886, Pages 44-45

[Located In Margin] Proceedings of | Family Meeting. | Filed April, | 14th 1886.

State of Louisiana Parish of Union.
In the matter of the Tutorship of the minor | heirs of Geo W. and Elizabeth Hicks.
We and each of us do solemnly swear that | we will faithfully and impartially give our | advice and recommendations relative to the | appointment of a Tutor and Under Tutor to | the minors, Carrie, Florence, Edgar and Jeff Lee | Hicks heirs of the aforesaid estate according to | the best of our ability and understanding. | So help us God.
Sworn to and subscribed | before me on this the | 14th day of April A. D. 1886 | W. W. Heard | Notary Public.
John M. Lee Sr. |E. J. Lee | John M. Brantly | W. H. Hearn | J. S. Gulley

State of Louisiana Parish of Union.
Be it remembered that on this the Fourteenth | day of April, A. D., Eighteen Hundred and Eighty | Six (1886) pursuant to an order issued out of | the Honorable the Third District Court of | Louisiana in and for Union Parish by the | Judge thereof, in the matter of the Tutorship | of the minor heirs of Geo W. and Elizabeth Hicks, | deceased at the instance of Robt. C. Webb Under | Tutor of sale April 12th 1886 and to me William | W. Heard, Notary Public in and for said Parish | and State, directed authorizing and commanding | me to convoke a family meeting composed of | John M. Lee Sr, E. Jeff. Lee, John M. Brantly Wm H. Hearn | and John S. Gully, relatives of the minors Carrie, | Florence, Edgar and Jeff Lee Hicks heirs of the | aforesaid estate and residents of Union Parish at | [Page 45] my office in the town of Farmerville, La., on this | day for the purpose of advising and recommending | some suitable person to be appointed Tutor and | Under Tutor to said minors.
Now therefore, I, William W. Heard Notary Public | duly commissioned qualified and acting within | and for the aforesaid Parish and State did, in | pursuance to the aforementioned order cause the aforesaid relatives to come before me at my office in the town of Farmerville, La., on this day April, 14th 1886 at 12 o'clock M. and after | administering the oath on the first page | hereof to each member composing this meeting | (except Robt. C. Webb Under Tutor who is | present, they, the said family meeting proceeded | to consult, advise and deliberate upon the | subject matter heretofore specially stated | and the said family meeting after nature | deliberation recommend unanimously that John | M. Lee Jr. be appointed and confirmed Tutor | to the minors Carrie, Florence, Edgar and Jeff | Lee Hicks upon complying with the requisites | of the law and that E. Jeff Lee be appointed | and confirmed under tutor to said minors | upon conforming to the requirements of law.
The reasons assigned for the above recom- | mendation are that the said minors are | without a tutor - their tutor having died | and the under tutor being desirous of | being relieved of the position as such.
In testimony whereof I have caused the aforesaid members to sign their names | hereto on the day and date above written | in the presence of John Donley and Jesse | W. Pearson, two lawful witnesses called for the | purpose who sign with said members and me | said Notary. The Under Tutor also signing approving | of the above recommendation.
John Donley | J. M. Pearson | W. W. Heard Notary Public.
John M. Lee Sr. | E. J. Lee | John M. Brantly | W. W. Hearn | J. S. Gulley

Above recommendations approved. R. C. Webb under tutor.

Succession Book Z - Union Parish, Louisiana, April 16, 1886, Pages 46-47

[Located In Margin] Petition & judgment | of homologation &c, | Filed April, | 16th 1886.

To the Hon. Jno Young, Judge of the 3rd | Judicial Dist. Court of La., in & for Union Parish.
Robt. C. Webb under tutor to the minors, | Florence, Carrie, Edgar, Jeff Lee & M. B. Lee Hicks | & a resident of Union Parish, La., hereby petitions | your Hon. Court & shows that on April 14th | 1886 be caused a family meeting to be convoked | by W. W. Heard Notary Public to advise, suggest | & name a Tutor to the minors, Florence, Carrie, | Jeff Lee & Edgar Hicks, their late tutor | W. C. Carr having died - petitioner also requested | said family meeting to release him from the under tutorship of all the above named minors | & to suggest & name a tutor for them.
That said family meeting was held on said | day & that they suggested & recommended John | M. Lee Jr. as Tutor to said minors & E. J. Lee | for under tutor.
Wherefore petitioner prays that said Jno. M. Lee Jr. and E. J. Lee be at once appointed | to said positions, Jno. M. Lee Jr. as tutor and | E. J. Lee as under tutor to said minors & | that petitioner be released from further | responsibilities as under tutor - he prays | that the proceedings of said family meeting | be approved & homologated by this Hon. Court - | he prays for general relief &c.
G. A. Killgore Jr. | Atty. for petitioner.

