Selected Families and Individuals


John L. Kelly

11880 United States Census - Head of Household: John W. Kelly, Page 114, Page 54.
Wards 3 and 2, Winn Parish, Louisiana, Dwelling 10, visitation 10
Kelly, John W.,...w.m.41,...Head, m,...Al.Ga.SC., Farmer
Kelly, Louisa, ...w.f.41, ...Wife, m, ...Ms.Ms.Ga., Keeping house
Kelly, John L.,. ..w.m.15,...Son, s, ...La.Al.Ms., Farmer
Kelly, Cornelia A..w.f.8, ...Daug., ...La.Al.Ms.
Kelly, George L.,.w.m.4, ...Son, ...La.Al.Ms.
Kelly, Adalia, ...w.f.2, ...Daug., ...La.Al.Ms.
Kelly, Ellis U?.,. ..w.m.5/12, Jan.,.Son,...La.Al.Ms.".

2Tombstone - Kelly, J. J., Old Hebron Baptist Church Cemetery, Highway 126 (Grayson-Sikes Blacktop Hightway, near Parish line, Caldwell Parish, Louisiana.
"John J. Kelly, November 11, 1864 - March 6, 1922.".

Hyman H. Kelly

1Tombstone - Kelly, H. H., Old Hebron Baptist Church Cemetery, Highway 126 (Grayson-Sikes Blacktop Hightway, near Parish line, Caldwell Parish, Louisiana.
"Hyman H. Kelly, February 6, 1899 - July 20, 1899, son of John J. and Miriam Kelly.".

Lee A. Weems

1Tombstone - Weems, L. A., Auld's Chapel Cemetery, near Union Parish line., From Arkansas Road take Garland's Gin Road, Louisiana.
"Lee A. Weems, June 3, 1888 - April 6, 1962, Papa.".

Gralee Weems

1Tombstone - Weems, G., Auld's Chapel Cemetery, near Union Parish line., From Arkansas Road take Garland's Gin Road, Louisiana.
"Gralee Weems, February 26, 1907 - February 11, 1909.".

Jewel Hudson Weems

1Tombstone - Weems, J. H., Auld's Chapel Cemetery, near Union Parish line., From Arkansas Road take Garland's Gin Road, Louisiana.
"Jewel Hudson Weems, November 7, 1919 December 30, 1930.".

Rosie Lee Weems

1Tombstone - Weems, R. L., Auld's Chapel Cemetery, near Union Parish line., From Arkansas Road take Garland's Gin Road, Louisiana.
"Rosie Lee Weems, January 19, 1921 - January 21, 1921.".

Olive Weems

1Tombstone - Weems, O., Auld's Chapel Cemetery, near Union Parish line., From Arkansas Road take Garland's Gin Road, Louisiana.
"Olive Weems, February 18, 1923 - February 15, 1954, Daughter.".

James M. Cade

1Tombstone - Cade, J. M., Antioch Cemetery - Est. 1830, SW of West Monroe, off Highway 34 Jonesboro Road, near Cadeville, Louisiana.
"James M. Cade, January 27, 1847 - April 2, 1930, son of Steven M. and Catherine.".

Laura Arabella McDonald

1Tombstone - McDonald, L. A., Antioch Cemetery - Est. 1830, SW of West Monroe, off Highway 34 Jonesboro Road, near Cadeville, Louisiana.
"Laura Arabella Cade, June 28, 1853 - October 20, 1919, McDonald, wife of James M.".

Fred Parham Cade

1Tombstone - Cade, F. P., Antioch Cemetery - Est. 1830, SW of West Monroe, off Highway 34 Jonesboro Road, near Cadeville, Louisiana.
"Fred Parham Cade, November 22, 1890 - August 2, 1913, son of James M. and Laura A.".

Edmond Randall Guyton

1Tombstone - Guyton, E. R., Antioch Cemetery - Est. 1830, SW of West Monroe, off Highway 34 Jonesboro Road, near Cadeville, Louisiana.
"Edmond Randall, Guyton, June 3, 1843 - August 10, 1929, son of Nathaniel and Eunice.".

Edmond Randall Guyton

1Tombstone - Guyton, E. R., Antioch Cemetery - Est. 1830, SW of West Monroe, off Highway 34 Jonesboro Road, near Cadeville, Louisiana.
"Edmond Randall, Guyton, June 3, 1843 - August 10, 1929, son of Nathaniel and Eunice.".

Mary A. Cade

1Tombstone - Cade, M. A., Antioch Cemetery - Est. 1830, SW of West Monroe, off Highway 34 Jonesboro Road, near Cadeville, Louisiana.
"Mary A. Guyton, December 19, 1844 - May 5, 1883, Cade, wife of Edmond Randall.".

Olin Hansford Guyton

1Tombstone - Guyton, O. H., Antioch Cemetery - Est. 1830, SW of West Monroe, off Highway 34 Jonesboro Road, near Cadeville, Louisiana.
"Olin Hansford Guyton, July 6, 1904 - August 8, 1969, son of Nathaniel M. and Minnie.".

Mary Camella Pinckard

1Tombstone - Pinckard, M. C., Antioch Cemetery - Est. 1830, SW of West Monroe, off Highway 34 Jonesboro Road, near Cadeville, Louisiana.
"Mary Camella Guyton, December 27, 1914 - , Pinckard, wife of Olin Hansford.".