Premises considered, it is hereby ordered | that the proceedings of said family meeting | mentioned in foregoing petition be & are hereby | approved and homologated in all its parts | and that Jno. M. Lee Sr. be & he is hereby | appointed tutor to said minors, Florence, Carrie, | Edgar & Jeff Lee Hicks & that he be allowed | qualify as such upon his giving bond in | the sum of Eleven Hundred and Sixty Dollars | and also that E. J. Lee be & he is hereby | appointed under tutor to said minors & that | Robt C. Webb be & he is hereby released from | [Page 47] the position of under tutor to said minors upon | E. J. Lee qualifying as such.
Thus done, read & signed in chamber on this | April the 16th A. D. 1886.
John Young | Judge 3rd Dist. Court of La., | Union Parish.

Succession Book Z - Union Parish, Louisiana, April 17, 1886, Page 47-48

[Located In Margin] Application to | proceedings of | family meeting . | Filed April, | 17th 1886.

In the matter of the Tutorship of the minor | heirs of Geo. W. and Elizabeth Hicks, Dec'd.
Your appears Leon Hicks and John N. Hicks | would respectfully beg leave of the Court to file | their opposition to the homologation of the proceed - | ings of the family meeting convoked by order | of the honorable the Judge of the Third District | Court of date April 12 A. D., 1886 and held by | W. W. Heard Notary Public April 14 A. D., 1886, to advise touching the interest of the minors Carrie, | Florence, Edgar, and Jeff Lee, heirs of George | W. and Elizabeth Hicks, dec'd, for the following | reasons. 1st Opponents Leon Hicks and John N. | Hicks are both brothers of the minors. They aver that they are the nearest blood | relatives, of said minors, of age and | therefore that they were by law entitled to | take part in any family meeting which | might be convoked to advise relative to the | interest of their minor brothers and sisters. They aver that the meeting held above | was without their knowledge in any way. | That they were not requested to act or in any | approved of the proceedings.
2nd Opponents aver that by law they are | entitled to the tutorship of their minor brothers | and sisters in preference to John M. Lee Sr. | who has been recommended by the family meeting | held as herein before stated. That said Lee is a cousin on the mother's side.
That this relationship does not entitle him | to the tutorship in preference to your | Opponents who are the brothers in full blood | of said minors. They further aver that | [Page 48] John N. Hicks has had since the death of the | mother of said minors, the personal care and | keeping of Edgar and Carrie.
That Leon Hicks has had the personal care | and keeping of Florence and Jeff Lee. That | Opponents desire to retain charge of their minor | brothers and sisters and also that they have the tutorship of said brothers and sisters.
Opponents aver that they notified the under tutor | R. C. Webb of their willingness to accept the | tutorship of the aforesaid minors, and are now | both desirous of being appointed tutors, John N. | Hicks to be tutor to Edgar and Carrie and Leon | Hicks to be tutor to Florence and Jeff.
Wherefore appeasers pray that upon a hearing | on this their oppositions that the proceedings | of the family meeting be set aside and disapproved.
That John N. Hicks be appointed tutor for the | minors Edgar and Carrie Hicks upon giving | bond as the law directs and that James Hall be | appointed under tutor to said minors. That Leon | Hicks be appointed tutor to the minors Florence | and Jeff Hicks upon giving bond as the law | directs and that Robert McGough be appointed | under tutor to said minors.
They further pray for all such other orders | as are necessary in the premises for costs and | for general relief.
J. E. Trimble | Atty. for Opponents.

Succession Book Z - Union Parish, Louisiana, April 19, 1886, Page 48-50

[Located In Margin] Amended Oppo- | sition & | Injunction. | Filed April | 19th 1886

In the matter of the | Opposition to the | homologation of the | proceedings of Family | Meeting held for minor | heirs of Geo. W. & Elizabeth Hicks, dec'd}
In Third | District Court | Union Parish State | of Louisiana.
With leave of the Court petitioners and | opponents beg leave to file this their amended | opposition in the above matter.
Adopting their original allegations in the | original opposition as the illegality of the | [Page 49] family meeting convoked before W. W. Heard Notary | Public in that petitioners the nearest collateral | relatives of the minors Edgar, Carrie, Florence, | and Jeff Lee Hicks were not notified that such | proceedings were to be had.
They aver that of the members of said meeting | there were but two who were entitled to serve in | said meetings to wit: J. M. Lee Sr. who is an uncle of said minors and J. M. Brantly is a cousin | germane to said minors. Avers that Jeff Lee is | only a third cousin, John Gulley a fourth cousin | and that Wm. H. Hearn is not a relative.
Avers that the minors of Geo. l W. & Elizabeth Hicks | dec'd have the following ten cousins - German to wit: | Luke Hayes, Willis Hayes, Arnet Hayes, M. B. Hayes, | Jord Aulds, M. B. Brantly, H. H. Ward, John Ward and Leander Ward all residents of Union Parish | Louisiana and competent as the nearest relatives | next to your opponents to serve as members of a | family meeting.
Opponents further aver that the proceedings | of the family meeting were homologated April, 16 without notice. That the fact of this | homologation was not made known to them | nor to their Attorney until Monday morning | April, 19. That J. M. Lee Jr. has not qualified | as tutor to said minors.
Opponents further aver that the convoking | of the family meeting without notice to them | was in fraud of their right and that if | J. M. Lee Jr. be permitted to give bond and | take the oath as tutor that it will work | an injury and wrong to the said minors in | that they will be removed, necessarily, from | the care & keeping of their brothers Opponents herein - that a writ of injunction is necessary | restraining and forbidding said John M. Lee Jr. | from qualifying as tutor or taking further | steps in the matter.
Opponents further aver that in order to | evidence Wm. H. Hearn and J. M. Gulley to acquiesce | in the proceedings of the family meeting it | was represented to them that the proceedings were | [Page 50] "agreeable all around," meaning to the brothers | your opponents herein. Which said representation | is false and untrue.
Petitioners and opponents pray that a writ | of injunction issue directed to J. M. Lee Jr. | commanding, restraining and enjoining him | from qualifying as tutor or from taking any | further steps in the matter of the tutorship of | the minor heirs of Geo. W. and Elizabeth Hicks dec'd to wit, Carrie, Edgar, Florence and Jeff Lee Hicks | until the further orders of yr. honorable court.
They further pray that upon trial of this their | opposition together with the original opposition | that it be sustained that this injunction be | perpetuated once for all Such other orders as | are necessary in the premises.
Adopting the original allegations in the | original opposition as herein before set forth, | they pray for costs.
J. E. Trimble.

Succession Book Z - Union Parish, Louisiana, April 19, 1886, Page 50

State of Louisiana, Parish of Union.} Personally came and appeared | before me Leon Hicks one of the opponents | who herein being by me duly sworn say that | all the allegations in the foregoing petition | are true and correct & that his Honor, Judge | Young is absent from the Parish of Union.
Sworn to and subscribed | this 19 day of April, | A. D., 1886.} Leon Hicks.
Jas. M. Smith | Clerk D. C. &c

Premises considered it is ordered that a writ | of injunction issue as prayed for on | opponents giving bond in the sum of Fifty | Dollars with good & solvent security | according to law.
Thus done & signed in Farmerville, April, 19, A. D., 1886.
Jas. M. Smith. | Clerk D. C. &c.

Succession Book Z - Union Parish, Louisiana, April 19, 1886, Page 51

[Located In Margin] Injunction | Bond. | Filed April, | 19th 1886.

In the matter of the | Tutorship of Florence, | Edgar, Jeff Lee and Carrie | Hicks minor heirs of | Geo. W. & Elizabeth Hicks, | Dec'd.} State of Louisiana, | Parish of Union | Third District Court.

Know all men by these presents, | that we Leon Hicks and John N. Hicks as principal | and William C. Hall and as security are held | and firmly bound unto John M. Lee Jr. and other | parties in interest in the just and full sum of | Fifty ($50.00) Dollars to the true and faithful | payment of which, well and truly to be made | we bind ourselves, our heirs and assigns and | legal representatives firmly and in solido by | these.
Dated at Farmerville, La., this the | 19th day of April, A. D., 1886.

The Condition of the above Obligation is such | that whereas the above bound Leon Hicks and | John N. Hicks has this day sued out a writ | of injunction against John M. Lee Jr. in the suit | entitled In the matter of the tutorship of Florence, | Edgar, Jeff Lee and Carrie Hicks, minor heirs | of Geo. W. & Elizabeth Hicks in the Third District | Court, in and for the Parish of Union, State of | Louisiana.
Now, therefore, if the above bound Leon | Hicks and John N. Hicks as principal shall | well and truly pay all such damages as | shall be decreed against his in case it should | be decided that this writ of injunction was | wrongfully sued out or obtained then in that | case this obligation to be null and void, otherwise | to be and remain in full force and effect accord- | ing to law, against the principal and his said | securities in solido.
Done, signed and acknowledged before me, on | the day and ate above written.
W. W. Heard. | Jas. M. Smith, Clerk D. C. &c.
Leon Hicks | J. N. Hicks | W. C. Hall

Succession Book Z - Union Parish, Louisiana, April 19, 1886, Page 52

[Located In Margin] Original | Injunction. | Filed Apr. | 28 [sic}/86.

In the matter of the | Tutorship of the minor | Florence, | Edgar, Jeff Lee & | Carrie Hicks minor heirs | of Geo. W. & Elizabeth Hicks, Dec'd | Third Judicial District Court | Parish of Union. | State of Louisiana.
To John M. Lee Jr. of Union Parish La,: | You are hereby summoned to attend at the Clerk’s | Office, in the town of Farmerville, Parish of | Union, State of Louisiana, and comply with the | prayer of the annexed petition, or file your | answer hereto, in writing, in the Third Judicial | District Court, in and for the parish of Union, | La., within ten (10) days after the service thereof.
Witness the Honorable John Young Judge | of said Court on this the 19th day of April, A. D., 1886.
W. W. Heard, Dy | Clerk D. C. &c.

Succession Book Z - Union Parish, Louisiana, April 19, 1886. Pages 19-20

[Located In Margin] Evidence of | Admr trial | of application | to homologate | Filed April | 19th 1886

In the matter of the application of E. J. Lee | Admr. of the estates of Geo. W. and Elizabeth Hicks | dec'd. to have his final a/c homologated and | his bond canceled. In 3rd Dist. Court of La. | Union Parish - on hearing of said application | E. J. Lee being sworn as a witness for application | said, I have examined my final a/c which | was filed on April 6th 1886 and I find it all | correct except that it failed to charge me up | with the interest on the notes given for the | personal property on the day of sale Feby. | 28, / 85. Under the terms of said sale all bids under $5.00 were to be cash and all over $5.00 | were to be paid Dec. 1st 1885 bidden to give | their notes drawing eight percent from date.
The cash sales on the day of sale amounted to | $73.00.
Jno N. Hicks bought in property that | day to the amount of $215.00
Leon Hicks bought into the amt of $166.16
The tutor to some of the minors bought to the amt. of $32.50 for said said [sic] minors, all of which amts added together & then the cash | recifils [sic- rectifies] added to this & the total taken from | the entire sales of that day $647.99 instead | of $545.89 as appears on my a/c (which was down through a miscalculation by my atty.) leaves | $161.34 of said sales for which notes were given | payable in nine months at 8% which interest | amounted to $9.68 which I collected & should | be charged with. I should also be charged with $30.00 which I connected from R. C. Webb | as rent on some of the land.
Making an aggregate of $39.68 which | my a/c failed to charge me with, which it should | have but was overlooked by my atty.
With this exception the a/c is correct and | the money was paid out as is shown by the vouchers marked from "A" to "Y No 7" inclusive.
The sales of personal property Feby 28/85 | amt. to $647.99
The interest on the credit parties thereof amt to 9.68
The R. C. Webb rent note collected " " 30.00
[Page 20]
The J. N. Hicks " " " " " 30.00
The amt. collected from the Lodge K of P " " 30.00
The Jake and G O. Stein note collected " " 918.04
The real estate sold for 682.00
This makes the total amt. I received $2347.71
Included in the sales of the personal property | was the sales to J. N. and Leon Hicks and the minor | bids which in all amount up to $413.65 worth | of property bought in by the heirs but not | paid for, now this total amt. of sales and | collections amts to $2347.7a instead of $2274.43 as | stated in my a/c, but the difference consists in this | that in the $2347.7a is included the Webb rent, the interest & the bids of the minors on day of sale, | of course the debts & expenses which are properly stated in my a/c are to be deducted from this and | the balance will be due the heirs. Now as some | of the heirs have already received some in bedding, | money &c they will have to collate by taking less.
The a/c when amended to conform to these facts | will be correct in every particular. Sworn to and | subscribed before me on this April, 19th 1886.
W. W. Heard Dy.} E. J. Lee.
Clk. GD.C &c.

Succession Book Z - Union Parish, Louisiana, April 19, 1886, Page 20

[Located In Margin] Judgment homologating | admr. final a/c. | Filed April | 19th 1886.

Successions of Geo W. & Elizabeth Hicks dec'd | in 3rd Dist. Court of La., Union Parish - on | application of admr. to have his final a/c | approved and homologated.
By reason of the law and the evidence | adduced on the trial of said application, | after the a/c had been filed in the clk's | office for more than ten days & no apparition | having been made thereto & the law and the | evidence being in favor of the admr. E. J. Lee, | it is therefore ordered, adjudged & decreed | that said final a/c be & the same is hereby | approved and homologated after admr. charg- | ing himself with the item of nine & 68/100 dollars | as interest on that portion of the credit sales | of the personal property and also after he | charges himself with the Thirty dollars for rent | [Page 21] received of R. C. Webb on the Hicks place | for 1885, as then amended, that it be & is hereby | approved and made the judgment of this | court. It is further ordered adjudged & decreed | that upon said admr. settling with the heirs | of said estates in conformity to this a/c, and | filing their receipts with the clerk of this | Hon. Court, that his bond be canceled as | admr. of said estates & be discharged.
Thus done, read and signed in open court | on this April, 19th A. D., 1886.
John Young | Judge 3rd Dist. Court | of La., Union Parish.

[Located In Margin] Note of | evidence, | Filed April | 19th 1886.

Estates of Geo. W. & Elizabeth Hicks, Dec'd.
Evidence adduced in open court on the | homologation of the final account this Feby 19th 1886.
Evidence of E. J. Lee taken before the | clerk offered & filed in evidence by admr & | marked one. Also the vouchers numbering from A to G No. & offered & filed in evidence by admr.
Jas. M. Smith sworn for admr. says I | am the clerk of Court, the final account | herein was advertised for more than ten | days by publication in the Gazette a | weekly newspaper published in the town of | Farmerville, La., that no opposition to said | account has been filed.
Evidence closed | Feby. 19,/86.

Succession Book Z - Union Parish, Louisiana, July 16, 1886, Page 53

[Located In Margin] Preemptory | exception. | Filed July 16th 1886.

In the matter of the Tutorship of the minors, Florence, | Edgar, Jeff Lee & Carrie Hicks. In 3rd Dist. | Court of La.,, in and for Union Parish - an applica- | tion of Leon & Jno N. Hicks to be appointed Tutor | to said minors & enjoining Jno. M. Lee Jr. from | qualifying as tutor.
Now comes Jno. M. Lee Jr. deft. and without | answering to the merits of the injunction sued out | herein, files the following preemptory exception | of no cause of action declared in pltffs. injunction, | he therefore prays that the injunction sued out | herein be dissolved & the suit dismissed with | fifty dollars damages - he prays for general | relief &c.
G. A. Killgore Jr. | Atty. for app??.

Succession Book Z - Union Parish, Louisiana, July 28, 1886, Page 53

[Located In Margin] Judgment | Filed July, | 28th 1886

In the matter of the Tutorship of the minor | heirs of Geo. W. and Elizabeth Hicks, dec'd. | And the trial of the injunction of Jno Newton | & Leon Hicks, filed herein enjoining the defs. | Jno. M. Lee Jr. from qualifying as tutor to said | minors. In 3rd Dist. Court of La., in and for | Union Parish.
Upon the trial of this case, by reason of | the law and the evidence adduced, being in favor | of Dfs. Jno. M. Lee Jr. and against Pltffs. | Jno. N. and Leon Hicks & by further reason of | the motion of pltff's counsel it is therefore | ordered, adjudged and decreed that the injunction | sued out herein by Jno. W. and Leon Hicks, be & | the same is hereby dismissed & that deft. Jno. M. | Lee Jr. have judgment against pltffs in | injunction & their security on the injunction bond | viz: W. C. Hall, in solido for the cost & ten | dollars damages as atty fee. Thus done, read | & signed in open court on this July the 28th, A. D. 1886.
John Young | Judge 3rd Dist. Court of | La., in & for Union Parish.

Succession Book Z - Union Parish, Louisiana, August 28, 1886, Page 54

[Located In Margin] ond of | John M. Lee Jr. | Tutor. | Filed August, | 28th 1886.

State of Louisiana, | Parish of Union} Third Judicial District Court.

Know all men by those presents, that | we John M. Lee Junior as principal and E Jeff Lee | John M. Lee Sr. Elijah H. Ward, & Jacob Marx & | William C. C. Smith as securities are held and | firmly bound into Hon. John Young, Judge of | the Parish of Union, Louisiana, or his successors | in office in the just and full sum of Eleven | Hundred & Sixty ($1160.00) Dollars, to the true and | faithful payment of which, we bind ourselves, our heirs, administrators, and legal representatives | firmly and in solido by these presents.
Dated at Farmerville, La., on this the | 28th, day of August A. D. 1886.

The Condition of the above Obligation is such that whereas the above bound John M. Lee Jr. has this | day been duly and legally appointed Tutor of the | minor heirs of Geo. W. and Elizabeth Hicks Dec'd. | and he has taken the oath required by law.
Now therefore if the above bound John M. Lee Jr. | as principal shall faithfully and impartially | discharge all the duties incumbent on him as | Tutor of said minors and shall render to the | Court a true and correct account of all his acts | and doings in and about said Tutorship and | shall when legally required so to do, pay over all | sum of money and deliver all the property of | whatever nature that he may have in his hands, | belonging to said minors to the proper person | or persons to receive the same, then this obligation | to be null and void, otherwise to be and remain in | full force and effect, according to law.
Jas. M. Smith | Clerk Dist. Court &c.
J. M. Lee Jr. | E. J. Lee | John M. Lee Sr. | E. H. Ward | J. Marx | W. C. C. Smith.

Succession Book Z - Union Parish, Louisiana, August 28, 1886, Page 55

[Located In Margin] Oath & Letters | of | J. M. Lee Jr. | Tutor | Filed August | 28th 1886.

State of Louisiana, Parish of Union.
John M. Lee Junior being duly sworn, says that | he will well and faithfully discharge and perform | all and singular the duties incumbent on him as | Tutor of the minors, Florence, Carrie, Edgar and | Jeff Lee Hicks heirs of the estates of George W. | and Elizabeth Hicks deceased, according to law, and | according to the best of his knowledge and understanding. | So help him God.
Sworn to and subscribed | before me on this 28th | day of August A. D. 1886.} Jas. M. Smith | Clerk District Court.
J. M. Lee Jr.

State of Louisiana, Parish of Union.} Third District Court.

This shall certify to all whom | it may concern, that on the 12th day of April, | A. D., 1886, an application was made to the | Honorable Judge of the said District Court in | and for Union Parish, La., by Robert C. Webb, | praying that a tutor and under tutor might be appointed to the minors Carrie, Florence, Edgar, | and Jeff Lee Hicks heirs of Geo. W. and Elizabeth | Hicks deceased.
Now know ye, that John M. Lee Jr. has been | and he is hereby appointed Tutor to the said | minors and that he has fulfilled all the | requisites of the law.
Witness our hand and seal of said Court, | this the 28th day of August, A. D., 1886.
Jas. M. Smith Clerk District Court.

Succession Book Z - Union Parish, Louisiana, August 31, 1886, Pages 55-56

[Located In Margin] Oath & Letters | of | Under Tutor. | Filed August | 31st 1886

State of Louisiana, Parish of Union.
E. Jeff Lee being duly sworn, says that he will | faithfully discharge and impartially discharge and perform | all and singular the duties incumbent on me as | Under Tutor to the minors, Florence, Carrie, Edgar | and Jeff Lee Hicks heirs of the estates of George W. & | [Page 56] Elizabeth Hicks dec'd, according to the best of his | knowledge and understanding and according to | law. So help me God.
Sworn to and subscribed | before me on this 31st | day of August A. D. 1886.} W. W. Heard Dy | Clerk District Court.
E. J. Lee

State of Louisiana, Parish of Union.} Third District Court.

This shall certify to all whom | it may concern, that on the 12th day of April, | A. D., 1886, an application was made to the | Honorable Judge of the said District Court | in and for Union Parish, La., by Robert C. Webb, | praying that a tutor & Under Tutor might be | appointed to the minors Carrie, Florence, Edgar, | and Jeff Lee Hicks heirs of Geo. W. and Elizabeth | Hicks deceased.
Now know ye, that E. Jeff Lee has been and he | is hereby appointed Under Tutor to the said | minors and that he has fulfilled all the | requisites of the law. Witness my hand and | seal of said Court, this the 31st day of | August, A. D., 1886.
W. W. Heard, Dy, Clerk District Court.

Mars Hill Church, Downsville Circuit, Homer District, Louisiana Conference
Methodist Episcopal Church, South
Register of Pastors
Name: Date of Appointment: Term of Service:
R. S. Colier December, 1888 2 years
" December, 1890 2 years
No. Name When Received How Received: Date of Death or Disposal:
39. D. W. Hicks Died August, 1899
(Could this be G. W. Hicks???)

Research needed:
1870 Federal Census for Jackson Parish, Louisiana
Hicks, B. pg 417
Hicks, J. pg 417
Hicks, W. C. pg 424

Union Church Cemetery - North of Hwy 499, NE of Joyce, LA
HICKS, Fred E. 6 Mar 1928 11 Jul 1975

Note: In 1850 six family names matched with names from Clarke County, Mississippi to settle in Union and Ouachita Parishes, Louisiana. Direct connections are unknown.
1850 Census Index for Clarke County, Mississippi
The "A" page is the numbered page, and the "B" page is the unnumbered page on the film (it was the backside of the paper that was microfilmed).
ANDERSON page 179A
ARRANT pages 157B-166A
FROST page 171B
HICKS pages 168A-168B-170A
KELLY pages 147B-154B-165A-173B-176B
LEE pages 169B-178A-178B-184A
Sure wish we could see the details for these six families.

Research needed:
The Louisiana Intelligencer Wednesday, September 2, 1868 Page 3, Column 1 $300 reward for James Hicks who killed Wm. Dyer July 2. Note: The Wednesday, September 16, 1868 issue of the Louisiana Intelligencer, page 2, column 1 reports the capture of James Hicks.

The Ouachita Telegraph Wednesday, January 13, 1869 Page 3, Column 1 DIED IN JAIL. Prisoner Hicks, confined in jail for the murder of Bill Dyer, died in jail on the night of the 6th inst.

Elizabeth A. Lee

Susan Lee Williams asked Elizabeth "Lizzie" Lee Hicks, her sister, to take Permelia Elizabeth Williams (Melia Beth) and raise her and she did. Melia Beth is with Lizzie in the 1870 census.

M. B. Lee Hicks

Tutorship was given to James Hall after Lee's mother died. He was living with the Hall family when he died.

Succession Book Z - Union Parish, Louisiana, August 15, 1889, Page 64

[Located In Margin] Petition and | Final account | Filed August | 15th 1889

To the Hon. Allen Barksdale, Judge of the Third | District Court of Louisiana, in and for | Union Parish.
The petition of James Hall, a resident of Lincoln Parish, Louisiana with respect would | represent unto your honorable court that on | the 16th day of May 18885, he was appointed | tutor to the minor, M. B. Lee Hicks, heir of the | late G. W. and Elizabeth Hicks, who died in Union Parish, La.
Petitioner shows that he took charge of said minor and had him in his care until the | time of the death of said minor which | occurred on the 29th day of January 1887. Petitioner shows that he began to care for said | minor at petitioner's home on the 19th day of | January 1885 and kept him in his home | until his death as aforementioned.
Petitioner shows that a family meeting composed | of the relatives and friends to said minor did | on the 6th day of November 1885 recommend | that petitioner take from the revenues and princi- | pal of said minor the sum of eight dollars | per month for the support and maintenance of | said minor.
Petitioner shows that the support and mainte- | nance of said minor was worth even more than | that amount, the minor being but an infant. Petitioner show that said minor died on the 29th | day of January 1887, and petitioner files herewith | his final account as tutor to said minor.
He shows that he received the sum of $237.48 cents | from the estate of
G. W. & Elizabeth Hicks for said | minor and that the interest on said sum amount | to about $12 and that these sums are all that | came into his hands as said tutor, he shows that | he has expended for support, maintaining and | clothing said minor $230.00, that there is no | more funds in his hands belonging to the estate | of said minor.
Wherefore petitioner prays that he be permitted | to file this petition and final account of his acts | as tutor to the said minor M. B. Lee Hicks, that | [Page 65] said final account be approved and allowed and | homologated and upon filing vouchers showing | the payment of the sums set forth on this account | that he be hence dismissed and his bond be canceled.
He prays for all other orders for costs and general relief.
Dawkins & Dawkins | for petitioner.

Tutorship of M. B. Lee Hicks | Final acct. of Jas. Hall, Tutor} Third District | Court of La.

The tutor charges himself with amt. from estate | of G. W. & Elizabeth Hicks $237.48
Also interest on same 12.00
Total charges $249.48
Voucher 1 Amts. paid Barnes & Dillard $ 6.00
Voucher 2 Board & attention 2 yrs. & 10 days 194.60
Voucher 3 Amt. paid J. Marx 38.14
Voucher 4 " " Baughman & Stein 4.25
" 5 " " J. Arent 8.00
$ 250.99 $249.48
Bal. over expended by tutor $ 1.51
I hereby accept service, and waive citation, and | approve the foregoing petition and account.
R. C. Webb Under Tutor.

Service of the foregoing petition and final | account accepted and citation waived.
Leon Hicks | J. N. Hicks | Florence Arrant | C. P. Arrant
J. M. Lee Jr. Tutor.

Succession Book Z - Union Parish, Louisiana, August 3, 1889, Pages 65-66

[Located In Margin] Affidavit | of | Tutor. | Filed Aug. | 15th 1889.

State of Louisiana, | Parish of Union. | Clerk's Office.} In the matter of the | tutorship of the minor | M. B. Lee Hicks.
Personally came and appeared before me the | undersigned legal authority; Jas Hall who being | by me first duly sworn deposes and says | [Page 66] that he was appointed tutor to the minor M. B. Lee Hicks, now deceased, that he acted as tutor | to said minor until his death, which occurred o| on the 29th day of January, 1887.
Further deposing he saith that the final | account that he files in the matter of the | tutorship of said minor is correct that he has | paid all the charges as set forth on said account | that he is unable to file a voucher for the | item of $8.00 on said account, as amount paid | Julius Arent, for the reason that said amount | was paid Mr. B. B. Heller, clerk of Mr. Julius | Arent, and deponent does not now know where | Mr. Heller is, but deponent saith that said | amount was paid.
Sworn to and subscribed | to before me on this the | 3d day of August, 1889.} James Hall.
Jas. M. Smith | Clerk D.C. &c

Succession Book Z - Union Parish, Louisiana, August 15, 1889, Page 66

[Located In Margin] Evidence on homologation of | final acct. | of Tutor. | Filed August | 15th 1889.

Tutorship of the minor M. B. Lee Hicks.
Evidence adduced in open court on the | application to homologate the final account of Tutor | Aug. 15, 1889.
The proceedings of the family meeting in the | tutorship of the minor M. B. Lee Hicks as found | in the papers of date Nov. 6, 1885 filed in | evidence by Tutor & marked "A".
Vouchers 1, 3, & 4 filed in evidence herein - affidavit | of James Hall Tutor filed in evidence herein & | marked "B". Judgment homologating the proceedings | of the family meeting filed in evidence herein & | marked "C".
Evidence closed, August 15th 1889.
I hereby certify the above one page contains all | of the evidence adduced on the trial or application | to homologate the final acct of Tutor of M. B. Lee | Hicks & no. 26, except as to the documentary evidence | which was herein referred to & filed in evidence as | shown above. Given under my hand & seal of office | on this Aug. 15, 1889 Jas. M. Smith Celk. D. C. &c.

Succession Book Z - Union Parish, Louisiana, August 17, 1889, Page 67

[Located In Margin] Judgment | Homologating | Final Acct. | Filed August | 17th 1889.

Tutorship of the minor M. B. Lee Hicks, heir | to the succession of G. l W. and Elizabeth Hicks.
Third District Court, Union Parish, Louisiana.
Trial of the final account filed herein - No. 26 _
In this case, upon a trial of the same, | and by reason of the law and the evidence | being in favor of the homologation of the | same, it is hereby ordered, adjudged and decreed, that final account filed in the above tutorship, be approved, allowed, homologated and made, the | judgment of this court. Thus done, read and | signed in open court, on this the 17 day of | August A. D. 1889
Allen Barksdale | Judge 3d District | Court of Louisiana.